Exemple #1
bool osg::isGLExtensionOrVersionSupported(unsigned int contextID, const char *extension, float requiredGLVersion)
    ExtensionSet& extensionSet = s_glExtensionSetList[contextID];
    std::string& rendererString = s_glRendererList[contextID];

    // first check to see if GL version number of recent enough.
    bool result = requiredGLVersion <= osg::getGLVersionNumber();
    if (!result)
        // if not already set up, initialize all the per graphic context values.
        if (!s_glInitializedList[contextID])
            s_glInitializedList[contextID] = 1;

            // set up the renderer
            const GLubyte* renderer = glGetString(GL_RENDERER);
            rendererString = renderer ? (const char*)renderer : "";

            // get the extension list from OpenGL.
            GLint numExt = 0;
            #if !defined(OSG_GLES1_AVAILABLE) && !defined(OSG_GLES2_AVAILABLE)
            if( osg::getGLVersionNumber() >= 3.0 )
                // OpenGL 3.0 adds the concept of indexed strings and
                // deprecates calls to glGetString( GL_EXTENSIONS ), which
                // will now generate GL_INVALID_ENUM.

                // Get extensions using new indexed string interface.

                typedef const GLubyte * GL_APIENTRY PFNGLGETSTRINGIPROC( GLenum, GLuint );
                PFNGLGETSTRINGIPROC* glGetStringi = 0;
                setGLExtensionFuncPtr( glGetStringi, "glGetStringi");

                if( glGetStringi != NULL )
                    #  ifndef GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS
                    #    define GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS 0x821D
                    #  endif
                    glGetIntegerv( GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS, &numExt );
                    int idx;
                    for( idx=0; idx<numExt; idx++ )
                        extensionSet.insert( std::string( (char*)( glGetStringi( GL_EXTENSIONS, idx ) ) ) );
                    OSG_WARN << "isGLExtensionOrVersionSupported: Can't obtain glGetStringi function pointer." << std::endl;

            // No extensions found so far, so try with glGetString
            if (numExt == 0)
                // Get extensions using GL1/2 interface.

                const char* extensions = (const char*)glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS);
                if (extensions==NULL) return false;

                // insert the ' ' delimiated extensions words into the extensionSet.
                const char *startOfWord = extensions;
                const char *endOfWord;
                while ((endOfWord = strchr(startOfWord,' '))!=NULL)
                    startOfWord = endOfWord+1;
                if (*startOfWord!=0) extensionSet.insert(std::string(startOfWord));

    #if defined(WIN32) && (defined(OSG_GL1_AVAILABLE) || defined(OSG_GL2_AVAILABLE) || defined(OSG_GL3_AVAILABLE))

            // add WGL extensions to the list

            typedef const char* WINAPI WGLGETEXTENSIONSSTRINGARB(HDC);
            WGLGETEXTENSIONSSTRINGARB* wglGetExtensionsStringARB = 0;
            setGLExtensionFuncPtr(wglGetExtensionsStringARB, "wglGetExtensionsStringARB");

            typedef const char* WINAPI WGLGETEXTENSIONSSTRINGEXT();
            WGLGETEXTENSIONSSTRINGEXT* wglGetExtensionsStringEXT = 0;
            setGLExtensionFuncPtr(wglGetExtensionsStringEXT, "wglGetExtensionsStringEXT");

            const char* wglextensions = 0;

            if (wglGetExtensionsStringARB)
                HDC dc = wglGetCurrentDC();
                wglextensions = wglGetExtensionsStringARB(dc);
            else if (wglGetExtensionsStringEXT)
                wglextensions = wglGetExtensionsStringEXT();

            if (wglextensions)
                const char* startOfWord = wglextensions;
                const char* endOfWord;
                while ((endOfWord = strchr(startOfWord, ' ')))
                    extensionSet.insert(std::string(startOfWord, endOfWord));
                    startOfWord = endOfWord+1;
                if (*startOfWord != 0) extensionSet.insert(std::string(startOfWord));


            OSG_NOTIFY(INFO)<<"OpenGL extensions supported by installed OpenGL drivers are:"<<std::endl;
            for(ExtensionSet::iterator itr=extensionSet.begin();
                OSG_NOTIFY(INFO)<<"    "<<*itr<<std::endl;


        // true if extension found in extensionSet.
        result = extensionSet.find(extension)!=extensionSet.end();
Exemple #2
bool osg::isGLExtensionSupported(unsigned int contextID, const char *extension)
    ExtensionSet& extensionSet = s_glExtensionSetList[contextID];
    std::string& rendererString = s_glRendererList[contextID];

    // if not already set up, initialize all the per graphic context values.
    if (!s_glInitializedList[contextID])
        s_glInitializedList[contextID] = 1;
        // set up the renderer
        const GLubyte* renderer = glGetString(GL_RENDERER);
        rendererString = renderer ? (const char*)renderer : "";

        // get the extension list from OpenGL.
        const char* extensions = (const char*)glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS);
        if (extensions==NULL) return false;

        // insert the ' ' delimiated extensions words into the extensionSet.
        const char *startOfWord = extensions;
        const char *endOfWord;
        while ((endOfWord = strchr(startOfWord,' '))!=NULL)
            startOfWord = endOfWord+1;
        if (*startOfWord!=0) extensionSet.insert(std::string(startOfWord));

#if defined(WIN32)

        // add WGL extensions to the list

        WGLGETEXTENSIONSSTRINGARB* wglGetExtensionsStringARB = 
        typedef const char* WINAPI WGLGETEXTENSIONSSTRINGEXT();
        WGLGETEXTENSIONSSTRINGEXT* wglGetExtensionsStringEXT = 
        const char* wglextensions = 0;
        if (wglGetExtensionsStringARB)
            HDC dc = wglGetCurrentDC();
            wglextensions = wglGetExtensionsStringARB(dc);
        else if (wglGetExtensionsStringEXT)
            wglextensions = wglGetExtensionsStringEXT();

        if (wglextensions)
            const char* startOfWord = wglextensions;
            const char* endOfWord;
            while ((endOfWord = strchr(startOfWord, ' ')))
                extensionSet.insert(std::string(startOfWord, endOfWord));
                startOfWord = endOfWord+1;
            if (*startOfWord != 0) extensionSet.insert(std::string(startOfWord));

        osg::notify(INFO)<<"OpenGL extensions supported by installed OpenGL drivers are:"<<std::endl;
        for(ExtensionSet::iterator itr=extensionSet.begin();
            osg::notify(INFO)<<"    "<<*itr<<std::endl;