Exemple #1
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	int * server_sockfd;



  server_sockfd = init_server();


	//Suppression des potentiels .wav dans Client, suite a l'utilisation du vocal
	system("rm -f Client/*.wav");
Exemple #2
/* Write a cell to the database.
** There are three possibilities:
** 1. It was a totally new cell which isn't known by
**    the database yet. The key is NULL.
** 2. The cell was read from the database and is
**    written back now. We have a key.
** 3. The cell was read from the database but we want
**    to store it as a different cell (new  name).
**    We have a key but it belongs to its present name.
**    We need a new key to store it as a new cell.
** 1. Ask a new key using dmCreateCellkey().
**    We can write it using that key and from that moment
**    on it will be like we had read it previously
**    (we have written it using its key).
** 2. We can just write it, using its key.
**    (as often as we like).
** 3. We need an extra key to store it as a
**    different (new) cell. We ask a key using
**    dmCreateCellkey(). Then we can write it using
**    this key, but our workspace will still be related
**    to the old cell. So after this write we have
**    to give our new key back (using check_in).
wrte_cell () {
    static char *ask_str[3];	/* static for redraw */
    char   *strsave ();
    char    hulpstr[DM_MAXNAME + 1];
    char    rem_path[MAXCHAR];
    char    qstr[100];
    char   *newcell;
    int     choice;
    int     exist;
    DM_CELL * save_key;
    int     isnewname;

    if (rmode) {
	ptext ("No write, you are in read only mode!");
    save_key = NULL;
    upd_boundb ();
    if (xltb == xrtb || ybtb == yttb) {
	ptext ("Don't you ever try to write an empty cell again!");
    ask_str[0] = "-cancel-";

    if (!ckey && cirname[0] != '\0') {
        ask_str[1] = "other name";
        ask_str[2] = &cirname[0];
        ptext ("Under which name do you wanna write this cell?");
    else {
        ask_str[1] = "new name";
        ask_str[2] = cellstr;
        ptext ("Do you wanna write this cell under a new name?");
    if ((choice = ask ((ckey || cirname[0] != '\0') ? 3 : 2, ask_str, -1)) == 0)

    isnewname = 0;
    if (choice == 1 || (choice == 2 && !ckey)) {
        if (choice == 1) {
	    if (ask_name ("cellname: ", hulpstr, TRUE) == -1)
        else {
            strcpy (hulpstr, ask_str[2]);
        isnewname = 1;
	if(strcmp(hulpstr,"res") == 0 ||
	   strcmp(hulpstr,"cap") == 0 ||
	   strcmp(hulpstr,"nenh") == 0 ||
	   strcmp(hulpstr,"penh") == 0)
	   sprintf (qstr, "Name '%s' is a nelsis primitive: really use this name?", hulpstr);
	   ptext (qstr); 
	   if (ask (2, yes_no, -1) != 0) 
	      sprintf (qstr, "Cell '%s' was NOT written", hulpstr);
	      ptext (qstr);
	if ((newcell = strsave (hulpstr)) == NULL)
	if ((exist = (int) dmGetMetaDesignData (EXISTCELL, dmproject,
			newcell, LAYOUT)) != 0) {
	    if (exist == 1) {	/* cell already exists */
		sprintf (qstr, "Cell '%s' already exists: wanna overwrite?", newcell);
		ptext (qstr);
		if (ask (2, yes_no, -1) != 0) {
		    sprintf (qstr, "Cell '%s' was not written", newcell);
		    ptext (qstr);
	    else {
		sprintf (qstr, "Cell '%s' was not written", newcell);
		ptext (qstr);
	 ** cell does not yet exist
	save_key = ckey;
	if (!(ckey = dmCheckOut (dmproject, newcell, WORKING,
	    ckey = save_key;	/* 	undo	 */
    else {
	newcell = cellstr;
#ifndef ANNOTATE
    if (!(outp_boxfl (ckey) && outp_mcfl (ckey) &&
		outp_term (ckey) && outp_bbox (ckey))) {
    if (!(outp_boxfl (ckey) && outp_mcfl (ckey) && outp_term (ckey) 
          && outp_bbox (ckey) && outp_comment (ckey))) {
     ** Files were not written properly so if a new key
     ** was obtained to write under a new name, it must
     ** be checked in using the quit mode.
	if (checked == TRUE) {
#ifdef NELSIS_REL4
	    sprintf (rem_path, "%s/chk_mod.ck", dmproject -> DMPath);
	    sprintf (rem_path, "%s/chk_mod.ck", dmproject -> dmpath);
	    unlink (rem_path);
	    checked = FALSE;
	if (choice == 1) {
	    dmCheckIn (ckey, QUIT);
	    ckey = save_key;

    if (isnewname) {
	if (save_key != NULL) {
	 ** Write existing cell under new name:
	 ** case 3 (see comments above).
/* PATRICK: now the cell which is being edited is using the last saved name */

	    if (dmCheckIn (ckey, CONTINUE) == -1) {
		ptext ("Not accepted! (recursive)");
		dmCheckIn (ckey, QUIT);
		ckey = NULL;

	    if (dmCheckIn (save_key, QUIT) == -1) {
		ptext ("Not accepted! (recursive)");
		save_key = NULL;

	    cellstr = newcell;
	else {
	 ** Write a totally new cell, hold key:
	 ** case 1 (see comments above).
	    if (dmCheckIn (ckey, CONTINUE) == -1) {
		ptext ("Not accepted! (recursive)");
		dmCheckIn (ckey, QUIT);
		ckey = NULL;
	    ASSERT (cellstr == NULL);
	    cellstr = newcell;
	save_check (newcell);
    else {
     ** Write existing cell, hold key.
	if (dmCheckIn (ckey, CONTINUE) == -1)
	    ptext ("Not checked in!  This should never happen!");
	save_check (cellstr);

    sprintf (qstr, "Cell '%s' written", newcell);
    ptext (qstr);
    dirty = FALSE;

        save_check (cell_name)
char   *cell_name;
    char    check_path[MAXCHAR];
    char    new_path[MAXCHAR];

    if (checked == TRUE) {
#ifdef NELSIS_REL4
	sprintf (check_path, "%s/chk_mod.ck", dmproject -> DMPath);
	sprintf (new_path, "%s/%s.ck", dmproject -> DMPath, cell_name);
	sprintf (check_path, "%s/chk_mod.ck", dmproject -> dmpath);
	sprintf (new_path, "%s/%s.ck", dmproject -> dmpath, cell_name);
	link (check_path, new_path);
	unlink (check_path);
	checked = FALSE;

static  DM_STREAM * dm_boxfp;
static  DM_STREAM * dm_norfp;

/* PATRICK: added key as argument instead of global to write routines */
outp_boxfl (key) 
DM_CELL *key;
    int     store ();
    struct obj_node *window;
    register int    lay;

    if (!(dm_boxfp = dmOpenStream (key, "box", "w"))) {
	return (FALSE);
    if (!(dm_norfp = dmOpenStream (key, "nor", "w"))) {
	return (FALSE);
    gbox.dx = 0L;
    gbox.dy = 0L;
    gbox.nx = 0L;
    gbox.ny = 0L;

  ** We store all trapezoids as polygons
  ** with either 3 or 4 corner points.
    gnor_ini.elmt = POLY_NOR;
    gnor_ini.dx = 0L;
    gnor_ini.dy = 0L;
    gnor_ini.nx = 0L;
    gnor_ini.ny = 0L;

    MALLOC (window, struct obj_node);

    for (lay = 0; lay < NR_lay; ++lay) {
	gbox.layer_no = lay;
	gnor_ini.layer_no = lay;
	window -> ll_x1 = quad_root[lay] -> quadrant[0] - 1;
	window -> ll_y1 = quad_root[lay] -> quadrant[1] - 1;
	window -> ll_x2 = quad_root[lay] -> quadrant[2] + 1;
	window -> ll_y2 = quad_root[lay] -> quadrant[3] + 1;
	quad_search (quad_root[lay], window, store);
    FREE (window);

    dmCloseStream (dm_boxfp, COMPLETE);
    dmCloseStream (dm_norfp, COMPLETE);
    return (TRUE);

outp_mcfl (key) 
DM_CELL *key;
    DM_STREAM * dmfp;
    register    INST * ip;
    Coor bxl, bxr, byb, byt;

    if (!(dmfp = dmOpenStream (key, "mc", "w"))) {
	return (FALSE);
    for (ip = inst_root; ip; ip = ip -> next) {
	inst_window (ip, &bxl, &bxr, &byb, &byt);
	gmc.bxl = (long) bxl / QUAD_LAMBDA;
	gmc.bxr = (long) bxr / QUAD_LAMBDA;
	gmc.byb = (long) byb / QUAD_LAMBDA;
	gmc.byt = (long) byt / QUAD_LAMBDA;
	if (strlen (ip -> inst_name) == 0)
	    strcpy (gmc.inst_name, ".");
	    strcpy (gmc.inst_name, ip -> inst_name);

	strcpy (gmc.cell_name, ip -> templ -> cell_name);
	gmc.imported = ip -> imported;
	gmc.mtx[0] = (long) ip -> tr[0];
	gmc.mtx[1] = (long) ip -> tr[1];
	gmc.mtx[2] = (long) ip -> tr[2] / QUAD_LAMBDA;
	gmc.mtx[3] = (long) ip -> tr[3];
	gmc.mtx[4] = (long) ip -> tr[4];
	gmc.mtx[5] = (long) ip -> tr[5] / QUAD_LAMBDA;
	gmc.nx = (long) ip -> nx;
	gmc.dx = (long) ip -> dx / QUAD_LAMBDA;
	gmc.ny = (long) ip -> ny;
	gmc.dy = (long) ip -> dy / QUAD_LAMBDA;
	dmPutDesignData (dmfp, GEO_MC);
    dmCloseStream (dmfp, COMPLETE);
    return (TRUE);

outp_term (key) 
DM_CELL  *key;
    DM_STREAM * dmfp;
    register int    i;
    register    TERM * tp;
    Coor bxl, bxr, byb, byt;

    if (!(dmfp = dmOpenStream (key, "term", "w"))) {
	return (FALSE);
    for (i = 0; i < NR_lay; ++i) {
	gterm.layer_no = i;

	for (tp = term[i]; tp; tp = tp -> nxttm) {
	    gterm.xl = (long) tp -> xl / QUAD_LAMBDA;
	    gterm.xr = (long) tp -> xr / QUAD_LAMBDA;
	    gterm.yb = (long) tp -> yb / QUAD_LAMBDA;
	    gterm.yt = (long) tp -> yt / QUAD_LAMBDA;
	    strcpy (gterm.term_name, tp -> tmname);
	    gterm.nx = (long) tp -> nx;
	    gterm.dx = (long) tp -> dx / QUAD_LAMBDA;
	    gterm.ny = (long) tp -> ny;
	    gterm.dy = (long) tp -> dy / QUAD_LAMBDA;
	    term_win (tp, &bxl, &bxr, &byb, &byt);
	    gterm.bxl = (long) bxl / QUAD_LAMBDA;
	    gterm.bxr = (long) bxr / QUAD_LAMBDA;
	    gterm.byb = (long) byb / QUAD_LAMBDA;
	    gterm.byt = (long) byt / QUAD_LAMBDA;
	    dmPutDesignData (dmfp, GEO_TERM);
    dmCloseStream (dmfp, COMPLETE);
    return (TRUE);

outp_bbox (key) 
DM_CELL *key;
    DM_STREAM * dmfp;

    if (!(dmfp = dmOpenStream (key, "info", "w"))) {
	return (FALSE);

    ginfo.bxl = (long) xltb / QUAD_LAMBDA;
    ginfo.bxr = (long) xrtb / QUAD_LAMBDA;
    ginfo.byb = (long) ybtb / QUAD_LAMBDA;
    ginfo.byt = (long) yttb / QUAD_LAMBDA;
    dmPutDesignData (dmfp, GEO_INFO);

    ginfo.bxl = (long) xlmb / QUAD_LAMBDA;
    ginfo.bxr = (long) xrmb / QUAD_LAMBDA;
    ginfo.byb = (long) ybmb / QUAD_LAMBDA;
    ginfo.byt = (long) ytmb / QUAD_LAMBDA;
    dmPutDesignData (dmfp, GEO_INFO);

    ginfo.bxl = (long) xlbb / QUAD_LAMBDA;
    ginfo.bxr = (long) xrbb / QUAD_LAMBDA;
    ginfo.byb = (long) ybbb / QUAD_LAMBDA;
    ginfo.byt = (long) ytbb / QUAD_LAMBDA;
    dmPutDesignData (dmfp, GEO_INFO);

 * patrick: put one more info: the total bounding box WITHOUT
 * the image
if(ImageMode == TRUE && xlim != xrim && ybim != ytim)
   ginfo.bxl = (long) xlim / QUAD_LAMBDA;
   ginfo.bxr = (long) xrim / QUAD_LAMBDA;
   ginfo.byb = (long) ybim / QUAD_LAMBDA;
   ginfo.byt = (long) ytim / QUAD_LAMBDA;
   dmPutDesignData (dmfp, GEO_INFO);

    dmCloseStream (dmfp, COMPLETE);
    return (TRUE);

** Store trapezoid p in the data base.
** INPUT: pointer to trapezoid p.
store (p)
struct obj_node *p;
    Coor line[8];
    int     i;

    if (!p -> leftside && !p -> rightside) {
     ** this is a rectangle
	if (!(p -> ll_x1 % QUAD_LAMBDA || p -> ll_y1 % QUAD_LAMBDA ||
		    p -> ll_x2 % QUAD_LAMBDA || p -> ll_y2 % QUAD_LAMBDA)) {

	    gbox.xl = (long) p -> ll_x1 / QUAD_LAMBDA;
	    gbox.xr = (long) p -> ll_x2 / QUAD_LAMBDA;
	    gbox.yb = (long) p -> ll_y1 / QUAD_LAMBDA;
	    gbox.yt = (long) p -> ll_y2 / QUAD_LAMBDA;
	    gbox.bxl = gbox.xl;
	    gbox.bxr = gbox.xr;
	    gbox.byb = gbox.yb;
	    gbox.byt = gbox.yt;

	    dmPutDesignData (dm_boxfp, GEO_BOX);

    line[0] = p -> ll_x1;
    line[1] = p -> ll_y1;
    line[2] = p -> ll_x2;
    line[3] = p -> ll_y2;

    while (line[0] % QUAD_LAMBDA)
    while (line[1] % QUAD_LAMBDA)
    while (line[2] % QUAD_LAMBDA)
    while (line[3] % QUAD_LAMBDA)

    gnor_ini.bxl = (long) line[0] / QUAD_LAMBDA;
    gnor_ini.byb = (long) line[1] / QUAD_LAMBDA;
    gnor_ini.bxr = (long) line[2] / QUAD_LAMBDA;
    gnor_ini.byt = (long) line[3] / QUAD_LAMBDA;
    gnor_ini.r_bxl = gnor_ini.bxl;
    gnor_ini.r_byb = gnor_ini.byb;
    gnor_ini.r_bxr = gnor_ini.bxr;
    gnor_ini.r_byt = gnor_ini.byt;

  ** Convert trapezoid to polygon.
    if (trap_to_poly (line, p) == -1) {
	ptext ("Illegal trapezoid!");

    if (line[0] == line[2] || line[4] == line[6]) {
     ** trapezoid is a triangle
	gnor_ini.no_xy = 3;

	if (line[0] == line[2]) {
	 ** First two points are identical.
	 ** Eliminate second point and shift others back.
	    line[2] = line[4];
	    line[3] = line[5];
	    line[4] = line[6];
	    line[5] = line[7];
    else {
	gnor_ini.no_xy = 4;
    dmPutDesignData (dm_norfp, GEO_NOR_INI);

  ** Store xy-pairs of polygon.
    for (i = 0; i < (2 * (int) gnor_ini.no_xy); i = i + 2) {
	gnor_xy.x = (double) line[i] / (double) QUAD_LAMBDA;
	gnor_xy.y = (double) line[i + 1] / (double) QUAD_LAMBDA;
	dmPutDesignData (dm_norfp, GEO_NOR_XY);