 * Initialises the Linear Algebra package, then any init for this package
 * such as streams etc.
Bool StgFEM_Assembly_Init( int* argc, char** argv[] ) {
    Stg_ComponentRegister* componentRegister = Stg_ComponentRegister_Get_ComponentRegister();
    int                    tmp;

    Journal_Printf( Journal_Register( DebugStream_Type, (Name)"Context" ), "In: %s\n", __func__ );
    tmp = Stream_GetPrintingRank( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, (Name)"Context" ) );
    Stream_SetPrintingRank( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, (Name)"Context" ), 0 );
    Stream_Flush( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, (Name)"Context" ) );
    Stream_SetPrintingRank( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, (Name)"Context" ), tmp );

    /* initialise this level's streams */
    StgFEM_Assembly_Debug = Stream_RegisterChild( StgFEM_Debug, "Assembly" );

    Stg_ComponentRegister_Add( componentRegister, ThermalBuoyancyForceTerm_Type, (Name)"0", _ThermalBuoyancyForceTerm_DefaultNew );
    Stg_ComponentRegister_Add( componentRegister, GradientStiffnessMatrixTerm_Type, (Name)"0", _GradientStiffnessMatrixTerm_DefaultNew );
    Stg_ComponentRegister_Add( componentRegister, DivergenceMatrixTerm_Type, (Name)"0", _DivergenceMatrixTerm_DefaultNew );
    Stg_ComponentRegister_Add( componentRegister, LaplacianStiffnessMatrixTerm_Type, (Name)"0", _LaplacianStiffnessMatrixTerm_DefaultNew );
    Stg_ComponentRegister_Add( componentRegister, IsoviscousStressTensorTerm_Type, (Name)"0", _IsoviscousStressTensorTerm_DefaultNew );
    Stg_ComponentRegister_Add( componentRegister, MassMatrixTerm_Type, (Name)"0", _MassMatrixTerm_DefaultNew  );

    RegisterParent( ThermalBuoyancyForceTerm_Type, ForceTerm_Type );
    RegisterParent( GradientStiffnessMatrixTerm_Type, StiffnessMatrixTerm_Type );
    RegisterParent( DivergenceMatrixTerm_Type, StiffnessMatrixTerm_Type );
    RegisterParent( LaplacianStiffnessMatrixTerm_Type, StiffnessMatrixTerm_Type );
    RegisterParent( IsoviscousStressTensorTerm_Type, StiffnessMatrixTerm_Type );
    RegisterParent( MassMatrixTerm_Type, StiffnessMatrixTerm_Type );

    return True;
Bool lecode_tools_Init( int* argc, char** argv[] ) {
	/* This init function tells StGermain of all the component types, etc this module contributes. Because it can be linked at compile
	   time or linked in by a toolbox at runtime, we need to make sure it isn't run twice (compiled in and loaded through a toolbox.*/
	if( !ToolboxesManager_IsInitialised( stgToolboxesManager, "lecode_tools" ) ) {
		int tmp;
		char* directory;

		lecode_tools_Base_Init(argc, argv); 

		Journal_Printf( Journal_Register( DebugStream_Type, (Name)"Context"  ), "In: %s\n", __func__ ); /* DO NOT CHANGE OR REMOVE */
		tmp = Stream_GetPrintingRank( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, (Name)"Context" )  );
		Stream_SetPrintingRank( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, (Name)"Context"  ), 0 );
		Journal_Printf( /* DO NOT CHANGE OR REMOVE */
			Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, (Name)"Context"  ), 
			"lecode_tools. Copyright (C) 2012 Monash University.\n" );
		Stream_Flush( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, (Name)"Context" )  );
		Stream_SetPrintingRank( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, (Name)"Context"  ), tmp );

		/* Add the lecode_tools path to the global xml path dictionary */
		directory = Memory_Alloc_Array( char, 200, "xmlDirectory" ) ;
		sprintf(directory, "%s%s", LIB_DIR, "/StGermain" );
		XML_IO_Handler_AddDirectory( "lecode_tools", directory );

		/* Add the plugin path to the global plugin list */
		ModulesManager_AddDirectory( "lecode_tools", LIB_DIR );
		return True;
Bool StGermainBase_Init( int* argc, char** argv[] ) {
   char* directory;
   int   tmp;
   /* Initialise enough bits and pieces to get IO going */
   BaseFoundation_Init( argc, argv );
   BaseIO_Init( argc, argv );

   /* Write out the copyright message */

   Journal_Printf( Journal_Register( DebugStream_Type, "Context" ), "In: %s\n", __func__ );
   tmp = Stream_GetPrintingRank( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, "Context" ) );
   Stream_SetPrintingRank( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, "Context" ), 0 );
   Stream_Flush( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, "Context" ) );
   Stream_SetPrintingRank( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, "Context" ), tmp );
   /* Initialise the remaining bits and pieces */
   BaseContainer_Init( argc, argv );
   BaseAutomation_Init( argc, argv );
   BaseExtensibility_Init( argc, argv );
   BaseContext_Init( argc, argv );
   /* Add the StGermain path to the global xml path dictionary */
   directory = Memory_Alloc_Array( char, 200, "xmlDirectory" ) ;
   sprintf( directory, "%s%s", LIB_DIR, "/StGermain" );
   XML_IO_Handler_AddDirectory( "StGermain", directory  );
   Memory_Free( directory );
   /* Add the plugin path to the global plugin list */
   ModulesManager_AddDirectory( "StGermain", LIB_DIR );
   return True;
 * Initialises the Linear Algebra package, then any init for this package
 * such as streams etc.
Bool StgFEM_SLE_Init( int* argc, char** argv[] ) {
   int tmp;
   Journal_Printf( Journal_Register( DebugStream_Type, (Name)"Context"  ), "In: %s\n", __func__ );
   tmp = Stream_GetPrintingRank( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, (Name)"Context" )  );
   Stream_SetPrintingRank( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, (Name)"Context"  ), 0 );
   Stream_Flush( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, (Name)"Context" )  );
   Stream_SetPrintingRank( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, (Name)"Context"  ), tmp );
   //StgFEM_SLE_LinearAlgebra_Init( argc, argv );
   StgFEM_SLE_SystemSetup_Init( argc, argv );
   StgFEM_SLE_ProvidedSystems_Init( argc, argv );

   return True;
Exemple #5
Bool Discretisation_Init( int* argc, char** argv[] ) {
	int tmp;
	Journal_Printf( Journal_Register( DebugStream_Type, "Context" ), "In: %s\n", __func__ ); /* DO NOT CHANGE OR REMOVE */
	tmp = Stream_GetPrintingRank( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, "Context" ) );
	Stream_SetPrintingRank( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, "Context" ), 0 );
	Journal_Printf( /* DO NOT CHANGE OR REMOVE */
		Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, "Context" ), 
		"StGermain Discretisation Library revision %s. Copyright (C) 2003-2005 VPAC.\n", VERSION );
	Stream_Flush( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, "Context" ) );
	Stream_SetPrintingRank( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, "Context" ), tmp );
	DiscretisationGeometry_Init( argc, argv );
	DiscretisationShape_Init( argc, argv );
	DiscretisationMesh_Init( argc, argv );
	DiscretisationUtils_Init( argc, argv );
	DiscretisationSwarm_Init( argc, argv );
	return True;
Exemple #6
Bool Geothermal_Init( int* argc, char** argv[] ) {
    * This init function tells StGermain of all the component types, etc this module contributes.
    * Because it can be linked at compile time or linked in by a toolbox at runtime, we need to make
    * sure it isn't run twice (compiled in and loaded through a toolbox.
	if( !ToolboxesManager_IsInitialised( stgToolboxesManager, "Geothermal" ) ) {
		int tmp;
		char* directory;

		Geothermal_Base_Init(argc, argv);
		Journal_Printf( Journal_Register( DebugStream_Type, (Name)"Context"  ), "In: %s\n", __func__ );
		tmp = Stream_GetPrintingRank( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, (Name)"Context" )  );
		Stream_SetPrintingRank( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, (Name)"Context"  ), 0 );

			Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, (Name)"Context"  ), 
			"Geothermal (Bleeding Edge Geodynamics framework) Revision %s. Copyright (C) 2005 Monash University.\n",
         VERSION );

      /* Add repo indentity info in the repo dictionary. */
      Dictionary_Add( versionDict, "Geothermal", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( VERSION ) );
      Dictionary_Add( branchDict, "Geothermal", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( BRANCH ) );
      Dictionary_Add( pathDict, "Geothermal", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( PATH ) );

		Stream_Flush( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, (Name)"Context" )  );
		Stream_SetPrintingRank( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, (Name)"Context"  ), tmp );

		/* Add the Geothermal path to the global xml path dictionary */
		directory = Memory_Alloc_Array( char, 200, "xmlDirectory" ) ;
		sprintf(directory, "%s%s", LIB_DIR, "/StGermain" );
		XML_IO_Handler_AddDirectory( "Geothermal", directory );

		/* Add the plugin path to the global plugin list */
		ModulesManager_AddDirectory( "Geothermal", LIB_DIR );
		return True;
Exemple #7
void HierarchyTable_PrintChildren( void* hierarchyTable, Type parentType, Stream* stream ) {
	HierarchyTable*    self     = (HierarchyTable*) hierarchyTable;
	HashTable_Entry*   hashTableEntry;
	Index              entry_I;
	Stg_ComponentRegister* componentRegister = Stg_ComponentRegister_Get_ComponentRegister();

	Journal_Printf( stream, "%s \t\t\t (%s Class)\n", 
			parentType, ( Stg_ComponentRegister_Get( componentRegister, parentType, "0" ) ? "Concrete" : "Abstract" ) );
	Stream_Flush( stream );
	Stream_Indent( stream );

	for ( entry_I = 0 ; entry_I < self->max ; entry_I++ ) {
		hashTableEntry = self->entries[ entry_I ];

		while( hashTableEntry ){
			if ( (Type) hashTableEntry->data == parentType ) {
				HierarchyTable_PrintChildren( self, (Type)hashTableEntry->key, stream );
			hashTableEntry = hashTableEntry->next;

	Stream_UnIndent( stream );
Exemple #8
/* Main */
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {
	MPI_Comm			CommWorld;
	int				rank;
	int				numProcessors;
	int				procToWatch;
	Dictionary*			dictionary;
	Dictionary*			componentDict;
	XML_IO_Handler*			ioHandler;
	char*				filename;
	Snac_Context*			snacContext;
	int				tmp;

	/* Initialise MPI, get world info */
	MPI_Init( &argc, &argv );
	MPI_Comm_dup( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &CommWorld );
	MPI_Comm_size( CommWorld, &numProcessors );
	MPI_Comm_rank( CommWorld, &rank );
	if( argc >= 3 ) {
		procToWatch = atoi( argv[2] );
	else {
		procToWatch = 0;
	if( rank == procToWatch ) printf( "Watching rank: %i\n", rank );
	if (!Snac_Init( &argc, &argv )) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Error initialising StGermain, exiting.\n" );
	/* Snac's init message */
	tmp = Stream_GetPrintingRank( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, "Context" ) );
	Stream_SetPrintingRank( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, "Context" ), 0 );
	Journal_Printf( /* DO NOT CHANGE OR REMOVE */
		Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, "Context" ), 
		"Snac. Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Caltech, VPAC & University of Texas.\n" );
	Stream_Flush( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, "Context" ) );
	Stream_SetPrintingRank( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, "Context" ), tmp );
	MPI_Barrier( CommWorld ); /* Ensures copyright info always come first in output */
	/* Create the dictionary, and some fixed values */
	dictionary = Dictionary_New();
	Dictionary_Add( dictionary, "rank", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromUnsignedInt( rank ) );
	Dictionary_Add( dictionary, "numProcessors", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromUnsignedInt( numProcessors ) );
	/* Read input */
	ioHandler = XML_IO_Handler_New();
	if( argc >= 2 ) {
		filename = strdup( argv[1] );
	else {
		filename = strdup( "input.xml" );
	if ( False == IO_Handler_ReadAllFromFile( ioHandler, filename, dictionary ) )
		fprintf( stderr, "Error: Snac couldn't find specified input file %s. Exiting.\n", filename );
		exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
	Journal_ReadFromDictionary( dictionary );

	snacContext = Snac_Context_New( 0.0f, 0.0f, sizeof(Snac_Node), sizeof(Snac_Element), CommWorld, dictionary );
	if( rank == procToWatch ) Dictionary_PrintConcise( dictionary, snacContext->verbose );

	/* Construction phase -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
	Stg_Component_Construct( snacContext, 0 /* dummy */, &snacContext, True );
	/* Building phase ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
	Stg_Component_Build( snacContext, 0 /* dummy */, False );
	/* Initialisaton phase ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
	Stg_Component_Initialise( snacContext, 0 /* dummy */, False );
	if( rank == procToWatch ) Context_PrintConcise( snacContext, snacContext->verbose );
	/* Step the context solver */
	Stg_Component_Execute( snacContext, 0 /* dummy */, False );
	/* Stg_Class_Delete stuff */
	Stg_Component_Destroy( snacContext, 0 /* dummy */, False );
	Stg_Class_Delete( snacContext );
	free( filename );
	Stg_Class_Delete( ioHandler );
	Stg_Class_Delete( dictionary );
	/* Close off frameworks */
	return 0; /* success */
Exemple #9
BMI_Initialize (const char *config_file, BMI_Model ** handle)

    BMI_Model          *self;

	MPI_Comm           CommWorld;
	int                rank;
	int                numProcessors;
	int                procToWatch;
	char*              filename;

    if (!handle)
        return BMI_FAILURE;
    self = malloc( sizeof(BMI_Model) );

	/* Initialise MPI, get world info */
	MPI_Init( NULL, NULL ); 	/* MPI_Init( &argc, &argv ); */
	MPI_Comm_dup( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &CommWorld );
	MPI_Comm_size( CommWorld, &numProcessors );
	MPI_Comm_rank( CommWorld, &rank );
    /* Hardwire the process to watch to 0. 
       Note that it doesn't have to be 0 when multiple processrs are used. */ 
    procToWatch = 0;
#if 0
	if( argc >= 3 ) {
		procToWatch = atoi( argv[2] );
	else {
		procToWatch = 0;
	if( rank == procToWatch ) printf( "Watching rank: %i\n", rank );
	/* if (!Snac_Init( &argc, &argv )) { */
	if (!Snac_Init( NULL, NULL )) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Error initialising StGermain, exiting.\n" );
	/* Snac's init message */
        int tmp	= Stream_GetPrintingRank( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, "Context" ) );
        Stream_SetPrintingRank( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, "Context" ), 0 );
        Journal_Printf( /* DO NOT CHANGE OR REMOVE */
                       Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, "Context" ), 
                       "Snac. Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Caltech, VPAC & University of Texas.\n" );
        Stream_Flush( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, "Context" ) );
        Stream_SetPrintingRank( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, "Context" ), tmp );

    /* Ensures copyright info always come first in output */
	MPI_Barrier( CommWorld );
	/* Create the dictionary, and some fixed values */
    /* Hardwirred to the one-processor scenario for now. */
	self->dictionary = Dictionary_New();
	Dictionary_Add( self->dictionary, "rank", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromUnsignedInt( 0 ) );
	Dictionary_Add( self->dictionary, "numProcessors", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromUnsignedInt( 1 ) );
	/* Read input */
	self->ioHandler = XML_IO_Handler_New();
    filename = strdup( config_file );
	if ( False == IO_Handler_ReadAllFromFile( self->ioHandler, filename, self->dictionary ) )
            fprintf( stderr, "Error: Snac couldn't find specified input file %s. Exiting.\n", filename );
            exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
	Journal_ReadFromDictionary( self->dictionary );
    free( filename );
    /* This is the handle to the SNAC's model data. */
	self->snacContext = Snac_Context_New( 0.0f, 0.0f, sizeof(Snac_Node), sizeof(Snac_Element), CommWorld, self->dictionary );
	if( rank == procToWatch ) Dictionary_PrintConcise( self->dictionary, self->snacContext->verbose );
	/* Construction phase -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
	Stg_Component_Construct( self->snacContext, 0 /* dummy */, &(self->snacContext), True );
	/* Building phase ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
	Stg_Component_Build( self->snacContext, 0 /* dummy */, False );
	/* Initialisaton phase ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
	Stg_Component_Initialise( self->snacContext, 0 /* dummy */, False );
	if( rank == procToWatch ) Context_PrintConcise( self->snacContext, self->snacContext->verbose );

    /* pass the pointer to Snac_Context to handle */
    *handle = self;
    return BMI_SUCCESS;