Exemple #1
static void genCodeImpl(IRUnit& unit, AsmInfo* asmInfo) {
  auto regs = allocateRegs(unit);
  assert(checkRegisters(unit, regs)); // calls checkCfg internally.
  Timer _t(Timer::codeGen);
  LiveRegs live_regs = computeLiveRegs(unit, regs);
  CodegenState state(unit, regs, live_regs, asmInfo);

  // Returns: whether a block has already been emitted.
  DEBUG_ONLY auto isEmitted = [&](Block* block) {
    return state.addresses[block];

  CodeBlock& mainCodeIn   = mcg->code.main();
  CodeBlock& coldCodeIn   = mcg->code.cold();
  CodeBlock* frozenCode   = &mcg->code.frozen();

  CodeBlock mainCode;
  CodeBlock coldCode;
  bool relocate = false;
  if (RuntimeOption::EvalJitRelocationSize &&
      mcg->backEnd().supportsRelocation() &&
      coldCodeIn.canEmit(RuntimeOption::EvalJitRelocationSize * 3)) {
     * This is mainly to exercise the relocator, and ensure that its
     * not broken by new non-relocatable code. Later, it will be
     * used to do some peephole optimizations, such as reducing branch
     * sizes.
     * Allocate enough space that the relocated cold code doesn't
     * overlap the emitted cold code.

    static unsigned seed = 42;
    auto off = rand_r(&seed) & (mcg->backEnd().cacheLineSize() - 1);
    coldCode.init(coldCodeIn.frontier() +
                   RuntimeOption::EvalJitRelocationSize + off,
                   RuntimeOption::EvalJitRelocationSize - off, "cgRelocCold");

    mainCode.init(coldCode.frontier() +
                  RuntimeOption::EvalJitRelocationSize + off,
                  RuntimeOption::EvalJitRelocationSize - off, "cgRelocMain");

    relocate = true;
  } else {
     * Use separate code blocks, so that attempts to use the mcg's
     * code blocks directly will fail (eg by overwriting the same
     * memory being written through these locals).
    coldCode.init(coldCodeIn.frontier(), coldCodeIn.available(),
    mainCode.init(mainCodeIn.frontier(), mainCodeIn.available(),

  if (frozenCode == &coldCodeIn) {
    frozenCode = &coldCode;
  auto frozenStart = frozenCode->frontier();
  auto coldStart DEBUG_ONLY = coldCodeIn.frontier();
  auto mainStart DEBUG_ONLY = mainCodeIn.frontier();
  auto bcMap = &mcg->cgFixups().m_bcMap;

    mcg->cgFixups().setBlocks(&mainCode, &coldCode, frozenCode);

      mcg->cgFixups().setBlocks(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);

     * Emit the given block on the supplied assembler.  The `nextLinear'
     * is the next block that will be emitted on this assembler.  If is
     * not the next block in control flow order, then emit a patchable jump
     * to the next flow block.
    auto emitBlock = [&](CodeBlock& cb, Block* block, Block* nextLinear) {

      FTRACE(6, "genBlock {} on {}\n", block->id(),
             cb.base() == coldCode.base() ? "acold" : "a");

      auto const aStart       = cb.frontier();
      auto const acoldStart   = coldCode.frontier();
      auto const afrozenStart = frozenCode->frontier();
      mcg->backEnd().patchJumps(cb, state, block);
      state.addresses[block] = aStart;

      // If the block ends with a Jmp and the next block is going to be
      // its target, we don't need to actually emit it.
      IRInstruction* last = &block->back();
      state.noTerminalJmp = last->op() == Jmp && nextLinear == last->taken();

      if (state.asmInfo) {
        state.asmInfo->asmRanges[block] = TcaRange(aStart, cb.frontier());

      genBlock(unit, cb, coldCode, *frozenCode, state, block, bcMap);
      auto nextFlow = block->next();
      if (nextFlow && nextFlow != nextLinear) {
        mcg->backEnd().emitFwdJmp(cb, nextFlow, state);

      if (state.asmInfo) {
        state.asmInfo->asmRanges[block] = TcaRange(aStart, cb.frontier());
        if (cb.base() != coldCode.base() && frozenCode != &coldCode) {
          state.asmInfo->acoldRanges[block] = TcaRange(acoldStart,
        if (cb.base() != frozenCode->base()) {
          state.asmInfo->afrozenRanges[block] = TcaRange(afrozenStart,

    if (RuntimeOption::EvalHHIRGenerateAsserts) {
      mcg->backEnd().emitTraceCall(mainCode, unit.bcOff());

    auto const linfo = layoutBlocks(unit);

    for (auto it = linfo.blocks.begin(); it != linfo.acoldIt; ++it) {
      Block* nextLinear = boost::next(it) != linfo.acoldIt
        ? *boost::next(it) : nullptr;
      emitBlock(mainCode, *it, nextLinear);
    for (auto it = linfo.acoldIt; it != linfo.afrozenIt; ++it) {
      Block* nextLinear = boost::next(it) != linfo.afrozenIt
        ? *boost::next(it) : nullptr;
      emitBlock(coldCode, *it, nextLinear);
    for (auto it = linfo.afrozenIt; it != linfo.blocks.end(); ++it) {
      Block* nextLinear = boost::next(it) != linfo.blocks.end()
        ? *boost::next(it) : nullptr;
      emitBlock(*frozenCode, *it, nextLinear);

    if (debug) {
      for (Block* UNUSED block : linfo.blocks) {

  assert(coldCodeIn.frontier() == coldStart);
  assert(mainCodeIn.frontier() == mainStart);

  if (relocate) {
    if (asmInfo) {
      printUnit(kRelocationLevel, unit, " before relocation ", &regs, asmInfo);

    auto& be = mcg->backEnd();
    RelocationInfo rel;
    be.relocate(rel, mainCodeIn,
                mainCode.base(), mainCode.frontier(),

    be.relocate(rel, coldCodeIn,
                coldCode.base(), coldCode.frontier(),

    if (frozenCode != &coldCode) {
      rel.recordRange(frozenStart, frozenCode->frontier(),
                      frozenStart, frozenCode->frontier());
    be.adjustForRelocation(rel, mcg->cgFixups());
    be.adjustForRelocation(rel, asmInfo, mcg->cgFixups());

    if (asmInfo) {
      static int64_t mainDeltaTot = 0, coldDeltaTot = 0;
      int64_t mainDelta =
        (mainCodeIn.frontier() - mainStart) -
        (mainCode.frontier() - mainCode.base());
      int64_t coldDelta =
        (coldCodeIn.frontier() - coldStart) -
        (coldCode.frontier() - coldCode.base());

      mainDeltaTot += mainDelta;
      HPHP::Trace::traceRelease("main delta after relocation: %" PRId64
                                " (%" PRId64 ")\n",
                                mainDelta, mainDeltaTot);
      coldDeltaTot += coldDelta;
      HPHP::Trace::traceRelease("cold delta after relocation: %" PRId64
                                " (%" PRId64 ")\n",
                                coldDelta, coldDeltaTot);
#ifndef NDEBUG
    auto& ip = mcg->cgFixups().m_inProgressTailJumps;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < ip.size(); ++i) {
      const auto& ib = ip[i];
    memset(mainCode.base(), 0xcc, mainCode.frontier() - mainCode.base());
    memset(coldCode.base(), 0xcc, coldCode.frontier() - coldCode.base());
  } else {
    coldCodeIn.skip(coldCode.frontier() - coldCodeIn.frontier());
    mainCodeIn.skip(mainCode.frontier() - mainCodeIn.frontier());
  if (asmInfo) {
    printUnit(kCodeGenLevel, unit, " after code gen ", &regs, asmInfo);
Exemple #2
void genCodeImpl(CodeBlock& mainCode,
                 CodeBlock& stubsCode,
                 IRUnit& unit,
                 std::vector<TransBCMapping>* bcMap,
                 JIT::MCGenerator* mcg,
                 const RegAllocInfo& regs,
                 AsmInfo* asmInfo) {
  LiveRegs live_regs = computeLiveRegs(unit, regs);
  CodegenState state(unit, regs, live_regs, asmInfo);

  // Returns: whether a block has already been emitted.
  DEBUG_ONLY auto isEmitted = [&](Block* block) {
    return state.addresses[block];

   * Emit the given block on the supplied assembler.  The `nextLinear'
   * is the next block that will be emitted on this assembler.  If is
   * not the next block in control flow order, then emit a patchable jump
   * to the next flow block.
  auto emitBlock = [&](CodeBlock& cb, Block* block, Block* nextLinear) {

    FTRACE(6, "genBlock {} on {}\n", block->id(),
           cb.base() == stubsCode.base() ? "astubs" : "a");

    auto const aStart      = cb.frontier();
    auto const astubsStart = stubsCode.frontier();
    mcg->backEnd().patchJumps(cb, state, block);
    state.addresses[block] = aStart;

    // If the block ends with a Jmp and the next block is going to be
    // its target, we don't need to actually emit it.
    IRInstruction* last = &block->back();
    state.noTerminalJmp = last->op() == Jmp && nextLinear == last->taken();

    if (state.asmInfo) {
      state.asmInfo->asmRanges[block] = TcaRange(aStart, cb.frontier());

    genBlock(unit, cb, stubsCode, mcg, state, block, bcMap);
    auto nextFlow = block->next();
    if (nextFlow && nextFlow != nextLinear) {
      mcg->backEnd().emitFwdJmp(cb, nextFlow, state);

    if (state.asmInfo) {
      state.asmInfo->asmRanges[block] = TcaRange(aStart, cb.frontier());
      if (cb.base() != stubsCode.base()) {
        state.asmInfo->astubRanges[block] = TcaRange(astubsStart,

  if (RuntimeOption::EvalHHIRGenerateAsserts) {
    mcg->backEnd().emitTraceCall(mainCode, unit.bcOff());

  auto const linfo = layoutBlocks(unit);

  for (auto it = linfo.blocks.begin(); it != linfo.astubsIt; ++it) {
    Block* nextLinear = boost::next(it) != linfo.astubsIt
      ? *boost::next(it) : nullptr;
    emitBlock(mainCode, *it, nextLinear);
  for (auto it = linfo.astubsIt; it != linfo.blocks.end(); ++it) {
    Block* nextLinear = boost::next(it) != linfo.blocks.end()
      ? *boost::next(it) : nullptr;
    emitBlock(stubsCode, *it, nextLinear);

  if (debug) {
    for (Block* UNUSED block : linfo.blocks) {
void BackEnd::genCodeImpl(IRUnit& unit, AsmInfo* asmInfo) {
  auto regs = allocateRegs(unit);
  assert(checkRegisters(unit, regs)); // calls checkCfg internally.
  Timer _t(Timer::codeGen);
  LiveRegs live_regs = computeLiveRegs(unit, regs);
  CodegenState state(unit, regs, live_regs, asmInfo);

  CodeBlock& mainCodeIn   = mcg->code.main();
  CodeBlock& coldCodeIn   = mcg->code.cold();
  CodeBlock* frozenCode   = &mcg->code.frozen();

  CodeBlock mainCode;
  CodeBlock coldCode;
  bool relocate = false;
  if (RuntimeOption::EvalJitRelocationSize &&
      supportsRelocation() &&
      coldCodeIn.canEmit(RuntimeOption::EvalJitRelocationSize * 3)) {
     * This is mainly to exercise the relocator, and ensure that its
     * not broken by new non-relocatable code. Later, it will be
     * used to do some peephole optimizations, such as reducing branch
     * sizes.
     * Allocate enough space that the relocated cold code doesn't
     * overlap the emitted cold code.

    static unsigned seed = 42;
    auto off = rand_r(&seed) & (cacheLineSize() - 1);
    coldCode.init(coldCodeIn.frontier() +
                   RuntimeOption::EvalJitRelocationSize + off,
                   RuntimeOption::EvalJitRelocationSize - off, "cgRelocCold");

    mainCode.init(coldCode.frontier() +
                  RuntimeOption::EvalJitRelocationSize + off,
                  RuntimeOption::EvalJitRelocationSize - off, "cgRelocMain");

    relocate = true;
  } else {
     * Use separate code blocks, so that attempts to use the mcg's
     * code blocks directly will fail (eg by overwriting the same
     * memory being written through these locals).
    coldCode.init(coldCodeIn.frontier(), coldCodeIn.available(),
    mainCode.init(mainCodeIn.frontier(), mainCodeIn.available(),

  if (frozenCode == &coldCodeIn) {
    frozenCode = &coldCode;
  auto frozenStart = frozenCode->frontier();
  auto coldStart DEBUG_ONLY = coldCodeIn.frontier();
  auto mainStart DEBUG_ONLY = mainCodeIn.frontier();
  size_t hhir_count{0};
    mcg->cgFixups().setBlocks(&mainCode, &coldCode, frozenCode);

      mcg->cgFixups().setBlocks(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);

    if (RuntimeOption::EvalHHIRGenerateAsserts) {
      emitTraceCall(mainCode, unit.bcOff());

    auto const linfo = layoutBlocks(unit);
    auto main_start = mainCode.frontier();
    auto cold_start = coldCode.frontier();
    auto frozen_start = frozenCode->frontier();
    Vasm vasm(&state.meta);
    auto& vunit = vasm.unit();
    // create the initial set of vasm numbered the same as hhir blocks.
    for (uint32_t i = 0, n = unit.numBlocks(); i < n; ++i) {
      state.labels[i] = vunit.makeBlock(AreaIndex::Main);
    for (auto it = linfo.blocks.begin(); it != linfo.blocks.end(); ++it) {
      auto block = *it;
      auto v = block->hint() == Block::Hint::Unlikely ? vasm.cold() :
               block->hint() == Block::Hint::Unused ? vasm.frozen() :
      FTRACE(6, "genBlock {} on {}\n", block->id(),
      auto b = state.labels[block];
      vunit.blocks[b].area = v.area();
      hhir_count += genBlock(unit, v, vasm, state, block);
      assert(vasm.main().empty() || vasm.main().closed());
      assert(vasm.cold().empty() || vasm.cold().closed());
      assert(vasm.frozen().empty() || vasm.frozen().closed());
    printUnit("after code-gen", vasm.unit());
    if (state.asmInfo) {
      auto block = unit.entry();
      state.asmInfo->asmRanges[block] = {main_start, mainCode.frontier()};
      if (mainCode.base() != coldCode.base() && frozenCode != &coldCode) {
        state.asmInfo->acoldRanges[block] = {cold_start, coldCode.frontier()};
      if (mainCode.base() != frozenCode->base()) {
        state.asmInfo->afrozenRanges[block] = {frozen_start,
  auto bcMap = &mcg->cgFixups().m_bcMap;
  if (!bcMap->empty()) {
    TRACE(1, "BCMAPS before relocation\n");
    for (UNUSED auto& map : *bcMap) {
      TRACE(1, "%s %-6d %p %p %p\n", map.md5.toString().c_str(),
             map.bcStart, map.aStart, map.acoldStart, map.afrozenStart);

  assert(coldCodeIn.frontier() == coldStart);
  assert(mainCodeIn.frontier() == mainStart);

  if (relocate) {
    if (asmInfo) {
      printUnit(kRelocationLevel, unit, " before relocation ", &regs, asmInfo);

    auto& be = mcg->backEnd();
    RelocationInfo rel;
    size_t asm_count{0};
    asm_count += be.relocate(rel, mainCodeIn,
                mainCode.base(), mainCode.frontier(),

    asm_count += be.relocate(rel, coldCodeIn,
                coldCode.base(), coldCode.frontier(),
    TRACE(1, "hhir-inst-count %ld asm %ld\n", hhir_count, asm_count);

    if (frozenCode != &coldCode) {
      rel.recordRange(frozenStart, frozenCode->frontier(),
                      frozenStart, frozenCode->frontier());
    be.adjustForRelocation(rel, mcg->cgFixups());
    be.adjustForRelocation(rel, asmInfo, mcg->cgFixups());

    if (asmInfo) {
      static int64_t mainDeltaTot = 0, coldDeltaTot = 0;
      int64_t mainDelta =
        (mainCodeIn.frontier() - mainStart) -
        (mainCode.frontier() - mainCode.base());
      int64_t coldDelta =
        (coldCodeIn.frontier() - coldStart) -
        (coldCode.frontier() - coldCode.base());

      mainDeltaTot += mainDelta;
      HPHP::Trace::traceRelease("main delta after relocation: %" PRId64
                                " (%" PRId64 ")\n",
                                mainDelta, mainDeltaTot);
      coldDeltaTot += coldDelta;
      HPHP::Trace::traceRelease("cold delta after relocation: %" PRId64
                                " (%" PRId64 ")\n",
                                coldDelta, coldDeltaTot);
#ifndef NDEBUG
    auto& ip = mcg->cgFixups().m_inProgressTailJumps;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < ip.size(); ++i) {
      const auto& ib = ip[i];
    memset(mainCode.base(), 0xcc, mainCode.frontier() - mainCode.base());
    memset(coldCode.base(), 0xcc, coldCode.frontier() - coldCode.base());
  } else {
    coldCodeIn.skip(coldCode.frontier() - coldCodeIn.frontier());
    mainCodeIn.skip(mainCode.frontier() - mainCodeIn.frontier());

  if (asmInfo) {
    printUnit(kCodeGenLevel, unit, " after code gen ", &regs, asmInfo);