Exemple #1
krb5int_aes_decrypt(const krb5_keyblock *key, const krb5_data *ivec,
		    const krb5_data *input, krb5_data *output)
    aes_ctx ctx;
    char tmp[BLOCK_SIZE], tmp2[BLOCK_SIZE], tmp3[BLOCK_SIZE];
    int nblocks = 0, blockno;


    if (aes_dec_key(key->contents, key->length, &ctx) != aes_good)

    if (ivec)
	memcpy(tmp, ivec->data, BLOCK_SIZE);
	memset(tmp, 0, BLOCK_SIZE);

    nblocks = (input->length + BLOCK_SIZE - 1) / BLOCK_SIZE;

    if (nblocks == 1) {
	if (input->length < BLOCK_SIZE)
	    return KRB5_BAD_MSIZE;
	dec(output->data, input->data, &ctx);
    } else if (nblocks > 1) {

	for (blockno = 0; blockno < nblocks - 2; blockno++) {
	    dec(tmp2, input->data + blockno * BLOCK_SIZE, &ctx);
	    xorblock(tmp2, tmp);
	    memcpy(output->data + blockno * BLOCK_SIZE, tmp2, BLOCK_SIZE);
	    memcpy(tmp, input->data + blockno * BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE);
	/* Do last two blocks, the second of which (next-to-last block
	   of plaintext) may be incomplete.  */
	dec(tmp2, input->data + (nblocks - 2) * BLOCK_SIZE, &ctx);
	/* Set tmp3 to last ciphertext block, padded.  */
	memset(tmp3, 0, sizeof(tmp3));
	memcpy(tmp3, input->data + (nblocks - 1) * BLOCK_SIZE,
	       input->length - (nblocks - 1) * BLOCK_SIZE);
	/* Set tmp2 to last (possibly partial) plaintext block, and
	   save it.  */
	xorblock(tmp2, tmp3);
	memcpy(output->data + (nblocks - 1) * BLOCK_SIZE, tmp2,
	       input->length - (nblocks - 1) * BLOCK_SIZE);
	/* Maybe keep the trailing part, and copy in the last
	   ciphertext block.  */
	memcpy(tmp2, tmp3, input->length - (nblocks - 1) * BLOCK_SIZE);
	/* Decrypt, to get next to last plaintext block xor previous
	   ciphertext.  */
	dec(tmp3, tmp2, &ctx);
	xorblock(tmp3, tmp);
	memcpy(output->data + (nblocks - 2) * BLOCK_SIZE, tmp3, BLOCK_SIZE);
	if (ivec)
	    memcpy(ivec->data, input->data + (nblocks - 2) * BLOCK_SIZE,

    return 0;
Exemple #2
BOOL CEncrypt::SetEncryptKey(const char* szEncryKey, uint16_t nKeyLen)
	assert(nKeyLen >= MIN_ENCRYPT_KEY_SIZE);

	if(NULL == szEncryKey || nKeyLen < MIN_ENCRYPT_KEY_SIZE)
		return FALSE;

	rc6_set_key((unsigned long *)szEncryKey, nKeyLen*8, &m_stRc6Ctx);
	aes_enc_key((unsigned char *)szEncryKey, nKeyLen, &m_stAesEncryCtx);
	aes_dec_key((unsigned char *)szEncryKey, nKeyLen, &m_stAesDecryCtx);

	return TRUE;
Exemple #3
static void init ()
    unsigned int i, j, r;

    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
	key[i] = 0xff & rand();
    memset(test_case, 0, sizeof(test_case));
    for (i = 0; i < NTESTS; i++)
	for (j = 0; j < test_case_len[i]; j++) {
	    test_case[i].input[j] = 0xff & rand();

    r = aes_enc_key (key, sizeof(key), &ctx);
    if (!r) fprintf(stderr, "error, line %d\n", __LINE__), exit(1);
    r = aes_dec_key (key, sizeof(key), &dctx);
    if (!r) fprintf(stderr, "error, line %d\n", __LINE__), exit(1);
Exemple #4
static void fips_test ()
    static const unsigned char fipskey[16] = {
	0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
    static const unsigned char input[16] = {
	0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77,
	0x88, 0x99, 0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc, 0xdd, 0xee, 0xff,
    static const unsigned char expected[16] = {
	0x69, 0xc4, 0xe0, 0xd8, 0x6a, 0x7b, 0x04, 0x30,
	0xd8, 0xcd, 0xb7, 0x80, 0x70, 0xb4, 0xc5, 0x5a,
    unsigned char output[16];
    unsigned char tmp[16];
    aes_ctx fipsctx;
    int r;

    printf ("FIPS test:\nkey:");
    hexdump (fipskey, 16);
    printf ("\ninput:");
    hexdump (input, 16);
    r = aes_enc_key (fipskey, sizeof(fipskey), &fipsctx);
    if (!r) fprintf(stderr, "error, line %d\n", __LINE__), exit(1);
    r = aes_enc_blk (input, output, &fipsctx);
    if (!r) fprintf(stderr, "error, line %d\n", __LINE__), exit(1);
    printf ("\noutput:");
    hexdump (output, 16);
    printf ("\n");
    if (memcmp(expected, output, 16))
	fprintf(stderr, "wrong results!!!\n"), exit (1);
    r = aes_dec_key (fipskey, sizeof(fipskey), &fipsctx);
    if (!r) fprintf(stderr, "error, line %d\n", __LINE__), exit(1);
    r = aes_dec_blk (output, tmp, &fipsctx);
    if (!r) fprintf(stderr, "error, line %d\n", __LINE__), exit(1);
    if (memcmp(input, tmp, 16))
	fprintf(stderr, "decryption failed!!\n"), exit(1);
    printf ("ok.\n\n");
BOOL Ckgb_arch_decompressDlg::OnInitDialog()

	// Add "About..." menu item to system menu.

	// IDM_ABOUTBOX must be in the system command range.

	/*CMenu* pSysMenu = GetSystemMenu(FALSE);
	if (pSysMenu != NULL)
		CString strAboutMenu;
		if (!strAboutMenu.IsEmpty())
			pSysMenu->AppendMenu(MF_STRING, IDM_ABOUTBOX, strAboutMenu);

	// Set the icon for this dialog.  The framework does this automatically
	//  when the application's main window is not a dialog
	SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE);			// Set big icon
	//SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE);		// Set small icon

	// TODO: Add extra initialization here
	lFiles.InsertColumn(0, loadString(IDS_FILE), LVCFMT_LEFT, 300);
	lFiles.InsertColumn(1, loadString(IDS_SIZE), LVCFMT_RIGHT, 100);

	char curDir[MAX_PATH];
	GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, curDir);

	vector<unsigned long>fsize;
	char arch[MAX_PATH];

	HANDLE hProc = GetCurrentProcess();
    DWORD cbNeeded;

    EnumProcessModules(hProc, &hMod, sizeof(hMod), &cbNeeded);
    GetModuleFileNameEx(hProc, hMod, arch, MAX_PATH); //pierwszy modu³ jest aplikacj¹
		//wo³amy o has³o
		dlgPasswd dlgPass;
		if(dlgPass.DoModal() != IDOK){
			return false;

		strcpy(passwd, dlgPass._passwd);
		for(int i=strlen(passwd);i<32;i++)
			passwd[i] = '\0';
		char arch2[MAX_PATH];
		//strcpy(arch2, arch.c_str());
		GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, arch2);
		GetLongPathName(arch2, arch2, sizeof(arch2));
		strcat(arch2, "temp.kgb");
		//arch2[strlen(arch2)-1] = 'b';

		aes_ctx ctx[1];
		ctx->n_rnd = 0; // ensure all flags are initially set to zero
		ctx->n_blk = 0;
		aes_dec_key((const unsigned char*)passwd, 32, ctx);
		/*CDialog dProgress;
		FILE *fin = fopen(arch, "rb");
		if(fin == 0)
			return false;
		fseek(fin, isSFXencrypted(arch), SEEK_SET);
		FILE *fout = fopen(arch2, "wb");
		if(fout == 0)
			return false;
		decfile(fin, fout, ctx, arch, arch2);

			MessageBox(loadString(IDS_WRONG_PASSWD), "KGB Archiver");
			return false;

		strcpy(arch, arch2);
		getFilesFromArchive(arch, files, fsize);
		getFilesFromArchive(arch, files, fsize);
	strcpy(globalARCH, arch);
	for(unsigned long i=0;i<files.size();i++){
		char buffer[32];
		/*if(filesizes[i] < 1024)
			sprintf(buffer, "%dB", filesizes[i]);
		else if(filesizes[i] < 1024*1024)
			sprintf(buffer, "%dKB", filesizes[i]/1024);
			sprintf(buffer, "%dMB", filesizes[i]/1024/1024);
		sprintf(buffer, "%.1fKB", (double)fsize[i]/1024.0);
		lFiles.InsertItem(0, i, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
		lFiles.SetItemText(i, 0, files[i].c_str());
		lFiles.SetItemText(i, 1, buffer);


	//delete curDir;

	/*char *cmd = theApp.m_lpCmdLine;
	char temp[MAX_PATH];
	bool isArchName = true;
	/*sscanf(cmd, "-%c", &mode);
		case 'c':
			cmd += 2; //przesówamy wskaŸnik* /

	for(unsigned long i=0;i<strlen(cmd);i++){
		if(cmd[i] == '"'){
			for(unsigned long j=0;i+j+1<strlen(cmd);j++){
				if(cmd[i+j+1] != '"')
					temp[j] = cmd[i+j+1];
				else if(cmd[i+j+1] == '"'){
					temp[j] = 0;
					i += j+1;
						isArchName = false;


	/*if(strlen(temp) == 0 || strlen(cmd) <= 2)
		return TRUE;

	vector<string> files;
	vector<unsigned long> filesizes;
	if(!getFilesFromArchive(temp, files, filesizes)){
		MessageBox("Wybrany plik nie jest prawid³owym archiwum KGB!");
		return TRUE;


	for(unsigned long i=0;i<files.size();i++){
		char buffer[32];
		/*if(filesizes[i] < 1024)
			sprintf(buffer, "%dB", filesizes[i]);
		else if(filesizes[i] < 1024*1024)
			sprintf(buffer, "%dKB", filesizes[i]/1024);
			sprintf(buffer, "%dMB", filesizes[i]/1024/1024);
		* /
		sprintf(buffer, "%.1fKB", (double)filesizes[i]/1024.0);
		lFiles.InsertItem(0, i, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
		lFiles.SetItemText(i, 0, files[i].c_str());
		lFiles.SetItemText(i, 1, buffer);

	return TRUE;  // return TRUE  unless you set the focus to a control
Exemple #6
static krb5_error_code
krb5int_aes_decrypt_iov(const krb5_keyblock *key,
		        const krb5_data *ivec,
		        krb5_crypto_iov *data,
		        size_t num_data)
    aes_ctx ctx;
    char tmp[BLOCK_SIZE], tmp2[BLOCK_SIZE], tmp3[BLOCK_SIZE];
    int nblocks = 0, blockno, i;
    size_t input_length;
    struct iov_block_state input_pos, output_pos;


    if (aes_dec_key(key->contents, key->length, &ctx) != aes_good)

    if (ivec != NULL)
	memcpy(tmp, ivec->data, BLOCK_SIZE);
	memset(tmp, 0, BLOCK_SIZE);

    for (i = 0, input_length = 0; i < num_data; i++) {
	krb5_crypto_iov *iov = &data[i];

	if (ENCRYPT_IOV(iov))
	    input_length += iov->data.length;


    nblocks = (input_length + BLOCK_SIZE - 1) / BLOCK_SIZE;
    if (nblocks == 1) {
	krb5int_c_iov_get_block((unsigned char *)tmp, BLOCK_SIZE,
				data, num_data, &input_pos);
	dec(tmp2, tmp, &ctx);
	krb5int_c_iov_put_block(data, num_data, (unsigned char *)tmp2,
				BLOCK_SIZE, &output_pos);
    } else if (nblocks > 1) {
	char blockN2[BLOCK_SIZE];   /* second last */
	char blockN1[BLOCK_SIZE];   /* last block */

	for (blockno = 0; blockno < nblocks - 2; blockno++) {
	    char blockN[BLOCK_SIZE];

	    krb5int_c_iov_get_block((unsigned char *)blockN, BLOCK_SIZE, data, num_data, &input_pos);
	    dec(tmp2, blockN, &ctx);
	    xorblock(tmp2, tmp);
	    krb5int_c_iov_put_block(data, num_data, (unsigned char *)tmp2, BLOCK_SIZE, &output_pos);
	    memcpy(tmp, blockN, BLOCK_SIZE);

	/* Do last two blocks, the second of which (next-to-last block
	   of plaintext) may be incomplete.  */

	/* First, get the last two encrypted blocks */
	memset(blockN1, 0, sizeof(blockN1)); /* pad last block with zeros */
	krb5int_c_iov_get_block((unsigned char *)blockN2, BLOCK_SIZE, data, num_data, &input_pos);
	krb5int_c_iov_get_block((unsigned char *)blockN1, BLOCK_SIZE, data, num_data, &input_pos);

	/* Decrypt second last block */
	dec(tmp2, blockN2, &ctx);
	/* Set tmp2 to last (possibly partial) plaintext block, and
	   save it.  */
	xorblock(tmp2, blockN1);
	memcpy(blockN2, tmp2, BLOCK_SIZE);

	/* Maybe keep the trailing part, and copy in the last
	   ciphertext block.  */
	input_length %= BLOCK_SIZE;
	memcpy(tmp2, blockN1, input_length ? input_length : BLOCK_SIZE);
	dec(tmp3, tmp2, &ctx);
	xorblock(tmp3, tmp);
	/* Copy out ivec first before we clobber blockN1 with plaintext */
	if (ivec != NULL)
	    memcpy(ivec->data, blockN1, BLOCK_SIZE);
	memcpy(blockN1, tmp3, BLOCK_SIZE);

	/* Put the last two blocks back into the iovec */
	krb5int_c_iov_put_block(data, num_data, (unsigned char *)blockN1, BLOCK_SIZE, &output_pos);
	krb5int_c_iov_put_block(data, num_data, (unsigned char *)blockN2, BLOCK_SIZE, &output_pos);

    return 0;
krb5int_aes_decrypt(krb5_key key, const krb5_data *ivec, krb5_crypto_iov *data,
                    size_t num_data)
    unsigned char tmp[BLOCK_SIZE], tmp2[BLOCK_SIZE], tmp3[BLOCK_SIZE];
    int nblocks = 0, blockno;
    unsigned int i;
    size_t input_length;
    struct iov_block_state input_pos, output_pos;


    if (key->cache == NULL) {
        key->cache = malloc(sizeof(struct aes_key_info_cache));
        if (key->cache == NULL)
            return ENOMEM;
        CACHE(key)->enc_ctx.n_rnd = CACHE(key)->dec_ctx.n_rnd = 0;
    if (CACHE(key)->dec_ctx.n_rnd == 0) {
        if (aes_dec_key(key->keyblock.contents, key->keyblock.length,
                        &CACHE(key)->dec_ctx) != aes_good)

    if (ivec != NULL)
        memcpy(tmp, ivec->data, BLOCK_SIZE);
        memset(tmp, 0, BLOCK_SIZE);

    for (i = 0, input_length = 0; i < num_data; i++) {
        krb5_crypto_iov *iov = &data[i];

        if (ENCRYPT_IOV(iov))
            input_length += iov->data.length;


    nblocks = (input_length + BLOCK_SIZE - 1) / BLOCK_SIZE;
    if (nblocks == 1) {
        krb5int_c_iov_get_block(tmp, BLOCK_SIZE, data, num_data, &input_pos);
        dec(tmp2, tmp, &CACHE(key)->dec_ctx);
        krb5int_c_iov_put_block(data, num_data, tmp2, BLOCK_SIZE, &output_pos);
    } else if (nblocks > 1) {
        unsigned char blockN2[BLOCK_SIZE];   /* second last */
        unsigned char blockN1[BLOCK_SIZE];   /* last block */

        for (blockno = 0; blockno < nblocks - 2; blockno++) {
            unsigned char blockN[BLOCK_SIZE], *block;

            block = iov_next_block(blockN, BLOCK_SIZE, data, num_data,
            memcpy(tmp2, block, BLOCK_SIZE);
            dec(block, block, &CACHE(key)->dec_ctx);
            xorblock(block, tmp);
            memcpy(tmp, tmp2, BLOCK_SIZE);
            iov_store_block(data, num_data, block, blockN, BLOCK_SIZE,

        /* Do last two blocks, the second of which (next-to-last block
           of plaintext) may be incomplete.  */

        /* First, get the last two encrypted blocks */
        memset(blockN1, 0, sizeof(blockN1)); /* pad last block with zeros */
        krb5int_c_iov_get_block(blockN2, BLOCK_SIZE, data, num_data,
        krb5int_c_iov_get_block(blockN1, BLOCK_SIZE, data, num_data,

        if (ivec != NULL)
            memcpy(ivec->data, blockN2, BLOCK_SIZE);

        /* Decrypt second last block */
        dec(tmp2, blockN2, &CACHE(key)->dec_ctx);
        /* Set tmp2 to last (possibly partial) plaintext block, and
           save it.  */
        xorblock(tmp2, blockN1);
        memcpy(blockN2, tmp2, BLOCK_SIZE);

        /* Maybe keep the trailing part, and copy in the last
           ciphertext block.  */
        input_length %= BLOCK_SIZE;
        memcpy(tmp2, blockN1, input_length ? input_length : BLOCK_SIZE);
        dec(tmp3, tmp2, &CACHE(key)->dec_ctx);
        xorblock(tmp3, tmp);
        memcpy(blockN1, tmp3, BLOCK_SIZE);

        /* Put the last two blocks back into the iovec */
        krb5int_c_iov_put_block(data, num_data, blockN1, BLOCK_SIZE,
        krb5int_c_iov_put_block(data, num_data, blockN2, BLOCK_SIZE,

    return 0;
Exemple #8
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{   FILE        *fin = 0, *fout = 0;
    char        *cp, ch, key[32];
    int         i, by, key_len, err = 0;
    aes_ctx     ctx[1];

    if(argc != 5 || toupper(*argv[3]) != 'D' && toupper(*argv[3]) != 'E')
        printf("usage: aesxam in_filename out_filename [d/e] key_in_hex\n");
        err = -1; goto exit;

    ctx->n_rnd = 0; // ensure all flags are initially set to zero
    ctx->n_blk = 0;
    cp = argv[4];   // this is a pointer to the hexadecimal key digits
    i = 0;          // this is a count for the input digits processed

    while(i < 64 && *cp)        // the maximum key length is 32 bytes and
    {                           // hence at most 64 hexadecimal digits
        ch = toupper(*cp++);    // process a hexadecimal digit
        if(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')
            by = (by << 4) + ch - '0';
        else if(ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F')
            by = (by << 4) + ch - 'A' + 10;
        else                    // error if not hexadecimal
            printf("key must be in hexadecimal notation\n");
            err = -2; goto exit;

        // store a key byte for each pair of hexadecimal digits
        if(i++ & 1)
            key[i / 2 - 1] = by & 0xff;

        printf("The key value is too long\n");
        err = -3; goto exit;
    else if(i < 32 || (i & 15))
        printf("The key length must be 32, 48 or 64 hexadecimal digits\n");
        err = -4; goto exit;

    key_len = i / 2;

    if(!(fin = fopen(argv[1], "rb")))   // try to open the input file
        printf("The input file: %s could not be opened\n", argv[1]);
        err = -5; goto exit;

    if(!(fout = fopen(argv[2], "wb")))  // try to open the output file
        printf("The input file: %s could not be opened\n", argv[1]);
        err = -6; goto exit;

    if(toupper(*argv[3]) == 'E') // encryption in Cipher Block Chaining mode
        aes_enc_key(key, key_len, ctx);

        err = encfile(fin, fout, ctx, argv[1], argv[2]);
    else                         // decryption in Cipher Block Chaining mode
        aes_dec_key(key, key_len, ctx);

        err = decfile(fin, fout, ctx, argv[1], argv[2]);
    if(err == READ_ERROR)
        printf("Error reading from input file: %s\n", argv[1]);

    if(err == WRITE_ERROR)
        printf("Error writing to output file: %s\n", argv[2]);



    return err;