Exemple #1
TacticsInstrument_Compass::TacticsInstrument_Compass( wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, wxString title, int cap_flag) :
      TacticsInstrument_Dial( parent, id, title, cap_flag, 0, 360, 0, 360)
      SetOptionMarker(5, DIAL_MARKER_SIMPLE, 2);
      SetOptionLabel(20, DIAL_LABEL_ROTATED);
      SetOptionMainValue( _T("%.0f"), DIAL_POSITION_INSIDE);
Exemple #2
TacticsInstrument_WindCompass::TacticsInstrument_WindCompass( wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, wxString title, int cap_flag ) :
      TacticsInstrument_Dial( parent, id, title, cap_flag, 0, 360, 0, 360 )
      SetOptionMarker(5, DIAL_MARKER_SIMPLE, 2);
      wxString labels[] = {_("N"), _("NE"), _("E"), _("SE"), _("S"), _("SW"), _("W"), _("NW")};
      SetOptionLabel(45, DIAL_LABEL_HORIZONTAL, wxArrayString(8, labels));
Exemple #3
TacticsInstrument_TrueWindAngle::TacticsInstrument_TrueWindAngle( wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, wxString title, int cap_flag) :
      TacticsInstrument_Dial( parent, id, title, cap_flag, 0, 360, 0, 360)
      SetOptionMarker(10, DIAL_MARKER_REDGREENBAR, 3);
      // Labels are set static because we've no logic to display them this way
      wxString labels[] = {_T(""), _T("30"), _T("60"), _T("90"), _T("120"), _T("150"), _T(""), _T("150"), _T("120"), _T("90"), _T("60"), _T("30")};
      SetOptionLabel(30, DIAL_LABEL_HORIZONTAL, wxArrayString(12, labels));
Exemple #4
DashboardInstrument_Compass::DashboardInstrument_Compass( wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, wxString title, int cap_flag) :
      DashboardInstrument_Dial( parent, id, title, cap_flag, 0, 360, 0, 360)
      SetOptionMarker(5, DIAL_MARKER_SIMPLE, 2);
      SetOptionLabel(20, DIAL_LABEL_ROTATED);
      SetOptionMainValue(_T("%5.0f Deg"), DIAL_POSITION_TOPRIGHT);

Exemple #5
DashboardInstrument_RudderAngle::DashboardInstrument_RudderAngle( wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, wxString title) :
      DashboardInstrument_Dial( parent, id, title, OCPN_DBP_STC_RSA, 100, 160, -40, +40)
      // Default Rudder position is centered
      m_MainValue = 0;

      //SetOptionMainValue(_T("%3.0f Deg"), DIAL_POSITION_BOTTOMLEFT);
      SetOptionMarker(5, DIAL_MARKER_REDGREEN, 2);
      // Labels are set static because we've no logic to display them this way
      wxString labels[] = {_T("40"), _T("30"), _T("20"), _T("10"), _T("0"), _T("10"), _T("20"), _T("30"), _T("40")};
      SetOptionLabel(10, DIAL_LABEL_HORIZONTAL, wxArrayString(9, labels));
//      SetOptionExtraValue(_T("%02.0f"), DIAL_POSITION_INSIDE);
TacticsInstrument_BearingCompass::TacticsInstrument_BearingCompass(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, wxString title, int cap_flag) :
TacticsInstrument_Dial(parent, id, title, cap_flag, 0, 360, 0, 360)
	SetOptionMarker(5, DIAL_MARKER_SIMPLE, 2);
	SetOptionLabel(20, DIAL_LABEL_ROTATED);
	SetOptionMainValue(_T("%.0f"), DIAL_POSITION_INSIDE);
	//    Get a pointer to the opencpn configuration object

	m_pconfig = GetOCPNConfigObject();

	m_Bearing = NAN;
    m_lat = NAN;
    m_lon = NAN;
	m_CurrDir = NAN;
	m_CurrSpeed = NAN;
	m_ExtraValueDTW = NAN;
    m_MainValue = NAN;
	m_Leeway = 0;
	m_AngleStart = 0;
    m_ExpSmoothDegRange = 0;
    mExpSmDegRange = new ExpSmooth(g_dalphaDeltCoG);
	m_Cog = -999;
	m_Hdt = -999;
	m_diffCogHdt = 0;
	m_predictedSog = NAN;
	m_TWA = NAN;
	m_AWA = -999;
	m_TWS = NAN;
    m_TWD = NAN;
    m_StW = 0.0;
    m_ToWpt = _T("---");
	alpha_diffCogHdt = 0.1;
	m_ExpSmoothDiffCogHdt = 0;
	m_oldExpSmoothDiffCogHdt = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < COGRANGE; i++) m_COGRange[i] = 0;