REAL8TimeSeries *
XLALNRInjectionStrain(const char *ifo, SimInspiralTable *inj)
  REAL8TimeSeries *hplus = NULL;
  REAL8TimeSeries *hcross = NULL;
  REAL8TimeSeries *strain = NULL;

  REAL8 deltaT = 1./16384.;
  InterferometerNumber ifoNumber = LAL_UNKNOWN_IFO;
  LALDetector det;

  /* look up detector */
  memset( &det, 0, sizeof(LALDetector) );
  ifoNumber = XLALIFONumber( ifo );
  XLALReturnDetector( &det, ifoNumber );

  /* generate plus and cross polarizations */
  XLALNRInjectionFromSimInspiral(&hplus, &hcross, inj, deltaT);

  /* Use Jolien's method to place on the sky */
  strain = XLALSimDetectorStrainREAL8TimeSeries(hplus, hcross,
           inj->longitude, inj->latitude, inj->polarization, &det);

  XLALDestroyREAL8TimeSeries (hplus);
  XLALDestroyREAL8TimeSeries (hcross);

  return strain;
 * Wrapper to iterate over the entries in a sim_burst linked list and
 * inject them into a time series.  Passing NULL for the response disables
 * it (input time series is strain).
int XLALBurstInjectSignals(
	REAL8TimeSeries *series,
	const SimBurst *sim_burst,
	const TimeSlide *time_slide_table_head,
	const COMPLEX16FrequencySeries *response
	/* to be deduced from the time series' channel name */
	const LALDetector *detector;
	/* FIXME:  fix the const entanglement so as to get rid of this */
	LALDetector detector_copy;
	/* + and x time series for injection waveform */
	REAL8TimeSeries *hplus = NULL;
	REAL8TimeSeries *hcross = NULL;
	/* injection time series as added to detector's */
	REAL8TimeSeries *h;
	/* skip injections whose geocentre times are more than this many
	 * seconds outside of the target time series */
	const double injection_window = 100.0;

	/* turn the first two characters of the channel name into a
	 * detector */

	detector = XLALDetectorPrefixToLALDetector(series->name);
	XLALPrintInfo("%s(): channel name is '%s', instrument appears to be '%s'\n", __func__, series->name, detector->frDetector.prefix);
	detector_copy = *detector;

	/* iterate over injections */

	for(; sim_burst; sim_burst = sim_burst->next) {
		LIGOTimeGPS time_geocent_gps;
		const TimeSlide *time_slide_row;

		/* determine the offset to be applied to this injection */

		time_slide_row = XLALTimeSlideConstGetByIDAndInstrument(time_slide_table_head, sim_burst->time_slide_id, detector->frDetector.prefix);
		if(!time_slide_row) {
			XLALPrintError("%s(): cannot find time shift offset for injection 'sim_burst:simulation_id:%ld'.  need 'time_slide:time_slide_id:%ld' for instrument '%s'", __func__, sim_burst->simulation_id, sim_burst->time_slide_id, detector->frDetector.prefix);

		/* skip injections whose "times" are too far outside of the
		 * target time series */

		time_geocent_gps = sim_burst->time_geocent_gps;
		XLALGPSAdd(&time_geocent_gps, -time_slide_row->offset);
		if(XLALGPSDiff(&series->epoch, &time_geocent_gps) > injection_window || XLALGPSDiff(&time_geocent_gps, &series->epoch) > (series->data->length * series->deltaT + injection_window))
		XLALPrintInfo("%s(): injection 'sim_burst:simulation_id:%ld' in '%s' at %d.%09u s (GPS) will be shifted by %.16g s to %d.%09u s (GPS)\n", __func__, sim_burst->simulation_id, series->name, sim_burst->time_geocent_gps.gpsSeconds, sim_burst->time_geocent_gps.gpsNanoSeconds, -time_slide_row->offset, time_geocent_gps.gpsSeconds, time_geocent_gps.gpsNanoSeconds);

		/* construct the h+ and hx time series for the injection
		 * waveform. */

		if(XLALGenerateSimBurst(&hplus, &hcross, sim_burst, series->deltaT))
#if 0
		char name[100];
		FILE *f;
		unsigned i;
		sprintf(name, "%d.%09u_%s.txt", sim_burst->time_geocent_gps.gpsSeconds, sim_burst->time_geocent_gps.gpsNanoSeconds, series->name);
		f = fopen(name, "w");
		for(i = 0; i < hplus->data->length; i++) {
			LIGOTimeGPS t = hplus->epoch;
			XLALGPSAdd(&t, i * hplus->deltaT);
			fprintf(f, "%.16g %.16g %.16g\n", XLALGPSGetREAL8(&t), hplus->data->data[i], hcross->data->data[i]);

		/* project the wave onto the detector to produce the strain
		 * in the detector. */

		h = XLALSimDetectorStrainREAL8TimeSeries(hplus, hcross, sim_burst->ra, sim_burst->dec, sim_burst->psi, &detector_copy);
		hplus = hcross = NULL;

		/* shift the waveform by the time slide offset */

		XLALGPSAdd(&h->epoch, -time_slide_row->offset);
#if 0
		char name[100];
		FILE *f;
		unsigned i;
		sprintf(name, "%d.%09u_%s.txt", sim_burst->time_geocent_gps.gpsSeconds, sim_burst->time_geocent_gps.gpsNanoSeconds, series->name);
		f = fopen(name, "w");
		for(i = 0; i < h->data->length; i++) {
			LIGOTimeGPS t = h->epoch;
			XLALGPSAdd(&t, i * h->deltaT);
			fprintf(f, "%d.%09u %.16g\n", t.gpsSeconds, t.gpsNanoSeconds, h->data->data[i]);

		/* add the injection strain time series to the detector
		 * data */

		if(XLALSimAddInjectionREAL8TimeSeries(series, h, response)) {

	/* done */

	return 0;