// Pick a sequence for the given activity. If the current sequence is appropriate for the 
// current activity, and its stored weight is negative (whatever that means), always select
// it. Otherwise perform a weighted selection -- imagine a large roulette wheel, with each
// sequence having a number of spaces corresponding to its weight.
int CStudioHdr::CActivityToSequenceMapping::SelectWeightedSequence( CStudioHdr *pstudiohdr, int activity, int curSequence )
	if (!ValidateAgainst(pstudiohdr))
		AssertMsg1(false, "CStudioHdr %s has changed its vmodel pointer without reinitializing its activity mapping! Now performing emergency reinitialization.", pstudiohdr->pszName());

	// a null m_pSequenceTuples just means that this studio header has no activities.
	if (!m_pSequenceTuples)

	// is the current sequence appropriate?
	if (curSequence >= 0)
		mstudioseqdesc_t &seqdesc = pstudiohdr->pSeqdesc( curSequence );

		if (seqdesc.activity == activity && seqdesc.actweight < 0)
			return curSequence;

	// get the data for the given activity
	HashValueType dummy( activity, 0, 0, 0 );
	UtlHashHandle_t handle = m_ActToSeqHash.Find(dummy);
	if (!m_ActToSeqHash.IsValidHandle(handle))
	const HashValueType * __restrict actData = &m_ActToSeqHash[handle];

	int weighttotal = actData->totalWeight;
	// generate a random number from 0 to the total weight
	int randomValue;
	if ( IsInPrediction() )
		randomValue = SharedRandomInt( "SelectWeightedSequence", 0, weighttotal - 1 );
		randomValue = RandomInt( 0, weighttotal - 1 );

	// chug through the entries in the list (they are sequential therefore cache-coherent)
	// until we run out of random juice
	SequenceTuple * __restrict sequenceInfo = m_pSequenceTuples + actData->startingIdx;

	const SequenceTuple *const stopHere = sequenceInfo + actData->count; // this is a backup 
		// in case the weights are somehow miscalculated -- we don't read or write through
		// it (because it aliases the restricted pointer above); it's only here for 
		// the comparison.

	while (randomValue >= sequenceInfo->weight && sequenceInfo < stopHere)
		randomValue -= sequenceInfo->weight;

	return sequenceInfo->seqnum;

Exemple #2
int CStudioHdr::CActivityToSequenceMapping::SelectWeightedSequenceFromModifiers( CStudioHdr *pstudiohdr, int activity, CUtlSymbol *pActivityModifiers, int iModifierCount )
	if ( !pstudiohdr->SequencesAvailable() )

	VerifySequenceIndex( pstudiohdr );

	if ( pstudiohdr->GetNumSeq() == 1 )
		return ( ::GetSequenceActivity( pstudiohdr, 0, NULL ) == activity ) ? 0 : ACTIVITY_NOT_AVAILABLE;

	if (!ValidateAgainst(pstudiohdr))
		AssertMsg1(false, "CStudioHdr %s has changed its vmodel pointer without reinitializing its activity mapping! Now performing emergency reinitialization.", pstudiohdr->pszName());

	// a null m_pSequenceTuples just means that this studio header has no activities.
	if (!m_pSequenceTuples)

	// get the data for the given activity
	HashValueType dummy( activity, 0, 0, 0 );
	UtlHashHandle_t handle = m_ActToSeqHash.Find(dummy);
	if (!m_ActToSeqHash.IsValidHandle(handle))
	const HashValueType * __restrict actData = &m_ActToSeqHash[handle];

	// go through each sequence and give it a score
	int top_score = -1;
	CUtlVector<int> topScoring( actData->count, actData->count );	
	for ( int i = 0; i < actData->count; i++ )
		SequenceTuple * __restrict sequenceInfo = m_pSequenceTuples + actData->startingIdx + i;
		int score = 0;
		// count matching activity modifiers
		for ( int m = 0; m < iModifierCount; m++ )
			int num_modifiers = sequenceInfo->iNumActivityModifiers;
			for ( int k = 0; k < num_modifiers; k++ )
				if ( sequenceInfo->pActivityModifiers[ k ] == pActivityModifiers[ m ] )
		if ( score > top_score )
			topScoring.AddToTail( sequenceInfo->seqnum );
			top_score = score;

	// randomly pick between the highest scoring sequences ( NOTE: this method of selecting a sequence ignores activity weights )
	if ( IsInPrediction() )
		return topScoring[ SharedRandomInt( "SelectWeightedSequence", 0, topScoring.Count() - 1 ) ];
	return topScoring[ RandomInt( 0, topScoring.Count() - 1 ) ];