// \brief Show gamepad keypad twice to get and confirm a user-entered password string.
// \param strNewPassword String to preload into the keyboard accumulator. Overwritten with user input if return=true.
// \return true if successful display and user input entry/re-entry. false if unsuccessful display, no user input, or canceled editing.
bool CGUIDialogGamepad::ShowAndVerifyNewPassword(std::string& strNewPassword)
  // Prompt user for password input
  std::string strUserInput;
  if (ShowAndVerifyInput(strUserInput, "12340", "12330", "12331", "", true, true))
    // TODO: Show error to user saying the password entry was blank
    CGUIDialogOK::ShowAndGetInput(CVariant{12357}, CVariant{12358}); // Password is empty/blank
    return false;

  if (strUserInput.empty())
    // user canceled out
    return false;

  // Prompt again for password input, this time sending previous input as the password to verify
  if (!ShowAndVerifyInput(strUserInput, "12341", "12330", "12331", "", false, true))
    // TODO: Show error to user saying the password re-entry failed
    CGUIDialogOK::ShowAndGetInput(CVariant{12357}, CVariant{12344}); // Password do not match
    return false;

  // password entry and re-entry succeeded
  strNewPassword = strUserInput;
  return true;
Exemple #2
// \brief Show numeric keypad twice to get and confirm a user-entered password string.
// \param strNewPassword String to preload into the keyboard accumulator. Overwritten with user input if return=true.
// \return true if successful display and user input entry/re-entry. false if unsuccessful display, no user input, or canceled editing.
bool CGUIDialogNumeric::ShowAndVerifyNewPassword(CStdString& strNewPassword)
  // Prompt user for password input
  CStdString strUserInput = "";
  if (!ShowAndVerifyInput(strUserInput, g_localizeStrings.Get(12340), false))
    // Show error to user saying the password entry was blank
    CGUIDialogOK::ShowAndGetInput(12357, 12358, 0, 0); // Password is empty/blank
    return false;

  if (strUserInput.empty())
    // user canceled out
    return false;

  // Prompt again for password input, this time sending previous input as the password to verify
  if (!ShowAndVerifyInput(strUserInput, g_localizeStrings.Get(12341), true))
    // Show error to user saying the password re-entry failed
    CGUIDialogOK::ShowAndGetInput(12357, 12344, 0, 0); // Password do not match
    return false;

  // password entry and re-entry succeeded
  strNewPassword = strUserInput;
  return true;
Exemple #3
// \brief Show numeric keypad and verify user input against strPassword.
// \param strPassword Value to compare against user input.
// \param strHeading String shown on dialog title. Converts to localized string if contains a positive integer.
// \param iRetries If greater than 0, shows "Incorrect password, %d retries left" on dialog line 2, else line 2 is blank.
// \return 0 if successful display and user input. 1 if unsuccessful input. -1 if no user input or canceled editing.
int CGUIDialogNumeric::ShowAndVerifyPassword(CStdString& strPassword, const CStdString& strHeading, int iRetries)
  CStdString strTempHeading = strHeading;
  if (0 < iRetries)
    // Show a string telling user they have iRetries retries left
    strTempHeading = StringUtils::Format("%s. %s %i %s", strHeading.c_str(), g_localizeStrings.Get(12342).c_str(), iRetries, g_localizeStrings.Get(12343).c_str());
  // make a copy of strPassword to prevent from overwriting it later
  CStdString strPassTemp = strPassword;
  if (ShowAndVerifyInput(strPassTemp, strTempHeading, true))
    return 0;   // user entered correct password
  if (strPassTemp.empty()) return -1;   // user canceled out
  return 1; // user must have entered an incorrect password
// \brief Show gamepad keypad and replace aTextString with user input.
// \param aTextString String to preload into the keyboard accumulator. Overwritten with user input if return=true.
// \param dlgHeading String shown on dialog title. Converts to localized string if contains a positive integer.
// \param bHideUserInput Masks user input as asterisks if set as true.  Currently not yet implemented.
// \return true if successful display and user input. false if unsuccessful display, no user input, or canceled editing.
bool CGUIDialogGamepad::ShowAndGetInput(std::string& aTextString, const std::string &dlgHeading, bool bHideUserInput)
  // Prompt user for input
  std::string strUserInput;
  if (ShowAndVerifyInput(strUserInput, dlgHeading, aTextString, "", "", true, bHideUserInput))
    // user entry was blank
    return false;

  if (strUserInput.empty())
    // user canceled out
    return false;

  // We should have a string to return
  aTextString = strUserInput;
  return true;
// \brief Show gamepad keypad and verify user input against strPassword.
// \param strPassword Value to compare against user input.
// \param dlgHeading String shown on dialog title. Converts to localized string if contains a positive integer.
// \param iRetries If greater than 0, shows "Incorrect password, %d retries left" on dialog line 2, else line 2 is blank.
// \return 0 if successful display and user input. 1 if unsuccessful input. -1 if no user input or canceled editing.
int CGUIDialogGamepad::ShowAndVerifyPassword(std::string& strPassword, const std::string& dlgHeading, int iRetries)
  std::string strLine2;
  if (0 < iRetries)
    // Show a string telling user they have iRetries retries left
    strLine2 = StringUtils::Format("%s %i %s", g_localizeStrings.Get(12342).c_str(), iRetries, g_localizeStrings.Get(12343).c_str());

  // make a copy of strPassword to prevent from overwriting it later
  std::string strPassTemp = strPassword;
  if (ShowAndVerifyInput(strPassTemp, dlgHeading, g_localizeStrings.Get(12330), g_localizeStrings.Get(12331), strLine2, true, true))
    // user entered correct password
    return 0;

  if (strPassTemp.empty())
    // user canceled out
    return -1;

  // user must have entered an incorrect password
  return 1;