int main(){ std::vector<Double_t> radii; radii.push_back(2.0); // 1. radii.push_back(3.0); // 3.5 radii.push_back(6.0); radii.push_back(9.0); radii.push_back(17.0); radii.push_back(20.0); radii.push_back(25.5); radii.push_back(28.0); //Added!!! radii.push_back(30.0); radii.push_back(34.0); radii.push_back(36.5); //Added!!! radii.push_back(38.0); radii.push_back(46.0); radii.push_back(54.5); // 54.0 radii.push_back(57.0); radii.push_back(61.5); // 61.0 radii.push_back(65.0); std::vector<GeoCut> geoCuts; geoCuts.push_back(GeoCut(-26., 26., 1., 20.)); geoCuts.push_back(GeoCut(-66., 66., 20., 65.)); Double_t boxSize = 30.; MatPlot myPlot("XY", -boxSize, boxSize, -boxSize, boxSize, 0.2, 0.05); myPlot.SetEffRadii(&radii); myPlot.SetGeoCuts(&geoCuts); // myPlot.SetMCScaleFact(-1.); myPlot.SetSimScaleFact(-1.); myPlot.SetDataScaleFact(1.); TChain *convmc = new TChain("ntupleR2S"); convmc->Add("../7TeV/ntuple_nuclint_CMSSW358p3_minbias7TeV_2010-06-04.root"); convmc->Add("../7TeV/ntuple_nuclint_CMSSW358p3_minbias7TeV_2010-06-04_v2.root"); niR2SforMatPlot convMC(convmc); // niR2SforMatPlot convMC("../7TeV/ntuple_nuclint_CMSSW358p3_minbias7TeV_2010-06-04.root"); myPlot.FillMC(&convMC); // All events TChain *convsim = new TChain("ntupleS2R"); convsim->Add("../7TeV/ntuple_nuclint_CMSSW358p3_minbias7TeV_2010-06-04.root"); convsim->Add("../7TeV/ntuple_nuclint_CMSSW358p3_minbias7TeV_2010-06-04_v2.root"); niS2RforMatPlot convSim(convsim); // niS2RforMatPlot convSim("../7TeV/ntuple_nuclint_CMSSW358p3_minbias7TeV_2010-06-04.root"); // myPlot.responseTrain(&convSim, &convMC, 5000000, 20000000); //Remaining events myPlot.FillSim(&convSim); // All events niR2SforMatPlot convData("../7TeV/ntuple_nuclint_CMSSW358p3_goodcoll7TeV_2010-06-04.root"); convData.SetCenterCoord(-0.1475, -0.3782, -0.4847); myPlot.FillData(&convData); // myPlot.doUnfold(); myPlot.test(); myPlot.PlotAll(); }
int main(){ Double_t pi = 3.141592653589793; std::vector<GeoCut> geoCuts; Double_t thetaMax = 2.*atan(exp(1.)); Double_t thetaMin = 2.*atan(exp(-1.)); std::cout << " thetaMin " << thetaMin << " thetaMax " << thetaMax << std::endl; // eta = -log(tan(theta/2.)) ==> theta= 2.*tan(exp(-eta)) geoCuts.push_back(GeoCut(thetaMin, thetaMax, 2., 13.)); Double_t binW = (thetaMax-thetaMin)/40.; std::cout << " thetaMin " << thetaMin << " thetaMax " << thetaMax << " binW " << binW << std::endl; MatPlot myPlot("Theta", thetaMin, thetaMax, binW, binW, -1.); myPlot.SetGeoCuts(&geoCuts); myPlot.SetUIndex(5, 5); myPlot.SetVIndex(0, 4); // myPlot.SetMCScaleFact(-1.); myPlot.SetSimScaleFact(-1.); myPlot.SetDataScaleFact(1.); //MC Reco // #include "src/files_conv_minbias_reco.cxx" convR2SforMatPlot convMC(mc); myPlot.FillMC(&convMC); //MC Sim // #include "src/files_conv_minbias_sim.cxx" convS2RforMatPlot convSim(sim); myPlot.FillSim(&convSim, 1, 10000000); //Data // #include "src/files_conv_run2012ABCD.cxx" convR2SforMatPlot convData(data); // convData.SetCenterCoord(-0.1475, -0.3782, -0.4847); // // run2012D // convData.SetCenterCoord(-0.10822, -0.376969, -0.410475); myPlot.FillData(&convData); myPlot.test(); myPlot.PlotAll(); }
int main(){ std::vector<Double_t> radii; radii.push_back(1.0); radii.push_back(6.0); radii.push_back(9.0); radii.push_back(17.0); radii.push_back(20.0); radii.push_back(25.5); radii.push_back(30.0); radii.push_back(34.0); radii.push_back(38.0); radii.push_back(46.0); radii.push_back(54.0); radii.push_back(57.0); radii.push_back(61.0); radii.push_back(65.0); std::vector<GeoCut> geoCuts; geoCuts.push_back(GeoCut(-33., -29., 1., 30.)); Double_t boxSize = 30.; MatPlot myPlot("XY", -boxSize, boxSize, -boxSize, boxSize, 0.2, 0.05); myPlot.SetEffRadii(&radii); myPlot.SetGeoCuts(&geoCuts); /* // Normalization factors Float_t nDataEv = 10809460; Float_t nSimEv = 6106513; // Float_t nSimEv = 6106513*5./11.; Float_t scaleFact = nDataEv/nSimEv; myPlot.SetMCScaleFact(scaleFact); myPlot.SetSimScaleFact(scaleFact); myPlot.SetDataScaleFact(1.); */ myPlot.SetMCScaleFact(-1.); myPlot.SetSimScaleFact(-1.); myPlot.SetDataScaleFact(1.); niR2SforMatPlot convMC("../7TeV/ntuple_nuclint_CMSSW358p3_minbias7TeV_2010-06-04.root"); myPlot.FillMC(&convMC); // All events niS2RforMatPlot convSim("../7TeV/ntuple_nuclint_CMSSW358p3_minbias7TeV_2010-06-04.root"); // myPlot.responseTrain(&convSim, &convMC, 5000000, 20000000); //Remaining events myPlot.FillSim(&convSim); // All events niR2SforMatPlot convData("../7TeV/ntuple_nuclint_CMSSW358p3_goodcoll7TeV_2010-06-04.root"); convData.SetCenterCoord(-0.1475, -0.3782, -0.4847); myPlot.FillData(&convData); // myPlot.doUnfold(); myPlot.test(); myPlot.PlotAll(); }
int main(){ Double_t pi = 3.141592653589793; std::vector<GeoCut> geoCuts; geoCuts.push_back(GeoCut(13., 29., 26., 50.)); Double_t binW = 10.*pi/180.; MatPlot myPlot("Phi", -pi, pi, binW, binW, -1.); myPlot.SetGeoCuts(&geoCuts); myPlot.SetUIndex(6, 3); //phi, Z myPlot.SetVIndex(0, 4); //--, R // myPlot.SetMCScaleFact(-1.); myPlot.SetSimScaleFact(-1.); myPlot.SetDataScaleFact(1.); //MC Reco // #include "src/files_conv_minbias_reco.cxx" convR2SforMatPlot convMC(mc); myPlot.FillMC(&convMC); //MC Sim // #include "src/files_conv_minbias_sim.cxx" convS2RforMatPlot convSim(sim); myPlot.FillSim(&convSim, 1, 10000000); //Data // #include "src/files_conv_run2012ABCD.cxx" convR2SforMatPlot convData(data); // convData.SetCenterCoord(-0.1475, -0.3782, -0.4847); // // run2012D // convData.SetCenterCoord(-0.10822, -0.376969, -0.410475); myPlot.FillData(&convData); myPlot.test(); myPlot.PlotAll(); }
int main(){ std::vector<GeoCut> geoCuts; geoCuts.push_back(GeoCut(-26., 26., 1., 65.)); MatPlot myPlotR("R", 1., 60., 0.5, 0.5); myPlotR.SetGeoCuts(&geoCuts); Float_t nDataEv = 10809460; // Float_t nSimEv = 6106513; Float_t nSimEv = 6106513*5./11.; Float_t scaleFact = nDataEv/nSimEv; // // Assumo che il numero di eventi iniziale fosse 11000000 // // I primi 5M si usano come pseudo dati // i secondi 6M per il training... // // myPlotR.SetMCScaleFact(scaleFact); myPlotR.SetSimScaleFact(scaleFact); myPlotR.SetDataScaleFact(1.); // MatPlot myPlotEta("Eta", -3., 3., 0.1, 0.01); // myPlotEta.SetGeoCuts(&geoCuts); // Double_t boxSize = 60.; // MatPlot myPlotXY("XY", -boxSize, boxSize, -boxSize, boxSize, 1., 0.1); // myPlotXY.SetGeoCuts(&geoCuts); convR2SforMatPlot convMC("../7TeV/ntuple_conversion_CMSSW356_minbias7TeV_2010-05-10.root"); myPlotR.FillMC(&convMC, 1, 5000000); // First 5M events // myPlotXY.FillMC(&convMC); convS2RforMatPlot convSim("../7TeV/ntuple_conversion_CMSSW356_minbias7TeV_2010-05-10.root"); myPlotR.responseTrain(&convSim, &convMC, 5000000, 20000000); //Remaining events myPlotR.FillSim(&convSim, 1, 5000000); // First 5000000 events // myPlotXY.FillSim(&convSim); convR2SforMatPlot convData("../7TeV/ntuple_conversion_goodcoll7TeV_2010-05-10.root"); myPlotR.FillData(&convData); myPlotR.doUnfold(); // myPlotXY.FillData(&convData); myPlotR.PlotAll(); // myPlotXY.PlotAll(); }
int main(){ Double_t rMax = 65.; std::vector<GeoCut> geoCuts; geoCuts.push_back(GeoCut(-26., 26., 2., 20.)); geoCuts.push_back(GeoCut(-66., 66., 20., rMax)); MatPlot myPlot("R", 1., rMax, 0.5, 0.5, -1.); myPlot.SetGeoCuts(&geoCuts); myPlot.SetUIndex(4, 3); //Radius for plot, z for cut myPlot.SetVIndex(0, 4); //Plot is 1d, radius for cut // myPlot.SetMCScaleFact(-1.); myPlot.SetSimScaleFact(-1.); myPlot.SetDataScaleFact(1.); //MC Reco // #include "src/files_conv_minbias_reco.cxx" convR2SforMatPlot convMC(mc); myPlot.FillMC(&convMC); //MC Sim // #include "src/files_conv_minbias_sim.cxx" convS2RforMatPlot convSim(sim); myPlot.FillSim(&convSim, 1, 10000000); //Data // #include "src/files_conv_run2012ABCD.cxx" convR2SforMatPlot convData(data); // convData.SetCenterCoord(-0.1475, -0.3782, -0.4847); // // run2012D // convData.SetCenterCoord(-0.10822, -0.376969, -0.410475); myPlot.FillData(&convData); myPlot.test(); myPlot.PlotAll(); }
int main(){ std::vector<GeoCut> geoCuts; geoCuts.push_back(GeoCut(-26., 26., 1., 20.)); geoCuts.push_back(GeoCut(-66., 66., 20., 54.)); geoCuts.push_back(GeoCut(-105., 105., 54., 120.)); Double_t boxSize = 120.; //MatPlot myPlot("XY", -boxSize, boxSize, -boxSize, boxSize, 1., 0.1); //binsize, binsizesim, binsizeeff MatPlot myPlot("XY", -boxSize, boxSize, -boxSize, boxSize, 0.5, 0.2, -1.); // era 2 myPlot.SetGeoCuts(&geoCuts); // myPlot.SetMCScaleFact(-1.); myPlot.SetSimScaleFact(-1.); myPlot.SetDataScaleFact(1.); //MC Reco // #include "src/files_conv_minbias_reco.cxx" convR2SforMatPlot convMC(mc); myPlot.FillMC(&convMC); //MC Sim // #include "src/files_conv_minbias_sim.cxx" convS2RforMatPlot convSim(sim); myPlot.FillSim(&convSim, 1, 10000000); //Data // #include "src/files_conv_run2012D.cxx" convR2SforMatPlot convData(data); // convData.SetCenterCoord(-0.1475, -0.3782, -0.4847); // // run2012D // convData.SetCenterCoord(-0.10822, -0.376969, -0.410475); myPlot.FillData(&convData); myPlot.test(); myPlot.PlotAll(); }
matrix *calcWeights(matrix *m, int n, int k, int *knots) { //double w[m->rows][m->cols][n]; matrix *w; matrix *z; w = new_matrix(m->rows, n * m->cols); z =convData(m, n, k); int i, j, t; for (i = 0; i < m->rows; ++i) { for (t = 0; t < n; ++t) { for (j = 0; j < m->cols; ++j) { w->m[i][t * m->cols + j] = BSpline(t, k, z->m[i][j], knots, n); //if (w->m[i][t*n + j] > 1) //printf("bad weight %lf\n", w->m[i][t*n +j]); } } } /*matrix *p; p = new_matrix(m->rows, n); //printf("p: %d, %d\n", p->rows, p->cols); double sum; for (i = 0; i < m->rows; ++i) { for (t = 0; t < n; ++t) { sum = 0; for (j = 0; j < m->cols; ++j) { sum += w[i][j][t]; } sum /= n; p->m[i][t] = sum; } } */ //printf("p2: %d, %d\n", p->rows, p->cols); free_matrix(z); return w; }
byte *doConvert(iconv_t &ctx, byte *data, size_t nIn, size_t nOut, size_t &size) { size_t inBytes = nIn; size_t outBytes = nOut; ScopedArray<byte> convData(new byte[outBytes]); byte *outBuf = convData.get(); // Reset the converter's state iconv(ctx, 0, 0, 0, 0); // Convert if (iconv(ctx, const_cast<ICONV_CONST char **>(reinterpret_cast<char **>(&data)), &inBytes, reinterpret_cast<char **>(&outBuf), &outBytes) == ((size_t) -1)) { warning("iconv() failed: %s", strerror(errno)); return 0; } size = nOut - outBytes; return convData.release(); }
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] ) { double *x; /* input data, size N*n */ double *y; /* output data, size N*1 */ double C; /* upper bound for Lagrange multipliers */ double e; /* insensitivity zone epsilon */ long n; /* dimension of input space */ long N; /* number of input data */ long k; /* counter */ int d0,d1; /* true number of dimensions of arguments #0 and #1 */ int label1,label2; /* different class labels */ kernel ker; /* kernel function */ options opt; /* optimizer settings */ const mxArray *mlopt; /* mxArray for getOptionsStruct and getOptions */ struct svm_problem prob; /* LIBSVM problem (i.e. data) */ struct svm_parameter param; /* LIBSVM parameters */ struct svm_model *model; /* calculated LIBSVM model */ if (nrhs<4) mexErrMsgTxt("Invalid number of input arguments."); /* --- get input and output data --- */ if ( mxIsEmpty(prhs[0]) || !mxIsDouble(prhs[0]) || mxIsComplex(prhs[0]) ) mexErrMsgTxt("Invalid first argument (input data)."); d0 = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]); /* compute true number of dims #0 */ while ( mxGetDimensions(prhs[0])[d0-1] == 1 ) d0--; if ( mxIsEmpty(prhs[1]) ) { /* one-class SVM */ n = mxGetDimensions(prhs[0])[d0-1]; N = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[0])/n; } else if ( !mxIsDouble(prhs[1]) || mxIsComplex(prhs[1]) ) { mexErrMsgTxt("Invalid second argument (output data)."); } else { d1 = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[1]); /* compute true number of dims #1 */ while ( mxGetDimensions(prhs[1])[d1-1] == 1 ) d1--; if ( d1 == d0 ) /* exatly 1 regressor */ n = 1; else if ( d1 == d0-1 ) /* more than 1 regressor */ n = mxGetDimensions(prhs[0])[d1]; else mexErrMsgTxt("Sizes of input and output data do not match."); N = 1; /* get number of data */ for (k=0; k<d1; k++) { if ( mxGetDimensions(prhs[1])[k] != mxGetDimensions(prhs[0])[k] ) mexErrMsgTxt("Sizes of first and second argument do not match."); else N *= mxGetDimensions(prhs[1])[k]; } } if ( mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[2]) != 1 || !mxIsDouble(prhs[2]) || mxIsComplex(prhs[2]) || mxGetScalar(prhs[2]) <= 0 ) mexErrMsgTxt("Invalid third argument (upper bound)."); x = mxGetPr(prhs[0]); /* get the input arguments */ y = mxGetPr(prhs[1]); C = mxGetScalar(prhs[2]); /* set default values */ opt.tol = 1e-3; /* tolerance for KKT check */ opt.shrink = 1; /* enable shrinking */ opt.cache = 40.0; /* cache size in MB */ opt.weight = 1.0; /* weight for class wlabel */ opt.wlabel = -1; /* class to be weighted */ opt.verbose = 0; /* no verbosity */ = 0; /* C/eps style */ opt.prob = 0; /* no probability information */ /* --- SVM classification --- */ if ( mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[3]) == 1 && mxIsStruct(prhs[3]) ) { /* check lables for struct output (1 argument) */ if ( !mxIsEmpty(prhs[1]) && nlhs == 1 ) { /* allow different class labels */ label1 = (int)y[0]; for (k=0; k<N; k++) { label2 = (int)y[k]; if (label1 != label2) break; } for (k=0; k<N; k++) if ( y[k]!=label1 && y[k]!=label2 ) mexErrMsgTxt("Only two different class labels are allowed."); } /* check lables for vector output (2 arguments) */ if ( !mxIsEmpty(prhs[1]) && nlhs>1 ) { /* class labels must be -1 or +1 */ for (k=0; k<N; k++) if ( y[k]!=1 && y[k]!=-1 ) mexErrMsgTxt("Only class labels +1 and -1 are allowed."); label1 = +1; label2 = -1; } /* get kernel and options */ if ( getKernel(&ker,prhs[3],n) || ker.type == KERNEL_GAUSS ) mexErrMsgTxt("Invalid fourth argument (kernel function)."); if ( nrhs>4 ) { getOptionsStruct(&mlopt,prhs+4,nrhs-4); getOptions(&opt,mlopt,N); } /* compute probability information only if it can be returned */ if ( nlhs>1 ) opt.prob = 0; /* check if weighting makes sense */ if ( !mxIsEmpty(prhs[1]) && opt.wlabel!=label1 && opt.wlabel!=label2 ) { opt.weight = 1; mexWarnMsgTxt("Class to be weighted does not exist."); } /* check nu value (C is treated as nu) */ if ( == 1 && C > 1 ) mexErrMsgTxt("nu must be in the range (0,1]"); /* solve the classification problem */ if ( mxIsEmpty(prhs[1]) ) { if ( C > 1 ) mexErrMsgTxt("nu must be in the range (0,1]"); convOptions(¶m,C,0,&ker,&opt,2); } else { convOptions(¶m,C,0,&ker,&opt,1); } convData(&prob,x,y,n,N); /* dump information about options and settings into MATLAB window */ e = -1; if (opt.verbose > 0) { if ( mxIsEmpty(prhs[1]) ) dumpOptions(&ker,&opt,C,e,2); else dumpOptions(&ker,&opt,C,e,1); } /* compute the solution */ model = svm_train(&prob,¶m); if ( mxIsEmpty(prhs[1]) ) buildSolution(plhs,prhs[3],model,&prob,&opt,nlhs,2,N); else buildSolution(plhs,prhs[3],model,&prob,&opt,nlhs,1,N); /* dump information about solution into MATLAB window */ if (opt.verbose > 0) { if ( mxIsEmpty(prhs[1]) ) dumpSolution(&opt,model,&prob,y,C,2,N,(nlhs>1)); else dumpSolution(&opt,model,&prob,y,C,1,N,(nlhs>1)); } /* the model is no longer needed */ svm_destroy_model(model); } /* --- SVM regression --- */ else if ( !mxIsEmpty(prhs[1]) && /* one-class SVM not allowed */ mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[3]) == 1 && mxIsDouble(prhs[3]) && !mxIsComplex(prhs[3]) && mxGetScalar(prhs[3]) >= 0 ) { if (nrhs<5) mexErrMsgTxt("Invalid number of input arguments."); if ( mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[4]) != 1 || !mxIsStruct(prhs[4]) ) mexErrMsgTxt("Invalid fifth argument (kernel function)."); /* get epsilon, kernel and options */ e = mxGetScalar(prhs[3]); if ( getKernel(&ker,prhs[4],n) || ker.type == KERNEL_GAUSS ) mexErrMsgTxt("Invalid fourth argument (kernel function)."); if ( nrhs>5 ) { getOptionsStruct(&mlopt,prhs+5,nrhs-5); getOptions(&opt,mlopt,N); } /* check nu value (e is treated as nu) */ if ( == 1 && e > 1 ) mexErrMsgTxt("Invalid fourth argument (nu)."); /* solve the regression problem */ convOptions(¶m,C,e,&ker,&opt,0); convData(&prob,x,y,n,N); /* dump information about options and settings into MATLAB window */ if (opt.verbose > 0) dumpOptions(&ker,&opt,C,e,0); model = svm_train(&prob,¶m); buildSolution(plhs,prhs[4],model,&prob,&opt,nlhs,0,N); /* dump information about solution into MATLAB window */ if (opt.verbose > 0) dumpSolution(&opt,model,&prob,y,C,0,N,(nlhs>1)); /* the model is no longer needed */ svm_destroy_model(model); } else mexErrMsgTxt("Invalid fourth argument (kernel function)."); }
int main(){ std::vector<Double_t> radii; radii.push_back(2.0); // 1. radii.push_back(3.0); // 3.5 radii.push_back(6.0); radii.push_back(9.0); radii.push_back(17.0); radii.push_back(22.0); // 20.0 radii.push_back(25.5); radii.push_back(30.0); radii.push_back(34.0); radii.push_back(38.0); radii.push_back(45.5); // 46.0 radii.push_back(54.5); // 54.0 radii.push_back(57.0); radii.push_back(61.5); // 61.0 radii.push_back(65.0); Double_t rMax = 65.; std::vector<GeoCut> geoCuts; geoCuts.push_back(GeoCut(-26., 26., 2., 20.)); geoCuts.push_back(GeoCut(-66., 66., 20., rMax)); MatPlot myPlotR("R", 1., rMax, 0.5, 0.5); myPlotR.SetEffRadii(&radii); myPlotR.SetGeoCuts(&geoCuts); Float_t nDataEv = 10809460; // Float_t nSimEv = 6106513; Float_t nSimEv = 6106513*5./11.; Float_t scaleFact = nDataEv/nSimEv; // // Assumo che il numero di eventi iniziale fosse 11000000 // // I primi 5M si usano come pseudo dati // i secondi 6M per il training... // // myPlotR.SetMCScaleFact(-1.); myPlotR.SetSimScaleFact(-1.); myPlotR.SetDataScaleFact(1.); convR2SforMatPlot convMC("../7TeV/ntuple_conversion_CMSSW358p3_minbias7TeV_2010-06-04.root"); myPlotR.FillMC(&convMC, 5000000, 100000000); // First 5M events convS2RforMatPlot convSim("../7TeV/ntuple_conversion_CMSSW358p3_minbias7TeV_2010-06-04.root"); myPlotR.responseTrain(&convSim, &convMC, 1, 5000000); //Remaining events myPlotR.FillSim(&convSim, 5000000, 100000000); // First 5000000 events convR2SforMatPlot convData("../7TeV/TIB1Int_Plus15_2.root"); // convData.SetCenterCoord(-0.1475, -0.3782, -0.4847); myPlotR.FillData(&convData); myPlotR.doUnfold(); /* myPlotR.SetMCScaleFact(scaleFact); myPlotR.SetSimScaleFact(scaleFact); myPlotR.SetDataScaleFact(1.); convR2SforMatPlot convMC("../7TeV/ntuple_conversion_CMSSW356_minbias7TeV_2010-05-10.root"); myPlotR.FillMC(&convMC, 1, 5000000); // First 5M events convS2RforMatPlot convSim("../7TeV/ntuple_conversion_CMSSW356_minbias7TeV_2010-05-10.root"); myPlotR.responseTrain(&convSim, &convMC, 5000000, 20000000); //Remaining events myPlotR.FillSim(&convSim, 1, 5000000); // First 5000000 events convR2SforMatPlot convData("../7TeV/ntuple_conversion_goodcoll7TeV_2010-05-10.root"); convData.SetCenterCoord(-0.1475, -0.3782, -0.4847); myPlotR.FillData(&convData); myPlotR.doUnfold(); */ myPlotR.PlotAll(); myPlotR.test(); }