Exemple #1
// Input x, y ,z and the angle vector
bool ikine(vector<double> *coords, vector<double> *angles, int grip) {
    //cout << endl << "Andy Ikine says, hello world" << endl << endl;

    double x = coords->at(0);
    double y = coords->at(1);
    double z = coords->at(2) - L1;

    // calculate the closes reach
    double reach_limit = L1*cosd(90) + L2*cosd(90 + (asin((-L1*sind(90))/L2) * 180 / M_PI) );
    //cout << "Min reach: " << reach_limit << endl;

    // Note that the dynamixel and rotate 150(degree) from origin
    double magnitude = sqrt( pow(x,2) + pow(y,2) + pow(z,2) );
    #if DEBUG
    cerr << "Resultant Vector: " << magnitude << endl;

    if ( magnitude  > (L2 + L3) ) {
	cerr << "Out of reach" << endl;
		//return false;

    // (horizontal, vertical) theta A
    angles->at(0) = atan2(x,y); 

    // converted hypotenuse as the new y value 
    y = y / cos(angles->at(0)); 

    // equation from the online source
    double temp1 = (pow(y,2) + pow(z,2) - pow(L2,2) - pow(L3,2)) / (2 * L2 * L3);
    double temp2 = -sqrt( 1 - pow(temp1, 2) );
    // theta C
    angles->at(2) = atan2( temp2, temp1);

    double k1 = L2 + L3 * cos(angles->at(2));
    double k2 = L3 * sin(angles->at(2));
    // theta B
    angles->at(1) = atan2( z, y ) - atan2( k2, k1 );

    angles->at(2) += M_PI / 2 - M_PI / 6;
    angles->at(1) -= M_PI / 2;
    // open : close
    angles->at(3) = grip ? 1.3 : -1.4;//(-GRIP_ANGLE / 180.0 * M_PI) ;

    return check_angle_range(angles);

void SickTimDatagramTest::update_config (sick_tim::SickTimConfig& new_config, uint32_t level)
    check_angle_range (new_config);
    config_ = new_config;