Exemple #1
 * Function to compute the LWL detector-tensor for the given \a detector in
 * SSB-fixed cartesian coordinates at time tgps.
 * The coordinates used are: EQUATORIAL for Earth-based detectors, but ECLIPTIC for LISA.
 * RETURN: 0 = OK, -1 = ERROR
XLALFillDetectorTensor (DetectorState *detState,	/**< [out,in]: detector state: fill in detector-tensor */
			const LALDetector *detector	/**< [in]: which detector */
  const CHAR *prefix;

  if ( !detState || !detector ) {
    xlalErrno = XLAL_EINVAL;
    return -1;

  prefix = detector->frDetector.prefix;

  /* we need to distinguish two cases: space-borne (i.e. LISA) and Earth-based detectors */
  if ( prefix[0] == 'Z' )	/* LISA */
      if ( XLALprecomputeLISAarms ( detState ) != 0 ) {
	XLALPrintError ("\nXLALprecomputeLISAarms() failed !\n\n");
	xlalErrno = XLAL_EINVAL;
	return -1;

      if ( XLALgetLISADetectorTensorLWL ( &(detState->detT), detState->detArms, prefix[1] ) != 0 ) {
	XLALPrintError ("\nXLALgetLISADetectorTensorLWL() failed !\n\n");
	xlalErrno = XLAL_EINVAL;
	return -1;

    } /* if LISA */
      REAL4 sinG, cosG, sinGcosG, sinGsinG, cosGcosG;
      SymmTensor3 *detT = &(detState->detT);

      XLAL_CHECK( XLALSinCosLUT ( &sinG, &cosG, detState->earthState.gmstRad ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
      sinGsinG = sinG * sinG;
      sinGcosG = sinG * cosG;
      cosGcosG = cosG * cosG;

      printf("GMST = %fdeg; cosG = %f, sinG= %f\n",
	     LAL_180_PI * atan2(sinG,cosG), cosG, sinG);

      detT->d11 = detector->response[0][0] * cosGcosG
            - 2 * detector->response[0][1] * sinGcosG
                + detector->response[1][1] * sinGsinG;
      detT->d22 = detector->response[0][0] * sinGsinG
            + 2 * detector->response[0][1] * sinGcosG
                + detector->response[1][1] * cosGcosG;
      detT->d12 = (detector->response[0][0] - detector->response[1][1])
                                           * sinGcosG
	        + detector->response[0][1] * (cosGcosG - sinGsinG);
      detT->d13 = detector->response[0][2] * cosG
                - detector->response[1][2] * sinG;
      detT->d23 = detector->response[0][2] * sinG
                + detector->response[1][2] * cosG;
      detT->d33 = detector->response[2][2];

      printf("d = (%f %f %f\n",detT->d11,detT->d12,detT->d13);
      printf("     %f %f %f\n",detT->d12,detT->d22,detT->d23);
      printf("     %f %f %f)\n",detT->d13,detT->d23,detT->d33);

      printf("d*= (%f %f %f\n",detector->response[0][0],
      printf("     %f %f %f\n",detector->response[1][0],
      printf("     %f %f %f)\n",detector->response[2][0],

    } /* if Earth-based */

  return 0;

} /* XLALFillDetectorTensor() */
/** Interpolate a given regularly-spaced COMPLEX8 timeseries 'ts_in = x_in(j * dt)' onto new samples
 *  'y_out(t_out)' using Shannon sinc interpolation truncated to (2*Dterms+1) terms, namely
 * \f{equation}{
 * x(t) = \sum_{j = j^* - \Delta j}^{j^* + \Delta j} x_j \,\, \frac{\sin(\pi\delta_j)}{\pi\delta_j}\,,\quad\text{with}\quad
 * \delta_j \equiv \frac{t - t_j}{\Delta t}\,,
 * \f}
 * and where \f$j^* \equiv \mathrm{round}(t / \Delta t)\f$.
 * In order to implement this more efficiently, we observe that \f$\sin(\pi\delta_j) = (-1)^{(j-j0)}\sin(\pi\delta_{j0})\f$ for integer \f$j\f$,
 * and therefore
 * \f{equation}{
 * x(t) = \frac{\sin(\pi\,\delta_{j0})}{\pi} \, \sum_{j = j^* - \Delta j}^{j^* + \Delta j} (-1)^{(j-j0)}\frac{x_j}{\delta_j}\,,
 * \f}
 * NOTE: Using Dterms=0 corresponds to closest-bin interpolation
 * NOTE2: samples *outside* the original timespan are returned as 0
XLALSincInterpolateCOMPLEX8TimeSeries ( COMPLEX8Vector *y_out,		///< [out] output series of interpolated y-values [must be same size as t_out]
                                        const REAL8Vector *t_out,	///< [in] output time-steps to interpolate input to
                                        const COMPLEX8TimeSeries *ts_in,///< [in] regularly-spaced input timeseries
                                        UINT4 Dterms			///< [in] truncate sinc kernel sum to +-Dterms around max
  XLAL_CHECK ( y_out->length == t_out->length, XLAL_EINVAL );

  UINT4 numSamplesOut = t_out->length;
  UINT4 numSamplesIn = ts_in->data->length;
  REAL8 dt = ts_in->deltaT;
  REAL8 tmin = XLALGPSGetREAL8 ( &(ts_in->epoch) );	// time of first bin in input timeseries

  const REAL8 oodt = 1.0 / dt;

  for ( UINT4 l = 0; l < numSamplesOut; l ++ )
      REAL8 t = t_out->data[l] - tmin;		// measure time since start of input timeseries

      // samples outside of input timeseries are returned as 0
      if ( (t < 0) || (t > (numSamplesIn-1)*dt) )	// avoid any extrapolations!
          y_out->data[l] = 0;

      REAL8 t_by_dt = t  * oodt;
      INT8 jstar = lround ( t_by_dt );		// bin closest to 't', guaranteed to be in [0, numSamples-1]

      if ( fabs ( t_by_dt - jstar ) < LD_SMALL4 )	// avoid numerical problems near peak
          y_out->data[l] = ts_in->data->data[jstar];	// known analytic solution for exact bin

      UINT8 jStart = MYMAX ( jstar - Dterms, 0 );
      UINT8 jEnd = MYMIN ( jstar + Dterms, numSamplesIn - 1 );

      REAL4 delta_jStart = (t_by_dt - jStart);
      REAL4 sin0, cos0;
      XLALSinCosLUT ( &sin0, &cos0, LAL_PI * delta_jStart );
      REAL4 sin0oopi = sin0 * OOPI;

      COMPLEX8 y_l = 0;
      REAL8 delta_j = delta_jStart;
      for ( UINT8 j = jStart; j <= jEnd; j ++ )
          COMPLEX8 Cj = sin0oopi / delta_j;

          y_l += Cj * ts_in->data->data[j];

          sin0oopi = -sin0oopi;		// sin-term flips sign every step
          delta_j --;
        } // for j in [j* - Dterms, ... ,j* + Dterms]

      y_out->data[l] = y_l;

    } // for l < numSamplesOut

  return XLAL_SUCCESS;

} // XLALSincInterpolateCOMPLEX8TimeSeries()
Exemple #3
 * Compute the 'amplitude coefficients' \f$a(t)\sin\zeta\f$,
 * \f$b(t)\sin\zeta\f$ as defined in \cite JKS98 for a series of
 * timestamps.
 * The input consists of the DetectorState-timeseries, which contains
 * the detector-info and the LMST's corresponding to the different times.
 * \note This is an equivalent implementation to LALNewGetAMCoeffs(),
 * only using the XLAL interface instead.
 * This implementation is based on the geometrical definition of
 * \f$a\sin\zeta\f$ and \f$b\sin\zeta\f$ as detector response
 * coefficients in a preferred polarization basis.  (It is thereby
 * more general than the JKS expressions and could be used e.g., with
 * the response tensor of a bar detector with no further modification
 * needed.)
 * \note The fields AMCoeffs->{A, B, C, D} are not computed by this function,
 * as they require correct SFT noise-weights. These fields would be computed, for
 * example by XLALWeightMultiAMCoeffs().
AMCoeffs *
XLALComputeAMCoeffs ( const DetectorStateSeries *DetectorStates,	/**< timeseries of detector states */
                      SkyPosition skypos				/**< {alpha,delta} of the source */
  /* ---------- check input consistency ---------- */
  if ( !DetectorStates ) {
    XLALPrintError ("%s: invalid NULL input 'DetectorStates'\n", __func__ );

  /* currently requires sky-pos to be in equatorial coordinates (FIXME) */
  if ( skypos.system != COORDINATESYSTEM_EQUATORIAL ) {
    XLALPrintError ("%s: only equatorial coordinates currently supported in 'skypos'\n", __func__ );

  /*---------- We write components of xi and eta vectors in SSB-fixed coords */
  REAL4 alpha = skypos.longitude;
  REAL4 delta = skypos.latitude;

  REAL4 sin1delta, cos1delta;
  REAL4 sin1alpha, cos1alpha;
  XLAL_CHECK_NULL( XLALSinCosLUT (&sin1delta, &cos1delta, delta ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  XLAL_CHECK_NULL( XLALSinCosLUT (&sin1alpha, &cos1alpha, alpha ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

  REAL4 xi1 = - sin1alpha;
  REAL4 xi2 =  cos1alpha;
  REAL4 eta1 = sin1delta * cos1alpha;
  REAL4 eta2 = sin1delta * sin1alpha;
  REAL4 eta3 = - cos1delta;

  /* prepare output vector */
  UINT4 numSteps = DetectorStates->length;
  AMCoeffs *coeffs;
  if ( ( coeffs = XLALCreateAMCoeffs ( numSteps ) ) == NULL ) {
    XLALPrintError ("%s: XLALCreateAMCoeffs(%d) failed\n", __func__, numSteps );

  /*---------- Compute the a(t_i) and b(t_i) ---------- */
  UINT4 i;
  for ( i=0; i < numSteps; i++ )
      REAL4 ai, bi;

      SymmTensor3 *d = &(DetectorStates->data[i].detT);

      ai =    d->d11 * ( xi1 * xi1 - eta1 * eta1 )
	+ 2 * d->d12 * ( xi1*xi2 - eta1*eta2 )
	- 2 * d->d13 *             eta1 * eta3
	+     d->d22 * ( xi2*xi2 - eta2*eta2 )
	- 2 * d->d23 *             eta2 * eta3
	-     d->d33 *             eta3*eta3;

      bi =    d->d11 * 2 * xi1 * eta1
	+ 2 * d->d12 *   ( xi1 * eta2 + xi2 * eta1 )
	+ 2 * d->d13 *     xi1 * eta3
	+     d->d22 * 2 * xi2 * eta2
	+ 2 * d->d23 *     xi2 * eta3;

      coeffs->a->data[i] = ai;
      coeffs->b->data[i] = bi;

    } /* for i < numSteps */

  /* return the result */
  return coeffs;

} /* XLALComputeAMCoeffs() */
Exemple #4
 * Compute the 'amplitude coefficients' \f$a(t), b(t)\f$ as defined in
 * \cite JKS98 for a series of timestamps.
 * The input consists of the DetectorState-timeseries, which contains
 * the detector-info and the LMST's corresponding to the different times.
 * In order to allow re-using the output-structure AMCoeffs for subsequent
 * calls, we require the REAL4Vectors a and b to be allocated already and
 * to have the same length as the DetectoStates-timeseries.
 * \note This is an alternative implementation to LALComputeAM() with
 * the aim to be both simpler and faster.
 * The difference being that we don't implicitly re-derive the final expression
 * here but simply try to implement the final expressions (12), (13) in \cite JKS98
 * in the most economical way possible.
LALGetAMCoeffs(LALStatus *status,				/**< [in/out] LAL status structure pointer */
	       AMCoeffs *coeffs,				/**< [out] amplitude-coeffs {a(t_i), b(t_i)} */
	       const DetectorStateSeries *DetectorStates,	/**< timeseries of detector states */
	       SkyPosition skypos				/**< {alpha,delta} of the source */
  REAL4 ah1, ah2, ah3, ah4, ah5;
  REAL4 a1, a2, a3, a4, a5;

  REAL4 bh1, bh2, bh3, bh4;
  REAL4 b1, b2, b3, b4;

  REAL4 delta, alpha;
  REAL4 sin1delta, cos1delta, sin2delta, cos2delta;

  REAL4 gam, lambda;
  REAL4 norm;
  UINT4 i, numSteps;


  /*---------- check input ---------- */

  numSteps = DetectorStates->length;

  /* require the coeffients-vectors to be allocated and consistent with timestamps */
  ASSERT ( (coeffs->a->length == numSteps) && (coeffs->b->length == numSteps), status,

  /* require sky-pos to be in equatorial coordinates */
  ASSERT ( skypos.system == COORDINATESYSTEM_EQUATORIAL, status,

  /*---------- detector paramters: lambda, L, gamma */
    /* FIXME: put into DetectorStateSeries */
    /* orientation of detector arms */
    REAL8 xAzi = DetectorStates->detector.frDetector.xArmAzimuthRadians;
    REAL8 yAzi = DetectorStates->detector.frDetector.yArmAzimuthRadians;

    /* get detector orientation gamma */
    gam = LAL_PI_2 - 0.5 * (xAzi + yAzi);
    /* get detector position latitude (lambda) */
    lambda = DetectorStates->detector.frDetector.vertexLatitudeRadians;
    printf ("IFO = %s: sin(zeta) = %f\n", DetectorStates->detector.frDetector.name, sin( xAzi - yAzi ) );

  /*---------- coefficient ahN, bhN dependent ONLY on detector-position  ---------- */
  /* FIXME: put these coefficients into DetectorStateSeries */
    REAL4 sin2gamma, cos2gamma;
    REAL4 sin1lambda, cos1lambda;
    REAL4 sin2lambda, cos2lambda;

    if( XLALSinCosLUT (&sin2gamma, &cos2gamma, 2.0f * gam ) != XLAL_SUCCESS )
      ABORT( status->statusPtr, LAL_EXLAL, "XLALSinCosLUT (&sin2gamma, &cos2gamma, 2.0f * gam ) failed" );

    if( XLALSinCosLUT (&sin1lambda, &cos1lambda, lambda ) != XLAL_SUCCESS )
      ABORT( status->statusPtr, LAL_EXLAL, "XLALSinCosLUT (&sin1lambda, &cos1lambda, lambda ) failed" );

    sin2lambda = 2.0f * sin1lambda * cos1lambda;
    cos2lambda = cos1lambda * cos1lambda - sin1lambda * sin1lambda;

    /* coefficients for a(t) */
    ah1 = 0.0625f * sin2gamma * (3.0f - cos2lambda);	/* 1/16 = 0.0625 */
    ah2 = - 0.25f * cos2gamma * sin1lambda;
    ah3 =   0.25f * sin2gamma * sin2lambda;
    ah4 =  -0.5f  * cos2gamma * cos1lambda;
    ah5 =  0.75f  * sin2gamma * cos1lambda * cos1lambda;

    /* coefficients for b(t) */
    bh1 =           cos2gamma * sin1lambda;
    bh2 =   0.25f * sin2gamma * (3.0f - cos2lambda);
    bh3 =           cos2gamma * cos1lambda;
    bh4 =   0.5f  * sin2gamma * sin2lambda;

  /*---------- coefficients aN, bN dependent ONLY on {ahN, bhN} and source-latitude delta */
  alpha = skypos.longitude;
  delta = skypos.latitude;

  if( XLALSinCosLUT (&sin1delta, &cos1delta, delta ) != XLAL_SUCCESS )
    ABORT( status->statusPtr, LAL_EXLAL, "XLALSinCosLUT (&sin1delta, &cos1delta, delta ) failed" );

  sin2delta = 2.0f * sin1delta * cos1delta;
  cos2delta = cos1delta * cos1delta - sin1delta * sin1delta;

  /* coefficients for a(t) */
  a1 = ah1 * ( 3.0f - cos2delta );
  a2 = ah2 * ( 3.0f - cos2delta );
  a3 = ah3 * sin2delta;
  a4 = ah4 * sin2delta;
  a5 = ah5 * cos1delta * cos1delta;

  /* coefficients for b(t) */
  b1 = bh1 * sin1delta;
  b2 = bh2 * sin1delta;
  b3 = bh3 * cos1delta;
  b4 = bh4 * cos1delta;

  /*---------- Compute the a(t_i) and b(t_i) ---------- */
  coeffs->A = 0;
  coeffs->B = 0;
  coeffs->C = 0;
  coeffs->D = 0;
  for ( i=0; i < numSteps; i++ )
      REAL4 ah;
      REAL4 cos1ah, sin1ah, cos2ah, sin2ah;
      REAL4 ai, bi;

      ah = alpha - DetectorStates->data[i].LMST;

      if( XLALSinCosLUT ( &sin1ah, &cos1ah, ah ) != XLAL_SUCCESS )
        ABORT( status->statusPtr, LAL_EXLAL, "XLALSinCosLUT ( &sin1ah, &cos1ah, ah ) failed" );

      sin2ah = 2.0f * sin1ah * cos1ah;
      cos2ah = cos1ah * cos1ah - sin1ah * sin1ah;

      ai = a1 * cos2ah + a2 * sin2ah + a3 * cos1ah + a4 * sin1ah + a5;
      bi = b1 * cos2ah + b2 * sin2ah + b3 * cos1ah + b4 * sin1ah;
      coeffs->a->data[i] = ai;
      coeffs->b->data[i] = bi;

      /* sum A, B, C on the fly */
      coeffs->A += ai * ai;
      coeffs->B += bi * bi;
      coeffs->C += ai * bi;

    } /* for i < numSteps */

  /* finish calculation of A,B,C, D */
  norm = 2.0f / numSteps;
  coeffs->A *= norm;
  coeffs->B *= norm;
  coeffs->C *= norm;

  coeffs->D = coeffs->A * coeffs->B - coeffs->C * coeffs->C;


} /* LALGetAMCoeffs() */
Exemple #5
 * Compute the 'amplitude coefficients' \f$a(t)\sin\zeta\f$,
 * \f$b(t)\sin\zeta\f$ as defined in \cite JKS98 for a series of
 * timestamps.
 * The input consists of the DetectorState-timeseries, which contains
 * the detector-info and the LMST's corresponding to the different times.
 * In order to allow re-using the output-structure AMCoeffs for subsequent
 * calls, we require the REAL4Vectors a and b to be allocated already and
 * to have the same length as the DetectoStates-timeseries.
 * \note This is an alternative implementation to both LALComputeAM()
 * and LALGetAMCoeffs(), which uses the geometrical definition of
 * \f$a\sin\zeta\f$ and \f$b\sin\zeta\f$ as detector response
 * coefficients in a preferred polarization basis.  (It is thereby
 * more general than the JKS expressions and could be used e.g., with
 * the response tensor of a bar detector with no further modification
 * needed.)
LALNewGetAMCoeffs(LALStatus *status,			/**< [in/out] LAL status structure pointer */
	       AMCoeffs *coeffs,			/**< [out] amplitude-coeffs {a(t_i), b(t_i)} */
	       const DetectorStateSeries *DetectorStates,/**< timeseries of detector states */
	       SkyPosition skypos			/**< {alpha,delta} of the source */
  REAL4 delta, alpha;
  REAL4 sin1delta, cos1delta;
  REAL4 sin1alpha, cos1alpha;

  REAL4 xi1, xi2;
  REAL4 eta1, eta2, eta3;
  REAL4 norm;
  UINT4 i, numSteps;


  /*---------- check input ---------- */

  numSteps = DetectorStates->length;

  /* require the coeffients-vectors to be allocated and consistent with timestamps */
  ASSERT ( (coeffs->a->length == numSteps) && (coeffs->b->length == numSteps), status,

  /* require sky-pos to be in equatorial coordinates */
  ASSERT ( skypos.system == COORDINATESYSTEM_EQUATORIAL, status,

  /*---------- We write components of xi and eta vectors in SSB-fixed coords */
  alpha = skypos.longitude;
  delta = skypos.latitude;

  if( XLALSinCosLUT (&sin1delta, &cos1delta, delta ) != XLAL_SUCCESS )
    ABORT( status->statusPtr, LAL_EXLAL, "XLALSinCosLUT (&sin1delta, &cos1delta, delta ) failed" );

  if( XLALSinCosLUT (&sin1alpha, &cos1alpha, alpha ) != XLAL_SUCCESS )
    ABORT( status->statusPtr, LAL_EXLAL, "XLALSinCosLUT (&sin1alpha, &cos1alpha, alpha ) failed" );

  // see Eq.(17) in CFSv2 notes (version v3):
  // https://dcc.ligo.org/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=1665&version=3
  xi1 =   sin1alpha;
  xi2 =  -cos1alpha;
  eta1 = -sin1delta * cos1alpha;
  eta2 = -sin1delta * sin1alpha;
  eta3 = cos1delta;

  /*---------- Compute the a(t_i) and b(t_i) ---------- */
  coeffs->A = 0;
  coeffs->B = 0;
  coeffs->C = 0;
  coeffs->D = 0;
  for ( i=0; i < numSteps; i++ )
      REAL4 ai, bi;

      SymmTensor3 *d = &(DetectorStates->data[i].detT);

      ai =    d->d11 * ( xi1 * xi1 - eta1 * eta1 )
	+ 2 * d->d12 * ( xi1*xi2 - eta1*eta2 )
	- 2 * d->d13 *             eta1 * eta3
	+     d->d22 * ( xi2*xi2 - eta2*eta2 )
	- 2 * d->d23 *             eta2 * eta3
	-     d->d33 *             eta3*eta3;

      bi =    d->d11 * 2 * xi1 * eta1
	+ 2 * d->d12 *   ( xi1 * eta2 + xi2 * eta1 )
	+ 2 * d->d13 *     xi1 * eta3
	+     d->d22 * 2 * xi2 * eta2
	+ 2 * d->d23 *     xi2 * eta3;

      printf("xi = (%f,%f)\n",xi1,xi2);
      printf("eta = (%f,%f,%f)\n",eta1,eta2,eta3);
      printf("d = (%f %f %f\n",d->d11,d->d12,d->d13);
      printf("     %f %f %f\n",d->d12,d->d22,d->d23);
      printf("     %f %f %f)\n",d->d13,d->d23,d->d33);

      coeffs->a->data[i] = ai;
      coeffs->b->data[i] = bi;

      /* sum A, B, C on the fly */
      coeffs->A += ai * ai;
      coeffs->B += bi * bi;
      coeffs->C += ai * bi;

    } /* for i < numSteps */

  /* finish calculation of A,B,C, D */
  norm = 2.0f / numSteps;
  coeffs->A *= norm;
  coeffs->B *= norm;
  coeffs->C *= norm;

  coeffs->D = coeffs->A * coeffs->B - coeffs->C * coeffs->C;


} /* LALNewGetAMCoeffs() */