// In this sample, wsutil is used with the /string:WS_STRING command line option // to compile the schema files. When /string:WS_STRING is used, wsutil generates stubs // using WS_STRING (instead of WCHAR*) type for strings. HRESULT CALLBACK GetOrderStatusImpl( _In_ const WS_OPERATION_CONTEXT* context, _Inout_ unsigned int* orderID, _Inout_ WS_STRING* status, _In_ const WS_ASYNC_CONTEXT* asyncContext, _In_ WS_ERROR* error) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(asyncContext); WS_HEAP* heap = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // Generate a fault if we don't recognize the order ID if (*orderID != 123) { // Fill out details about the fault _OrderNotFoundFaultType orderNotFound; orderNotFound.orderID = *orderID; static const WS_XML_STRING _faultDetailName = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("OrderNotFound"); static const WS_XML_STRING _faultDetailNs = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("http://example.com"); static const WS_XML_STRING _faultAction = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("http://example.com/fault"); static const WS_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION _faultElementDescription = { (WS_XML_STRING*)&_faultDetailName, (WS_XML_STRING*)&_faultDetailNs, WS_UINT32_TYPE, NULL }; static const WS_FAULT_DETAIL_DESCRIPTION orderNotFoundFaultTypeDescription = { (WS_XML_STRING*)&_faultAction, (WS_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION*)&_faultElementDescription }; // Set fault detail information in the error object hr = WsSetFaultErrorDetail( error, &orderNotFoundFaultTypeDescription, WS_WRITE_REQUIRED_VALUE, &orderNotFound, sizeof(orderNotFound)); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Add an error string to the error object. This string will // be included in the fault that is sent. static const WS_STRING errorMessage = WS_STRING_VALUE(L"Invalid order ID"); hr = WsAddErrorString(error, &errorMessage); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } hr = E_FAIL; goto Exit; } *orderID = *orderID; hr = WsGetOperationContextProperty( context, WS_OPERATION_CONTEXT_PROPERTY_HEAP, &heap, sizeof(heap), error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } hr = WsAlloc( heap, sizeof(OrderStatusString), (void**)&status->chars, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } hr = StringCbCopyW( status->chars, sizeof(OrderStatusString), OrderStatusString); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } status->length = (ULONG)wcslen(OrderStatusString); Exit: return hr; }
static const WS_XML_STRING wsdlXml = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE( "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>" "<wsdl:definitions" " xmlns:wsa10='http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing'" " xmlns:wsu='http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd'" " xmlns:wsp='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/policy'" " xmlns:tns='http://example.com'" " xmlns:soap='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/'" " xmlns:xsd='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'" " xmlns:wsdl='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/'" " xmlns:wsx='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/mex'" " xmlns:wsaw='http://www.w3.org/2006/05/addressing/wsdl'" " targetNamespace='http://example.com'>" " " " <wsp:Policy wsu:Id='policy'>" " <wsp:ExactlyOne>" " <wsp:All>" " <sp:TransportBinding xmlns:sp='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy'>" " <wsp:Policy>" " <sp:TransportToken>" " <wsp:Policy>" " <sp:HttpsToken RequireClientCertificate='false' />" " </wsp:Policy>" " </sp:TransportToken>" " <sp:AlgorithmSuite>" " <wsp:Policy>" " <sp:Basic256 />" " </wsp:Policy>" " </sp:AlgorithmSuite>" " <sp:Layout>" " <wsp:Policy>" " <sp:Strict />" " </wsp:Policy>" " </sp:Layout>" " <sp:IncludeTimestamp />" " </wsp:Policy>" " </sp:TransportBinding>" " <sp:EndorsingSupportingTokens xmlns:sp='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy'>" " <wsp:Policy>" " <sp:X509Token sp:IncludeToken='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy/IncludeToken/AlwaysToRecipient'>" " <wsp:Policy>" " <sp:RequireThumbprintReference /> " " <sp:WssX509V3Token10 /> " " </wsp:Policy>" " </sp:X509Token>" " <sp:SignedParts>" " <sp:Header Name='To' Namespace='http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing' />" " </sp:SignedParts>" " </wsp:Policy>" " </sp:EndorsingSupportingTokens>" " <sp:Wss11 xmlns:sp='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy'>" " <wsp:Policy>" " <sp:MustSupportRefKeyIdentifier />" " <sp:MustSupportRefIssuerSerial />" " <sp:MustSupportRefThumbprint />" " <sp:MustSupportRefEncryptedKey />" " </wsp:Policy>" " </sp:Wss11>" " <sp:Trust10 xmlns:sp='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy'>" " <wsp:Policy>" " <sp:MustSupportIssuedTokens />" " <sp:RequireClientEntropy />" " <sp:RequireServerEntropy />" " </wsp:Policy>" " </sp:Trust10>" " <wsaw:UsingAddressing />" " </wsp:All>" " </wsp:ExactlyOne>" " </wsp:Policy>" " <wsdl:types>" " <xsd:schema targetNamespace='http://tempuri.org' xmlns:xs='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'>" " <xs:element name='PingRequest'>" " <xs:complexType>" " <xs:sequence>" " <xs:element minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='1' type='xs:string'/>" " </xs:sequence>" " </xs:complexType>" " </xs:element>" " <xs:element name='PingResponse'>" " <xs:complexType>" " <xs:sequence>" " <xs:element minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='1' type='xs:string'/>" " </xs:sequence>" " </xs:complexType>" " </xs:element>" " </xsd:schema>" " </wsdl:types>" " <wsdl:message name='PingRequest'>" " <wsdl:part name='parameters' element='tns:PingRequest' />" " </wsdl:message>" " <wsdl:message name='PingResponse'>" " <wsdl:part name='parameters' element='tns:PingResponse' />" " </wsdl:message>" " <wsdl:message name='IPingService_echo_InputMessage'>" " <wsdl:part name='parameters' element='tns:echo' />" " </wsdl:message>" " <wsdl:message name='IPingService_echo_OutputMessage'>" " <wsdl:part name='parameters' element='tns:echoResponse' />" " </wsdl:message>" " <wsdl:binding name='Binding_IPingService' type='tns:IPingService'>" " <wsp:PolicyReference URI='#policy' />" " <soap:binding transport='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http' />" " <wsdl:operation name='Ping'>" " <soap:operation soapAction='http://xmlsoap.org/Ping' style='document' />" " <wsdl:input name='PingRequest'>" " <soap:body use='literal' />" " </wsdl:input>" " <wsdl:output name='PingResponse'>" " <soap:body use='literal' />" " </wsdl:output>" " </wsdl:operation>" " </wsdl:binding>" " <wsdl:portType name='IPingService'>" " <wsdl:operation name='Ping'>" " <wsdl:input name='PingRequest' message='tns:PingRequest' />" " <wsdl:output name='PingResponse' message='tns:PingResponse' />" " </wsdl:operation>" " </wsdl:portType>" " <wsdl:service name='PingService10'>" " <wsdl:port name='Port_IPingService' binding='tns:Binding_IPingService'>" " <soap:address location='https://localhost/example' />" " </wsdl:port>" " </wsdl:service>" "</wsdl:definitions>" );
// Main entry point int __cdecl wmain() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WS_ERROR* error = NULL; WS_METADATA* metadata = NULL; WS_CHANNEL* channel = NULL; WS_XML_READER* reader = NULL; WS_HEAP* heap = NULL; // Declare constraints on what policy is acceptable // Require HTTP WS_CHANNEL_BINDING channelBinding = WS_HTTP_CHANNEL_BINDING; // Set up channel property contraints that override the default constraints WS_CHANNEL_PROPERTY_CONSTRAINT channelPropertyConstraints[3]; // Allow text encodings WS_ENCODING allowedEncodings[] = { WS_ENCODING_XML_UTF8, WS_ENCODING_XML_UTF16LE, WS_ENCODING_XML_UTF16BE }; channelPropertyConstraints[0].id = WS_CHANNEL_PROPERTY_ENCODING; channelPropertyConstraints[0].allowedValues = allowedEncodings; channelPropertyConstraints[0].allowedValuesSize = sizeof(allowedEncodings); // Allow addressing 1.0 WS_ADDRESSING_VERSION allowedAddressingVersions[] = { WS_ADDRESSING_VERSION_1_0, }; channelPropertyConstraints[1].id = WS_CHANNEL_PROPERTY_ADDRESSING_VERSION; channelPropertyConstraints[1].allowedValues = allowedAddressingVersions; channelPropertyConstraints[1].allowedValuesSize = sizeof(allowedAddressingVersions); // Allow SOAP 1.1 or SOAP 1.2 WS_ENVELOPE_VERSION allowedEnvelopeVersions[] = { WS_ENVELOPE_VERSION_SOAP_1_1, WS_ENVELOPE_VERSION_SOAP_1_2, }; channelPropertyConstraints[2].id = WS_CHANNEL_PROPERTY_ENVELOPE_VERSION; channelPropertyConstraints[2].allowedValues = allowedEnvelopeVersions; channelPropertyConstraints[2].allowedValuesSize = sizeof(allowedEnvelopeVersions); // Set up security property contraints that override the default constraints WS_SECURITY_PROPERTY_CONSTRAINT securityPropertyConstraints[1]; // Allow with/without a timestamp WS_SECURITY_TIMESTAMP_USAGE allowedTimestampValues[] = { WS_SECURITY_TIMESTAMP_USAGE_NEVER, WS_SECURITY_TIMESTAMP_USAGE_ALWAYS, }; securityPropertyConstraints[0].id = WS_SECURITY_PROPERTY_TIMESTAMP_USAGE; securityPropertyConstraints[0].allowedValues = allowedTimestampValues; securityPropertyConstraints[0].allowedValuesSize = sizeof(allowedTimestampValues); // Set up the ssl security binding constraint structure WS_SSL_TRANSPORT_SECURITY_BINDING_CONSTRAINT sslSecurityBindingConstraint = { }; sslSecurityBindingConstraint.bindingConstraint.type = WS_SSL_TRANSPORT_SECURITY_BINDING_CONSTRAINT_TYPE; // Set up the X.509 security binding constraint structure WS_CERT_MESSAGE_SECURITY_BINDING_CONSTRAINT certSecurityBindingConstraint = { }; certSecurityBindingConstraint.bindingConstraint.type = WS_CERT_MESSAGE_SECURITY_BINDING_CONSTRAINT_TYPE; certSecurityBindingConstraint.bindingUsage = WS_SUPPORTING_MESSAGE_SECURITY_USAGE; // Set up the set of security binding constraints WS_SECURITY_BINDING_CONSTRAINT* securityBindingConstraints[] = { &sslSecurityBindingConstraint.bindingConstraint, &certSecurityBindingConstraint.bindingConstraint }; // Set up the security constraint structure WS_SECURITY_CONSTRAINTS securityConstraints = { }; securityConstraints.securityPropertyConstraints = securityPropertyConstraints; securityConstraints.securityPropertyConstraintCount = WsCountOf(securityPropertyConstraints); securityConstraints.securityBindingConstraints = securityBindingConstraints; securityConstraints.securityBindingConstraintCount = WsCountOf(securityBindingConstraints); // Set up the policy constraint structure WS_POLICY_CONSTRAINTS policyConstraints = { }; policyConstraints.channelBinding = channelBinding; policyConstraints.channelPropertyConstraints = channelPropertyConstraints; policyConstraints.channelPropertyConstraintCount = WsCountOf(channelPropertyConstraints); policyConstraints.securityConstraints = &securityConstraints; // Set up port type to match static const WS_XML_STRING desiredPortTypeName = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("IPingService"); static const WS_XML_STRING desiredPortTypeNs = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("http://example.com"); // Create an error object for storing rich error information hr = WsCreateError( NULL, 0, &error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Create object that will hold metadata documents hr = WsCreateMetadata(NULL, 0, &metadata, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Create an XML reader hr = WsCreateReader( NULL, 0, &reader, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Set the input of the reader to the policy text WS_XML_READER_BUFFER_INPUT bufferInput; ZeroMemory(&bufferInput, sizeof(bufferInput)); bufferInput.input.inputType = WS_XML_READER_INPUT_TYPE_BUFFER; bufferInput.encodedData = wsdlXml.bytes; bufferInput.encodedDataSize = wsdlXml.length; WS_XML_READER_TEXT_ENCODING textEncoding; ZeroMemory(&textEncoding, sizeof(textEncoding)); textEncoding.encoding.encodingType = WS_XML_READER_ENCODING_TYPE_TEXT; textEncoding.charSet = WS_CHARSET_AUTO; hr = WsSetInput(reader, &textEncoding.encoding, &bufferInput.input, NULL, 0, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Read the metadata into the metadata object. hr = WsReadMetadata(metadata, reader, &wsdlUrl, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // After adding a document to the metadata object, it can be queried // to determine the address of any documents which have been referenced // but have not yet been added. WS_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS* missingAddress; hr = WsGetMissingMetadataDocumentAddress(metadata, &missingAddress, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } if (missingAddress != NULL) { // We only support one document in this example hr = E_FAIL; goto Exit; } // Get the endpoints from the metadata object WS_METADATA_ENDPOINTS endpoints; hr = WsGetMetadataEndpoints(metadata, &endpoints, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } BOOL foundEndpoint = FALSE; WS_METADATA_ENDPOINT* endpoint = NULL; // Search for port types for (ULONG i = 0; i < endpoints.endpointCount; i++) { // Get the endpoint from the array of endpoints endpoint = &endpoints.endpoints[i]; // See if the port type name matches hr = WsXmlStringEquals(endpoint->portTypeName, &desiredPortTypeName, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } if (hr == S_FALSE) { continue; } // See if the port type namespace matches hr = WsXmlStringEquals(endpoint->portTypeNs, &desiredPortTypeNs, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } if (hr == S_FALSE) { continue; } foundEndpoint = TRUE; break; } if (!foundEndpoint) { // No matching port types hr = E_FAIL; goto Exit; } // Get the policy for the endpoint WS_POLICY* policy; policy = endpoint->endpointPolicy; // Get the number of policy alternatives available in the policy object ULONG alternativeCount; hr = WsGetPolicyAlternativeCount( policy, &alternativeCount, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Create a heap used to allocate fields of initialized values hr = WsCreateHeap(/* maxSize */ 16*1024, /* trimSize */ 2*1024, NULL, 0, &heap, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } BOOL matchFound = FALSE; // For each alternative in the policy object for (ULONG alternativeIndex = 0; alternativeIndex < alternativeCount; alternativeIndex++) { // This example uses FALSE for the matchRequired parameter to WsMatchPolicyAlternative // which means that the function will return S_FALSE if there is not a match. // If diagnosing why a policy can not be matched, it may be useful to instead set // matchRequired to TRUE meaning an error will be returned (and the error object // will contain information about why the policy did not match). BOOL matchRequired = FALSE; // Try to match policy given the constraints hr = WsMatchPolicyAlternative( policy, alternativeIndex, &policyConstraints, matchRequired, heap, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } if (hr == S_OK) { // The policy met the constraints matchFound = TRUE; break; } } if (!matchFound) { // None of the policy alternatives matched hr = E_FAIL; goto Exit; } // Initialize channel properties based on the values found in the policy WS_CHANNEL_PROPERTY channelProperties[4]; channelProperties[0] = channelPropertyConstraints[0].out.channelProperty; channelProperties[1] = channelPropertyConstraints[1].out.channelProperty; channelProperties[2] = channelPropertyConstraints[2].out.channelProperty; // Initialize additional channel properties that specify local behavior // that is not part of policy. WS_TRANSFER_MODE transferMode = WS_BUFFERED_TRANSFER_MODE; channelProperties[3].id = WS_CHANNEL_PROPERTY_TRANSFER_MODE; channelProperties[3].value = &transferMode; channelProperties[3].valueSize = sizeof(transferMode); // Initialize security properties based on values extracted from policy WS_SECURITY_PROPERTY securityProperties[1]; securityProperties[0] = securityPropertyConstraints[0].out.securityProperty; // Set up SSL security binding WS_SSL_TRANSPORT_SECURITY_BINDING sslSecurityBinding; ZeroMemory(&sslSecurityBinding, sizeof(sslSecurityBinding)); sslSecurityBinding.binding.bindingType = WS_SSL_TRANSPORT_SECURITY_BINDING_TYPE; if (sslSecurityBindingConstraint.out.clientCertCredentialRequired) { // Server wants a client cert, but this example does not have one hr = E_FAIL; goto Exit; } else { sslSecurityBinding.localCertCredential = NULL; } // The runtime does not support X.509 binding hence use a WS_XML_TOKEN_MESSAGE_SECURITY_BINDING to create a channel WS_XML_TOKEN_MESSAGE_SECURITY_BINDING xmlTokenSecurityBinding; ZeroMemory(&xmlTokenSecurityBinding, sizeof(xmlTokenSecurityBinding)); xmlTokenSecurityBinding.binding.bindingType = WS_XML_TOKEN_MESSAGE_SECURITY_BINDING_TYPE; xmlTokenSecurityBinding.bindingUsage = certSecurityBindingConstraint.bindingUsage; // To obtain a security token to specify for the xmlToken field, use the following steps: // - Find the appropriate certificate and create a X.509 token // - Use WsCreateXmlSecurityToken and to create a security token with the keys from the above X.509 token xmlTokenSecurityBinding.xmlToken = NULL; // Set up security bindings WS_SECURITY_BINDING* securityBindings[2]; securityBindings[0] = &sslSecurityBinding.binding; securityBindings[1] = &xmlTokenSecurityBinding.binding; // Set up security description WS_SECURITY_DESCRIPTION securityDescription; securityDescription.securityBindings = securityBindings; securityDescription.securityBindingCount = WsCountOf(securityBindings); securityDescription.properties = securityProperties; securityDescription.propertyCount = WsCountOf(securityProperties); // Create a channel or proxy to the service using the accumulated binding information: // - channelBinding // - channelProperties // - securityDecription Exit: if (FAILED(hr)) { // Print out the error PrintError(hr, error); } if (metadata != NULL) { WsFreeMetadata(metadata); } if (channel != NULL) { WsFreeChannel(channel); } if (reader != NULL) { WsFreeReader(reader); } if (heap != NULL) { WsFreeHeap(heap); } if (error != NULL) { WsFreeError(error); } fflush(stdout); return SUCCEEDED(hr) ? 0 : -1; }
if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } wprintf(L"%.*s\n", string.length, string.chars); } } Exit: if (FAILED(hr)) { wprintf(L"Could not get error string (errorCode=0x%lx)\n", hr); } } // The following is used as the action value for purchasing fault messages static const WS_XML_STRING purchasingFaultAction = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("http://example.org/purchasingfault"); // Indicates a fault will be serialized in the body of the message static const WS_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION purchasingFaultElement = { NULL, NULL, WS_FAULT_TYPE, NULL, }; // The description of the fault message static const WS_MESSAGE_DESCRIPTION purchasingFaultMessageDescription = { (WS_XML_STRING*)&purchasingFaultAction, (WS_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION*)&purchasingFaultElement,
// Main entry point int __cdecl wmain() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WS_ERROR* error = NULL; WS_MESSAGE* requestMessage = NULL; WS_MESSAGE* replyMessage = NULL; WS_CHANNEL* channel = NULL; WS_LISTENER* listener = NULL; WS_HEAP* heap = NULL; // declare and initialize an Windows SSPI transport security binding WS_TCP_SSPI_TRANSPORT_SECURITY_BINDING sspiBinding = {}; // zero out the struct sspiBinding.binding.bindingType = WS_TCP_SSPI_TRANSPORT_SECURITY_BINDING_TYPE; // set the binding type // declare and initialize the array of all security bindings WS_SECURITY_BINDING* securityBindings[1] = { &sspiBinding.binding }; // declare and initialize the security description WS_SECURITY_DESCRIPTION securityDescription = {}; // zero out the struct securityDescription.securityBindings = securityBindings; securityDescription.securityBindingCount = WsCountOf(securityBindings); // Create an error object for storing rich error information hr = WsCreateError( NULL, 0, &error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Create a heap to store deserialized data hr = WsCreateHeap( /*maxSize*/ 2048, /*trimSize*/ 512, NULL, 0, &heap, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Create a listener hr = WsCreateListener( WS_CHANNEL_TYPE_DUPLEX_SESSION, WS_TCP_CHANNEL_BINDING, NULL, 0, &securityDescription, &listener, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Create a channel suitable for the listener hr = WsCreateChannelForListener( listener, NULL, 0, &channel, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Open listener using TCP duplex session WS_STRING uri; uri.chars = L"net.tcp://localhost/example"; uri.length = (ULONG)::wcslen(uri.chars); hr = WsOpenListener( listener, &uri, NULL, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Accept a channel from the client hr = WsAcceptChannel(listener, channel, NULL, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } hr = WsCreateMessageForChannel( channel, NULL, 0, &requestMessage, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } hr = WsCreateMessageForChannel( channel, NULL, 0, &replyMessage, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Receive requests / send replies for (;;) { // Set up the descriptions of the expected messages. We expect either a purchase order // or a request for order status. const WS_MESSAGE_DESCRIPTION* requestMessageDescriptions[] = { &PurchaseOrder_wsdl.messages.PurchaseOrder, // contains a _PurchaseOrderType in the body &PurchaseOrder_wsdl.messages.GetOrderStatus, // contains a GetOrderStatus in the body }; // Receive the message and deserialize the element of the body into the appropriate // structure, based on the message descriptions. The value of the body will be // allocated in the specified WS_HEAP, and are valid until WsResetHeap is called. void* requestBodyPointer; ULONG indexOfMatchedMessageDescription; hr = WsReceiveMessage(channel, requestMessage, requestMessageDescriptions, WsCountOf(requestMessageDescriptions), WS_RECEIVE_OPTIONAL_MESSAGE, WS_READ_REQUIRED_POINTER, heap, &requestBodyPointer, sizeof(requestBodyPointer), &indexOfMatchedMessageDescription, NULL, error); if (hr == WS_S_END) { // No more messages on channel break; } // Process the request, and generate the reply const WS_MESSAGE_DESCRIPTION* replyMessageDescription = NULL; const void* replyBodyPointer = NULL; ULONG replyBodySize = 0; _OrderConfirmationType orderConfirmation; _GetOrderStatusResponseType getOrderStatusResponse; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Get the message description that matched const WS_MESSAGE_DESCRIPTION* requestMessageDescription = requestMessageDescriptions[indexOfMatchedMessageDescription]; if (requestMessageDescription == &PurchaseOrder_wsdl.messages.PurchaseOrder) { // The message was a purchase order. Get the pointer to the deserialized value. _PurchaseOrderType* purchaseOrder = (_PurchaseOrderType*)requestBodyPointer; // Print out purchase order contents wprintf(L"%d, %s\n", purchaseOrder->quantity, purchaseOrder->productName); // Initialize order confirmation data orderConfirmation.expectedShipDate = L"1/1/2006"; orderConfirmation.orderID = 123; // Setup up reply message replyMessageDescription = &PurchaseOrder_wsdl.messages.OrderConfirmation; replyBodyPointer = &orderConfirmation; replyBodySize = sizeof(orderConfirmation); } else if (requestMessageDescription == &PurchaseOrder_wsdl.messages.GetOrderStatus) { // The message was a order status request. Get the pointer to the deserialized value. _GetOrderStatusType* getOrderStatus = (_GetOrderStatusType*)requestBodyPointer; // Generate a fault if we don't recognize the order ID if (getOrderStatus->orderID != 123) { // Fill out details about the fault _OrderNotFoundFaultType orderNotFound; orderNotFound.orderID = getOrderStatus->orderID; static const WS_XML_STRING _faultDetailName = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("OrderNotFound"); static const WS_XML_STRING _faultDetailNs = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("http://example.com"); static const WS_XML_STRING _faultAction = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("http://example.com/fault"); static const WS_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION _faultElementDescription = { (WS_XML_STRING*)&_faultDetailName, (WS_XML_STRING*)&_faultDetailNs, WS_UINT32_TYPE, NULL }; static const WS_FAULT_DETAIL_DESCRIPTION orderNotFoundFaultTypeDescription = { (WS_XML_STRING*)&_faultAction, (WS_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION*)&_faultElementDescription }; // Set fault detail information in the error object hr = WsSetFaultErrorDetail( error, &orderNotFoundFaultTypeDescription, WS_WRITE_REQUIRED_VALUE, &orderNotFound, sizeof(orderNotFound)); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Add an error string to the error object. This string will // be included in the fault that is sent. static const WS_STRING errorMessage = WS_STRING_VALUE(L"Invalid order ID"); hr = WsAddErrorString(error, &errorMessage); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Use a failure code to indicate that a fault should be sent hr = E_FAIL; } else { // Initialize the order status response getOrderStatusResponse.orderID = getOrderStatus->orderID; getOrderStatusResponse.status = L"Pending"; // Specify which message description to use for reply replyMessageDescription = &PurchaseOrder_wsdl.messages.GetOrderStatusResponse; replyBodyPointer = &getOrderStatusResponse; replyBodySize = sizeof(getOrderStatusResponse); } } } // If there was an error receiving the message if (FAILED(hr)) { // Send a fault in the body of the reply message. The information // accumulated in the error object is used to populate the fault. // The error code is not transmitted but instead is used to // generate an error string if no error strings are present in the // error object. hr = WsSendFaultMessageForError( channel, replyMessage, error, hr, WS_FULL_FAULT_DISCLOSURE, requestMessage, NULL, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Reset the error so it can be used again hr = WsResetError(error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Reset the reply message so it can be used again hr = WsResetMessage(replyMessage, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } } else { // Send a reply message hr = WsSendReplyMessage( channel, replyMessage, replyMessageDescription, WS_WRITE_REQUIRED_VALUE, replyBodyPointer, replyBodySize, requestMessage, NULL, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Reset the reply message so it can be used again hr = WsResetMessage(replyMessage, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } } // Reset the request message so it can be used again hr = WsResetMessage(requestMessage, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Reset the heap, which will free any allocations made on it hr = WsResetHeap(heap, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } } Exit: if (FAILED(hr)) { // Print out the error PrintError(hr, error); } if (listener != NULL) { // Close the listener if it was opened WsCloseListener(listener, NULL, error); } if (listener != NULL) { WsFreeListener(listener); } if (channel != NULL) { // Close the channel WsCloseChannel(channel, NULL, error); } if (channel != NULL) { WsFreeChannel(channel); } if (requestMessage != NULL) { WsFreeMessage(requestMessage); } if (replyMessage != NULL) { WsFreeMessage(replyMessage); } if (error != NULL) { WsFreeError(error); } if (heap != NULL) { WsFreeHeap(heap); } fflush(stdout); return SUCCEEDED(hr) ? 0 : -1; }
} } Exit: if (FAILED(hr)) { wprintf(L"Could not get error string (errorCode=0x%lx)\n", hr); } } HANDLE closeServer = NULL; static const WCHAR ExpectedShipDate [] = L"1/1/2006"; static const WCHAR OrderStatusString [] = L"Pending"; static const WS_XML_STRING serviceName = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("PurchaseOrderService"); static const WS_XML_STRING serviceNamespace = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("http://example.org"); static const WS_XML_STRING portName = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("IPurchaseOrder"); static const WS_XML_STRING bindingName = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("PurchaseOrderBinding"); static const WS_XML_STRING bindingNs = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("http://example.org"); // The WSDL document used by this example const static WS_XML_STRING wsdl = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE( "<wsdl:definitions " " xmlns:soap='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/' " " xmlns:wsu='http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd' " " xmlns:soapenc='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/' " " xmlns:tns='http://example.org' xmlns:wsa='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/addressing' " " xmlns:wsp='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/policy' " " xmlns:wsap='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/addressing/policy' "
hr = WsGetErrorString(error, i, &string); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } wprintf(L"%.*s\n", string.length, string.chars); } } Exit: if (FAILED(hr)) { wprintf(L"Could not get error string (errorCode=0x%lx)\n", hr); } } static const WS_XML_STRING orders = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("Orders"); static const WS_XML_STRING purchaseOrder = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("PurchaseOrder"); static const WS_XML_STRING id = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("id"); static const WS_XML_STRING nameSpace = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("http://example.com"); static const WS_XML_STRING emptyNamespace = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE(""); static const char* xml = "<Orders xmlns='http://example.com'>" "<PurchaseOrder id='1001'>" "</PurchaseOrder>" "<PurchaseOrder id='1002'>" "</PurchaseOrder>" "<PurchaseOrder id='1003'>" "</PurchaseOrder>" "</Orders>";
// Main entry point int __cdecl wmain() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WS_ERROR* error = NULL; WS_HEAP* heap = NULL; WS_SERVICE_PROXY* serviceProxy = NULL; static const WS_STRING serviceUrl = WS_STRING_VALUE(L"http://localhost/example"); // In this sample, wsutil is used with the /string:WS_STRING command line option // to compile the schema files. When /string:WS_STRING is used, wsutil generates stubs // using WS_STRING (instead of WCHAR*) type for strings. WS_STRING productName; WS_STRING expectedShipDate; WS_STRING orderStatus; WS_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS address = {}; address.url = serviceUrl; // Create an error object for storing rich error information hr = WsCreateError( NULL, 0, &error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Create a heap to store deserialized data hr = WsCreateHeap( /*maxSize*/ 2048, /*trimSize*/ 512, NULL, 0, &heap, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } hr = WsCreateServiceProxy( WS_CHANNEL_TYPE_REQUEST, WS_HTTP_CHANNEL_BINDING, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &serviceProxy, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } hr = WsOpenServiceProxy( serviceProxy, &address, NULL, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } productName.chars = L"Pencil"; productName.length = 6; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { unsigned int orderID; // Submit an order, and get expected ship date hr = PurchaseOrderBinding_Order( serviceProxy, 100, productName, &orderID, &expectedShipDate, heap, NULL, 0, NULL, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Print out confirmation contents wprintf(L"Expected ship date for order %lu is %.*s\n", orderID, expectedShipDate.length, expectedShipDate.chars); WsResetHeap(heap, NULL); // Get the current status of the order hr = PurchaseOrderBinding_OrderStatus( serviceProxy, &orderID, &orderStatus, heap, NULL, 0, NULL, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Print out order status wprintf(L"Order status for order %lu is: %.*s\n", orderID, orderStatus.length, orderStatus.chars); WsResetHeap( heap, NULL); // Get the current status of the order using an invalid order ID orderID = 321; hr = PurchaseOrderBinding_OrderStatus( serviceProxy, &orderID, &orderStatus, heap, NULL, 0, NULL, error); // Check to see if we got a fault if (hr == WS_E_ENDPOINT_FAULT_RECEIVED) { // Print the strings in the error object PrintError(hr, error); static const WS_XML_STRING _faultDetailName = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("OrderNotFound"); static const WS_XML_STRING _faultDetailNs = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("http://example.com"); static const WS_XML_STRING _faultAction = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("http://example.com/fault"); static const WS_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION _faultElementDescription = { (WS_XML_STRING*)&_faultDetailName, (WS_XML_STRING*)&_faultDetailNs, WS_UINT32_TYPE, NULL }; static const WS_FAULT_DETAIL_DESCRIPTION orderNotFoundFaultTypeDescription = { (WS_XML_STRING*)&_faultAction, (WS_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION*)&_faultElementDescription }; // Try to get the fault detail from the error object _OrderNotFoundFaultType* orderNotFound; hr = WsGetFaultErrorDetail( error, &orderNotFoundFaultTypeDescription, WS_READ_OPTIONAL_POINTER, heap, &orderNotFound, sizeof(orderNotFound)); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } if (orderNotFound != NULL) { // Print out the fault detail wprintf(L"Order %lu was not found\n", orderNotFound->orderID); } // Reset error so it can be used again hr = WsResetError(error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } } if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } WsResetHeap(heap, NULL); wprintf(L"\n"); } Exit: if (FAILED(hr)) { // Print out the error PrintError(hr, error); } if (serviceProxy != NULL) { WsCloseServiceProxy(serviceProxy, NULL, NULL); WsFreeServiceProxy(serviceProxy); } if (heap != NULL) { WsFreeHeap(heap); } if (error != NULL) { WsFreeError(error); } fflush(stdout); return SUCCEEDED(hr) ? 0 : -1; }
// Main entry point int __cdecl wmain() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WS_ERROR* error = NULL; WS_CHANNEL* channel = NULL; WS_MESSAGE* requestMessage = NULL; WS_MESSAGE* replyMessage = NULL; WS_HEAP* heap = NULL; WS_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS address; static const WS_STRING serviceUrl = WS_STRING_VALUE(L"http://localhost/example"); // Create an error object for storing rich error information hr = WsCreateError( NULL, 0, &error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Create a heap to store deserialized data hr = WsCreateHeap( /*maxSize*/ 2048, /*trimSize*/ 512, NULL, 0, &heap, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Create a channel hr = WsCreateChannel( WS_CHANNEL_TYPE_REQUEST, WS_HTTP_CHANNEL_BINDING, NULL, 0, NULL, &channel, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } hr = WsCreateMessageForChannel( channel, NULL, 0, &requestMessage, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } hr = WsCreateMessageForChannel( channel, NULL, 0, &replyMessage, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Initialize address of service address.url = serviceUrl; address.headers = NULL; address.extensions = NULL; address.identity = NULL; // Open channel to address hr = WsOpenChannel(channel, &address, NULL, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Send some request-replies for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { // Initialize purchase order _PurchaseOrderType purchaseOrder; purchaseOrder.quantity = 100; purchaseOrder.productName = L"Pencil"; _OrderConfirmationType orderConfirmation; // Send purchase order, get order confirmation hr = WsRequestReply( channel, requestMessage, &PurchaseOrder_wsdl.messages.PurchaseOrder, WS_WRITE_REQUIRED_VALUE, &purchaseOrder, sizeof(purchaseOrder), replyMessage, &PurchaseOrder_wsdl.messages.OrderConfirmation, WS_READ_REQUIRED_VALUE, heap, &orderConfirmation, sizeof(orderConfirmation), NULL, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Print out confirmation contents wprintf(L"Expected ship date for order %lu is %s\n", orderConfirmation.orderID, orderConfirmation.expectedShipDate); // Reset the message so it can be used again hr = WsResetMessage(requestMessage, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Reset the message so it can be used again hr = WsResetMessage(replyMessage, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Initialize request for order status _GetOrderStatusType getOrderStatus; getOrderStatus.orderID = orderConfirmation.orderID; _GetOrderStatusResponseType getOrderStatusResponse; // Send order status request, get order status reply hr = WsRequestReply( channel, requestMessage, &PurchaseOrder_wsdl.messages.GetOrderStatus, WS_WRITE_REQUIRED_VALUE, &getOrderStatus, sizeof(getOrderStatus), replyMessage, &PurchaseOrder_wsdl.messages.GetOrderStatusResponse, WS_READ_REQUIRED_VALUE, heap, &getOrderStatusResponse, sizeof(getOrderStatusResponse), NULL, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Print out order status wprintf(L"Order status for order %lu is: %s\n", getOrderStatusResponse.orderID, getOrderStatusResponse.status); // Reset the message so it can be used again hr = WsResetMessage(requestMessage, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Reset the message so it can be used again hr = WsResetMessage(replyMessage, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Make same request, but this time with an invalid order ID getOrderStatus.orderID = 321; hr = WsRequestReply( channel, requestMessage, &PurchaseOrder_wsdl.messages.GetOrderStatus, WS_WRITE_REQUIRED_VALUE, &getOrderStatus, sizeof(getOrderStatus), replyMessage, &PurchaseOrder_wsdl.messages.GetOrderStatusResponse, WS_READ_REQUIRED_VALUE, heap, &getOrderStatusResponse, sizeof(getOrderStatusResponse), NULL, error); // Check to see if we got a fault if (hr == WS_E_ENDPOINT_FAULT_RECEIVED) { // Print the strings in the error object PrintError(hr, error); static const WS_XML_STRING _faultDetailName = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("OrderNotFound"); static const WS_XML_STRING _faultDetailNs = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("http://example.com"); static const WS_XML_STRING _faultAction = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("http://example.com/fault"); static const WS_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION _faultElementDescription = { (WS_XML_STRING*)&_faultDetailName, (WS_XML_STRING*)&_faultDetailNs, WS_UINT32_TYPE, NULL }; static const WS_FAULT_DETAIL_DESCRIPTION orderNotFoundFaultTypeDescription = { (WS_XML_STRING*)&_faultAction, (WS_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION*)&_faultElementDescription }; // Try to get the fault detail from the error object _OrderNotFoundFaultType* orderNotFound; hr = WsGetFaultErrorDetail( error, &orderNotFoundFaultTypeDescription, WS_READ_OPTIONAL_POINTER, heap, &orderNotFound, sizeof(orderNotFound)); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } if (orderNotFound != NULL) { // Print out the fault detail wprintf(L"Order %lu was not found\n", orderNotFound->orderID); } // Reset error so it can be used again hr = WsResetError(error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } } if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Reset the message so it can be used again hr = WsResetMessage(requestMessage, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Reset the message so it can be used again hr = WsResetMessage(replyMessage, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } wprintf(L"\n"); // Reset the heap hr = WsResetHeap(heap, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } } Exit: if (FAILED(hr)) { // Print out the error PrintError(hr, error); } if (channel != NULL) { // Close the channel WsCloseChannel(channel, NULL, error); } if (requestMessage != NULL) { WsFreeMessage(requestMessage); } if (replyMessage != NULL) { WsFreeMessage(replyMessage); } if (channel != NULL) { WsFreeChannel(channel); } if (error != NULL) { WsFreeError(error); } if (heap != NULL) { WsFreeHeap(heap); } fflush(stdout); return SUCCEEDED(hr) ? 0 : -1; }
{ goto Exit; } wprintf(L"%.*s\n", string.length, string.chars); } } Exit: if (FAILED(hr)) { wprintf(L"Could not get error string (errorCode=0x%lx)\n", hr); } } HANDLE closeServer = NULL; static const WS_XML_STRING verbHeaderName = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("Verb"); static const WS_XML_STRING contentTypeHeaderName = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("Content-Type"); static const WS_XML_STRING statusCodeName = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("StatusCode"); static const WS_XML_STRING statusTextName = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("StatusText"); static const WS_STRING replyContentType = WS_STRING_VALUE(L"text/html"); static const BYTE replyBodyBytes[] = "<html><body>Hello World</body><html>"; static const WS_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION bytesBodyDescription = { NULL, NULL, WS_BYTES_TYPE, NULL };
// Main entry point int __cdecl wmain() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WS_ERROR* error = NULL; WS_XML_BUFFER* xmlBuffer = NULL; WS_HEAP* heap = NULL; WS_XML_READER* xmlReader = NULL; WS_XML_WRITER* xmlWriter = NULL; PayloadBaseType* baseType = NULL; Payload1Type* payload1Type = NULL; static const WS_XML_STRING dataElement = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("data"); static const WS_XML_STRING emptyNamespace = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE(""); // Create an error object for storing rich error information hr = WsCreateError( NULL, 0, &error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Create a heap to store deserialized data hr = WsCreateHeap( /*maxSize*/ 4096, /*trimSize*/ 512, NULL, 0, &heap, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Create an XML reader hr = WsCreateReader( NULL, 0, &xmlReader, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Create an XML writer hr = WsCreateWriter( NULL, 0, &xmlWriter, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Create an XML buffer on the specified heap hr = WsCreateXmlBuffer( heap, NULL, 0, &xmlBuffer, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Set the writer to output to the XML buffer hr = WsSetOutputToBuffer( xmlWriter, xmlBuffer, NULL, 0, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Create a wrapper element for the two embedded elements hr = WsWriteStartElement( xmlWriter, NULL, &dataElement, &emptyNamespace, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } baseType = new(std::nothrow) PayloadBaseType(); if (baseType == NULL) { goto Exit; } baseType->Id = 1; payload1Type = new(std::nothrow) Payload1Type(); if (payload1Type == NULL) { goto Exit; } payload1Type->Id = 2; payload1Type->BoolValue = FALSE; payload1Type->StringValue = L"hello world"; // Write the base type using the element description of the base type. // An xsi:type attribute will be added to the XML document for the element // indicating this is the base type. hr = WsWriteElement( xmlWriter, &DerivedType_xsd.globalElements.PayloadBase, WS_WRITE_REQUIRED_VALUE, baseType, sizeof(PayloadBaseType), error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Write the derived type using the element description of the base type. // An xsi:type attribute will be added to the XML document for the element // indicating this is the derived type. hr = WsWriteElement( xmlWriter, &DerivedType_xsd.globalElements.PayloadBase, WS_WRITE_REQUIRED_VALUE, payload1Type, sizeof(Payload1Type), error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } hr = WsWriteEndElement( xmlWriter, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Flush writer so all XML content is put in the buffer hr = WsFlushWriter(xmlWriter, 0, NULL, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Set the reader input to current position of XML buffer hr = WsSetInputToBuffer(xmlReader, xmlBuffer, NULL, 0, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Read pass the wrapper element hr = WsReadToStartElement( xmlReader, &dataElement, &emptyNamespace, NULL, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } hr = WsReadStartElement( xmlReader, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } PayloadBaseType* outBaseType = NULL; // Read the first element using element description for the base // type. The type of returning structure is that of that base type. hr = WsReadElement( xmlReader, &DerivedType_xsd.globalElements.PayloadBase, WS_READ_REQUIRED_POINTER, heap, &outBaseType, sizeof(PayloadBaseType*), error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } PrintPayloadType(outBaseType); // Read the second element using element description for the base // type. The type of returning structure is that of the derived type. hr = WsReadElement( xmlReader, &DerivedType_xsd.globalElements.PayloadBase, WS_READ_REQUIRED_POINTER, heap, &outBaseType, sizeof(PayloadBaseType*), error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } PrintPayloadType(outBaseType); hr = WsReadEndElement( xmlReader, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } Exit: if (FAILED(hr)) { // Print out the error PrintError(hr, error); } delete baseType; delete payload1Type; if (xmlReader != NULL) { WsFreeReader(xmlReader); } if (xmlWriter != NULL) { WsFreeWriter(xmlWriter); } if (error != NULL) { WsFreeError(error); } if (heap != NULL) { WsFreeHeap(heap); } fflush(stdout); return SUCCEEDED(hr) ? 0 : -1; }
// Main entry point int __cdecl wmain() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WS_ERROR* error = NULL; WS_LISTENER* listener = NULL; WS_CHANNEL* channel = NULL; WS_MESSAGE* requestMessage = NULL; WS_MESSAGE* replyMessage = NULL; WS_HEAP* heap = NULL; WCHAR* certSubjectName = NULL; PCCERT_CONTEXT certContext = NULL; BOOL requireClientCert = TRUE; WS_SECURITY_BINDING_PROPERTY requireClientCertProperty = {}; requireClientCertProperty.id = WS_SECURITY_BINDING_PROPERTY_REQUIRE_SSL_CLIENT_CERT; requireClientCertProperty.value = &requireClientCert; requireClientCertProperty.valueSize = sizeof(requireClientCert); // declare and initialize an SSL transport security binding WS_SSL_TRANSPORT_SECURITY_BINDING sslBinding = {}; // zero out the struct sslBinding.binding.bindingType = WS_SSL_TRANSPORT_SECURITY_BINDING_TYPE; // set the binding type sslBinding.binding.properties = &requireClientCertProperty; sslBinding.binding.propertyCount = 1; // NOTE: At the server, the SSL certificate for the listen URI must be // registered with http.sys using a tool such as httpcfg.exe. // declare and initialize the array of all security bindings WS_SECURITY_BINDING* securityBindings[1] = { &sslBinding.binding }; // declare and initialize the security description WS_SECURITY_DESCRIPTION securityDescription = {}; // zero out the struct securityDescription.securityBindings = securityBindings; securityDescription.securityBindingCount = WsCountOf(securityBindings); static const WS_STRING uri = WS_STRING_VALUE(L"https://localhost:8443/example"); // Create an error object for storing rich error information hr = WsCreateError( NULL, 0, &error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Create a heap to store deserialized data hr = WsCreateHeap( /*maxSize*/ 2048, /*trimSize*/ 512, NULL, 0, &heap, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Create a listener hr = WsCreateListener( WS_CHANNEL_TYPE_REPLY, WS_HTTP_CHANNEL_BINDING, NULL, 0, &securityDescription, &listener, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Open listener hr = WsOpenListener(listener, &uri, NULL, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } hr = WsCreateChannelForListener( listener, NULL, 0, &channel, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } hr = WsCreateMessageForChannel( channel, NULL, 0, &requestMessage, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } hr = WsCreateMessageForChannel( channel, NULL, 0, &replyMessage, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Receive requests / send replies for (int i = 0; i < 300; i++) { // Accept a request from the client hr = WsAcceptChannel(listener, channel, NULL, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Set up the descriptions of the expected messages. We expect either a purchase order // or a request for order status. const WS_MESSAGE_DESCRIPTION* requestMessageDescriptions[] = { &PurchaseOrder_wsdl.messages.PurchaseOrder, // contains a _PurchaseOrderType in the body &PurchaseOrder_wsdl.messages.GetOrderStatus, // contains a GetOrderStatus in the body }; // Receive the message and deserialize the element of the body into the appropriate // structure, based on the message descriptions. The value of the body will be // allocated in the specified WS_HEAP, and are valid until WsResetHeap is called. void* requestBodyPointer; ULONG indexOfMatchedMessageDescription; hr = WsReceiveMessage(channel, requestMessage, requestMessageDescriptions, WsCountOf(requestMessageDescriptions), WS_RECEIVE_REQUIRED_MESSAGE, WS_READ_REQUIRED_POINTER, heap, &requestBodyPointer, sizeof(requestBodyPointer), &indexOfMatchedMessageDescription, NULL, error); // Validate the client certificate. if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Another way to do client cert validation is to use // WS_MESSAGE_PROPERTY_TRANSPORT_SECURITY_WINDOWS_TOKEN here, assuming http.sys // is configured to map the cert into a windows token and was able to map the // cert to a user account. WS_BYTES encodedCert = {}; hr = WsGetMessageProperty( requestMessage, WS_MESSAGE_PROPERTY_ENCODED_CERT, &encodedCert, sizeof(encodedCert), error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } _Analysis_assume_(encodedCert.bytes != NULL); certContext = CertCreateCertificateContext( X509_ASN_ENCODING | PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, encodedCert.bytes, encodedCert.length); if (certContext == NULL) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto Exit; } ULONG subjectNameLength = CertNameToStr( certContext->dwCertEncodingType, &certContext->pCertInfo->Subject, CERT_SIMPLE_NAME_STR, NULL, 0); if (subjectNameLength == 0) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto Exit; } certSubjectName = new WCHAR[subjectNameLength]; if (certSubjectName == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; } subjectNameLength = CertNameToStr( certContext->dwCertEncodingType, &certContext->pCertInfo->Subject, CERT_SIMPLE_NAME_STR, certSubjectName, subjectNameLength); if (subjectNameLength == 0) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto Exit; } static const WCHAR expectedCertName[] = L"client.com"; wprintf(L"Expected client cert name: %s\n", expectedCertName); wprintf(L"Received client cert name: %s\n", certSubjectName); if (CompareString( LOCALE_INVARIANT, NORM_IGNORECASE, expectedCertName, (int)::wcslen(expectedCertName), certSubjectName, (int)::wcslen(certSubjectName)) != CSTR_EQUAL) { hr = WS_E_SECURITY_VERIFICATION_FAILURE; goto Exit; } } // Process the request, and generate the reply const WS_MESSAGE_DESCRIPTION* replyMessageDescription = NULL; const void* replyBodyPointer = NULL; ULONG replyBodySize = 0; _OrderConfirmationType orderConfirmation; _GetOrderStatusResponseType getOrderStatusResponse; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Get the message description that matched const WS_MESSAGE_DESCRIPTION* requestMessageDescription = requestMessageDescriptions[indexOfMatchedMessageDescription]; if (requestMessageDescription == &PurchaseOrder_wsdl.messages.PurchaseOrder) { // The message was a purchase order. Get the pointer to the deserialized value. _PurchaseOrderType* purchaseOrder = (_PurchaseOrderType*)requestBodyPointer; // Print out purchase order contents wprintf(L"%d, %s\n", purchaseOrder->quantity, purchaseOrder->productName); // Initialize order confirmation data orderConfirmation.expectedShipDate = L"1/1/2006"; orderConfirmation.orderID = 123; // Setup up reply message replyMessageDescription = &PurchaseOrder_wsdl.messages.OrderConfirmation; replyBodyPointer = &orderConfirmation; replyBodySize = sizeof(orderConfirmation); } else if (requestMessageDescription == &PurchaseOrder_wsdl.messages.GetOrderStatus) { // The message was a order status request. Get the pointer to the deserialized value. _GetOrderStatusType* getOrderStatus = (_GetOrderStatusType*)requestBodyPointer; // Generate a fault if we don't recognize the order ID if (getOrderStatus->orderID != 123) { // Fill out details about the fault _OrderNotFoundFaultType orderNotFound; orderNotFound.orderID = getOrderStatus->orderID; static const WS_XML_STRING _faultDetailName = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("OrderNotFound"); static const WS_XML_STRING _faultDetailNs = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("http://example.com"); static const WS_XML_STRING _faultAction = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("http://example.com/fault"); static const WS_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION _faultElementDescription = { (WS_XML_STRING*)&_faultDetailName, (WS_XML_STRING*)&_faultDetailNs, WS_UINT32_TYPE, NULL }; static const WS_FAULT_DETAIL_DESCRIPTION orderNotFoundFaultTypeDescription = { (WS_XML_STRING*)&_faultAction, (WS_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION*)&_faultElementDescription }; // Set fault detail information in the error object hr = WsSetFaultErrorDetail( error, &orderNotFoundFaultTypeDescription, WS_WRITE_REQUIRED_VALUE, &orderNotFound, sizeof(orderNotFound)); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Add an error string to the error object. This string will // be included in the fault that is sent. static const WS_STRING errorMessage = WS_STRING_VALUE(L"Invalid order ID"); hr = WsAddErrorString(error, &errorMessage); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Use a failure code to indicate that a fault should be sent hr = E_FAIL; } else { // Initialize the order status response getOrderStatusResponse.orderID = getOrderStatus->orderID; getOrderStatusResponse.status = L"Pending"; // Specify which message description to use for reply replyMessageDescription = &PurchaseOrder_wsdl.messages.GetOrderStatusResponse; replyBodyPointer = &getOrderStatusResponse; replyBodySize = sizeof(getOrderStatusResponse); } } } // If there was an error receiving the message if (FAILED(hr)) { // Send a fault in the body of the reply message. The information // accumulated in the error object is used to populate the fault. // The error code is not transmitted but instead is used to // generate an error string if no error strings are present in the // error object. hr = WsSendFaultMessageForError( channel, replyMessage, error, hr, WS_FULL_FAULT_DISCLOSURE, requestMessage, NULL, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Reset the error so it can be used again hr = WsResetError(error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Reset the reply message so it can be used again hr = WsResetMessage(replyMessage, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } } else { // Send a reply message hr = WsSendReplyMessage( channel, replyMessage, replyMessageDescription, WS_WRITE_REQUIRED_VALUE, replyBodyPointer, replyBodySize, requestMessage, NULL, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Reset the reply message so it can be used again hr = WsResetMessage(replyMessage, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } } // Reset the request message so it can be used again hr = WsResetMessage(requestMessage, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Reset the heap, which will free any allocations made on it hr = WsResetHeap(heap, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Close the request hr = WsCloseChannel(channel, NULL, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Prepare channel for reuse hr = WsResetChannel(channel, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Delete the certificate name string if needed. if (certSubjectName != NULL) { delete[] certSubjectName; certSubjectName = NULL; } // Delete cert context if needed if (certContext != NULL) { CertFreeCertificateContext(certContext); certContext = NULL; } } Exit: if (FAILED(hr)) { // Print out the error PrintError(hr, error); } if (channel != NULL) { // Close the channel WsCloseChannel(channel, NULL, error); } if (channel != NULL) { WsFreeChannel(channel); } if (requestMessage != NULL) { WsFreeMessage(requestMessage); } if (replyMessage != NULL) { WsFreeMessage(replyMessage); } if (listener != NULL) { // Close the listener if it was opened WsCloseListener(listener, NULL, error); } if (listener != NULL) { WsFreeListener(listener); } if (error != NULL) { WsFreeError(error); } if (heap != NULL) { WsFreeHeap(heap); } if (certSubjectName != NULL) { delete[] certSubjectName; } if (certContext != NULL) { CertFreeCertificateContext(certContext); } fflush(stdout); return SUCCEEDED(hr) ? 0 : -1; }
// Main entry point int __cdecl wmain() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WS_ERROR* error = NULL; WS_HEAP* heap = NULL; WS_XML_BUFFER* buffer = NULL; WS_XML_WRITER* writer = NULL; WS_XML_READER* reader = NULL; void* xml = NULL; ULONG xmlLength = 0; WS_XML_NODE_POSITION securityEndElementPosition; static const WS_XML_STRING soapNs = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"); static const WS_XML_STRING wsseNs = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd"); static const WS_XML_STRING envelope = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("Envelope"); static const WS_XML_STRING header = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("Header"); static const WS_XML_STRING security = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("Security"); static const WS_XML_STRING dsNs = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#"); static const WS_XML_STRING signature = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("Signature"); // Create an error object for storing rich error information hr = WsCreateError( NULL, 0, &error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Create a heap to store deserialized data hr = WsCreateHeap( /*maxSize*/ 2048, /*trimSize*/ 512, NULL, 0, &heap, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Create an XML writer hr = WsCreateWriter( NULL, 0, &writer, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Create an XML reader hr = WsCreateReader( NULL, 0, &reader, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Create an XML buffer on the specified heap hr = WsCreateXmlBuffer( heap, NULL, 0, &buffer, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Set the writer to output to the XML buffer hr = WsSetOutputToBuffer( writer, buffer, NULL, 0, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Write the envelope element hr = WsWriteStartElement(writer, NULL, &envelope, &soapNs, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Write the header element hr = WsWriteStartElement(writer, NULL, &header, &soapNs, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Write the security element hr = WsWriteStartElement(writer, NULL, &security, &wsseNs, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Force the security element start tag to be written so the position obtained // is "after" the security element hr = WsWriteEndStartElement(writer, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } hr = WsGetWriterPosition(writer, &securityEndElementPosition, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Close the security element hr = WsWriteEndElement(writer, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Close the header element hr = WsWriteEndElement(writer, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Close the envelope element hr = WsWriteEndElement(writer, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Move the write back hr = WsSetWriterPosition(writer, &securityEndElementPosition, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Write the "signature" element hr = WsWriteStartElement(writer, NULL, &signature, &dsNs, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Close the signature element hr = WsWriteEndElement(writer, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Generate the bytes of the document ULONG indent = 4; WS_XML_WRITER_PROPERTY properties[1]; properties[0].id = WS_XML_WRITER_PROPERTY_INDENT; properties[0].value = &indent; properties[0].valueSize = sizeof(indent); hr = WsWriteXmlBufferToBytes(writer, buffer, NULL, properties, WsCountOf(properties), heap, &xml, &xmlLength, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } printf("%.*s\n", xmlLength, (char*)xml); Exit: if (FAILED(hr)) { // Print out the error PrintError(hr, error); } if (writer != NULL) { WsFreeWriter(writer); } if (reader != NULL) { WsFreeReader(reader); } if (heap != NULL) { WsFreeHeap(heap); } if (error != NULL) { WsFreeError(error); } fflush(stdout); return SUCCEEDED(hr) ? 0 : -1; }
// Main entry point int __cdecl wmain() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WS_ERROR* error = NULL; WS_CHANNEL* channel = NULL; WS_MESSAGE* requestMessage = NULL; WS_MESSAGE* replyMessage = NULL; WS_HEAP* heap = NULL; // declare and initialize a windows credential WS_DEFAULT_WINDOWS_INTEGRATED_AUTH_CREDENTIAL windowsCredential = {}; // zero out the struct windowsCredential.credential.credentialType = WS_DEFAULT_WINDOWS_INTEGRATED_AUTH_CREDENTIAL_TYPE; // set the credential type ULONG impersonation = SecurityImpersonation; // declare and initialize properties to change the impersonation level from the default WS_SECURITY_BINDING_PROPERTY tcpSspiBindingProperties[1] = { { WS_SECURITY_BINDING_PROPERTY_ALLOWED_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL, &impersonation, sizeof(impersonation) } }; // declare and initialize an Windows SSPI transport security binding WS_TCP_SSPI_TRANSPORT_SECURITY_BINDING tcpSspiBinding = {}; // zero out the struct tcpSspiBinding.binding.bindingType = WS_TCP_SSPI_TRANSPORT_SECURITY_BINDING_TYPE; // set the binding type tcpSspiBinding.binding.properties = tcpSspiBindingProperties; tcpSspiBinding.binding.propertyCount = WsCountOf(tcpSspiBindingProperties); tcpSspiBinding.clientCredential = &windowsCredential.credential; // declare and initialize the array of all security bindings WS_SECURITY_BINDING* securityBindings[1] = { &tcpSspiBinding.binding }; // declare and initialize the security description WS_SECURITY_DESCRIPTION securityDescription = {}; // zero out the struct securityDescription.securityBindings = securityBindings; securityDescription.securityBindingCount = WsCountOf(securityBindings); // Create an error object for storing rich error information hr = WsCreateError( NULL, 0, &error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Create a heap to store deserialized data hr = WsCreateHeap( /*maxSize*/ 2048, /*trimSize*/ 512, NULL, 0, &heap, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Create a TCP duplex session channel hr = WsCreateChannel( WS_CHANNEL_TYPE_DUPLEX_SESSION, WS_TCP_CHANNEL_BINDING, NULL, 0, &securityDescription, &channel, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Initialize address of service WS_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS address; address.url.chars = L"net.tcp://localhost/example"; address.url.length = (ULONG)::wcslen(address.url.chars); address.headers = NULL; address.extensions = NULL; address.identity = NULL; // Open channel to address hr = WsOpenChannel( channel, &address, NULL, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } hr = WsCreateMessageForChannel( channel, NULL, 0, &requestMessage, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } hr = WsCreateMessageForChannel( channel, NULL, 0, &replyMessage, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Send some request-replies for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { // Initialize purchase order _PurchaseOrderType purchaseOrder; purchaseOrder.quantity = 100; purchaseOrder.productName = L"Pencil"; _OrderConfirmationType orderConfirmation; // Send purchase order, get order confirmation hr = WsRequestReply( channel, requestMessage, &PurchaseOrder_wsdl.messages.PurchaseOrder, WS_WRITE_REQUIRED_VALUE, &purchaseOrder, sizeof(purchaseOrder), replyMessage, &PurchaseOrder_wsdl.messages.OrderConfirmation, WS_READ_REQUIRED_VALUE, heap, &orderConfirmation, sizeof(orderConfirmation), NULL, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Print out confirmation contents wprintf(L"Expected ship date for order %lu is %s\n", orderConfirmation.orderID, orderConfirmation.expectedShipDate); // Reset the message so it can be used again hr = WsResetMessage(requestMessage, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Reset the message so it can be used again hr = WsResetMessage(replyMessage, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Initialize request for order status _GetOrderStatusType getOrderStatus; getOrderStatus.orderID = orderConfirmation.orderID; _GetOrderStatusResponseType getOrderStatusResponse; // Send order status request, get order status reply hr = WsRequestReply( channel, requestMessage, &PurchaseOrder_wsdl.messages.GetOrderStatus, WS_WRITE_REQUIRED_VALUE, &getOrderStatus, sizeof(getOrderStatus), replyMessage, &PurchaseOrder_wsdl.messages.GetOrderStatusResponse, WS_READ_REQUIRED_VALUE, heap, &getOrderStatusResponse, sizeof(getOrderStatusResponse), NULL, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Print out order status wprintf(L"Order status for order %lu is: %s\n", getOrderStatusResponse.orderID, getOrderStatusResponse.status); // Reset the message so it can be used again hr = WsResetMessage(requestMessage, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Reset the message so it can be used again hr = WsResetMessage(replyMessage, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Make same request, but this time with an invalid order ID getOrderStatus.orderID = 321; hr = WsRequestReply( channel, requestMessage, &PurchaseOrder_wsdl.messages.GetOrderStatus, WS_WRITE_REQUIRED_VALUE, &getOrderStatus, sizeof(getOrderStatus), replyMessage, &PurchaseOrder_wsdl.messages.GetOrderStatusResponse, WS_READ_REQUIRED_VALUE, heap, &getOrderStatusResponse, sizeof(getOrderStatusResponse), NULL, error); // Check to see if we got a fault if (hr == WS_E_ENDPOINT_FAULT_RECEIVED) { // Print the strings in the error object PrintError(hr, error); static const WS_XML_STRING _faultDetailName = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("OrderNotFound"); static const WS_XML_STRING _faultDetailNs = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("http://example.com"); static const WS_XML_STRING _faultAction = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("http://example.com/fault"); static const WS_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION _faultElementDescription = { (WS_XML_STRING*)&_faultDetailName, (WS_XML_STRING*)&_faultDetailNs, WS_UINT32_TYPE, NULL }; static const WS_FAULT_DETAIL_DESCRIPTION orderNotFoundFaultTypeDescription = { (WS_XML_STRING*)&_faultAction, (WS_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION*)&_faultElementDescription }; // Try to get the fault detail from the error object _OrderNotFoundFaultType* orderNotFound; hr = WsGetFaultErrorDetail( error, &orderNotFoundFaultTypeDescription, WS_READ_OPTIONAL_POINTER, heap, &orderNotFound, sizeof(orderNotFound)); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } if (orderNotFound != NULL) { // Print out the fault detail wprintf(L"Order %lu was not found\n", orderNotFound->orderID); } // Reset error so it can be used again hr = WsResetError(error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } } if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Reset the message so it can be used again hr = WsResetMessage(requestMessage, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Reset the message so it can be used again hr = WsResetMessage(replyMessage, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } wprintf(L"\n"); // Reset the heap hr = WsResetHeap(heap, error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } } Exit: if (FAILED(hr)) { // Print out the error PrintError(hr, error); } if (channel != NULL) { // Close the channel WsCloseChannel(channel, NULL, error); } if (requestMessage != NULL) { WsFreeMessage(requestMessage); } if (replyMessage != NULL) { WsFreeMessage(replyMessage); } if (channel != NULL) { WsFreeChannel(channel); } if (error != NULL) { WsFreeError(error); } if (heap != NULL) { WsFreeHeap(heap); } fflush(stdout); return SUCCEEDED(hr) ? 0 : -1; }
static const WS_XML_STRING wsdlXml = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE( "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>" "<wsdl:definitions" " xmlns:wsa10='http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing'" " xmlns:wsu='http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd'" " xmlns:wsp='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/policy'" " xmlns:tns='http://example.com'" " xmlns:soap='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/'" " xmlns:xsd='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'" " xmlns:wsdl='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/'" " xmlns:wsx='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/mex'" " xmlns:wsaw='http://www.w3.org/2006/05/addressing/wsdl'" " targetNamespace='http://example.com'>" " " " <wsp:Policy wsu:Id='policy'>" " <wsp:ExactlyOne>" " <wsp:All>" " <sp:TransportBinding xmlns:sp='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy'>" " <wsp:Policy>" " <sp:TransportToken>" " <wsp:Policy>" " <sp:HttpsToken RequireClientCertificate='false' />" " </wsp:Policy>" " </sp:TransportToken>" " <sp:AlgorithmSuite>" " <wsp:Policy>" " <sp:Basic256 />" " </wsp:Policy>" " </sp:AlgorithmSuite>" " <sp:Layout>" " <wsp:Policy>" " <sp:Strict />" " </wsp:Policy>" " </sp:Layout>" " <sp:IncludeTimestamp />" " </wsp:Policy>" " </sp:TransportBinding>" " <sp:EndorsingSupportingTokens xmlns:sp='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy'>" " <wsp:Policy>" " <sp:IssuedToken sp:IncludeToken='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy/IncludeToken/AlwaysToRecipient'>" " <Issuer xmlns='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy'>" " <Address xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing'>http://localhost:8000/sts/x509</Address>" " <Metadata xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing'>" " <Metadata xmlns='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/mex' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'>" " <wsx:MetadataSection xmlns=''>" " <wsx:MetadataReference>" " <Address xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing'>http://localhost:8000/sts/x509/mex</Address>" " </wsx:MetadataReference>" " </wsx:MetadataSection>" " </Metadata>" " </Metadata>" " </Issuer>" " <sp:RequestSecurityTokenTemplate>" " <t:TokenType xmlns:t='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/02/trust'>http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/oasis-wss-saml-token-profile-1.1#SAMLV1.1</t:TokenType>" " <t:KeyType xmlns:t='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/02/trust'>http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/02/trust/SymmetricKey</t:KeyType>" " <t:KeySize xmlns:t='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/02/trust'>256</t:KeySize>" " <t:Claims xmlns:t='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/02/trust'>" " <wsid:ClaimType Uri='http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/EmailAddress' xmlns:wsid='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity' />" " <wsid:ClaimType Uri='http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/UserName' Optional='true' xmlns:wsid='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity' />" " </t:Claims>" " <MyElement />" " </sp:RequestSecurityTokenTemplate>" " <wsp:Policy>" " <sp:RequireInternalReference />" " </wsp:Policy>" " </sp:IssuedToken>" " <sp:SignedParts>" " <sp:Header Name='To' Namespace='http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing' />" " </sp:SignedParts>" " </wsp:Policy>" " </sp:EndorsingSupportingTokens>" " <sp:Wss11 xmlns:sp='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy'>" " <wsp:Policy>" " <sp:MustSupportRefKeyIdentifier />" " <sp:MustSupportRefIssuerSerial />" " <sp:MustSupportRefThumbprint />" " <sp:MustSupportRefEncryptedKey />" " </wsp:Policy>" " </sp:Wss11>" " <sp:Trust10 xmlns:sp='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy'>" " <wsp:Policy>" " <sp:MustSupportIssuedTokens />" " <sp:RequireClientEntropy />" " <sp:RequireServerEntropy />" " </wsp:Policy>" " </sp:Trust10>" " <wsaw:UsingAddressing />" " </wsp:All>" " </wsp:ExactlyOne>" " </wsp:Policy>" " <wsdl:types>" " <xsd:schema targetNamespace='http://tempuri.org' xmlns:xs='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'>" " <xs:element name='PingRequest'>" " <xs:complexType>" " <xs:sequence>" " <xs:element minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='1' type='xs:string'/>" " </xs:sequence>" " </xs:complexType>" " </xs:element>" " <xs:element name='PingResponse'>" " <xs:complexType>" " <xs:sequence>" " <xs:element minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='1' type='xs:string'/>" " </xs:sequence>" " </xs:complexType>" " </xs:element>" " </xsd:schema>" " </wsdl:types>" " <wsdl:message name='PingRequest'>" " <wsdl:part name='parameters' element='tns:PingRequest' />" " </wsdl:message>" " <wsdl:message name='PingResponse'>" " <wsdl:part name='parameters' element='tns:PingResponse' />" " </wsdl:message>" " <wsdl:message name='IPingService_echo_InputMessage'>" " <wsdl:part name='parameters' element='tns:echo' />" " </wsdl:message>" " <wsdl:message name='IPingService_echo_OutputMessage'>" " <wsdl:part name='parameters' element='tns:echoResponse' />" " </wsdl:message>" " <wsdl:binding name='Binding_IPingService' type='tns:IPingService'>" " <wsp:PolicyReference URI='#policy' />" " <soap:binding transport='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http' />" " <wsdl:operation name='Ping'>" " <soap:operation soapAction='http://xmlsoap.org/Ping' style='document' />" " <wsdl:input name='PingRequest'>" " <soap:body use='literal' />" " </wsdl:input>" " <wsdl:output name='PingResponse'>" " <soap:body use='literal' />" " </wsdl:output>" " </wsdl:operation>" " </wsdl:binding>" " <wsdl:portType name='IPingService'>" " <wsdl:operation name='Ping'>" " <wsdl:input name='PingRequest' message='tns:PingRequest' />" " <wsdl:output name='PingResponse' message='tns:PingResponse' />" " </wsdl:operation>" " </wsdl:portType>" " <wsdl:service name='PingService10'>" " <wsdl:port name='Port_IPingService' binding='tns:Binding_IPingService'>" " <soap:address location='https://localhost/example' />" " </wsdl:port>" " </wsdl:service>" "</wsdl:definitions>" );
// Main entry point int __cdecl wmain(int argc, __in_ecount(argc) wchar_t **argv) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(argc); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(argv); HRESULT hr = NOERROR; WS_ERROR* error = NULL; WS_XML_BUFFER* xmlBuffer = NULL; WS_HEAP* heap = NULL; WS_XML_READER* xmlReader = NULL; WS_XML_WRITER* xmlWriter = NULL; PayloadBaseType* baseType = NULL; Payload1Type* payload1Type = NULL; static const WS_XML_STRING dataElement = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE("data"); static const WS_XML_STRING emptyNamespace = WS_XML_STRING_VALUE(""); // Create an error object for storing rich error information hr = WsCreateError( NULL, 0, &error); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } // Create a heap to store deserialized data hr = WsCreateHeap( /*maxSize*/ 4096,