KICADPCB::KICADPCB() { wxFileName cfgdir( GetKicadConfigPath(), "" ); cfgdir.AppendDir( "3d" ); m_resolver.Set3DConfigDir( cfgdir.GetPath() ); m_thickness = 1.6; m_pcb = NULL; return; }
bool S3D_FILENAME_RESOLVER::Set3DConfigDir( const wxString& aConfigDir ) { if( aConfigDir.empty() ) return false; wxFileName cfgdir( aConfigDir, wxT( "" ) ); cfgdir.Normalize(); if( false == cfgdir.DirExists() ) return false; m_ConfigDir = cfgdir.GetPath(); createPathList(); return true; }
bool S3D_CACHE::Set3DConfigDir( const wxString& aConfigDir ) { if( !m_ConfigDir.empty() ) return false; wxFileName cfgdir( aConfigDir, wxT( "" ) ); cfgdir.Normalize(); if( !cfgdir.DirExists() ) { cfgdir.Mkdir( wxS_DIR_DEFAULT, wxPATH_MKDIR_FULL ); if( !cfgdir.DirExists() ) { std::ostringstream ostr; ostr << __FILE__ << ": " << __FUNCTION__ << ": " << __LINE__ << "\n"; wxString errmsg = _( "failed to create 3D configuration directory" ); ostr << " * " << errmsg.ToUTF8() << "\n"; errmsg = _( "config directory" ); ostr << " * " << errmsg.ToUTF8() << " '"; ostr << cfgdir.GetPath().ToUTF8() << "'"; wxLogTrace( MASK_3D_CACHE, "%s\n", ostr.str().c_str() ); return false; } } m_ConfigDir = cfgdir.GetPath(); // inform the file resolver of the config directory if( !m_FNResolver->Set3DConfigDir( m_ConfigDir ) ) { #ifdef DEBUG do { std::ostringstream ostr; ostr << __FILE__ << ": " << __FUNCTION__ << ": " << __LINE__ << "\n"; ostr << " * could not set 3D Config Directory on filename resolver\n"; ostr << " * config directory: '" << m_ConfigDir.ToUTF8() << "'"; wxLogTrace( MASK_3D_CACHE, "%s\n", ostr.str().c_str() ); } while( 0 ); #endif } cfgdir.AppendDir( wxT( "cache" ) ); if( !cfgdir.DirExists() ) { cfgdir.Mkdir( wxS_DIR_DEFAULT, wxPATH_MKDIR_FULL ); if( !cfgdir.DirExists() ) { std::ostringstream ostr; ostr << __FILE__ << ": " << __FUNCTION__ << ": " << __LINE__ << "\n"; wxString errmsg = "failed to create 3D cache directory"; ostr << " * " << errmsg.ToUTF8() << "\n"; errmsg = "cache directory"; ostr << " * " << errmsg.ToUTF8() << " '"; ostr << cfgdir.GetPath().ToUTF8() << "'"; wxLogTrace( MASK_3D_CACHE, "%s\n", ostr.str().c_str() ); return false; } } m_CacheDir = cfgdir.GetPathWithSep(); return true; }
TelegramLocalStorage::TelegramLocalStorage(QObject *parent): QObject(parent) { QDir cfgdir(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation)); cfgdir.mkpath(qApp->applicationName() + QDir::separator() + qApp->applicationName() + QDir::separator() + TelegramLocalStorage::TELEGRAM_CONFIG); }