UpdateTrafficCostRequestPacket::dump(bool headerOnly, bool lookupIP) const
   cout << "Dumping UpdateTrafficCostRequestPacket :" << endl;
   cout << "Dumping data specific to packet type: " << endl;
   cout << "mapID    " << getMapID() << endl;
   cout << "allCosts " << allCosts() << endl;
   uint32 nbrCosts = getNbrCosts();
   cout << "nbrCosts " << nbrCosts << endl;

   for (uint32 i = 0;i < nbrCosts; i++) {
      uint32 nodeID    = MAX_UINT32;
      uint32 addedCost = MAX_UINT32;  // different name to avoid conflict
      if (getCost(nodeID, addedCost, i)) {
         cout << "node " << i << ":" << endl;
         cout << "nodeID  " << nodeID << endl;
         cout << "addCost " << addedCost << endl;

      else {
         mc2log << warn << "Node unexistent" << endl;
Exemple #2
ObjectiveGenerator::updateObjective() {

	LOG_DEBUG(objectivegeneratorlog) << "updating the objective" << std::endl;

	// we have as many linear coefficients as segments

	// create a vector of all accumulated costs
	std::vector<double> allCosts(_segments->size(), 0);

	// accumulate costs
	for (int i = 0; i < _costFunctions.size(); i++) {

		costs_function_type& costFunction = *_costFunctions[i];
		costFunction(_segments->getEnds(), _segments->getContinuations(), _segments->getBranches(), allCosts);

	// set the coefficients
	for (int i = 0; i < allCosts.size(); i++)
		_objective->setCoefficient(i, allCosts[i]);