Exemple #1
SBOZO_AddSUser(struct rx_call *acall, char *aname)
    afs_int32 code;
    char caller[MAXKTCNAMELEN];

    if (!afsconf_SuperUser(bozo_confdir, acall, caller)) {
	code = BZACCESS;
	goto fail;
    if (DoLogging)
	bozo_Log("%s is executing Add SuperUser '%s'\n", caller, aname);

    code = afsconf_AddUser(bozo_confdir, aname);

    osi_auditU(acall, BOS_AddSUserEvent, code, AUD_END);
    return code;
Exemple #2
startClient(char *configPath)
    struct afsconf_dir *dir;
    struct rx_identity *testId, *anotherId, *extendedId, *dummy;
    struct rx_securityClass *class;
    struct rx_connection *conn;
    afs_uint32 startTime;
    char ubuffer[256];
    afs_int32 classIndex;
    int code;
    struct hostent *he;
    afs_uint32 addr;
    afs_int32 result;
    char *string = NULL;


    dir = afsconf_Open(configPath);
       "Configuration directory opened sucessfully by client");

    /* Add a normal user to the super user file */
    ok(afsconf_AddUser(dir, "test") == 0,
       "Adding a simple user works");

    testId = rx_identity_new(RX_ID_KRB4, "test", "test", strlen("test"));

    /* Check that they are a super user */
    ok(afsconf_IsSuperIdentity(dir, testId),
       "User added with old i/face is identitifed as super user");

    /* Check that nobody else is */
			       rx_identity_new(RX_ID_KRB4, "testy",
					       "testy", strlen("testy"))),
       "Additional users are not super users");

    ok(afsconf_AddUser(dir, "test") == EEXIST,
       "Adding a user that already exists fails");

    ok(afsconf_AddIdentity(dir, testId) == EEXIST,
       "Adding an identity that already exists fails");

    anotherId = rx_identity_new(RX_ID_KRB4, "another",
					    "another", strlen("another"));

    /* Add another normal user, but using the extended interface */
    ok(afsconf_AddIdentity(dir, anotherId) == 0,
       "Adding a KRB4 identity works");

    /* Check that they are a super user */
    ok(afsconf_IsSuperIdentity(dir, anotherId),
       "User added with new i/face is identitifed as super user");

    ok(afsconf_AddIdentity(dir, anotherId) == EEXIST,
       "Adding a KRB4 identity that already exists fails");

    /* Add an extended user to the super user file */
    extendedId = rx_identity_new(RX_ID_GSS, "*****@*****.**",
				 "\x04\x01\x00\x0B\x06\x09\x2A\x86\x48\x86\xF7\x12\x01\x02\x02\x00\x00\x00\[email protected]", 35);

    ok(afsconf_AddIdentity(dir, extendedId) == 0,
       "Adding a GSSAPI identity works");

    /* Check that they are now special */
    ok(afsconf_IsSuperIdentity(dir, extendedId),
       "Added GSSAPI identity is a super user");

    /* Check that display name isn't used for matches */
				rx_identity_new(RX_ID_GSS, "*****@*****.**",
						"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456789", 35)),
       "Display name is not used for extended matches");

    ok(afsconf_AddIdentity(dir, extendedId) == EEXIST,
       "Adding GSSAPI identity twice fails");

    /* Add a final normal user, so we can check that iteration works */
    /* Add a normal user to the super user file */
    ok(afsconf_AddUser(dir, "test2") == 0,
       "Adding another simple user works");

    testOriginalIterator(dir, 0, "test");
    testOriginalIterator(dir, 1, "another");
    testOriginalIterator(dir, 2, "test2");
    ok(afsconf_GetNthUser(dir, 3, ubuffer, sizeof ubuffer) != 0,
       "Reading past the end of the superuser list fails");

    testNewIterator(dir, 0, testId);
    testNewIterator(dir, 1, anotherId);
    testNewIterator(dir, 2, extendedId);
    testNewIterator(dir, 3, rx_identity_new(RX_ID_KRB4, "test2",
					    "test2", strlen("test2")));
    ok(afsconf_GetNthIdentity(dir, 4, &dummy) != 0,
       "Reading past the end of the superuser list fails");

    ok(afsconf_DeleteUser(dir, "notthere") != 0,
       "Deleting a user that doesn't exist fails");

    /* Delete the normal user */
    ok(afsconf_DeleteUser(dir, "another") == 0,
       "Deleting normal user works");

    ok(!afsconf_IsSuperIdentity(dir, anotherId),
       "Deleted user is no longer super user");

    ok(afsconf_IsSuperIdentity(dir, testId) &&
       afsconf_IsSuperIdentity(dir, extendedId),
       "Other identities still are");

    ok(afsconf_DeleteIdentity(dir, extendedId) == 0,
       "Deleting identity works");

    ok(!afsconf_IsSuperIdentity(dir, extendedId),
       "Deleted identity is no longer special");

    /* Now, what happens if we're doing something over the network instead */

    code = rx_Init(0);
    is_int(code, 0, "Initialised RX");

    /* Fake up an rx ticket. Note that this will be for the magic 'superuser' */
    code = afsconf_ClientAuth(dir, &class, &classIndex);
    is_int(code, 0, "Can successfully create superuser token");

    /* Start a connection to our test service with it */
    he = gethostbyname("localhost");
    if (!he) {
        printf("Couldn't look up server hostname");

    memcpy(&addr, he->h_addr, sizeof(afs_uint32));

    conn = rx_NewConnection(addr, htons(TEST_PORT), TEST_SERVICE_ID,
			    class, classIndex);

    /* There's nothing in the list, so this just succeeds because we can */
    code = TEST_CanI(conn, &result);
    is_int(0, code, "Can run a simple RPC");

    code = TEST_WhoAmI(conn, &string);
    is_int(0, code, "Can get identity back");
    is_string("<LocalAuth>", string, "Forged token is super user");

    xdr_free((xdrproc_t)xdr_string, &string);

    /* Throw away this connection and security class */

    /* Now fake an rx ticket for a normal user. We have to do more work by hand
     * here, sadly */

    startTime = time(NULL);
    class = afstest_FakeRxkadClass(dir, "rpctest", "", "", startTime,
				   startTime + 60* 60);

    conn = rx_NewConnection(addr, htons(TEST_PORT), TEST_SERVICE_ID, class,

    code = TEST_CanI(conn, &result);
    is_int(EPERM, code,
	   "Running RPC as non-super user fails as expected");
    code = TEST_NewCanI(conn, &result);
    is_int(EPERM, code,
	   "Running new interface RPC as non-super user fails as expected");
    code = TEST_WhoAmI(conn, &string);
    xdr_free((xdrproc_t)xdr_string, &string);
    is_int(EPERM, code,
	   "Running RPC returning string fails as expected");
    code = TEST_NewWhoAmI(conn, &string);
    xdr_free((xdrproc_t)xdr_string, &string);
    is_int(EPERM, code,
	   "Running new interface RPC returning string fails as expected");
    ok(afsconf_AddUser(dir, "rpctest") == 0,
       "Adding %s user works", "rpctest");
    code = TEST_CanI(conn, &result);
    is_int(0, code, "Running RPC as rpctest works");
    code = TEST_NewCanI(conn, &result);
    is_int(0, code, "Running new interface RPC as rpctest works");
    code = TEST_WhoAmI(conn, &string);
    is_int(0, code, "Running RPC returning string as %s works", "rpctest");
    is_string("rpctest", string, "Returned user string matches");
    xdr_free((xdrproc_t)xdr_string, &string);
    code = TEST_NewWhoAmI(conn, &string);
    is_int(0, code, "Running new RPC returning string as %s works", "rpctest");
    is_string("rpctest", string, "Returned user string for new interface matches");
    xdr_free((xdrproc_t)xdr_string, &string);

    /* Now try with an admin principal */
    startTime = time(NULL);
    class = afstest_FakeRxkadClass(dir, "rpctest", "admin", "", startTime,
				   startTime + 60* 60);

    conn = rx_NewConnection(addr, htons(TEST_PORT), TEST_SERVICE_ID, class,

    code = TEST_CanI(conn, &result);
    is_int(EPERM, code,
	   "Running RPC as non-super user fails as expected");
    code = TEST_NewCanI(conn, &result);
    is_int(EPERM, code,
	   "Running new interface RPC as non-super user fails as expected");
    code = TEST_WhoAmI(conn, &string);
    xdr_free((xdrproc_t)xdr_string, &string);
    is_int(EPERM, code,
	   "Running RPC returning string fails as expected");
    code = TEST_NewWhoAmI(conn, &string);
    xdr_free((xdrproc_t)xdr_string, &string);
    is_int(EPERM, code,
	   "Running new interface RPC returning string fails as expected");

    ok(afsconf_AddUser(dir, "rpctest.admin") == 0,
       "Adding %s user works", "rpctest.admin");

    code = TEST_CanI(conn, &result);
    is_int(0, code, "Running RPC as %s works", "rpctest/admin");
    code = TEST_NewCanI(conn, &result);
    is_int(0, code, "Running new interface RPC as %s works", "rpctest/admin");
    code = TEST_WhoAmI(conn, &string);
    is_int(0, code, "Running RPC returning string as %s works", "rpctest/admin");
    is_string("rpctest.admin", string, "Returned user string matches");
    xdr_free((xdrproc_t)xdr_string, &string);
    code = TEST_NewWhoAmI(conn, &string);
    is_int(0, code, "Running new interface RPC returning string as %s works",
    is_string("rpctest.admin", string,
	      "Returned user string from new interface matches");
    xdr_free((xdrproc_t)xdr_string, &string);
