Exemple #1
 * Name :       process_jnl_field_trim()
 * Description: Processes the JNL_FEED_LAYOUT.jnl_field_trim values.
 *              It calls the trim library function in jnl_aux.c
 * Inputs :     None 
 * Outputs :    None
 * Returns :    None
process_jnl_field_trim(tiny command, char *string, tiny size)
       return(trim_string(TRIM_RIGHT, string, size));
       return(trim_string(TRIM_LEFT, string, size));
       return(fill_string(FILL_RIGHT, string, size, ' '));
       return(fill_string(FILL_LEFT, string, size, ' '));
       return(fill_string(FILL_RIGHT, string, size, '0'));
       return(fill_string(FILL_LEFT, string, size, '0'));
       return(center_string(string, size));
     default: break;
Exemple #2
static void write_val_with_err(FILE * outfile, double val, double err,
                               int numerr, int width)
   int retval;
   char tmpstr[30], ctrstr[30];

   if (numerr == 1)
      retval = nice_output_1(tmpstr, val, err, 0);
   else if (numerr == 2)
      retval = nice_output_2(tmpstr, val, err, 0);
      printf("\numerr = %d is out-of-range (1-2) in write_val_with_err()\n", numerr);
   center_string(ctrstr, tmpstr, width);
   fprintf(outfile, "%s  ", ctrstr);
Exemple #3
void output_harmonics(GSList * list, accelobs * obs, infodata * idata)
   int ii, jj, numcols = 13, numcands;
   int widths[13] = { 5, 4, 5, 15, 11, 18, 13, 12, 9, 12, 10, 10, 20 };
   int errors[13] = { 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0 };
   char tmpstr[30], ctrstr[30], notes[21], *command;
   accelcand *cand;
   GSList *listptr;
   fourierprops props;
   rzwerrs errs;
   static char *titles1[] = { "", "", "", "Power /", "Raw",
      "FFT 'r'", "Pred 'r'", "FFT 'z'", "Pred 'z'",
      "Phase", "Centroid", "Purity", ""
   static char *titles2[] = { "Cand", "Harm", "Sigma", "Loc Pow", "Power",
      "(bin)", "(bin)", "(bins)", "(bins)",
      "(rad)", "(0-1)", "<p> = 1", "Notes"

   numcands = g_slist_length(list);
   listptr = list;

   /* Print the header */

   for (ii = 0; ii < numcols - 1; ii++) {
      center_string(ctrstr, titles1[ii], widths[ii]);
      fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s  ", ctrstr);
   center_string(ctrstr, titles1[ii], widths[ii]);
   fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s\n", ctrstr);
   for (ii = 0; ii < numcols - 1; ii++) {
      if (obs->nph > 0.0 && ii == 3)    /*  HAAACK!!! */
         center_string(ctrstr, "NumPhot", widths[ii]);
         center_string(ctrstr, titles2[ii], widths[ii]);
      fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s  ", ctrstr);
   center_string(ctrstr, titles2[ii], widths[ii]);
   fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s\n", ctrstr);
   for (ii = 0; ii < numcols - 1; ii++) {
      memset(tmpstr, '-', widths[ii]);
      tmpstr[widths[ii]] = '\0';
      fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s--", tmpstr);
   memset(tmpstr, '-', widths[ii]);
   tmpstr[widths[ii]] = '\0';
   fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s\n", tmpstr);

   /* Print the fundamentals */

   for (ii = 0; ii < numcands; ii++) {
      cand = (accelcand *) (listptr->data);
      for (jj = 0; jj < cand->numharm; jj++) {
         if (obs->nph > 0.0) {
            double tmp_locpow;

            tmp_locpow = cand->derivs[jj].locpow;
            cand->derivs[jj].locpow = obs->nph;
            calc_props(cand->derivs[jj], cand->hirs[jj],
                       cand->hizs[jj], 0.0, &props);
            cand->derivs[jj].locpow = tmp_locpow;
         } else {
            calc_props(cand->derivs[jj], cand->hirs[jj],
                       cand->hizs[jj], 0.0, &props);
         calc_rzwerrs(&props, obs->T, &errs);
         comp_psr_to_cand(&props, idata, notes, 0);
         if (jj == 0)
            sprintf(tmpstr, " %-4d", ii + 1);
            sprintf(tmpstr, "     ");
         center_string(ctrstr, tmpstr, widths[0]);
         fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s  ", ctrstr);
         sprintf(tmpstr, "%-4d", jj + 1);
         center_string(ctrstr, tmpstr, widths[1]);
         fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s  ", ctrstr);
         sprintf(tmpstr, "%.2f", candidate_sigma(props.pow, 1, 1));
         center_string(ctrstr, tmpstr, widths[2]);
         fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s  ", ctrstr);
         write_val_with_err(obs->workfile, props.pow, props.powerr,
                            errors[3], widths[3]);
         sprintf(tmpstr, "%.3g", props.rawpow);
         center_string(ctrstr, tmpstr, widths[4]);
         fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s  ", ctrstr);
         write_val_with_err(obs->workfile, props.r, props.rerr,
                            errors[5], widths[5]);
         sprintf(tmpstr, "%.2f", cand->r * (jj + 1));
         center_string(ctrstr, tmpstr, widths[6]);
         fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s  ", ctrstr);
         write_val_with_err(obs->workfile, props.z, props.zerr,
                            errors[7], widths[7]);
         sprintf(tmpstr, "%.2f", cand->z * (jj + 1));
         center_string(ctrstr, tmpstr, widths[8]);
         fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s  ", ctrstr);
         write_val_with_err(obs->workfile, props.phs, props.phserr,
                            errors[9], widths[9]);
         write_val_with_err(obs->workfile, props.cen, props.cenerr,
                            errors[10], widths[10]);
         write_val_with_err(obs->workfile, props.pur, props.purerr,
                            errors[11], widths[11]);
         fprintf(obs->workfile, "  %.20s\n", notes);
      listptr = listptr->next;
   fprintf(obs->workfile, "\n\n");
   command = malloc(strlen(obs->rootfilenm) + strlen(obs->accelnm) + 20);
   sprintf(command, "cat %s.inf >> %s", obs->rootfilenm, obs->accelnm);
Exemple #4
void output_fundamentals(fourierprops * props, GSList * list,
                         accelobs * obs, infodata * idata)
   double accel = 0.0, accelerr = 0.0, coherent_pow;
   int ii, jj, numcols = 12, numcands, *width, *error;
   int widths[12] = { 4, 5, 6, 8, 4, 16, 15, 15, 15, 11, 15, 20 };
   int errors[12] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 0 };
   char tmpstr[30], ctrstr[30], *notes;
   accelcand *cand;
   GSList *listptr;
   rzwerrs errs;
   static char **title;
   static char *titles1[] = { "", "", "Summed", "Coherent", "Num", "Period",
      "Frequency", "FFT 'r'", "Freq Deriv", "FFT 'z'",
      "Accel", ""
   static char *titles2[] = { "Cand", "Sigma", "Power", "Power", "Harm", "(ms)",
      "(Hz)", "(bin)", "(Hz/s)", "(bins)",
      "(m/s^2)", "Notes"

   numcands = g_slist_length(list);
   listptr = list;

   /* Close the old work file and open the cand file */

   if (!obs->dat_input)
      fclose(obs->workfile); /* Why is this here? -A */
   obs->workfile = chkfopen(obs->accelnm, "w");

   /* Set our candidate notes to all spaces */

   notes = (char *) malloc(numcands * widths[numcols - 1]);
   memset(notes, ' ', numcands * widths[numcols - 1]);

   /* Compare the candidates with the pulsar database */

   if (dms2rad(idata->ra_h, idata->ra_m, idata->ra_s) != 0.0 &&
       hms2rad(idata->dec_d, idata->dec_m, idata->dec_s) != 0.0) {
      for (ii = 0; ii < numcands; ii++) {
         comp_psr_to_cand(props + ii, idata, notes + ii * 20, 0);

   /* Compare the candidates with themselves */

   compare_rzw_cands(props, numcands, notes);

   /* Print the header */

   width = widths;
   title = titles1;
   for (ii = 0; ii < numcols - 1; ii++) {
      center_string(ctrstr, *title++, *width++);
      fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s  ", ctrstr);
   center_string(ctrstr, *title++, *width++);
   fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s\n", ctrstr);

   width = widths;
   title = titles2;
   for (ii = 0; ii < numcols - 1; ii++) {
      center_string(ctrstr, *title++, *width++);
      fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s  ", ctrstr);
   center_string(ctrstr, *title++, *width++);
   fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s\n", ctrstr);

   width = widths;
   for (ii = 0; ii < numcols - 1; ii++) {
      memset(tmpstr, '-', *width);
      tmpstr[*width++] = '\0';
      fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s--", tmpstr);
   memset(tmpstr, '-', *width++);
   tmpstr[widths[ii]] = '\0';
   fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s\n", tmpstr);

   /* Print the fundamentals */

   for (ii = 0; ii < numcands; ii++) {
      width = widths;
      error = errors;
      cand = (accelcand *) (listptr->data);
      calc_rzwerrs(props + ii, obs->T, &errs);

      {                         /* Calculate the coherently summed power */
         double coherent_r = 0.0, coherent_i = 0.0;
         double phs0, phscorr, amp;
         rderivs harm;

         /* These phase calculations assume the fundamental is best */
         /* Better to irfft them and check the amplitude */
         phs0 = cand->derivs[0].phs;
         for (jj = 0; jj < cand->numharm; jj++) {
            harm = cand->derivs[jj];
            if (obs->nph > 0.0)
               amp = sqrt(harm.pow / obs->nph);
               amp = sqrt(harm.pow / harm.locpow);
            phscorr = phs0 - fmod((jj + 1.0) * phs0, TWOPI);
            coherent_r += amp * cos(harm.phs + phscorr);
            coherent_i += amp * sin(harm.phs + phscorr);
         coherent_pow = coherent_r * coherent_r + coherent_i * coherent_i;

      sprintf(tmpstr, "%-4d", ii + 1);
      center_string(ctrstr, tmpstr, *width++);
      fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s  ", ctrstr);

      sprintf(tmpstr, "%.2f", cand->sigma);
      center_string(ctrstr, tmpstr, *width++);
      fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s  ", ctrstr);

      sprintf(tmpstr, "%.2f", cand->power);
      center_string(ctrstr, tmpstr, *width++);
      fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s  ", ctrstr);

      sprintf(tmpstr, "%.2f", coherent_pow);
      center_string(ctrstr, tmpstr, *width++);
      fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s  ", ctrstr);

      sprintf(tmpstr, "%d", cand->numharm);
      center_string(ctrstr, tmpstr, *width++);
      fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s  ", ctrstr);

      write_val_with_err(obs->workfile, errs.p * 1000.0, errs.perr * 1000.0,
                         *error++, *width++);
      write_val_with_err(obs->workfile, errs.f, errs.ferr, *error++, *width++);
      write_val_with_err(obs->workfile, props[ii].r, props[ii].rerr,
                         *error++, *width++);
      write_val_with_err(obs->workfile, errs.fd, errs.fderr, *error++, *width++);
      write_val_with_err(obs->workfile, props[ii].z, props[ii].zerr,
                         *error++, *width++);
      accel = props[ii].z * SOL / (obs->T * obs->T * errs.f);
      accelerr = props[ii].zerr * SOL / (obs->T * obs->T * errs.f);
      write_val_with_err(obs->workfile, accel, accelerr, *error++, *width++);
      fprintf(obs->workfile, "  %.20s\n", notes + ii * 20);
      listptr = listptr->next;
   fprintf(obs->workfile, "\n\n");
Exemple #5
 * Display a "tomb-stone"
static void print_tomb(void)
    cptr p;

    int offset = 12;

    char tmp[160];

    char buf[1024];

    ang_file *fp;

#ifdef _WIN32_WCE
    time_t ct = fake_time((time_t) 0);
    time_t ct = time((time_t) 0);

    bool boat = ((p_ptr->total_winner) && (player_has(PF_ELVEN)));
    bool tree = ((p_ptr->total_winner)
		 && (player_has(PF_WOODEN) || player_has(PF_DIVINE)));

    /* Clear screen */

    /* Build the filename */
    if (tree)
	path_build(buf, 1024, ANGBAND_DIR_FILE, "tree.txt");
    else if (boat)
	path_build(buf, 1024, ANGBAND_DIR_FILE, "boat.txt");
	path_build(buf, 1024, ANGBAND_DIR_FILE, "dead.txt");

    /* Open the News file */
    fp = file_open(buf, MODE_READ, FTYPE_TEXT);

    /* Dump */
    if (fp) {
	int i, y, x;

	byte a = 0;
	char c = ' ';

	bool okay = TRUE;

	int len;

	/* Load the screen */
	for (y = 0; okay; y++) {
	    /* Get a line of data */
	    if (!file_getl(fp, buf, 1024))
		okay = FALSE;

	    /* Stop on blank line */
	    if (!buf[0])

	    /* Get the width */
	    len = strlen(buf);

	    /* XXX Restrict to current screen size */
	    if (len >= Term->wid)
		len = Term->wid;

	    /* Show each row */
	    for (x = 0; x < len; x++) {
		/* Put the attr/char */
		Term_draw(x, y, TERM_WHITE, buf[x]);

	/* Get the blank line */
	/* if (my_fgets(fp, buf, 1024)) okay = FALSE; */

	/* Load the screen */
	for (y = 0; okay; y++) {
	    /* Get a line of data */
	    if (!file_getl(fp, buf, 1024))
		okay = FALSE;

	    /* Stop on blank line */
	    if (!buf[0])

	    /* Get the width */
	    len = strlen(buf);

	    /* XXX Restrict to current screen size */
	    if (len >= Term->wid)
		len = Term->wid;

	    /* Show each row */
	    for (x = 0; x < len; x++) {
		/* Get the attr/char */
		(void) (Term_what(x, y, &a, &c));

		/* Look up the attr */
		for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
		    /* Use attr matches */
		    if (hack[i] == buf[x])
			a = i;

		/* Put the attr/char */
		Term_draw(x, y, a, c);

	    /* Place the cursor */
	    Term_gotoxy(x, y);


	/* Get the blank line */
	/* if (my_fgets(fp, buf, 1024)) okay = FALSE; */

	/* Close it */

    /* King or Queen */
    if (p_ptr->total_winner || (p_ptr->lev > PY_MAX_LEVEL)) {
	p = "Magnificent";

    /* Normal */
    else {
	p = cp_ptr->title[(p_ptr->lev - 1) / 5];

    /* Set offset */
    offset = 11;

    center_string(buf, op_ptr->full_name);
    put_str(buf, 6, offset);

    center_string(buf, "the");
    put_str(buf, 7, offset);

    center_string(buf, p);
    put_str(buf, 8, offset);

    center_string(buf, cp_ptr->name);
    put_str(buf, 10, offset);

    sprintf(tmp, "Level: %d", (int) p_ptr->lev);
    center_string(buf, tmp);
    put_str(buf, 11, offset);

    sprintf(tmp, "Exp: %ld", (long) p_ptr->exp);
    center_string(buf, tmp);
    put_str(buf, 12, offset);

    sprintf(tmp, "AU: %ld", (long) p_ptr->au);
    center_string(buf, tmp);
    put_str(buf, 13, offset);

    if (p_ptr->depth)
	sprintf(tmp, "Killed in %s level %d",
		locality_name[stage_map[p_ptr->stage][LOCALITY]], p_ptr->depth);
    else if (boat)
	sprintf(tmp, "Sailed victorious to Aman.");
    else if (tree)
	sprintf(tmp, "Retired to Fangorn Forest.");
	sprintf(tmp, "Killed in %s town",
    center_string(buf, tmp);
    put_str(buf, 14, offset);

    if (!(boat || tree)) {
	sprintf(tmp, "by %s.", p_ptr->died_from);
	center_string(buf, tmp);
	put_str(buf, 15, offset);
#ifdef _WIN32_WCE
	char *fake_ctime(const unsigned long *fake_time_t);
	sprintf(tmp, "%-.24s", fake_ctime(&ct));
    sprintf(tmp, "%-.24s", ctime(&ct));
    center_string(buf, tmp);
    put_str(buf, 17, offset);