Exemple #1
// Rotate the grid by rotation, keeping cell contents.
// rotation must be a multiple of 90 degrees.
// NOTE: due to partial cells, cell coverage in the rotated grid will be
// inexact. This is why there is no Rotate for the generic BBGrid.
// TODO(rays) investigate fixing this inaccuracy by moving the origin after
// rotation.
void IntGrid::Rotate(const FCOORD& rotation) {
  ASSERT_HOST(rotation.x() == 0.0f || rotation.y() == 0.0f);
  ICOORD old_bleft(bleft());
  ICOORD old_tright(tright());
  int old_width = gridwidth();
  int old_height = gridheight();
  TBOX box(bleft(), tright());
  int* old_grid = grid_;
  grid_ = NULL;
  Init(gridsize(), box.botleft(), box.topright());
  // Iterate over the old grid, copying data to the rotated position in the new.
  int oldi = 0;
  FCOORD x_step(rotation);
  x_step *= gridsize();
  for (int oldy = 0; oldy < old_height; ++oldy) {
    FCOORD line_pos(old_bleft.x(), old_bleft.y() + gridsize() * oldy);
    for (int oldx = 0; oldx < old_width; ++oldx, line_pos += x_step, ++oldi) {
      int grid_x, grid_y;
      GridCoords(static_cast<int>(line_pos.x() + 0.5),
                 static_cast<int>(line_pos.y() + 0.5),
                 &grid_x, &grid_y);
      grid_[grid_y * gridwidth() + grid_x] = old_grid[oldi];
  delete [] old_grid;
Exemple #2
// Returns a full-resolution binary pix in which each cell over the given
// threshold is filled as a black square. pixDestroy after use.
// Edge cells, which have a zero 4-neighbour, are not marked.
Pix* IntGrid::ThresholdToPix(int threshold) const {
  Pix* pix = pixCreate(tright().x() - bleft().x(),
                       tright().y() - bleft().y(), 1);
  int cellsize = gridsize();
  for (int y = 0; y < gridheight(); ++y) {
    for (int x = 0; x < gridwidth(); ++x) {
      if (GridCellValue(x, y) > threshold &&
          GridCellValue(x - 1, y) > 0 && GridCellValue(x + 1, y) > 0 &&
              GridCellValue(x, y - 1) > 0 && GridCellValue(x, y + 1) > 0) {
        pixRasterop(pix, x * cellsize, tright().y() - ((y + 1) * cellsize),
                    cellsize, cellsize, PIX_SET, NULL, 0, 0);
  return pix;
Exemple #3
// Finds horizontal line objects in the given pix.
// Uses the given resolution to determine size thresholds instead of any
// that may be present in the pix.
// The output vectors are owned by the list and Frozen (cannot refit) by
// having no boxes, as there is no need to refit or merge separator lines.
void LineFinder::FindHorizontalLines(int resolution,  Pix* pix,
                                     TabVector_LIST* vectors) {
  Pix* line_pix;
  Boxa* boxes = GetHLineBoxes(resolution, pix, &line_pix);
  C_BLOB_LIST line_cblobs;
  int width = pixGetWidth(pix);
  int height = pixGetHeight(pix);
  ConvertBoxaToBlobs(height, width, &boxes, &line_cblobs);
  // Make the BLOBNBOXes from the C_BLOBs.
  BLOBNBOX_LIST line_bblobs;
  C_BLOB_IT blob_it(&line_cblobs);
  BLOBNBOX_IT bbox_it(&line_bblobs);
  for (blob_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !blob_it.cycled_list(); blob_it.forward()) {
    C_BLOB* cblob = blob_it.data();
    BLOBNBOX* bblob = new BLOBNBOX(cblob);
  ICOORD bleft(0, 0);
  ICOORD tright(height, width);
  int vertical_x, vertical_y;
  FindLineVectors(bleft, tright, &line_bblobs, &vertical_x, &vertical_y,
  if (!vectors->empty()) {
    // Some lines were found, so erase the unused blobs from the line image
    // and then subtract the line image from the source.
    for (bbox_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !bbox_it.cycled_list(); bbox_it.forward()) {
      BLOBNBOX* blob = bbox_it.data();
      if (blob->left_tab_type() == TT_UNCONFIRMED) {
        const TBOX& box = blob->bounding_box();
        // Coords are in tess format so filp x and y and then covert
        // to leptonica by height -y.
        Box* pixbox = boxCreate(box.bottom(), height - box.right(),
                                box.height(), box.width());
        pixClearInRect(line_pix, pixbox);
    pixDilateBrick(line_pix, line_pix, 3, 1);
    pixSubtract(pix, pix, line_pix);
    if (textord_tabfind_show_vlines)
      pixWrite("hlinesclean.png", line_pix, IFF_PNG);
    ICOORD vertical;
    vertical.set_with_shrink(vertical_x, vertical_y);
    TabVector::MergeSimilarTabVectors(vertical, vectors, NULL);
    // Iterate the vectors to flip them.
    TabVector_IT h_it(vectors);
    for (h_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !h_it.cycled_list(); h_it.forward()) {
// Tests each blob in the list to see if it is certain non-text using 2
// conditions:
// 1. blob overlaps a cell with high value in noise_density_ (previously set
// by ComputeNoiseDensity).
// OR 2. The blob overlaps more than max_blob_overlaps in *this grid. This
// condition is disabled with max_blob_overlaps == -1.
// If it does, the blob is declared non-text, and is used to mark up the
// nontext_mask. Such blobs are fully deleted, and non-noise blobs have their
// neighbours reset, as they may now point to deleted data.
// WARNING: The blobs list blobs may be in the *this grid, but they are
// not removed. If any deleted blobs might be in *this, then this must be
// Clear()ed immediately after MarkAndDeleteNonTextBlobs is called.
// If the win is not NULL, deleted blobs are drawn on it in red, and kept
// blobs are drawn on it in ok_color.
void CCNonTextDetect::MarkAndDeleteNonTextBlobs(BLOBNBOX_LIST* blobs,
        int max_blob_overlaps,
        ScrollView* win,
        ScrollView::Color ok_color,
        Pix* nontext_mask) {
    int imageheight = tright().y() - bleft().x();
    BLOBNBOX_IT blob_it(blobs);
    BLOBNBOX_LIST dead_blobs;
    BLOBNBOX_IT dead_it(&dead_blobs);
    for (blob_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !blob_it.cycled_list(); blob_it.forward()) {
        BLOBNBOX* blob = blob_it.data();
        TBOX box = blob->bounding_box();
        if (!noise_density_->RectMostlyOverThreshold(box, max_noise_count_) &&
                (max_blob_overlaps < 0 ||
                 !BlobOverlapsTooMuch(blob, max_blob_overlaps))) {
            if (win != NULL)
                blob->plot(win, ok_color, ok_color);
        } else {
            if (noise_density_->AnyZeroInRect(box)) {
                // There is a danger that the bounding box may overlap real text, so
                // we need to render the outline.
                Pix* blob_pix = blob->cblob()->render_outline();
                pixRasterop(nontext_mask, box.left(), imageheight - box.top(),
                            box.width(), box.height(), PIX_SRC | PIX_DST,
                            blob_pix, 0, 0);
            } else {
                if (box.area() < gridsize() * gridsize()) {
                    // It is a really bad idea to make lots of small components in the
                    // photo mask, so try to join it to a bigger area by expanding the
                    // box in a way that does not touch any zero noise density cell.
                    box = AttemptBoxExpansion(box, *noise_density_, gridsize());
                // All overlapped cells are non-zero, so just mark the rectangle.
                pixRasterop(nontext_mask, box.left(), imageheight - box.top(),
                            box.width(), box.height(), PIX_SET, NULL, 0, 0);
            if (win != NULL)
                blob->plot(win, ScrollView::RED, ScrollView::RED);
            // It is safe to delete the cblob now, as it isn't used by the grid
            // or BlobOverlapsTooMuch, and the BLOBNBOXes will go away with the
            // dead_blobs list.
            // TODO(rays) delete the delete when the BLOBNBOX destructor deletes
            // the cblob.
            delete blob->cblob();
Exemple #5
// Finds vertical line objects in the given pix.
// Uses the given resolution to determine size thresholds instead of any
// that may be present in the pix.
// The output vertical_x and vertical_y contain a sum of the output vectors,
// thereby giving the mean vertical direction.
// The output vectors are owned by the list and Frozen (cannot refit) by
// having no boxes, as there is no need to refit or merge separator lines.
void LineFinder::FindVerticalLines(int resolution,  Pix* pix,
                                   int* vertical_x, int* vertical_y,
                                   TabVector_LIST* vectors) {
  Pix* line_pix;
  Boxa* boxes = GetVLineBoxes(resolution, pix, &line_pix);
  C_BLOB_LIST line_cblobs;
  int width = pixGetWidth(pix);
  int height = pixGetHeight(pix);
  ConvertBoxaToBlobs(width, height, &boxes, &line_cblobs);
  // Make the BLOBNBOXes from the C_BLOBs.
  BLOBNBOX_LIST line_bblobs;
  C_BLOB_IT blob_it(&line_cblobs);
  BLOBNBOX_IT bbox_it(&line_bblobs);
  for (blob_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !blob_it.cycled_list(); blob_it.forward()) {
    C_BLOB* cblob = blob_it.data();
    BLOBNBOX* bblob = new BLOBNBOX(cblob);
  ICOORD bleft(0, 0);
  ICOORD tright(width, height);
  FindLineVectors(bleft, tright, &line_bblobs, vertical_x, vertical_y, vectors);
  if (!vectors->empty()) {
    // Some lines were found, so erase the unused blobs from the line image
    // and then subtract the line image from the source.
    for (bbox_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !bbox_it.cycled_list(); bbox_it.forward()) {
      BLOBNBOX* blob = bbox_it.data();
      if (blob->left_tab_type() == TT_UNCONFIRMED) {
        const TBOX& box = blob->bounding_box();
        Box* pixbox = boxCreate(box.left(), height - box.top(),
                                box.width(), box.height());
        pixClearInRect(line_pix, pixbox);
    pixDilateBrick(line_pix, line_pix, 1, 3);
    pixSubtract(pix, pix, line_pix);
    if (textord_tabfind_show_vlines)
      pixWrite("vlinesclean.png", line_pix, IFF_PNG);
    ICOORD vertical;
    vertical.set_with_shrink(*vertical_x, *vertical_y);
    TabVector::MergeSimilarTabVectors(vertical, vectors, NULL);
Exemple #6
// Returns a new IntGrid containing values equal to the sum of all the
// neighbouring cells. The returned grid must be deleted after use.
// For ease of implementation, edge cells are double counted, to make them
// have the same range as the non-edge cells.
IntGrid* IntGrid::NeighbourhoodSum() const {
  IntGrid* sumgrid = new IntGrid(gridsize(), bleft(), tright());
  for (int y = 0; y < gridheight(); ++y) {
    for (int x = 0; x < gridwidth(); ++x) {
      int cell_count = 0;
      for (int yoffset = -1; yoffset <= 1; ++yoffset) {
        for (int xoffset = -1; xoffset <= 1; ++xoffset) {
          int grid_x = x + xoffset;
          int grid_y = y + yoffset;
          ClipGridCoords(&grid_x, &grid_y);
          cell_count += GridCellValue(grid_x, grid_y);
      if (GridCellValue(x, y) > 1)
        sumgrid->SetGridCell(x, y, cell_count);
  return sumgrid;
// Creates and returns a Pix with the same resolution as the original
// in which 1 (black) pixels represent likely non text (photo, line drawing)
// areas of the page, deleting from the blob_block the blobs that were
// determined to be non-text.
// The photo_map is used to bias the decision towards non-text, rather than
// supplying definite decision.
// The blob_block is the usual result of connected component analysis,
// holding the detected blobs.
// The returned Pix should be PixDestroyed after use.
Pix* CCNonTextDetect::ComputeNonTextMask(bool debug, Pix* photo_map,
        TO_BLOCK* blob_block) {
    // Insert the smallest blobs into the grid.
    // Add the medium blobs that don't have a good strokewidth neighbour.
    // Those that do go into good_grid as an antidote to spreading beyond the
    // real reaches of a noise region.
    BlobGrid good_grid(gridsize(), bleft(), tright());
    BLOBNBOX_IT blob_it(&blob_block->blobs);
    for (blob_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !blob_it.cycled_list(); blob_it.forward()) {
        BLOBNBOX* blob = blob_it.data();
        double perimeter_area_ratio = blob->cblob()->perimeter() / 4.0;
        perimeter_area_ratio *= perimeter_area_ratio / blob->enclosed_area();
        if (blob->GoodTextBlob() == 0 || perimeter_area_ratio < kMinGoodTextPARatio)
            InsertBBox(true, true, blob);
            good_grid.InsertBBox(true, true, blob);
    noise_density_ = ComputeNoiseDensity(debug, photo_map, &good_grid);
    good_grid.Clear();  // Not needed any more.
    Pix* pix = noise_density_->ThresholdToPix(max_noise_count_);
    if (debug) {
        pixWrite("junknoisemask.png", pix, IFF_PNG);
    ScrollView* win = NULL;
    if (debug) {
        win = MakeWindow(0, 400, "Photo Mask Blobs");
    // Large and medium blobs are not text if they overlap with "a lot" of small
    // blobs.
                              win, ScrollView::DARK_GREEN, pix);
    MarkAndDeleteNonTextBlobs(&blob_block->blobs, kMaxMediumOverlapsWithSmall,
                              win, ScrollView::WHITE, pix);
    // Clear the grid of small blobs and insert the medium blobs.
                              win, ScrollView::DARK_GREEN, pix);
    // Clear again before we start deleting the blobs in the grid.
    MarkAndDeleteNonTextBlobs(&blob_block->noise_blobs, -1,
                              win, ScrollView::CORAL, pix);
    MarkAndDeleteNonTextBlobs(&blob_block->small_blobs, -1,
                              win, ScrollView::GOLDENROD, pix);
    MarkAndDeleteNonTextBlobs(&blob_block->blobs, -1,
                              win, ScrollView::WHITE, pix);
    if (debug) {
        pixWrite("junkccphotomask.png", pix, IFF_PNG);
        delete win->AwaitEvent(SVET_DESTROY);
        delete win;
    return pix;
 * Sets up auto page segmentation, determines the orientation, and corrects it.
 * Somewhat arbitrary chunk of functionality, factored out of AutoPageSeg to
 * facilitate testing.
 * photo_mask_pix is a pointer to a NULL pointer that will be filled on return
 * with the leptonica photo mask, which must be pixDestroyed by the caller.
 * to_blocks is an empty list that will be filled with (usually a single)
 * block that is used during layout analysis. This ugly API is required
 * because of the possibility of a unlv zone file.
 * TODO(rays) clean this up.
 * See AutoPageSeg for other arguments.
 * The returned ColumnFinder must be deleted after use.
ColumnFinder* Tesseract::SetupPageSegAndDetectOrientation(
    PageSegMode pageseg_mode, BLOCK_LIST* blocks, Tesseract* osd_tess,
    OSResults* osr, TO_BLOCK_LIST* to_blocks, Pix** photo_mask_pix,
    Pix** music_mask_pix) {
  int vertical_x = 0;
  int vertical_y = 1;
  TabVector_LIST v_lines;
  TabVector_LIST h_lines;
  ICOORD bleft(0, 0);

  ASSERT_HOST(pix_binary_ != NULL);
  if (tessedit_dump_pageseg_images) {
    pixa_debug_.AddPix(pix_binary_, "PageSegInput");
  // Leptonica is used to find the rule/separator lines in the input.
                                 textord_tabfind_show_vlines, pix_binary_,
                                 &vertical_x, &vertical_y, music_mask_pix,
                                 &v_lines, &h_lines);
  if (tessedit_dump_pageseg_images) {
    pixa_debug_.AddPix(pix_binary_, "NoLines");
  // Leptonica is used to find a mask of the photo regions in the input.
  *photo_mask_pix = ImageFind::FindImages(pix_binary_, &pixa_debug_);
  if (tessedit_dump_pageseg_images) {
    pixa_debug_.AddPix(pix_binary_, "NoImages");
  if (!PSM_COL_FIND_ENABLED(pageseg_mode)) v_lines.clear();

  // The rest of the algorithm uses the usual connected components.
  textord_.find_components(pix_binary_, blocks, to_blocks);

  TO_BLOCK_IT to_block_it(to_blocks);
  // There must be exactly one input block.
  // TODO(rays) handle new textline finding with a UNLV zone file.
  TO_BLOCK* to_block = to_block_it.data();
  TBOX blkbox = to_block->block->bounding_box();
  ColumnFinder* finder = NULL;
  int estimated_resolution = source_resolution_;
  if (source_resolution_ == kMinCredibleResolution) {
    // Try to estimate resolution from typical body text size.
    int res = IntCastRounded(to_block->line_size * kResolutionEstimationFactor);
    if (res > estimated_resolution && res < kMaxCredibleResolution) {
      estimated_resolution = res;
      tprintf("Estimating resolution as %d\n", estimated_resolution);

  if (to_block->line_size >= 2) {
    finder = new ColumnFinder(static_cast<int>(to_block->line_size),
                              blkbox.botleft(), blkbox.topright(),
                              estimated_resolution, textord_use_cjk_fp_model,
                              textord_tabfind_aligned_gap_fraction, &v_lines,
                              &h_lines, vertical_x, vertical_y);

    finder->SetupAndFilterNoise(pageseg_mode, *photo_mask_pix, to_block);

    if (equ_detect_) {

    BLOBNBOX_CLIST osd_blobs;
    // osd_orientation is the number of 90 degree rotations to make the
    // characters upright. (See osdetect.h for precise definition.)
    // We want the text lines horizontal, (vertical text indicates vertical
    // textlines) which may conflict (eg vertically written CJK).
    int osd_orientation = 0;
    bool vertical_text = textord_tabfind_force_vertical_text ||
                         pageseg_mode == PSM_SINGLE_BLOCK_VERT_TEXT;
    if (!vertical_text && textord_tabfind_vertical_text &&
        PSM_ORIENTATION_ENABLED(pageseg_mode)) {
      vertical_text =
                                          to_block, &osd_blobs);
    if (PSM_OSD_ENABLED(pageseg_mode) && osd_tess != NULL && osr != NULL) {
      GenericVector<int> osd_scripts;
      if (osd_tess != this) {
        // We are running osd as part of layout analysis, so constrain the
        // scripts to those allowed by *this.
        AddAllScriptsConverted(unicharset, osd_tess->unicharset, &osd_scripts);
        for (int s = 0; s < sub_langs_.size(); ++s) {
                                 osd_tess->unicharset, &osd_scripts);
      os_detect_blobs(&osd_scripts, &osd_blobs, osr, osd_tess);
      if (pageseg_mode == PSM_OSD_ONLY) {
        delete finder;
        return NULL;
      osd_orientation = osr->best_result.orientation_id;
      double osd_score = osr->orientations[osd_orientation];
      double osd_margin = min_orientation_margin * 2;
      for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
        if (i != osd_orientation &&
            osd_score - osr->orientations[i] < osd_margin) {
          osd_margin = osd_score - osr->orientations[i];
      int best_script_id = osr->best_result.script_id;
      const char* best_script_str =
      bool cjk = best_script_id == osd_tess->unicharset.han_sid() ||
          best_script_id == osd_tess->unicharset.hiragana_sid() ||
          best_script_id == osd_tess->unicharset.katakana_sid() ||
          strcmp("Japanese", best_script_str) == 0 ||
          strcmp("Korean", best_script_str) == 0 ||
          strcmp("Hangul", best_script_str) == 0;
      if (cjk) {
      if (osd_margin < min_orientation_margin) {
        // The margin is weak.
        if (!cjk && !vertical_text && osd_orientation == 2) {
          // upside down latin text is improbable with such a weak margin.
          tprintf("OSD: Weak margin (%.2f), horiz textlines, not CJK: "
                  "Don't rotate.\n", osd_margin);
          osd_orientation = 0;
        } else {
              "OSD: Weak margin (%.2f) for %d blob text block, "
              "but using orientation anyway: %d\n",
              osd_margin, osd_blobs.length(), osd_orientation);
    finder->CorrectOrientation(to_block, vertical_text, osd_orientation);

  return finder;
Exemple #9
 * Sets up auto page segmentation, determines the orientation, and corrects it.
 * Somewhat arbitrary chunk of functionality, factored out of AutoPageSeg to
 * facilitate testing.
 * photo_mask_pix is a pointer to a NULL pointer that will be filled on return
 * with the leptonica photo mask, which must be pixDestroyed by the caller.
 * to_blocks is an empty list that will be filled with (usually a single)
 * block that is used during layout analysis. This ugly API is required
 * because of the possibility of a unlv zone file.
 * TODO(rays) clean this up.
 * See AutoPageSeg for other arguments.
 * The returned ColumnFinder must be deleted after use.
ColumnFinder* Tesseract::SetupPageSegAndDetectOrientation(
    bool single_column, bool osd, bool only_osd,
    BLOCK_LIST* blocks, Tesseract* osd_tess, OSResults* osr,
    TO_BLOCK_LIST* to_blocks, Pix** photo_mask_pix, Pix** music_mask_pix) {
  int vertical_x = 0;
  int vertical_y = 1;
  TabVector_LIST v_lines;
  TabVector_LIST h_lines;
  ICOORD bleft(0, 0);

  ASSERT_HOST(pix_binary_ != NULL);
  if (tessedit_dump_pageseg_images) {
    pixWrite("tessinput.png", pix_binary_, IFF_PNG);
  // Leptonica is used to find the rule/separator lines in the input.
                                 textord_tabfind_show_vlines, pix_binary_,
                                 &vertical_x, &vertical_y, music_mask_pix,
                                 &v_lines, &h_lines);
  if (tessedit_dump_pageseg_images)
    pixWrite("tessnolines.png", pix_binary_, IFF_PNG);
  // Leptonica is used to find a mask of the photo regions in the input.
  *photo_mask_pix = ImageFind::FindImages(pix_binary_);
  if (tessedit_dump_pageseg_images)
    pixWrite("tessnoimages.png", pix_binary_, IFF_PNG);
  if (single_column)

  // The rest of the algorithm uses the usual connected components.
  textord_.find_components(pix_binary_, blocks, to_blocks);

  TO_BLOCK_IT to_block_it(to_blocks);
  // There must be exactly one input block.
  // TODO(rays) handle new textline finding with a UNLV zone file.
  TO_BLOCK* to_block = to_block_it.data();
  TBOX blkbox = to_block->block->bounding_box();
  ColumnFinder* finder = NULL;

  if (to_block->line_size >= 2) {
    finder = new ColumnFinder(static_cast<int>(to_block->line_size),
                              blkbox.botleft(), blkbox.topright(),
                              &v_lines, &h_lines, vertical_x, vertical_y);

    finder->SetupAndFilterNoise(*photo_mask_pix, to_block);

    if (equ_detect_) {

    BLOBNBOX_CLIST osd_blobs;
    // osd_orientation is the number of 90 degree rotations to make the
    // characters upright. (See osdetect.h for precise definition.)
    // We want the text lines horizontal, (vertical text indicates vertical
    // textlines) which may conflict (eg vertically written CJK).
    int osd_orientation = 0;
    bool vertical_text = finder->IsVerticallyAlignedText(to_block, &osd_blobs);
    if (osd && osd_tess != NULL && osr != NULL) {
      os_detect_blobs(&osd_blobs, osr, osd_tess);
      if (only_osd) {
        delete finder;
        return NULL;
      osd_orientation = osr->best_result.orientation_id;
      double osd_score = osr->orientations[osd_orientation];
      double osd_margin = min_orientation_margin * 2;
      for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
        if (i != osd_orientation &&
            osd_score - osr->orientations[i] < osd_margin) {
          osd_margin = osd_score - osr->orientations[i];
      if (osd_margin < min_orientation_margin) {
        // The margin is weak.
        int best_script_id = osr->best_result.script_id;
        bool cjk = (best_script_id == osd_tess->unicharset.han_sid()) ||
            (best_script_id == osd_tess->unicharset.hiragana_sid()) ||
            (best_script_id == osd_tess->unicharset.katakana_sid());

        if (!cjk && !vertical_text && osd_orientation == 2) {
          // upside down latin text is improbable with such a weak margin.
          tprintf("OSD: Weak margin (%.2f), horiz textlines, not CJK: "
                  "Don't rotate.\n", osd_margin);
          osd_orientation = 0;
        } else {
          tprintf("OSD: Weak margin (%.2f) for %d blob text block, "
                  "but using orientation anyway: %d\n",
                  osd_blobs.length(), osd_margin, osd_orientation);
    finder->CorrectOrientation(to_block, vertical_text, osd_orientation);

  return finder;
// Auto page segmentation. Divide the page image into blocks of uniform
// text linespacing and images.
// Width, height and resolution are derived from the input image.
// If the pix is non-NULL, then it is assumed to be the input, and it is
// copied to the image, otherwise the image is used directly.
// The output goes in the blocks list with corresponding TO_BLOCKs in the
// to_blocks list.
// If single_column is true, then no attempt is made to divide the image
// into columns, but multiple blocks are still made if the text is of
// non-uniform linespacing.
int Tesseract::AutoPageSeg(int width, int height, int resolution,
                           bool single_column, IMAGE* image,
                           BLOCK_LIST* blocks, TO_BLOCK_LIST* to_blocks) {
  int vertical_x = 0;
  int vertical_y = 1;
  TabVector_LIST v_lines;
  TabVector_LIST h_lines;
  ICOORD bleft(0, 0);
  Boxa* boxa = NULL;
  Pixa* pixa = NULL;
  // The blocks made by the ColumnFinder. Moved to blocks before return.
  BLOCK_LIST found_blocks;

  if (pix_binary_ != NULL) {
    if (textord_debug_images) {
      Pix* grey_pix = pixCreate(width, height, 8);
      // Printable images are light grey on white, but for screen display
      // they are black on dark grey so the other colors show up well.
      if (textord_debug_printable) {
        pixSetMasked(grey_pix, pix_binary_, 192);
      } else {
        pixSetAllArbitrary(grey_pix, 64);
        pixSetMasked(grey_pix, pix_binary_, 0);
      pixWrite(AlignedBlob::textord_debug_pix().string(), grey_pix, IFF_PNG);
    if (tessedit_dump_pageseg_images)
      pixWrite("tessinput.png", pix_binary_, IFF_PNG);
    // Leptonica is used to find the lines and image regions in the input.
    LineFinder::FindVerticalLines(resolution, pix_binary_,
                                  &vertical_x, &vertical_y, &v_lines);
    LineFinder::FindHorizontalLines(resolution, pix_binary_, &h_lines);
    if (tessedit_dump_pageseg_images)
      pixWrite("tessnolines.png", pix_binary_, IFF_PNG);
    ImageFinder::FindImages(pix_binary_, &boxa, &pixa);
    if (tessedit_dump_pageseg_images)
      pixWrite("tessnoimages.png", pix_binary_, IFF_PNG);
    // Copy the Pix to the IMAGE.
    if (single_column)
  TO_BLOCK_LIST land_blocks, port_blocks;
  TBOX page_box;
  // The rest of the algorithm uses the usual connected components.
  find_components(blocks, &land_blocks, &port_blocks, &page_box);

  TO_BLOCK_IT to_block_it(&port_blocks);
  for (to_block_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !to_block_it.cycled_list();
       to_block_it.forward()) {
    TO_BLOCK* to_block = to_block_it.data();
    TBOX blkbox = to_block->block->bounding_box();
    if (to_block->line_size >= 2) {
      // Note: if there are multiple blocks, then v_lines, boxa, and pixa
      // are empty on the next iteration, but in this case, we assume
      // that there aren't any interesting line separators or images, since
      // it means that we have a pre-defined unlv zone file.
      ColumnFinder finder(static_cast<int>(to_block->line_size),
                          blkbox.botleft(), blkbox.topright(),
                          &v_lines, &h_lines, vertical_x, vertical_y);
      if (finder.FindBlocks(height, resolution, single_column,
                            to_block, boxa, pixa, &found_blocks, to_blocks) < 0)
        return -1;
      finder.ComputeDeskewVectors(&deskew_, &reskew_);
      boxa = NULL;
      pixa = NULL;
  BLOCK_IT block_it(blocks);
  // Move the found blocks to the input/output blocks.

  if (textord_debug_images) {
    // The debug image is no longer needed so delete it.
  return 0;