void ExitOnError(AMX *amx, int error) { if (error != AMX_ERR_NONE) { #if defined AMXDBG FILE *fp; AMX_DBG amxdbg; long line; const char *filename; #endif printf("Run time error %d: \"%s\" on address %ld\n", error, aux_StrError(error), (long)amx->cip); /* optionally use the debug library to find the line number (if debug info. * is available) */ #if defined AMXDBG /* load the debug info. */ if ((fp=fopen(g_filename,"rb")) != NULL && dbg_LoadInfo(&amxdbg,fp) == AMX_ERR_NONE) { dbg_LookupFile(&amxdbg, amx->cip, &filename); dbg_LookupLine(&amxdbg, amx->cip, &line); printf("File: %s, line: %ld\n", filename, line); dbg_FreeInfo(&amxdbg); fclose(fp); } /* if */ #endif exit(1); } /* if */ }
static void ErrorExit(AMX *amx, int errorcode) { printf("Run time error %d: \"%s\" on line %ld\n", errorcode, aux_StrError(errorcode), (amx != NULL) ? amx->curline : 0); exit(1); }
bool ProfilerHandler::Attach() { try { if (amx_path_.empty()) { return false; } if (state_ >= PROFILER_ATTACHED) { return false; } if (amxprof::HasDebugInfo(amx())) { if (debug_info_.Load(amx_path_)) { profiler_.set_debug_info(&debug_info_); } else { Printf("Error loading debug info: %s", aux_StrError(debug_info_.last_error())); } } if (debug_info_.is_loaded()) { Printf("Attached profiler to %s", amx_name_.c_str()); } else { Printf("Attached profiler to %s (no debug info)", amx_name_.c_str()); } state_ = PROFILER_ATTACHED; return true; } catch (const std::exception &e) { PrintException(e); } return false; }
void AMXPrintError(CGameMode* pGameMode, AMX *amx, int error) { if (error != AMX_ERR_NONE) { logprintf("Script[%s]: Run time error %d: \"%s\"",// on line %ld\n", pGameMode->GetFileName(), error, aux_StrError(error));//, (long)amx->curline); } }
void ExitOnError(AMX *amx, int error) { if (error != AMX_ERR_NONE) { printf("Run time error %d: \"%s\" on line %ld\n", error, aux_StrError(error), (long)amx->curline); exit(1); } /* if */ }
void AMXPrintError(CGamemodeManager* pGameMode, AMX *amx, int error) { if (error != AMX_ERR_NONE) { logprintf("Script[%s]: Run time error %d: \"%s\"", pGameMode->GetFileName(), error, aux_StrError(error)); } }
const char *my_aux_StrError(int status) { if (status == AMX_ERR_FILE_CHANGED) return "AMX file changed while running"; else if (status == AMX_ERR_ABORT) return "Program aborted by user"; else return aux_StrError(status); }
static void ErrorExit(AMX *amx, int errorcode) { printf("Run time error %d: \"%s\"\n", errorcode, aux_StrError(errorcode)); exit(1); }
void CNetwork::Error(int error) { printf("Run time error %d: \"%s\"\n", error, aux_StrError(error)); }
// static const char *AMXError::GetStringFromCode(int error_code) { return aux_StrError(error_code); }