bool obs_output_active(const obs_output_t *output)
	return (output != NULL) ?
		(active(output) || reconnecting(output)) : false;
bool Foam::subModelBase::outputTime() const
    return active();
Exemple #3
	std::ostream & toStream(
		std::ostream & out, 
		uint64_t refpos, 
		std::string const & refidname, 
		int const refbase,
		ConsensusAux & caux,
		ConsensusAccuracy * consacc = 0,
		std::ostream * consostr = 0
		// insertions
		if ( I.size() )
			uint64_t const cov = V.size() + iadd;
			uint64_t maxi = 0;
			for ( uint64_t i = 0; i < I.size(); ++i )
				maxi = std::max(maxi,static_cast<uint64_t>(I[i].size()));
			// vector of active indices	
			std::vector<uint64_t> active(I.size());
			for ( uint64_t i = 0; i < active.size(); ++i )
				active[i] = i;
			// vector for symbol sorting	
			std::vector< std::pair<char,uint8_t> > sortvec(active.size());
			for ( uint64_t j = 0; active.size(); ++j )
				// number still active in next round
				uint64_t o = 0;
				for ( uint64_t i = 0; i < active.size(); ++i )
					sortvec[i] = I[active[i]][j];
					if ( j+1 < I[active[i]].size() )
						active[o++] = active[i];

				out << refidname << '\t' << refpos << '\t' << (-static_cast<int64_t>(maxi))+static_cast<int64_t>(j) << '\t';

				if ( cov > sortvec.size() )
					for ( uint64_t i = 0; i < cov-sortvec.size(); ++i )
						caux.C[padsym] += caux.M[padsym];
				for ( uint64_t i = 0; i < sortvec.size(); ++i )
					caux.C[sortvec[i].first] += caux.M[sortvec[i].first];
				uint8_t const consbase = getConsensusBase(caux);
				if ( consostr && consbase != padsym )
				if ( consacc && consbase != padsym )


				if ( cov > sortvec.size() )
					for ( uint64_t i = 0; i < cov-sortvec.size(); ++i )
						caux.C[padsym] -= caux.M[padsym];
				for ( uint64_t i = 0; i < sortvec.size(); ++i )
					caux.C[sortvec[i].first] -= caux.M[sortvec[i].first];

		out << refidname << '\t' << refpos << '\t' << 0 << '\t';
		for ( uint64_t i = 0; i < V.size(); ++i )
			caux.C[V[i].first] += caux.M[V[i].first];
		out << "\t";
		if ( refbase != -1 )


		uint8_t const consbase = getConsensusBase(caux);
		if ( consacc && (consbase == padsym) )
		if ( refbase != -1 && consacc && (consbase != padsym) )
			if ( consbase == refbase 
					consbase == 'a' || consbase == 'A' ||
					consbase == 'c' || consbase == 'C' ||
					consbase == 'g' || consbase == 'G' ||
					consbase == 't' || consbase == 'T'


		if ( consostr && consbase != padsym )

		for ( uint64_t i = 0; i < V.size(); ++i )
			caux.C[V[i].first] -= caux.M[V[i].first];
		for ( uint64_t i = 0; i < caux.C.size(); ++i )
			assert ( caux.C[i] == 0 );
		if ( consacc )
		return out;

Called by game code to drop another particle into the list
bool idSmokeParticles::EmitSmoke( const idDeclParticle *smoke, const int systemStartTime, const float diversity, const idVec3 &origin, const idMat3 &axis ) {
	bool	continues = false;
	if( !smoke ) {
		return false;
	if( !gameLocal.isNewFrame ) {
		return false;
	// dedicated doesn't smoke. No UpdateRenderEntity, so they would not be freed
	if( gameLocal.localClientNum < 0 ) {
		return false;
	assert( gameLocal.time == 0 || systemStartTime <= gameLocal.time );
	if( systemStartTime > gameLocal.time ) {
		return false;
	idRandom steppingRandom( static_cast<int>( 0xffff * diversity ) );
	// for each stage in the smoke that is still emitting particles, emit a new singleSmoke_t
	for( int stageNum = 0; stageNum < smoke->stages.Num(); stageNum++ ) {
		const idParticleStage *stage = smoke->stages[stageNum];
		if( !stage->cycleMsec ) {
		if( !stage->material ) {
		if( stage->particleLife <= 0 ) {
		// see how many particles we should emit this tic
		// FIXME: 			smoke.privateStartTime += stage->timeOffset;
		int		finalParticleTime = static_cast<int>( stage->spawnBunching * stage->cycleMsec );
		int		deltaMsec = gameLocal.time - systemStartTime;
		int		nowCount = 0, prevCount;
		if( finalParticleTime == 0 ) {
			// if spawnBunching is 0, they will all come out at once
			if( gameLocal.time == systemStartTime ) {
				prevCount = -1;
				nowCount = stage->totalParticles - 1;
			} else {
				prevCount = stage->totalParticles;
		} else {
			nowCount = static_cast<int>( floor( ( ( float )deltaMsec / finalParticleTime ) * stage->totalParticles ) );
			if( nowCount >= stage->totalParticles ) {
				nowCount = stage->totalParticles - 1;
			prevCount = static_cast<int>( floor( ( ( float )( deltaMsec - USERCMD_MSEC ) / finalParticleTime ) * stage->totalParticles ) );
			if( prevCount < -1 ) {
				prevCount = -1;
		if( prevCount >= stage->totalParticles ) {
			// no more particles from this stage
		if( nowCount < stage->totalParticles - 1 ) {
			// the system will need to emit particles next frame as well
			continues = true;
		// find an activeSmokeStage that matches this
		activeSmokeStage_t	*active( NULL );
		int i;
		for( i = 0; i < activeStages.Num(); i++ ) {
			active = &activeStages[i];
			if( active->stage == stage ) {
		if( i == activeStages.Num() ) {
			// add a new one
			activeSmokeStage_t	newActive;
			newActive.smokes = NULL;
			newActive.stage = stage;
			i = activeStages.Append( newActive );
			active = &activeStages[i];
		// add all the required particles
		for( prevCount++; prevCount <= nowCount; prevCount++ ) {
			if( !freeSmokes ) {
				gameLocal.Printf( "idSmokeParticles::EmitSmoke: no free smokes with %d active stages\n", activeStages.Num() );
				return true;
			singleSmoke_t	*newSmoke = freeSmokes;
			freeSmokes = freeSmokes->next;
			newSmoke->index = prevCount;
			newSmoke->axis = axis;
			newSmoke->origin = origin;
			newSmoke->random = steppingRandom;
			newSmoke->privateStartTime = systemStartTime + prevCount * finalParticleTime / stage->totalParticles;
			newSmoke->next = active->smokes;
			active->smokes = newSmoke;
			steppingRandom.RandomInt();	// advance the random
	return continues;
Exemple #5
static u_i4 
pp_directive( FILE *input, STACK_FRAME *stack , bool ifdef )
	i4 n, len;
	char *words[ MAX_LINE / 2 ], *temp, *p;
	char *parse_val, *parse_end;
	STACK_FRAME stack_frame;
	bool def_dir;
	u_i4 rtn = NONE;

	stack_frame.prev = stack;
	stack_frame.display_mode = TRUE;

	p = temp = STalloc( infile->yytext );
	CMnext( p );
	n = sizeof( words );
	STgetwords( p, &n, words ); 

	/* process the directive, watch out for the empty directive */
	if (n == 0)
		;       /* empty directive */
	else if( STequal( words[ 0 ], ERx( "define" ) ) != 0 )
		/* If a symbol was specified look for the value to give it */
		if (n > 1) 
			/* Scan for the 'define' keyword */
			parse_val = infile->yytext;
			CMnext(parse_val);         /* Skip over the '#' */
			while (CMwhite(parse_val))

			/* Scan past the 'define' keyword */
			while (!CMwhite(parse_val))

			/* Scan over white space separating 'define' */
			/* keyword and the specified symbol name */
			while (CMwhite(parse_val))

			/* Skip over the symbol name */
			while (!CMwhite(parse_val))

			/* Skip over white space after the symbol name */
			while (CMwhite(parse_val))

			/* At this point we have scanned to the beginning */
			/* of the defined value for the symbol, Trim off */
			/* any trailing white space */

			/* Define value found, could be the empty string, "" */
			if( active( &stack_frame ) )
				define( words[ 1 ], parse_val, FALSE );
		rtn = DEFINE;

	else if( active( &stack_frame ) &&
		STequal( words[ 0 ], ERx( "undef" ) ) != 0 )
		if (n > 1)
			undefine( words[ 1 ] );
		rtn = UNDEF;

	else if( STequal( words[ 0 ], ERx( "if" ) ) != 0 )
		/* If an expression was specified look for its evaluation */
		if (n > 1) 
			/* Scan for the 'if' keyword */
			parse_val = infile->yytext;
			CMnext(parse_val);         /* Skip over the '#' */
			while (CMwhite(parse_val))

			/* Scan past the 'if' keyword */
			while (!CMwhite(parse_val))

			/* Scan over white space separating 'if' */
			/* keyword and the expression */
			while (CMwhite(parse_val))

			/* At this point we have scanned to the beginning */
			/* of the expression.*/
			if( active( &stack_frame ) )
				/* Evaluate boolean expression found */
				stack_frame.display_mode = 
					pp_eval_boolexp( &parse_val, ERx("") );
			(void) pp_input( input, &stack_frame, TRUE );
		rtn = IF;

	else if( STequal( words[ 0 ], ERx( "ifdef" ) ) != 0 )
		if( active(&stack_frame) && is_defined(words[1], NULL) == OK)
			stack_frame.display_mode = TRUE;
			stack_frame.display_mode = FALSE;
		(void) pp_input( input, &stack_frame, TRUE );
		rtn = IFDEF;

	else if( STequal( words[ 0 ], ERx( "ifndef" ) ) != 0 )
		if( active(&stack_frame) && is_defined(words[1], NULL) != OK)
			stack_frame.display_mode = TRUE;
			stack_frame.display_mode = FALSE;
		(void) pp_input( input, &stack_frame, TRUE );
		rtn = IFNDEF;

	else if( STequal( words[ 0 ], ERx( "else" ) ) != 0 )
		if( !ifdef )
			SIfprintf( stderr, E_YAPP007 );
		stack_frame.prev->display_mode =
			( stack_frame.prev->display_mode == TRUE ) ?
		rtn = ELSE;

	else if( STequal( words[ 0 ], ERx( "endif" ) ) != 0 )
		rtn = ENDIF;

	else if( STequal( words[ 0 ], ERx( "include" ) ) != 0 )
		/* Look for the include filename */
		if (n > 1) 
			/* Scan for the 'include' keyword */
			parse_val = infile->yytext;
			CMnext(parse_val);         /* Skip over the '#' */
			while (CMwhite(parse_val))

			/* Scan past the include keyword */
			while (!CMwhite(parse_val))

			/* Scan over white space separating 'include' */
			/* keyword and the specified filename */
			while (CMwhite(parse_val))

			/* At this point were expecting "file" or <file> */
			/* remember the character which ends the filename */
			def_dir = TRUE;
			if (CMcmpcase(parse_val, ERx("\"")) == 0)
				parse_end = ERx("\"");
			else if (CMcmpcase(parse_val, ERx("<")) == 0)
				parse_end = ERx(">");
				def_dir = FALSE;
				parse_end = ERx("");

			/* Save the include file name in the temp string. */
			/* Note, this overwrites the parsed words of the  */
			/* record since but these are no longer needed.   */
			p = temp;
			while (*parse_val != EOS)
				if (CMcmpcase(parse_val, parse_end) == 0) 
					/* Terminate the file name and call */
					/* pp_file to process the file. */
					STcopy(ERx(""), p);
					pp_file(stack, temp, def_dir);
				CMcpychar(parse_val, p);
		rtn = DEFINE;

	/* display everthing but legal directives */ 
	if (rtn == NONE && active( &stack_frame ) )
		yyputline( infile->yytext );

	MEfree( temp );
	return( rtn );
Exemple #6
void QCompressor::process(QSampleBuffer sampleBuffer)
    bool isClipping = false;
    bool isActive = false;

    double threshold = _threshold;
    double ratio = _ratio;
    double attack = _attack;
    double release = _release;
    double inputGain = _inputGain;
    double makeupGain = _makeupGain;
    bool bypass = _bypass;

    if(bypass) {

    // TODO: To be implemented.

    int bufferSize = sampleBuffer.size();
    double inputGainMultiplier = QUnits::dbToLinear(inputGain);
    double makeupGainMultiplier = QUnits::dbToLinear(makeupGain);
    for(int i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++) {
        // Read audio sample
        double sample = sampleBuffer.readAudioSample(i) * inputGainMultiplier;
        // Determine peak in dB
        double peak = QUnits::peak(sample);

        double resultSample = sample;

        // Check if peak is over threshold
        if(peak > QUnits::dbToLinear(threshold)) {
            // Perform signal compression
            isActive = true;
            // Calculate over treshold in linear space
            double overThreshold = peak - QUnits::dbToLinear(threshold);

            // Compress signal in logarithmic space
            double dbOverThresholdCompressed = QUnits::linearToDb(overThreshold) / ratio;

            double resultingPeak = QUnits::dbToLinear(threshold + dbOverThresholdCompressed);

            resultSample = resultingPeak * ( sample > 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0 );

        double result = resultSample * makeupGainMultiplier;

        if(result > 1.0) {
            result = 1.0;
            isClipping = true;

        if(result < -1.0) {
            result = -1.0;
            isClipping = true;

        sampleBuffer.writeAudioSample(i, result);

    if(isClipping) {
        emit clipping();

    if(isActive) {
        emit active();
Exemple #7
void Input::ProcessInput(InputManager* input)
    if (!input) {

    // bool push_mouse_left = (input->GetMouseLeftCount() > 0);

    // bool first_key_shift = (input->GetKeyCount(KEY_INPUT_RSHIFT) == 1
    //        || input->GetKeyCount(KEY_INPUT_LSHIFT) == 1);

    bool push_key_shift = (input->GetKeyCount(KEY_INPUT_RSHIFT) > 0
            || input->GetKeyCount(KEY_INPUT_LSHIFT) > 0);

    bool push_key_v = (input->GetKeyCount(KEY_INPUT_V) > 0);
    bool push_key_ctrl = (input->GetKeyCount(KEY_INPUT_LCONTROL) > 0
            || input->GetKeyCount(KEY_INPUT_RCONTROL) > 0);
    bool push_key_return = (input->GetKeyCount(KEY_INPUT_RETURN) > 0);
    bool first_key_return = (input->GetKeyCount(KEY_INPUT_RETURN) == 1);

    bool push_repeat_key_return = (input->GetKeyCount(KEY_INPUT_RETURN)
            + KEY_REPEAT_FRAME) % (KEY_REPEAT_FRAME + 1) == 0;
    bool push_repeat_key_up = (input->GetKeyCount(KEY_INPUT_UP)
            + KEY_REPEAT_FRAME) % (KEY_REPEAT_FRAME + 1) == 0;
    bool push_repeat_key_down = (input->GetKeyCount(KEY_INPUT_DOWN)
            + KEY_REPEAT_FRAME) % (KEY_REPEAT_FRAME + 1) == 0;
    // bool push_long_backspace = (input->GetKeyCount(KEY_INPUT_BACK) > 60 * 1.5);

    auto input_text = text();
    if (!active() && push_key_v && push_key_ctrl) {
    } else {
        if (push_key_shift && push_key_return) {
        } else if (first_key_return) {
            if (CheckKeyInput(input_handle_) == 1) {
                if (on_enter_) {
                    if (on_enter_(unicode::ToString(input_text))) {
                        SetKeyInputString(_T(""), input_handle_);

    if (push_repeat_key_up) {
        cursor_moveto_y_ = cursor_y_ - font_height_ / 2;
        cursor_moveto_x_ = cursor_x_ + 2;
    } else if (push_repeat_key_down) {
        cursor_moveto_y_ = cursor_y_ + font_height_ + font_height_ / 2;
        cursor_moveto_x_ = cursor_x_ + 2;

    if (push_key_shift && push_repeat_key_return && multiline_) {

        auto buffer = text();
        uint32_t pos = GetKeyInputCursorPosition(input_handle_);

        tstring cursor_front_str = buffer.substr(0, pos);       // カーソル前の文字列
        tstring cursor_back_str = buffer.substr(pos);           // カーソル後の文字列
        auto new_string = cursor_front_str + _T('\n') + cursor_back_str;

        SetKeyInputString(new_string.c_str(), input_handle_);
        SetKeyInputCursorPosition(pos + 1, input_handle_);
        cursor_drag_count_ = 0;

    int cursor_byte_pos, cursor_dot_pos;
    int draw_dot_pos = 0;

    GetKeyInputString(String, input_handle_);

    // 単一行設定の時、最初の行だけを表示
    if (!multiline_) {
        tstring buffer(String, _tcslen(String));
        size_t pos;
        if ((pos = buffer.find(_T('\n'))) != std::string::npos) {
            SetKeyInputString(buffer.substr(0, pos).c_str(), input_handle_);

    int internal_width = width_ - INPUT_MARGIN_X * 2;
    // int internal_height = height_ - INPUT_MARGIN * 2;


    if (message_.size() > 0) {
        int current_line = 0;
        tstring line_buffer;
        int line_width = 0;
        int char_count = 0;
        for (auto it = message_.begin(); it != message_.end(); ++it) {

        #ifdef UNICODE
            TCHAR c = *it;
            int width = GetDrawStringWidthToHandle(&c, 1, font_handle_);
            line_buffer += c;
            unsigned char c = *it;
            TCHAR string[2] = { 0, 0 };

            int width = 0;
            if ((c >= 0x81 && c <= 0x9f) || (c >= 0xe0 && c <= 0xfc)) {
                string[0] = c;
                string[1] = *(it + 1);
                width = GetDrawStringWidthToHandle(string, 2, font_handle_);
                line_buffer += string[0];
                line_buffer += string[1];
                char_count += 2;
            } else if (c == '\n') {
            } else {
                string[0] = c;
                width = GetDrawStringWidthToHandle(string, 1, font_handle_);
                line_buffer += string[0];

            line_width += width;
            if (c == _T('\n')
                    || line_width > internal_width - font_height_ / 2) {
                if (!line_buffer.empty() && line_buffer.back() == _T('\n')) {
                line_width = 0;


    if (active()) {
        // カーソル位置(byte)を取得
        cursor_byte_pos = GetKeyInputCursorPosition(input_handle_);
		if (prev_cursor_pos_ != cursor_byte_pos) {

		prev_cursor_pos_ = cursor_byte_pos;

        // カーソルのドット単位の位置を取得する
        cursor_dot_pos = GetDrawStringWidthToHandle(String, cursor_byte_pos,
        draw_dot_pos += cursor_dot_pos;

        tstring cursor_front_str(String, cursor_byte_pos); // カーソル前の文字列
        tstring cursor_back_str(String + cursor_byte_pos); // カーソル後の文字列

        std::vector<tstring> clauses;                              // 入力中の文節
        std::vector<tstring> candidates;                             // 変換候補


        // 文節データを取得
        // int selecting_clause = -1;
        selecting_candidate_ = -1;

        IMEINPUTDATA *ImeData = GetIMEInputData();
        if (ImeData && active()) {
            for (int i = 0; i < ImeData->ClauseNum; i++) {
                                        + ImeData->ClauseData[i].Position,
            selecting_clause_ = ImeData->SelectClause;

            if (ImeData->CandidateNum > 0) {
                for (int i = 0; i < ImeData->CandidateNum; i++) {

                selecting_candidate_ = ImeData->SelectCandidate;

        // 選択範囲を取得
        int select_start, select_end;
        GetKeyInputSelectArea(&select_start, &select_end, input_handle_);
        if (select_start > select_end) {
            std::swap(select_start, select_end);

        tstring line_buffer;
        int line_width = 0;
        int char_count = 0;

        // カーソル前のデータを描画
        for (auto it = cursor_front_str.begin(); it != cursor_front_str.end();
                ++it) {

        int prev_char_count = char_count;

        #ifdef UNICODE
            TCHAR c = *it;
            int width = GetDrawStringWidthToHandle(&c, 1, font_handle_);
            line_buffer += c;
            unsigned char c = *it;
            TCHAR string[2] = { 0, 0 };

            int width = 0;
            if ((c >= 0x81 && c <= 0x9f) || (c >= 0xe0 && c <= 0xfc)) {
                string[0] = c;
                string[1] = *(it + 1);
                width = GetDrawStringWidthToHandle(string, 2, font_handle_);
                line_buffer += string[0];
                line_buffer += string[1];
                char_count += 2;
            } else if (c == '\n') {
            } else {
                string[0] = c;
                width = GetDrawStringWidthToHandle(string, 1, font_handle_);
                line_buffer += string[0];

            // 選択範囲を記録
            if (select_start < char_count && char_count <= select_end) {
                selecting_lines_.resize(static_cast<int>(lines_.size() + message_lines_.size()) + 1,
                        std::pair<int, int>(99999, 0));
                selecting_lines_[static_cast<int>(lines_.size() + message_lines_.size())].first = std::min(
                        selecting_lines_[static_cast<int>(lines_.size() + message_lines_.size())].first, line_width);
                selecting_lines_[static_cast<int>(lines_.size() + message_lines_.size())].second = std::max(
                        selecting_lines_[static_cast<int>(lines_.size() + message_lines_.size())].second,
                        line_width + std::max(width, 3));

            if (line_width - width / 2 <= cursor_moveto_x_
                    && cursor_moveto_x_ <= line_width + width
                    && static_cast<int>(lines_.size() + message_lines_.size()) * font_height_ <= cursor_moveto_y_
                    && cursor_moveto_y_ <= (static_cast<int>(lines_.size() + message_lines_.size()) + 1) * font_height_) {
                SetKeyInputCursorPosition(prev_char_count, input_handle_);
                cursor_moveto_x_ = -1;
                cursor_moveto_y_ = -1;

            line_width += width;
            if (c == _T('\n') || line_width > internal_width - font_height_ / 2) {
                if (!line_buffer.empty() && line_buffer.back() == _T('\n')) {


                if (cursor_moveto_x_ >= line_width
                        && static_cast<int>(lines_.size() + message_lines_.size()) * font_height_ <= cursor_moveto_y_
                        && cursor_moveto_y_
                                <= (static_cast<int>(lines_.size() + message_lines_.size()) + 1) * font_height_) {
                    if (c == _T('\n')) {
                        SetKeyInputCursorPosition(char_count - 1,
                    } else {
                        SetKeyInputCursorPosition(char_count, input_handle_);
                    cursor_moveto_x_ = -1;
                    cursor_moveto_y_ = -1;

                line_width = 0;

        cursor_x_ = line_width;
        cursor_y_ = static_cast<int>(lines_.size() + message_lines_.size()) * font_height_;

        // 変換中データを描画
        for (uint32_t index = 0; index < clauses.size(); index++) {
            for (auto it = clauses[index].begin(); it != clauses[index].end();
                    ++it) {
        #ifdef UNICODE
            TCHAR c = *it;
            int width = GetDrawStringWidthToHandle(&c, 1, font_handle_);
            line_buffer += tstring(&c, 1);
            unsigned char c = *it;
            TCHAR string[2] = { 0, 0 };

            int width = 0;
            if ((c >= 0x81 && c <= 0x9f) || (c >= 0xe0 && c <= 0xfc)) {
                string[0] = c;
                string[1] = *(it + 1);
                width = GetDrawStringWidthToHandle(string, 2, font_handle_);
                line_buffer += string[0];
                line_buffer += string[1];
                char_count += 2;
            } else if (c == '\n') {
            } else {
                string[0] = c;
                width = GetDrawStringWidthToHandle(string, 1, font_handle_);
                line_buffer += string[0];

                clause_lines_.resize(static_cast<int>(lines_.size() + message_lines_.size()) + 1,
                        std::pair<int, int>(99999, 0));
                clause_lines_[static_cast<int>(lines_.size() + message_lines_.size())].first = std::min(
                        clause_lines_[static_cast<int>(lines_.size() + message_lines_.size())].first, line_width);
                clause_lines_[static_cast<int>(lines_.size() + message_lines_.size())].second = std::max(
                        clause_lines_[static_cast<int>(lines_.size() + message_lines_.size())].second, line_width + width);

                if (index == static_cast<uint32_t>(selecting_clause_)) {
                    selecting_clause_lines_.resize(static_cast<int>(lines_.size() + message_lines_.size()) + 1,
                            std::pair<int, int>(99999, 0));
                    selecting_clause_lines_[static_cast<int>(lines_.size() + message_lines_.size())].first = std::min(
                            selecting_clause_lines_[static_cast<int>(lines_.size() + message_lines_.size())].first,
                    selecting_clause_lines_[static_cast<int>(lines_.size() + message_lines_.size())].second = std::max(
                            selecting_clause_lines_[static_cast<int>(lines_.size() + message_lines_.size())].second,
                            line_width + width);

                line_width += width;
                if (line_width > internal_width - font_height_ / 2) {
                    line_width = 0;

        // カーソル後のデータを描画
        for (auto it = cursor_back_str.begin(); it != cursor_back_str.end();
                ++it) {
            int prev_char_count = char_count;

        #ifdef UNICODE
            TCHAR c = *it;
            int width = GetDrawStringWidthToHandle(&c, 1, font_handle_);
            line_buffer += tstring(&c, 1);
            unsigned char c = *it;
            TCHAR string[2] = { 0, 0 };

            int width = 0;
            if ((c >= 0x81 && c <= 0x9f) || (c >= 0xe0 && c <= 0xfc)) {
                string[0] = c;
                string[1] = *(it + 1);
                width = GetDrawStringWidthToHandle(string, 2, font_handle_);
                line_buffer += string[0];
                line_buffer += string[1];
                char_count += 2;
            } else if (c == '\n') {
            } else {
                string[0] = c;
                width = GetDrawStringWidthToHandle(string, 1, font_handle_);
                line_buffer += string[0];

            // 選択範囲を記録
            if (select_start < char_count && char_count <= select_end) {
                selecting_lines_.resize(static_cast<int>(lines_.size() + message_lines_.size()) + 1,
                        std::pair<int, int>(99999, 0));
                selecting_lines_[static_cast<int>(lines_.size() + message_lines_.size())].first = std::min(
                        selecting_lines_[static_cast<int>(lines_.size() + message_lines_.size())].first, line_width);
                selecting_lines_[static_cast<int>(lines_.size() + message_lines_.size())].second = std::max(
                        selecting_lines_[static_cast<int>(lines_.size() + message_lines_.size())].second,
                        line_width + std::max(width, 3));

            if (line_width - width / 2 <= cursor_moveto_x_
                    && cursor_moveto_x_ <= line_width + width
                    && static_cast<int>(lines_.size() + message_lines_.size()) * font_height_ <= cursor_moveto_y_
                    && cursor_moveto_y_ <= (static_cast<int>(lines_.size() + message_lines_.size()) + 1) * font_height_) {
                SetKeyInputCursorPosition(prev_char_count, input_handle_);
                cursor_moveto_x_ = -1;
                cursor_moveto_y_ = -1;

            line_width += width;
            if (c == _T('\n') || line_width > internal_width - font_height_ / 2) {
                if (!line_buffer.empty() && line_buffer.back() == _T('\n')) {

                if (cursor_moveto_x_ >= line_width
                        && static_cast<int>(lines_.size() + message_lines_.size()) * font_height_ <= cursor_moveto_y_
                        && cursor_moveto_y_
                                <= (static_cast<int>(lines_.size() + message_lines_.size()) + 1) * font_height_) {
                    if (c == _T('\n')) {
                        SetKeyInputCursorPosition(char_count - 1,
                    } else {
                        SetKeyInputCursorPosition(char_count, input_handle_);
                    cursor_moveto_x_ = -1;
                    cursor_moveto_y_ = -1;
                line_width = 0;

        // バッファの残りを描画

        if (cursor_moveto_x_ >= line_width
                && static_cast<int>(lines_.size() + message_lines_.size()) * font_height_ <= cursor_moveto_y_
                && static_cast<int>(cursor_moveto_y_) <= static_cast<int>(lines_.size() + message_lines_.size()) * font_height_) {
            SetKeyInputCursorPosition(char_count, input_handle_);
            cursor_moveto_x_ = -1;
            cursor_moveto_y_ = -1;

        height_ = static_cast<int>(lines_.size() + message_lines_.size()) * font_height_ + INPUT_MARGIN_Y * 2;
        // height_ = max(height_, min_height_);

        line_width = 0;

        //if (push_key_shift && (push_repeat_key_up || push_repeat_key_down)) {
        //    SetKeyInputSelectArea(GetKeyInputCursorPosition(input_handle_),
        //            prev_cursor_pos_, input_handle_);


    if (active()) {
Exemple #8
void Invert::child_done(Behavior* b, b8 success)
	if (active())
Exemple #9
void Select::run()
	index = 0;
Exemple #10
void Succeed::child_done(Behavior* b, b8 success)
	if (active())
Exemple #11
void Invert::run()
Exemple #12
void Sequence::run()
	index = 0;
Exemple #13
void Delay::run()
	timer = duration;
Exemple #14
void Repeat::run()
	repeat_index = 0;
  void FlowClusteringEPG::_compute()
    if(!optflow_otl_->pull().prev_pcd_indices_) {

    cv::Mat3b img = optflow_otl_->pull().img_;
    initializeStorage(img.rows * img.cols, 0.10);

    if(cluster_index_.rows == 0)
      cluster_index_ = cv::Mat1i(img.size(), -1);
    const vector<int>& prev_pcd_indices = *optflow_otl_->pull().prev_pcd_indices_;
    const vector<int>& pcd_indices = *optflow_otl_->pull().pcd_indices_;
    const KinectCloud& prev_cloud = *index_otl_->pull().previous_pcd_;
    const KinectCloud& cloud = *index_otl_->pull().current_pcd_;
    ROS_ASSERT(prev_pcd_indices.size() == pcd_indices.size());

    int iter = 0;
    int max_iter = 500; // TODO: Parameterize.
    vector<int> prev_sample(3);
    vector<int> sample(3);
    vector<bool> active(pcd_indices.size(), true);
    while(iter < max_iter) {
      sampleFlows(active, prev_pcd_indices, pcd_indices, &prev_sample, &sample);
      Eigen::Matrix4f transform;
      pcl::registration::TransformationEstimationSVD<Point, Point> te;
      te.estimateRigidTransformation(prev_cloud, prev_sample, cloud, sample, transform);

      // -- See if this transform made any sense at all.
      size_t num_inliers = 0;
      for(size_t i = 0; i < sample.size(); ++i) {
        Vector3f projected = (transform * prev_cloud[prev_sample[i]].getVector4fMap()).head(3);
        float dist = (projected - cloud[sample[i]].getVector3fMap()).norm();
        if(dist < inlier_thresh_)
      if(num_inliers != 3)

      // -- Refine the estimate.
      // -- Get inlier flows.
      vector<bool> inliers(pcd_indices.size(), false);
      num_inliers = 0;
      for(size_t i = 0; i < pcd_indices.size(); ++i) {
        Vector3f projected = (transform * prev_cloud[prev_pcd_indices[i]].getVector4fMap()).head(3);
        float dist = (projected - cloud[pcd_indices[i]].getVector3fMap()).norm();
        if(dist < inlier_thresh_) {
          inliers[i] = true;
          active[i] = false;
      //cout << "FC: Found cluster with " << num_inliers << " inliers out of " << pcd_indices.size() << endl;
      // -- Link inliers with edge potentials.      
      vector<int>& cluster = clusters_.back();
      size_t id = clusters_.size() - 1;
      for(size_t i = 0; i < inliers.size(); ++i) {
        cluster.push_back(pcd_indices[i]); // Assumes ordered ptcld.

        // Assumes ordered point cloud.
        ROS_ASSERT((size_t)img.cols == prev_cloud.width);
        int y = prev_pcd_indices[i] / img.cols;
        int x = prev_pcd_indices[i] - y * img.cols;
        cluster_index_(y, x) = id;
      sort(cluster.begin(), cluster.end());
      // Make a note if this is the one to ignore.
      if(num_inliers > max_cluster_size_) { 
        max_cluster_size_ = num_inliers;
        max_cluster_ = id;
      // -- Break if few active flows remaining.
      int num_active = 0;
      for(size_t i = 0; i < active.size(); ++i)
      if(num_active < 3)

    //cout << "FC: total clusters = " << clusters_.size() << endl;

    // -- potentials_ is a sparse matrix, so add links in order.
    // cluster_index_(y, x) is the id of the cluster this pixel is in.
    // clusters_[i] is a sorted (ascending) vector of indices into the image.
    for(int y = 0; y < cluster_index_.rows; ++y) {
      for(int x = 0; x < cluster_index_.cols; ++x) {
        int idx0 = y * cluster_index_.cols + x;
        if(cluster_index_(y, x) == -1)
        // Ignore the biggest cluster.
        if(cluster_index_(y, x) == (int)max_cluster_)

        // TODO: Gross.
        const vector<int>& cluster = clusters_[cluster_index_(y, x)];
        if(cluster.size() < 5) {
          for(size_t i = 0; i < cluster.size(); ++i) { 
            int idx1 = cluster[i];
            if(i > 0) { 
              ROS_ASSERT(cluster[i] > cluster[i-1]);
            //cout << "FC: Adding edge between " << idx0 << " and " << idx1 << endl;
            if(idx0 != idx1)
              potentials_.insertBack(idx0, idx1) = 1.0;
        else { 
          for(int i = 0; i < 1; ++i) { 
            int r = rand() % cluster.size();
            int idx1 = cluster[r];
            //cout << "FC: Adding edge between " << idx0 << " and " << idx1 << endl;
            if(idx0 != idx1)
              potentials_.insertBack(idx0, idx1) = 1.0;

// Factory: safe construction of object before thread start
std::auto_ptr<ActiveQThread> ActiveQThread::createActiveQThread()
  std::auto_ptr<ActiveQThread> active(new ActiveQThread);
  active->start();  // start the thread
  return active;
bool DashClient::activeInScreen(int screen) const
    return active() && m_screen == screen;
Exemple #18
*  Called when the user requests a search by clicking the dialog OK button.
void Find::slotFind()
	if (!mDialog)
	mHistory = mDialog->findHistory();    // save search history so that it can be displayed again
	mOptions = mDialog->options() & ~FIND_KALARM_OPTIONS;
	mOptions |= (mLive->isEnabled()        && mLive->isChecked()        ? FIND_LIVE : 0)
	         |  (mExpired->isEnabled()     && mExpired->isChecked()     ? FIND_EXPIRED : 0)
	         |  (mMessageType->isEnabled() && mMessageType->isChecked() ? FIND_MESSAGE : 0)
	         |  (mFileType->isEnabled()    && mFileType->isChecked()    ? FIND_FILE : 0)
	         |  (mCommandType->isEnabled() && mCommandType->isChecked() ? FIND_COMMAND : 0)
	         |  (mEmailType->isEnabled()   && mEmailType->isChecked()   ? FIND_EMAIL : 0);
	if (!(mOptions & (FIND_LIVE | FIND_EXPIRED))
		KMessageBox::sorry(mDialog, i18n("No alarm types are selected to search"));

	// Supply KFind with only those options which relate to the text within alarms
	long options = mOptions & (KFindDialog::WholeWordsOnly | KFindDialog::CaseSensitive | KFindDialog::RegularExpression);
	if (mFind)
		delete mDialog;    // automatically set to 0
		findNext(true, true, false);
		mFind = new KFind(mDialog->pattern(), options, mListView);
		mFind = new KFind(mDialog->pattern(), options, mListView, mDialog);
		connect(mFind, SIGNAL(destroyed()), SLOT(slotKFindDestroyed()));
		delete mDialog;                  // close the Find dialogue. Automatically set to 0.
		mFind->closeFindNextDialog();    // prevent 'Find Next' dialog appearing

		// Set the starting point for the search
		mListView->sort();     // ensure the whole list is sorted, not just the visible items
		mStartID       = QString::null;
		mNoCurrentItem = true;
		bool fromCurrent = false;
		EventListViewItemBase* item = 0;
		if (mOptions & KFindDialog::FromCursor)
			item = mListView->currentItem();
			if (item)
				mStartID       = item->event().id();
				mNoCurrentItem = false;
				fromCurrent    = true;

		// Execute the search
		mFound = false;
		findNext(true, false, fromCurrent);
		if (mFind)
			emit active(true);
Exemple #19
void HttpFileTransfer::fillContextPopup(QMenu * m)
    QAction *pAction = m->addAction(__tr2qs_ctx("Abort","http"),this,SLOT(abort()));
Exemple #20
bool GadgetDrive::useActive() const
	return active();
Exemple #21
void Input::Draw()
        int alpha = active() ? 255 : 150;

        if (reverse_color_) {
            SetDrawBlendMode(DX_BLENDMODE_INVSRC, alpha);
        } else {
            SetDrawBlendMode(DX_BLENDMODE_ALPHA, alpha);

        DrawGraph(x_, y_, *input_bg_image_handle_[0], TRUE);
        DrawGraph(x_ + width_ - 12, y_, *input_bg_image_handle_[1], TRUE);
        DrawGraph(x_, y_ + height_ - 12, *input_bg_image_handle_[2], TRUE);
        DrawGraph(x_ + width_ - 12, y_ + height_ - 12, *input_bg_image_handle_[3], TRUE);

        DrawRectExtendGraphF(x_ + 12, y_,
                             x_ + width_ - 12, y_ + 12,
                             0, 0, 1, 12, *input_bg_image_handle_[1], TRUE);

        DrawRectExtendGraphF(x_ + 12, y_ + height_ - 12,
                             x_ + width_ - 12, y_ + height_,
                             0, 0, 1, 12, *input_bg_image_handle_[3], TRUE);

        DrawRectExtendGraphF(x_, y_ + 12,
                             x_ + 12, y_ + height_ - 12,
                             0, 0, 12, 1, *input_bg_image_handle_[2], TRUE);

        DrawRectExtendGraphF(x_ + width_ - 12, y_ + 12,
                             x_ + width_, y_ + height_ - 12,
                             0, 0, 12, 1, *input_bg_image_handle_[3], TRUE);

        DrawRectExtendGraphF(x_ +  12, y_ + 12,
                             x_ + width_ - 12, y_ + height_ - 12,
                             0, 0, 1, 1, *input_bg_image_handle_[3], TRUE);

        SetDrawBlendMode(DX_BLENDMODE_NOBLEND, 0);

        int internal_x = x_ + INPUT_MARGIN_X;
        int internal_y = y_ + INPUT_MARGIN_Y;
        // int internal_width = width_ - INPUT_MARGIN * 2;
        // int internal_height = height_ - INPUT_MARGIN * 2;

        // 選択範囲の背景を描画
        //int current_line = 0;
        //for (auto it = selecting_lines_.begin(); it != selecting_lines_.end(); ++it) {
        //    auto line = *it;
        //    if (line.first < line.second) {
        //        SetDrawBlendMode(DX_BLENDMODE_ALPHA, 100);
        //        DrawBox(internal_x + line.first,
        //                internal_y + current_line * font_height_,
        //                internal_x + line.second,
        //                internal_y + (current_line + 1) * font_height_,
        //                GetColor(255, 0, 255), TRUE);
        //        SetDrawBlendMode(DX_BLENDMODE_NOBLEND, 0);
        //    }
        //    current_line++;

       int current_line = 0;
       for (auto it = clause_lines_.begin(); it != clause_lines_.end(); ++it) {
            auto line = *it;
            if (line.first < line.second) {
                SetDrawBlendMode(DX_BLENDMODE_ALPHA, 100);
                DrawBox(internal_x + line.first,
                        internal_y + current_line * font_height_,
                        internal_x + line.second,
                        internal_y + (current_line + 1) * font_height_,
                        GetColor(0, 255, 255), TRUE);
                SetDrawBlendMode(DX_BLENDMODE_NOBLEND, 0);

        current_line = 0;
        candidate_x_ = -1, candidate_y_ = -1;
       for (auto it = selecting_clause_lines_.begin(); it != selecting_clause_lines_.end(); ++it) {
            auto line = *it;
            if (line.first < line.second) {
                SetDrawBlendMode(DX_BLENDMODE_ALPHA, 100);
                DrawBox(internal_x + line.first,
                        internal_y + current_line * font_height_,
                        internal_x + line.second,
                        internal_y + (current_line + 1) * font_height_,
                        GetColor(255, 0, 255), TRUE);
                SetDrawBlendMode(DX_BLENDMODE_NOBLEND, 0);

                if (candidate_x_ < 0) {
                    candidate_x_ = line.first;
                    candidate_y_ = (current_line + 1) * font_height_;

        int text_color = reverse_color_ ? GetColor(255, 255, 255) : GetColor(0, 0, 0);
        current_line = 0;

        if (message_lines_.size() > 0) {
            for (auto it = message_lines_.begin(); it != message_lines_.end(); ++it) {
                auto line = *it;
                SetDrawBlendMode(DX_BLENDMODE_ALPHA, 140);
                    internal_y + current_line * font_height_ - 3, line.c_str(),
                        text_color, font_handle_);
                SetDrawBlendMode(DX_BLENDMODE_NOBLEND, 0);

        for (auto it = lines_.begin(); it != lines_.end(); ++it) {
            auto line = *it;
            DrawStringToHandle(internal_x, internal_y + current_line * font_height_,
                    line.c_str(), text_color, font_handle_);

        // カーソルを描画
        if (clause_lines_.size() <= 0 && active() && blink_count_ < 30) {
            DrawBox(internal_x + cursor_x_, internal_y + cursor_y_,
                    internal_x + cursor_x_ + 2,
                    internal_y + cursor_y_ + font_height_, text_color,

        int internal_x = x_ + INPUT_MARGIN_X;
        int internal_y = y_ + INPUT_MARGIN_Y;

        if (selecting_candidate_ >= 0) {

            int start_index = (selecting_candidate_ / IME_MAX_PAGE_SIZE)
                    * IME_MAX_PAGE_SIZE;
            int end_index = std::min(start_index + IME_MAX_PAGE_SIZE,
                    static_cast<int>(candidates_.size() - 1));

            int x = candidate_x_;
            int y;
            int width = IME_MIN_WIDTH;
            int height = (end_index - start_index) * font_height_;

            for (int i = start_index; i < end_index; i++) {
                auto candidate = candidates_[i];
                width = std::max(width,
                                candidate.size(), font_handle_));

            int screen_height;
            GetScreenState(nullptr, &screen_height, nullptr);

            if (internal_y + height + candidate_x_ >= screen_height - IME_MARGIN_Y * 2) {
                y = candidate_y_ - font_height_ - height - IME_MARGIN_Y;
            } else {
                y = candidate_y_ + IME_MARGIN_Y;

            if (height > 0) {
                int base_x = internal_x + x - IME_MARGIN_BASE;
                int base_y = internal_y + y - IME_MARGIN_BASE;
                int base_width = width + IME_MARGIN_BASE * 2;
                int base_height = height + IME_MARGIN_BASE * 2;

                DrawGraph(base_x, base_y, *ime_image_handle_[0], TRUE);
                DrawGraph(base_x + base_width - 12, base_y, *ime_image_handle_[1], TRUE);
                DrawGraph(base_x, base_y + base_height - 12, *ime_image_handle_[2], TRUE);
                DrawGraph(base_x + base_width - 12, base_y + base_height - 12,
                        *ime_image_handle_[3], TRUE);

                DrawRectExtendGraphF(base_x + 12, base_y, base_x + base_width - 12,
                        base_y + 12, 0, 0, 1, 12, *ime_image_handle_[1], TRUE);

                DrawRectExtendGraphF(base_x + 12, base_y + base_height - 12,
                        base_x + base_width - 12, base_y + base_height, 0, 0, 1, 12,
                        *ime_image_handle_[3], TRUE);

                DrawRectExtendGraphF(base_x, base_y + 12, base_x + 12,
                        base_y + base_height - 12, 0, 0, 12, 1, *ime_image_handle_[2],

                DrawRectExtendGraphF(base_x + base_width - 12, base_y + 12,
                        base_x + base_width, base_y + base_height - 12, 0, 0, 12, 1,
                        *ime_image_handle_[3], TRUE);

                DrawRectExtendGraphF(base_x + 12, base_y + 12, base_x + base_width - 12,
                        base_y + base_height - 12, 0, 0, 1, 1, *ime_image_handle_[3],

            int line_top = 0;
            for (int i = start_index; i < end_index; i++) {
                if (i == selecting_candidate_) {
                    SetDrawBlendMode(DX_BLENDMODE_ALPHA, 100);
                    DrawBox(internal_x + x - 2,
                            internal_y + line_top + y,
                            internal_x + x + width + 2,
                            internal_y + line_top + y + font_height_,
                            GetColor(255, 0, 255), TRUE);
                    SetDrawBlendMode(DX_BLENDMODE_NOBLEND, 0);
                DrawStringToHandle(internal_x + x,
                        internal_y + line_top + y,
                        candidates_[i].c_str(), GetColor(0, 0, 0),
                line_top += font_height_;
Exemple #22
float GadgetDrive::addThrust() const
	return( active() ? thrust() * damageRatioInv() : 0.0f );
Exemple #23
bool GadgetELF::useActive() const
	return active();
Exemple #24
  Returns true if there is an outgoing call currently dialing, but not
  yet connected.
bool DialerControl::isDialing() const
    return active().dialing();
Exemple #25
void CSSSelector::extractPseudoType() const
    if (m_match != PseudoClass && m_match != PseudoElement)

    AtomicString active("active");
    AtomicString after("after");
    AtomicString anyLink("-webkit-any-link");
    AtomicString autofill("-webkit-autofill");
    AtomicString before("before");
    AtomicString checked("checked");
    AtomicString fileUploadButton("-webkit-file-upload-button");
    AtomicString disabled("disabled");
    AtomicString drag("-webkit-drag");
    AtomicString dragAlias("-khtml-drag"); // was documented with this name in Apple documentation, so keep an alias
    AtomicString empty("empty");
    AtomicString enabled("enabled");
    AtomicString firstChild("first-child");
    AtomicString firstLetter("first-letter");
    AtomicString firstLine("first-line");
    AtomicString firstOfType("first-of-type");
    AtomicString nthChild("nth-child(");
    AtomicString nthOfType("nth-of-type(");
    AtomicString nthLastChild("nth-last-child(");
    AtomicString nthLastOfType("nth-last-of-type(");
    AtomicString focus("focus");
    AtomicString hover("hover");
    AtomicString indeterminate("indeterminate");
    AtomicString lastChild("last-child");
    AtomicString lastOfType("last-of-type");
    AtomicString link("link");
    AtomicString lang("lang(");
    AtomicString mediaControlsPanel("-webkit-media-controls-panel");
    AtomicString mediaControlsMuteButton("-webkit-media-controls-mute-button");
    AtomicString mediaControlsPlayButton("-webkit-media-controls-play-button");
    AtomicString mediaControlsTimeDisplay("-webkit-media-controls-time-display");
    AtomicString mediaControlsTimeline("-webkit-media-controls-timeline");
    AtomicString mediaControlsSeekBackButton("-webkit-media-controls-seek-back-button");
    AtomicString mediaControlsSeekForwardButton("-webkit-media-controls-seek-forward-button");
    AtomicString mediaControlsFullscreenButton("-webkit-media-controls-fullscreen-button");
    AtomicString notStr("not(");
    AtomicString onlyChild("only-child");
    AtomicString onlyOfType("only-of-type");
    AtomicString root("root");
    AtomicString searchCancelButton("-webkit-search-cancel-button");
    AtomicString searchDecoration("-webkit-search-decoration");
    AtomicString searchResultsDecoration("-webkit-search-results-decoration");
    AtomicString searchResultsButton("-webkit-search-results-button");
    AtomicString selection("selection");
    AtomicString sliderThumb("-webkit-slider-thumb");
    AtomicString target("target");
    AtomicString visited("visited");

    bool element = false; // pseudo-element
    bool compat = false; // single colon compatbility mode

    m_pseudoType = PseudoUnknown;
    if (m_value == active)
        m_pseudoType = PseudoActive;
    else if (m_value == after) {
        m_pseudoType = PseudoAfter;
        element = true;
        compat = true;
    } else if (m_value == anyLink)
        m_pseudoType = PseudoAnyLink;
    else if (m_value == autofill)
        m_pseudoType = PseudoAutofill;
    else if (m_value == before) {
        m_pseudoType = PseudoBefore;
        element = true;
        compat = true;
    } else if (m_value == checked)
        m_pseudoType = PseudoChecked;
    else if (m_value == fileUploadButton) {
        m_pseudoType = PseudoFileUploadButton;
        element = true;
    } else if (m_value == disabled)
        m_pseudoType = PseudoDisabled;
    else if (m_value == drag || m_value == dragAlias)
        m_pseudoType = PseudoDrag;
    else if (m_value == enabled)
        m_pseudoType = PseudoEnabled;
    else if (m_value == empty)
        m_pseudoType = PseudoEmpty;
    else if (m_value == firstChild)
        m_pseudoType = PseudoFirstChild;
    else if (m_value == lastChild)
        m_pseudoType = PseudoLastChild;
    else if (m_value == lastOfType)
        m_pseudoType = PseudoLastOfType;
    else if (m_value == onlyChild)
        m_pseudoType = PseudoOnlyChild;
    else if (m_value == onlyOfType)
        m_pseudoType = PseudoOnlyOfType;
    else if (m_value == firstLetter) {
        m_pseudoType = PseudoFirstLetter;
        element = true;
        compat = true;
    } else if (m_value == firstLine) {
        m_pseudoType = PseudoFirstLine;
        element = true;
        compat = true;
    } else if (m_value == firstOfType)
        m_pseudoType = PseudoFirstOfType;
    else if (m_value == focus)
        m_pseudoType = PseudoFocus;
    else if (m_value == hover)
        m_pseudoType = PseudoHover;
    else if (m_value == indeterminate)
        m_pseudoType = PseudoIndeterminate;
    else if (m_value == link)
        m_pseudoType = PseudoLink;
    else if (m_value == lang)
        m_pseudoType = PseudoLang;
    else if (m_value == mediaControlsPanel) {
        m_pseudoType = PseudoMediaControlsPanel;
        element = true;
    } else if (m_value == mediaControlsMuteButton) {
        m_pseudoType = PseudoMediaControlsMuteButton;
        element = true;
    } else if (m_value == mediaControlsPlayButton) {
        m_pseudoType = PseudoMediaControlsPlayButton;
        element = true;
    } else if (m_value == mediaControlsTimeDisplay) {
        m_pseudoType = PseudoMediaControlsTimeDisplay;
        element = true;
    } else if (m_value == mediaControlsTimeline) {
        m_pseudoType = PseudoMediaControlsTimeline;
        element = true;
    } else if (m_value == mediaControlsSeekBackButton) {
        m_pseudoType = PseudoMediaControlsSeekBackButton;
        element = true;
    } else if (m_value == mediaControlsSeekForwardButton) {
        m_pseudoType = PseudoMediaControlsSeekForwardButton;
        element = true;
    } else if (m_value == mediaControlsFullscreenButton) {
        m_pseudoType = PseudoMediaControlsFullscreenButton;
        element = true;
    } else if (m_value == notStr)
        m_pseudoType = PseudoNot;
    else if (m_value == nthChild)
        m_pseudoType = PseudoNthChild;
    else if (m_value == nthOfType)
        m_pseudoType = PseudoNthOfType;
    else if (m_value == nthLastChild)
        m_pseudoType = PseudoNthLastChild;
    else if (m_value == nthLastOfType)
        m_pseudoType = PseudoNthLastOfType;
    else if (m_value == root)
        m_pseudoType = PseudoRoot;
    else if (m_value == searchCancelButton) {
        m_pseudoType = PseudoSearchCancelButton;
        element = true;
    } else if (m_value == searchDecoration) {
        m_pseudoType = PseudoSearchDecoration;
        element = true;
    } else if (m_value == searchResultsDecoration) {
        m_pseudoType = PseudoSearchResultsDecoration;
        element = true;
    } else if (m_value == searchResultsButton) {
        m_pseudoType = PseudoSearchResultsButton;
        element = true;
    }  else if (m_value == selection) {
        m_pseudoType = PseudoSelection;
        element = true;
    } else if (m_value == sliderThumb) {
        m_pseudoType = PseudoSliderThumb;
        element = true;
    } else if (m_value == target)
        m_pseudoType = PseudoTarget;
    else if (m_value == visited)
        m_pseudoType = PseudoVisited;

    if (m_match == PseudoClass && element) {
        if (!compat)
            m_pseudoType = PseudoUnknown;
            m_match = PseudoElement;
    } else if (m_match == PseudoElement && !element)
        m_pseudoType = PseudoUnknown;
Exemple #26
void InformWindow::run()
Exemple #27
	void Best::localSearch(
		const std::vector<Graph> &graphs,
		Solution &solution
	) {
		size_t m = solution.alignment.size1();
		size_t n = solution.alignment.size2();

		// Create reverse alignment mapping
		std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> map;
		create_map(graphs, solution, map);

		// Count number of graphs each edge is covered in
		edge_count_matrix edges;
		count_edges(graphs, map, solution, edges);

		// Build neighbor lists
		std::vector<neighbor_list> neighbors;
		create_neighbor_lists(graphs, map, solution, neighbors);

		// Active index map
		std::vector<int> active(m, 0);

		std::random_device rd;
		std::minstd_rand rand_gen(rd());

		int iteration = 0;
		bool repeat;

		do {
			repeat = false;

			for(size_t g = 0; g < n-1; ++g) {
				int best_delta = 0;
				size_t best_i = 0;
				size_t best_j = 0;

				#pragma omp parallel
					int prv_best_delta = 0;
					size_t prv_best_i = 0;
					size_t prv_best_j = 0;

					#pragma omp for schedule(static, 1)
					for(size_t i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
						for(size_t j = i+1; j < m; ++j) {
							if(active[i] < iteration && active[j] < iteration) continue;

							int delta = get_delta(i, j, g, neighbors, edges);

							if(delta > 0) {
								active[i] = iteration+1;
								active[j] = iteration+1;

							if(delta > prv_best_delta) {
								prv_best_delta = delta;
								prv_best_i = i;
								prv_best_j = j;

					#pragma omp critical
						if(prv_best_delta > best_delta) {
							best_delta = prv_best_delta;
							best_i = prv_best_i;
							best_j = prv_best_j;

				if(best_delta > 0) {
					repeat = true;
					swap(best_i, best_j, g, iteration, neighbors, edges, solution, active);

		} while(repeat);

		// Extract LCS and solution quality
		finalize(edges, solution);
int gActionChannel::handle(int e) {

	int ret = Fl_Group::handle(e);

	/* do nothing if the widget is deactivated. It could happen for loopmode
	 * channels */

	if (!active())
		return 1;

	switch (e) {

		case FL_DRAG: {
			if (selected != NULL) {   // if you don't drag an empty area

				/* if onLeftEdge o onRightEdge are true it means that you're resizing
				 * an action. Otherwise move the widget. */

				if (selected->onLeftEdge || selected->onRightEdge) {

					/* some checks: a) cannot resize an action < N pixels, b) no beyond zero,
					 * c) no beyond bar maxwidth. Checks for overlap are done in FL_RELEASE */

					if (selected->onRightEdge) {

						int aw = Fl::event_x()-selected->x();
						int ah = selected->h();

						if (Fl::event_x() < selected->x()+gAction::MIN_WIDTH)
							aw = gAction::MIN_WIDTH;
						if (Fl::event_x() > parent->coverX)
							aw = parent->coverX-selected->x();

						selected->size(aw, ah);
					else {

						int ax = Fl::event_x();
						int ay = selected->y();
						int aw = selected->x()-Fl::event_x()+selected->w();
						int ah = selected->h();

						if (Fl::event_x() < x()) {
							ax = x();
							aw = selected->w()+selected->x()-x();
						if (Fl::event_x() > selected->x()+selected->w()-gAction::MIN_WIDTH) {
							ax = selected->x()+selected->w()-gAction::MIN_WIDTH;
							aw = gAction::MIN_WIDTH;
						selected->resize(ax, ay, aw, ah);

				/* move the widget around */

				else {
					int real_x = Fl::event_x() - actionPickPoint;
					if (real_x < x())                                  // don't go beyond the left border
						selected->position(x(), selected->y());
					if (real_x+selected->w() > parent->coverX)         // don't go beyond the right border
						selected->position(parent->coverX-selected->w(), selected->y());
					else {
						if (parent->gridTool->isOn()) {
							int snpx = parent->gridTool->getSnapPoint(real_x) +x() -1;
							selected->position(snpx, selected->y());
							selected->position(real_x, selected->y());
			ret = 1;

		case FL_PUSH:	{

			if (Fl::event_button1()) {

				/* avoid at all costs two overlapping actions. We use 'selected' because
				 * the selected action can be reused in FL_DRAG, in case you want to move
				 * it. */

				selected = getSelectedAction();

				if (selected == NULL) {

					/* avoid click on grey area */

					if (Fl::event_x() >= parent->coverX) {
						ret = 1;

					gAction *a = new gAction(
							Fl::event_x(),                        // x
							y()+4,                                // y
							h()-8,                                // h
							((Fl::event_x()-x())*parent->zoom)*2, // actual frame
							recorder::frames.size-1,              // n. of actions recorded
							parent,                               // parent window pointer
							true,                                 // record = true: record it!
							parent->getActionType());             // type of action
					glue_setChannelWithActions(parent->chan); // mainWindow update
					ret = 1;
				else {
					actionOriginalX = selected->x();
					actionOriginalW = selected->w();
					actionPickPoint = Fl::event_x() - selected->x();
					ret = 1;   // for dragging
			if (Fl::event_button3()) {
				gAction *a = getSelectedAction();
				if (a != NULL) {
					delete a;
					ret = 1;
		case FL_RELEASE: {

			if (selected == NULL) {
				ret = 1;

			/* noChanges = true when you click on an action without doing anything
			 * (dragging or moving it). */

			bool noChanges = false;
			if (actionOriginalX == selected->x())
				noChanges = true;
			if (G_Mixer.chanMode[parent->chan] == SINGLE_PRESS &&
					actionOriginalX+actionOriginalW != selected->x()+selected->w())
				noChanges = false;

			if (noChanges) {
				ret = 1;
				selected = NULL;

			/* step 1: check if the action doesn't overlap with another one.
			 * In case of overlap the moved action returns to the original X
			 * value ("actionOriginalX"). */

			bool overlap = false;
			for (int i=0; i<children() && !overlap; i++) {

				/* never check against itself. */

				if ((gAction*)child(i) == selected)

				int action_x  = ((gAction*)child(i))->x();
				int action_w  = ((gAction*)child(i))->w();
				if (G_Mixer.chanMode[parent->chan] == SINGLE_PRESS) {

					/* when 2 segments overlap?
					 * start = the highest value between the two starting points
					 * end   = the lowest value between the two ending points
					 * if start < end then there's an overlap of end-start pixels. */

					 int start = action_x >= selected->x() ? action_x : selected->x();
					 int end   = action_x+action_w < selected->x()+selected->w() ? action_x+action_w : selected->x()+selected->w();
					 if (start < end) {
						selected->resize(actionOriginalX, selected->y(), actionOriginalW, selected->h());
						overlap = true;   // one overlap: stop checking
				else {
					if (selected->x() == action_x) {
						selected->position(actionOriginalX, selected->y());
						overlap = true;   // one overlap: stop checking

			/* step 2: no overlap? then update the coordinates of the action, ie
			 * delete the previous rec and create a new one.
			 * Anyway the selected action becomes NULL, because when you release
			 * the mouse button the dragging process ends. */

			if (!overlap)
			selected = NULL;
			ret = 1;

	return ret;
Exemple #29
void CControllerAura::update_schedule()
	if (!m_object->g_Alive()) return;

	float dist_to_actor		= Actor()->Position().distance_to(m_object->Position());

	if ((dist_to_actor > aura_radius + FAKE_MIN_ADD_DIST) && (dist_to_actor < aura_radius + FAKE_MAX_ADD_DIST)) 
		// first time? 
		if (m_time_fake_aura == 0) {
			m_time_fake_aura = time() + 5000 + Random.randI(FAKE_AURA_DELAY);
			if (active()) {
				m_effector->switch_off	();
				m_effector				= 0;
		} else {
			if (active()) {
				// check to stop
				if (m_time_fake_aura < time())  {
					m_effector->switch_off	();
					m_effector				= 0;
					m_time_fake_aura		= time() + 5000 + Random.randI(FAKE_AURA_DELAY);
			} else {
				// check to start
				if (m_time_fake_aura < time())  {
					m_effector = new CPPEffectorControllerAura(m_state, 5000, aura_sound.left, aura_sound.right);
					Actor()->Cameras().AddPPEffector				(m_effector);

					m_time_fake_aura		= time() + 5000 + Random.randI(FAKE_AURA_DURATION);
	} else {
		m_time_fake_aura = 0;

		bool need_be_active		= (dist_to_actor < aura_radius);

		if (active()) {
			if (!need_be_active) {
				m_effector->switch_off	();
				m_effector				= 0;
				m_hit_state				= eNone;

			} else {
		} else {
			if (need_be_active) {
				// create effector
				m_effector = new CPPEffectorControllerAura(m_state, 5000, aura_sound.left, aura_sound.right);
				Actor()->Cameras().AddPPEffector				(m_effector);
				m_hit_state			= eEffectoring;
				m_time_started		= time();
			} else {

	if (active()) {
		CEffectorCam* ce = Actor()->Cameras().GetCamEffector((ECamEffectorType)effControllerAura2);
		if(!ce) AddEffector(Actor(), effControllerAura2, "effector_controller_aura2", 0.15f);
		CEffectorCam* ce = Actor()->Cameras().GetCamEffector((ECamEffectorType)effControllerAura2);
			RemoveEffector(Actor(), effControllerAura2);
Exemple #30
void UdpServerThread::run()
    LOG_ASSERT(udpServer != NULL);
    VSockAddrList& sockAddrList = udpServer->sockAddrList; // for abbreviate
    VUdpSession* udpSession = udpServer->udpSession; // for abbreviate

    // fireEvent(new MsgEvent("******** connected ********")); // gilgil temp 2014.03.01
    fireEvent(new StateEvent(VState::Opened));
    while (active())
        QByteArray ba;
        int readLen = udpServer->read(ba);

        // Delete session
        if (readLen == VERR_FAIL)
            QString msg = udpSession->error.msg;
            fireEvent(new MsgEvent(msg, QThread::currentThreadId()));

            if (udpSession->error.code == 10054/*WSAECONNRESET*/) // ICMP Destination Unreachable // gilgil temp 2014.04.18
                while (true)
                    VSockAddrList::iterator it = sockAddrList.findByInAddr(udpSession->addr.sin_addr);
                    if (it == sockAddrList.end()) break;
                LOG_DEBUG("count=%d", sockAddrList.size()); // gilgi temp 2009.08.16
            } else // other error
                VSockAddrList::iterator it = sockAddrList.findBySockAddr(udpSession->addr);
                if (it != sockAddrList.end())
                LOG_DEBUG("count=%d", sockAddrList.size()); // gilgi temp 2009.08.16

        // Add session
        if (sockAddrList.findBySockAddr(udpSession->addr) == sockAddrList.end())
            SOCKADDR_IN* newSockAddr = new SOCKADDR_IN;
            *newSockAddr = udpSession->addr;
            LOG_DEBUG("count=%d", sockAddrList.size()); // gilgi temp 2009.08.16

        if (widget->ui->chkShowHexa->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
            ba = ba.toHex();
        QString msg = ba;
        fireEvent(new MsgEvent(msg, QThread::currentThreadId()));

        if (widget->ui->chkEcho->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
            if (widget->ui->chkEchoBroadcast->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
                udpServer->write(ba); // do not check result
            } else
                int writeLen = udpSession->write(ba);
                if (writeLen == VERR_FAIL) break;
    // fireEvent(new MsgEvent("******** disconnected ********")); // gilgil temp 2014.03.01
    fireEvent(new CloseEvent);