bool TestExtVariable::test_floatval() {
  VS(f_floatval("12.3"), 12.3);
  return Count(true);
bool TestExtProcess::test_pcntl_getpriority() {
    VS(f_pcntl_getpriority(), 0);
    return Count(true);
bool TestExtProcess::test_escapeshellcmd() {
    VS(f_escapeshellcmd("perl \""), "perl \\\"");
    return Count(true);
bool TestExtNetwork::test_gethostbynamel() {
  VS(f_gethostbynamel("localhost"), CREATE_VECTOR1(""));
  return Count(true);
bool TestExtNetwork::test_getprotobynumber() {
  VS(f_getprotobynumber(6), "tcp");
  return Count(true);
bool TestExtNetwork::test_socket_get_status() {
  VS(f_socket_get_status(Object()), false);
  return Count(true);
bool TestExtNetwork::test_gethostbyaddr() {
  VS(f_gethostbyaddr(""), "localhost.localdomain");
  return Count(true);
Exemple #8
	NLDO1200("8038_l24",		    0x0DC, 0x0DD, LDO_1200),
	NLDO("8038_l26",     "8038_l26_pc", 0x0E0, 0x0E1, LDO_150),
	NLDO1200("8038_l27",		    0x0E2, 0x0E3, LDO_1200),

	/*   name	pc_name       ctrl   test2  clk    sleep  hpm_min */
	SMPS("8038_s1", "8038_s1_pc", 0x1E0, 0x1E5, 0x009, 0x1E2, SMPS_1500),
	SMPS("8038_s2", "8038_s2_pc", 0x1D8, 0x1DD, 0x00A, 0x1DA, SMPS_1500),
	SMPS("8038_s3", "8038_s3_pc", 0x1D0, 0x1D5, 0x00B, 0x1D2, SMPS_1500),
	SMPS("8038_s4", "8038_s4_pc", 0x1E8, 0x1ED, 0x00C, 0x1EA, SMPS_1500),

	/*     name	  ctrl fts_cnfg1 pfm  pwr_cnfg  hpm_min */
	FTSMPS("8038_s5", 0x025, 0x02E, 0x026, 0x032, SMPS_2000),
	FTSMPS("8038_s6", 0x036, 0x03F, 0x037, 0x043, SMPS_2000),

	/* name		       pc_name	       ctrl   test */
	VS("8038_lvs1",        "8038_lvs1_pc", 0x060, 0x061),
	VS("8038_lvs2",        "8038_lvs2_pc", 0x062, 0x063),


static int __devinit match_regulator(
	struct pm8xxx_regulator_core_platform_data *core_data, const char *name)
	int found = 0;
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(regulator_data); i++) {
		if (regulator_data[i]
		    && strncmp(regulator_data[i], name,
bool TestExtJson::test_json_decode() {
  Array arr = CREATE_MAP1("fbid", 101501853510151001LL);
  VS(f_json_decode(f_json_encode(arr), true), arr);

  VS(f_json_decode("{\"0\":{\"00\":0}}", true),
     CREATE_MAP1("0", CREATE_MAP1("00", 0)));

  VS(f_json_decode("{\"a\":1,\"b\":2.3,\"3\":\"test\"}", true),
     CREATE_MAP3("a", 1, "b", 2.3, 3, "test"));
  VS(f_json_decode("[\"a\",1,true,false,null]", true),
     CREATE_VECTOR5("a", 1, true, false, uninit_null()));

  Object obj = f_json_decode("{\"a\":1,\"b\":2.3,\"3\":\"test\"}");
  Object obj2(SystemLib::AllocStdClassObject());
  obj2->o_set("a", 1);
  obj2->o_set("b", 2.3);
  obj2->o_set("3", "test");
  VS(obj.toArray(), obj2.toArray());

  obj = f_json_decode("[\"a\",1,true,false,null]");
  VS(obj.toArray(), CREATE_VECTOR5("a", 1, true, false, uninit_null()));

  VS(f_json_decode("{z:1}",     true),       uninit_null());
  VS(f_json_decode("{z:1}",     true, k_JSON_FB_LOOSE), CREATE_MAP1("z", 1));
  VS(f_json_decode("{z:\"z\"}", true),       uninit_null());
  VS(f_json_decode("{z:\"z\"}", true, k_JSON_FB_LOOSE), CREATE_MAP1("z", "z"));
  VS(f_json_decode("{'x':1}",   true),       uninit_null());
  VS(f_json_decode("{'x':1}",   true, k_JSON_FB_LOOSE), CREATE_MAP1("x", 1));
  VS(f_json_decode("{y:1,}",    true),       uninit_null());
  VS(f_json_decode("{y:1,}",    true, k_JSON_FB_LOOSE), CREATE_MAP1("y", 1));
  VS(f_json_decode("{,}",       true),       uninit_null());
  VS(f_json_decode("{,}",       true, k_JSON_FB_LOOSE), uninit_null());
  VS(f_json_decode("[1,2,3,]",  true),       uninit_null());
  VS(f_json_decode("[1,2,3,]",  true, k_JSON_FB_LOOSE), CREATE_VECTOR3(1,2,3));
  VS(f_json_decode("[,]",       true),       uninit_null());
  VS(f_json_decode("[,]",       true, k_JSON_FB_LOOSE), uninit_null());
  VS(f_json_decode("[]",        true),       Array::Create());
  VS(f_json_decode("[]",        true, k_JSON_FB_LOOSE), Array::Create());
  VS(f_json_decode("{}",        true),       Array::Create());
  VS(f_json_decode("{}",        true, k_JSON_FB_LOOSE), Array::Create());

  VS(f_json_decode("[{\"a\":\"apple\"},{\"b\":\"banana\"}]", true),
     CREATE_VECTOR2(CREATE_MAP1("a", "apple"), CREATE_MAP1("b", "banana")));

  Variant a = "[{\"a\":[{\"n\":\"1st\"}]},{\"b\":[{\"n\":\"2nd\"}]}]";
  VS(f_json_decode(a, true),
     (CREATE_MAP1("a", CREATE_VECTOR1(CREATE_MAP1("n", "1st"))),
      CREATE_MAP1("b", CREATE_VECTOR1(CREATE_MAP1("n", "2nd")))));

  return Count(true);
Exemple #10
bool TestExtFb::test_fb_utf8_strlen() {
  VS(f_fb_utf8_strlen(""), 0);
  VS(f_fb_utf8_strlen("a"), 1);
  VS(f_fb_utf8_strlen("ab"), 2);
  // Valid UTF-8 sequence returns code point count.
  VS(f_fb_utf8_strlen("\ub098\ub294"), 2);
  VS(f_fb_utf8_strlen(INVALID_UTF_8_STRING), 2);
  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
    // Test utf8ize() handling of invalid UTF-8 sequences and how
    // fb_utf8_strlen() counts them.
    // RuntimeOption::Utf8izeReplace set to non-zero value replaces invalid
    // bytes, including '\0' with a special UTF-8 code point: "\uFFFD".
    // RuntimeOption::Utf8izeReplace set to zero deletes the invalid
    // byte then continues parsing.
    RuntimeOption::Utf8izeReplace = (i == 0);
      Variant s = String("abc\0def", 7, AttachLiteral);
      VS(s.toString().size(), 7);
      VS(f_fb_utf8_strlen(s), 7);

      f_fb_utf8ize(ref(s)); // Modifies s
      int ret = s.toString().size();
      if (RuntimeOption::Utf8izeReplace) {
        VS(ret, 9); // '\0' converted to "\uFFFD"
      } else {
        VS(ret, 6); // '\0' deleted from s
      ret = f_fb_utf8_strlen(s);
      if (RuntimeOption::Utf8izeReplace) {
        VS(ret, 7); // '\0' and "\uFFFD" are both one code point, so no change
      } else {
        VS(ret, 6); // '\0' deleted, so one fewer code point
  return Count(true);
Exemple #11
bool TestExtFb::test_fb_utf8_substr() {
  // Falsey inputs
  VS(f_fb_utf8_substr("", 0, 0), false);
  VS(f_fb_utf8_substr("", 0, 1), false);
  VS(f_fb_utf8_substr("hon\xE7k", 0, INT_MAX), "hon\uFFFDk");
  VS(f_fb_utf8_substr("hon\xE7k", 0, 3), "hon"); // Never hits invalid byte
  VS(f_fb_utf8_substr("hon\xE7k", -4, INT_MAX), "on\uFFFDk");

  // Common cases
  VS(f_fb_utf8_substr("X", 0, 1), "X");
  VS(f_fb_utf8_substr("Hello", 0, INT_MAX), "Hello");
  VS(f_fb_utf8_substr("Hello", 1, 2), "el");
  VS(f_fb_utf8_substr("Pr\u00DC\u00DDx", 2, 2), "\u00DC\u00DD");

  // Negative start
  VS(f_fb_utf8_substr("abcdef", -1, INT_MAX), "f");
  VS(f_fb_utf8_substr("abcdef", -2, INT_MAX), "ef");
  VS(f_fb_utf8_substr("abcdef", -3, 1), "d");
  VS(f_fb_utf8_substr("", -1, 1), false);
  VS(f_fb_utf8_substr("X", -1, 1), "X");
  VS(f_fb_utf8_substr("XY", -1, 1), "Y");
  VS(f_fb_utf8_substr("Pr\u00DC\u00DDx", -3, 2), "\u00DC\u00DD");

  // Negative lengths
  VS(f_fb_utf8_substr("abcdef", 0, -1), "abcde");
  VS(f_fb_utf8_substr("abcdef", 2, -1), "cde");
  VS(f_fb_utf8_substr("abcdef", 4, -4), false); // nothing to return
  VS(f_fb_utf8_substr("abcdef", -3, -1), "de");

  // Invalid sequence
  VS(f_fb_utf8_substr(INVALID_UTF_8_STRING, 0), "\uFFFD\x28");

  return Count(true);
Exemple #12
// fb_utf8_strlen_deprecated() returns byte count on invalid input.
bool TestExtFb::test_fb_utf8_strlen_deprecated() {
  // Invalid UTF-8 sequence fails.
  VS(f_fb_utf8_strlen_deprecated(INVALID_UTF_8_STRING), 3);
  return Count(true);
Exemple #13
bool TestExtFb::test_fb_utf8ize() {
  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
    RuntimeOption::Utf8izeReplace = (i == 0);
      Variant s = "hon\xE7k";
      if (RuntimeOption::Utf8izeReplace) {
        VS(s, "hon\uFFFDk");
      } else {
        VS(s, "honk");
      Variant s = "test\xE0\xB0\xB1\xE0";
      if (RuntimeOption::Utf8izeReplace) {
        VS(s, "test\xE0\xB0\xB1\uFFFD");
      } else {
        VS(s, "test\xE0\xB0\xB1");
      Variant s = "test\xE0\xB0\xB1\xE0\xE0";
      if (RuntimeOption::Utf8izeReplace) {
        VS(s, "test\xE0\xB0\xB1\uFFFD\uFFFD");
      } else {
        VS(s, "test\xE0\xB0\xB1");
      Variant s = "\xfc";
      if (RuntimeOption::Utf8izeReplace) {
        VS(s, "\uFFFD");
      } else {
        VS(s, "");
      Variant s = "\xfc\xfc";
      if (RuntimeOption::Utf8izeReplace) {
        VS(s, "\uFFFD\uFFFD");
      } else {
        VS(s, "");
      // We intentionally consider null bytes invalid sequences.
      Variant s = String("abc\0def", 7, AttachLiteral);
      if (RuntimeOption::Utf8izeReplace) {
        VS(s, "abc\uFFFD""def");
      } else {
        VS(s, "abcdef");
      // ICU treats this as as two code points.
      // The old implementation treated this as three code points.
      Variant s = INVALID_UTF_8_STRING;
      if (RuntimeOption::Utf8izeReplace) {
        VS(s, "\uFFFD""\x28");
      } else {
        VS(s, "\x28");
  return Count(true);
bool TestExtVariable::test_strval() {
  VS(f_strval(123), "123");
  return Count(true);
bool TestExtNetwork::test_ip2long() {
  VS(f_ip2long(""), 2130706433);
  return Count(true);
bool TestExtClass::test_get_declared_classes() {
  Array classes = f_get_declared_classes();
  VS(f_in_array("test", classes, true), true);
  return Count(true);
bool TestExtNetwork::test_long2ip() {
  VS(f_long2ip(2130706433), "");
  return Count(true);
bool TestExtClass::test_get_declared_interfaces() {
  Array classes = f_get_declared_interfaces();
  VS(f_in_array("itestable", classes, true), true);
  return Count(true);
bool TestExtNetwork::test_headers_list() {
  VS(f_headers_list(), Array());
  return Count(true);
bool TestExtClass::test_get_class_methods() {
  Array methods = f_get_class_methods("TEst");
  VS(methods[0], "foo");
  return Count(true);
bool TestExtNetwork::test_gethostbyname() {
  VS(f_gethostbyname("localhost"), "");
  return Count(true);
bool TestExtClass::test_get_class_vars() {
  Array properties = f_get_class_vars("TEst");
  VS(properties, CREATE_MAP1("foo", uninit_null()));
  return Count(true);
bool TestExtNetwork::test_getprotobyname() {
  VS(f_getprotobyname("tcp"), 6);
  return Count(true);
bool TestExtClass::test_get_class_constants() {
  Array constants = f_get_class_constants("test");
  VS(constants, CREATE_MAP1("const_foo", "f"));
  return Count(true);
bool TestExtNetwork::test_getservbyname() {
  VS(f_getservbyname("http", "tcp"), 80);
  return Count(true);
Exemple #26
 * cmp - chr-substring compare
 * Backrefs need this.	It should preferably be efficient.
 * Note that it does not need to report anything except equal/unequal.
 * Note also that the length is exact, and the comparison should not
 * stop at embedded NULs!
static int						/* 0 for equal, nonzero for unequal */
cmp(const chr *x, const chr *y, /* strings to compare */
	size_t len)					/* exact length of comparison */
	return memcmp(VS(x), VS(y), len * sizeof(chr));
bool TestExtProcess::test_escapeshellarg() {
    VS(f_escapeshellarg("\""), "'\"'");
    return Count(true);
bool TestExtNetwork::test_getservbyport() {
  VS(f_getservbyport(80, "tcp"), "http");
  return Count(true);
bool TestExtString::test_addcslashes() {
  VS(f_addcslashes("ABCDEFGH\n", "A..D\n"), "\\A\\B\\C\\DEFGH\\n");
  VS(f_addcslashes(String("\x00\x0D\n", 3, AttachLiteral), null_string),
  return Count(true);
bool TestExtVariable::test_doubleval() {
  VS(f_doubleval("12.3"), 12.3);
  return Count(true);