Exemple #1
avltree insert(int data, avltree T){
		T=(avltree)malloc(sizeof(struct avltreeNode));
	//	printf("%d\n",T->data);
	else if(data < T->data){
			if(data < T->left->data)
	//	printf("%d\n",T->data);
	else if(data > T->data){
			if(data > T->right->data)
	//	printf("%d\n",T->data);

//	printf("height:%d\n",T->height);
	return T;
Exemple #2
AVLTree AVL_Insertion(ElementType x, AVLTree T)
		T = (AVLTree)malloc(sizeof(AVLTreeNode));
		T->Data = x;
		T->Height = 0;
		T->Left = T->Right = NULL;
	else if(x < T->Data)
		T->Left = AVL_Insertion(x, T->Left);
		if(GetHeight(T->Left) - GetHeight(T->Right) == 2)
			if(x < T->Left->Data)
				T = SingleLeftRotation(T);
				T = DoubleLeftRightRotation(T);
	else if(x > T->Data)
		T->Right = AVL_Insertion(x, T->Right);
		if(GetHeight(T->Right) - GetHeight(T->Left) == 2)
			if(x > T->Right->Data)
				T = SingRightRotation(T);
				T = DoubleRightLeftRotation(T);
	T->Height = Max(GetHeight(T->Left), GetHeight(T->Right)) + 1;
	return T;
Exemple #3
  Função que faz o reequilíbrio do nó pretendido da AVL.
  Function that balances the tree if necessary in each node that does not respect
  the equilibrium rule, after insertion and deletion operations.
static void Balance (PtAVLNode *proot)
	unsigned int LeftH, RightH;

	if (*proot == NULL) return;	/* subárvore vazia - empty tree */
	LeftH = AVLHeight ((*proot)->PtLeft);	/* altura subárvore esquerda - left subtree height */
	RightH = AVLHeight ((*proot)->PtRight);	/* altura subárvore direita - right subtree height */

	if (LeftH - RightH == 2)	/* subárvore esquerda desequilibrada? - left subtree unbalanced? */
		LeftH = AVLHeight ((*proot)->PtLeft->PtLeft);
		RightH = AVLHeight ((*proot)->PtLeft->PtRight);
		if (LeftH >= RightH) SingleRightRotation (proot);
		else DoubleLeftRightRotation (proot);
	else	if (RightH - LeftH == 2)	/* subárvore direita desequilibrada? - right subtree unbalanced? */
				RightH = AVLHeight ((*proot)->PtRight->PtRight);
				LeftH = AVLHeight ((*proot)->PtRight->PtLeft);
				if (RightH >= LeftH) SingleLeftRotation (proot);
				else DoubleRightLeftRotation (proot);
			else (*proot)->Height = LeftH > RightH ? LeftH + 1 : RightH + 1;
				/* atualizar a altura do nó - updationg the node height */
 AVLTree DoubleLeftRightRotation ( AVLTree A )
 { /* 注意:A必须有一个左子结点B,且B必须有一个右子结点C */
   /* 将A、B与C做两次单旋,返回新的根结点C */
     /* 将B与C做右单旋,C被返回 */
     A->Left = SingleRightRotation(A->Left);
     /* 将A与C做左单旋,C被返回 */
     return SingleLeftRotation(A);
Exemple #5
AVLTree DoubleLeftRightRotation(AVLTree A)
	A->Left = SingRightRotation(A->Left);
	return SingleLeftRotation(A);	
	// AVLTree B = A->Left;
	// AVLTree C = B->Right;
	// A->Left = C->Right;
	// B->Right = C->Left;
	// C->Left = B;
	// C->Right = A;
	// A->Height = Max(GetHeight(A->Left), GetHeight(A->Right)) + 1;
	// B->Height = Max(GetHeight(B->Left), GetHeight(B->Right)) + 1;
	// C->Height = Max(GetHeight(C->Left), GetHeight(C->Right)) + 1;
 AVLTree Insert( AVLTree T, ElementType X )
 { /* 将X插入AVL树T中,并且返回调整后的AVL树 */
     if ( !T ) { /* 若插入空树,则新建包含一个结点的树 */
         T = (AVLTree)malloc(sizeof(struct AVLNode));
         T->Data = X;
         T->Height = 0;
         T->Left = T->Right = NULL;
     } /* if (插入空树) 结束 */
     else if ( X < T->Data ) {
         /* 插入T的左子树 */
         T->Left = Insert( T->Left, X);
         /* 如果需要左旋 */
         if ( GetHeight(T->Left)-GetHeight(T->Right) == 2 )
             if ( X < T->Left->Data ) 
                T = SingleLeftRotation(T);      /* 左单旋 */
                T = DoubleLeftRightRotation(T); /* 左-右双旋 */
     } /* else if (插入左子树) 结束 */
     else if ( X > T->Data ) {
         /* 插入T的右子树 */
         T->Right = Insert( T->Right, X );
         /* 如果需要右旋 */
         if ( GetHeight(T->Left)-GetHeight(T->Right) == -2 )
             if ( X > T->Right->Data ) 
                T = SingleRightRotation(T);     /* 右单旋 */
                T = DoubleRightLeftRotation(T); /* 右-左双旋 */
     } /* else if (插入右子树) 结束 */
     /* else X == T->Data,无须插入 */
     /* 别忘了更新树高 */
     T->Height = Max( GetHeight(T->Left), GetHeight(T->Right) ) + 1;
     return T;
Exemple #7
void CObAvlTree::DoubleRightRotation( CNode* pNode )
Exemple #8
void CObAvlTree::RemoveAt(POSITION position)
	//avl tree removing. 
	//For a node having children, the concept model is to find the inorder successor of the removing node,
	//copy the data of IOS to the removing node, then remove the IOS rather than the removing node.
	//the rotation balance begins from the parent of the IOS and traces back to its ancestors.
	//however, the implementation removes the true removing node so that the iterator won't point to a garbage node.


	CNode* pOldNode = (CNode*) position;
	ASSERT(AfxIsValidAddress(pOldNode, sizeof(CNode)));

	//block 1. regular binary tree remove, except makeing pRotateNode point to the start tracing node for rotation,
	//and the bubble node's height is replaced the height of the removed node
	//case 1. single child, just bubble the child the the parent place
	//case 2. double children, bubble the in order successor to the parent place.
	CNode* pBubbleNode = NULL;
	CNode* pRotateNode = NULL;
	if( pOldNode->pLChild==NULL ){
		pBubbleNode = pOldNode->pRChild;
		pRotateNode = pOldNode->pParent;
	}else if( pOldNode->pRChild==NULL ){
		pBubbleNode = pOldNode->pLChild;
		pRotateNode = pOldNode->pParent;
		//case 2
		pBubbleNode = pOldNode->pRChild;
		while( pBubbleNode->pLChild )pBubbleNode = pBubbleNode->pLChild;
		//now pBubbleNode is the IOS, but if bubble node is the right child of the removing node,
		//do not change the right child of the bubble node
		if( pBubbleNode->pParent!=pOldNode ){ //the bubble node is more than one height below the removing node
			pBubbleNode->pParent->pLChild = pBubbleNode->pRChild;
			if( pBubbleNode->pRChild )pBubbleNode->pRChild->pParent=pBubbleNode->pParent;
			//save the rotation place.
			pRotateNode = pBubbleNode->pParent;
			//link the right child of the removing node to bubble node
			pBubbleNode->pRChild = pOldNode->pRChild;
			pOldNode->pRChild->pParent = pBubbleNode;
			pRotateNode = pBubbleNode;
		//link the left child of the removing node to the bubble node
		pBubbleNode->pLChild = pOldNode->pLChild;
		pOldNode->pLChild->pParent = pBubbleNode;

		//replace the height of the bubble node by the removed node
		ASSERT(AfxIsValidAddress(pBubbleNode, sizeof(CNode)));
		pBubbleNode->nHeight = pOldNode->nHeight;
	CNode** ppNode=NULL;
	if( pOldNode==m_pNodeRoot )ppNode = &m_pNodeRoot;
	else if( pOldNode->pParent->pLChild==pOldNode )ppNode=&pOldNode->pParent->pLChild;
	else ppNode=&pOldNode->pParent->pRChild;

	*ppNode = pBubbleNode;
	if( pBubbleNode )pBubbleNode->pParent = pOldNode->pParent;

	//block 2, avl tree balance rotation
	//the loop goes upward to find the rotation node until the root node is reached or the current subtree's height is not changed.
	//if a rotation is done, LOOP CONTINUE beause the height of the subtree at the rotation node may decrease,
	//so the ancestors may need rotation.
	//if the rotation is not done for the node, then adjust the height of the current node.
	while( pRotateNode ){
		int nOldHeight = NODEHEIGHT(pRotateNode);
		if( NODEHEIGHT(pRotateNode->pLChild)-NODEHEIGHT(pRotateNode->pRChild)==2 ){
			//left subtree is too high, rotate to right
			CNode* pChildNode = pRotateNode->pLChild;
			ASSERT( pChildNode!=NULL );
			if( NODEHEIGHT(pChildNode->pLChild)>=NODEHEIGHT(pChildNode->pRChild) ){
				SingleRightRotation( pRotateNode );
				ASSERT( NODEHEIGHT(pChildNode->pLChild)<NODEHEIGHT(pChildNode->pRChild) );
				DoubleRightRotation( pRotateNode );
			//after the rotation, the pRotateNode becomes a child of the node at the rotation point
			pRotateNode = pRotateNode->pParent;
		}else if( NODEHEIGHT(pRotateNode->pRChild)-NODEHEIGHT(pRotateNode->pLChild)==2 ){
			//right subtree is too high, rotate to left
			CNode* pChildNode = pRotateNode->pRChild;
			ASSERT( pChildNode!=NULL );
			if( NODEHEIGHT(pChildNode->pLChild)<=NODEHEIGHT(pChildNode->pRChild) ){
				SingleLeftRotation( pRotateNode );
				ASSERT( NODEHEIGHT(pChildNode->pLChild)>NODEHEIGHT(pChildNode->pRChild) );
				DoubleLeftRotation( pRotateNode );
			//after the rotation, the pRotateNode becomes a child of the node at the rotation point
			pRotateNode = pRotateNode->pParent;
			//no rotation happend here, adjust the height
			CalcHeight( pRotateNode );

		if( nOldHeight==NODEHEIGHT(pRotateNode) ){
			//since the subtree's height is not changed, STOP LOOP since the ancestors' height is maintained.
		pRotateNode = pRotateNode->pParent;
Exemple #9
POSITION CObAvlTree::Insert(CObject* newElement)

	//block 1, regular binary insertion
	CNode* pParent = m_pNodeRoot;
	CNode** ppNode = &m_pNodeRoot;

	while( *ppNode ){
		pParent = *ppNode;
		int nRet = CompareNode( (LPVOID)&newElement, (LPVOID)&pParent->data );
		if( nRet<=0 ){
			ppNode = &pParent->pLChild;
		}else if( nRet>0 ){
			ppNode = &pParent->pRChild;

	CNode* pNewNode = NewNode(pParent, NULL, NULL);
	pNewNode->data = newElement;
	*ppNode = pNewNode;
	//block 2, avl tree balance rotation
	//the loop goes upward to find the rotation node, 
	//whenever a rotation is done, STOP LOOP beause the ancestors' height are the same after rotation.
	//if the rotation is not yet found, then adjust the height of the current node.
	CNode* pRotateNode = pParent;
	while( pRotateNode ){
		if( NODEHEIGHT(pRotateNode->pLChild)-NODEHEIGHT(pRotateNode->pRChild)==2 ){
			//left subtree is too high, rotate to right
			CNode* pChildNode = pRotateNode->pLChild;
			ASSERT( pChildNode!=NULL );
			if( NODEHEIGHT(pChildNode->pLChild)>NODEHEIGHT(pChildNode->pRChild) ){
				SingleRightRotation( pRotateNode );
				ASSERT( NODEHEIGHT(pChildNode->pLChild)<NODEHEIGHT(pChildNode->pRChild) );
				DoubleRightRotation( pRotateNode );
		}else if( NODEHEIGHT(pRotateNode->pRChild)-NODEHEIGHT(pRotateNode->pLChild)==2 ){
			//right subtree is too high, rotate to left
			CNode* pChildNode = pRotateNode->pRChild;
			ASSERT( pChildNode!=NULL );
			if( NODEHEIGHT(pChildNode->pLChild)<NODEHEIGHT(pChildNode->pRChild) ){
				SingleLeftRotation( pRotateNode );
				ASSERT( NODEHEIGHT(pChildNode->pLChild)>NODEHEIGHT(pChildNode->pRChild) );
				DoubleLeftRotation( pRotateNode );
		//no rotation happend here, adjust the height
		CalcHeight( pRotateNode );
		pRotateNode = pRotateNode->pParent;
/*	CNode* pRotateNode = pParent;
	CNode* pChildNode = pNewNode;
	CNode* pGrandChdNode = pNewNode;
	while( pRotateNode ){
		if( pRotateNode->pLChild==pChildNode ){
			//inserted in the left subtree.
			if( NODEHEIGHT(pRotateNode->pLChild)-NODEHEIGHT(pRotateNode->pRChild)==2 ){
				ASSERT( pChildNode!=pGrandChdNode );
				if( pChildNode->pLChild==pGrandChdNode ){
					SingleRightRotation( pRotateNode );
					DoubleRightRotation( pRotateNode );
			//inserted in the right subtree
			if( NODEHEIGHT(pRotateNode->pRChild)-NODEHEIGHT(pRotateNode->pLChild)==2 ){
				ASSERT( pChildNode!=pGrandChdNode );
				if( pChildNode->pRChild==pGrandChdNode ){
					SingleRightRotation( pRotNode );
					DoubleRightRotation( pRotNode );
		//no rotation happend here, adjust the height
		CalcuHeight( pRotateNode );
		//change the family
		pGrandChdNode = pChildNode;
		pChildNode = pRotateNode;
		pRotateNode = pRotateNode->pParent;

/*	CNode* pRotateNode = pParent;
	CNode* pNode = pNewNode;
	while( pRotateNode ){
		CalcuHeight( pRotateNode );
		if( pRotateNode->pLChild==pNode ){
			//inserted in the left subtree.
			if( NODEHEIGHT(pRotateNode->pLChild)-NODEHEIGHT(pRotateNode->pRChild)==2 ){
				int nRet = CompareNode( (LPVOID)&newElement, (LPVOID)&pNode->data );
				if( nRet<=0 ){
					SingleRightRotation( pRotNode );
					DoubleRightRotation( pRotNode );
			//inserted in the right subtree
			if( NODEHEIGHT(pRotateNode->pRChild)-NODEHEIGHT(pRotateNode->pLChild)==2 ){
				int nRet = CompareNode( (LPVOID)&newElement, (LPVOID)&pNode->data );
				if( nRet<=0 ){
					SingleRightRotation( pRotNode );
					DoubleRightRotation( pRotNode );
		//no rotation happend here, adjust the height
		CalcuHeight( pRotateNode );
		pNode = pRotateNode;
		pRotateNode = pRotateNode->pParent;
	return (POSITION) pNewNode;

Exemple #10
  Função que faz a rotação dupla à direita a partir do nó pretendido da AVL.
  Function that makes the left-right double rotation.
static void DoubleLeftRightRotation (PtAVLNode *pnode)
	SingleLeftRotation (&(*pnode)->PtLeft);
	SingleRightRotation (pnode);
Exemple #11
avltree DoubleRightLeftRotation(avltree A){
	return SingleRightRotation(A);
    /* 对称的右单旋与右-左双旋请自己实现 */
    AVLTree DoubleRightLeftRotation(AVLTree A){
        A->Right = SingleLeftRotation(A->Right);

        return SingleRightRotation(A);