Exemple #1
 * @param load_callback		Responsible for registering all the VFS callbacks
 *							required for the game. After load_callback has been
 *							run, assets are immediately loaded.
 * @param init_callback		Runs after assets are loaded, and should set up game
 *							objects to their initial state.
 * @param release_callback	Runs just before the game quits, and should release
 *							all assets and free dynamically allocated memory.
void core_setup(const char *title, float view_width, float view_height,
		int window_width, int window_height, int window_mode, size_t game_memory_size)

	/* Store global references. */
	core_global->view_width = view_width;
	core_global->view_height = view_height;

	/* Set up sound */
	sound_init(&core_global->sound, (float *)core_global->sound_listener, core_global->sound_distance_max);

	/* Allocate game memory */
	core_global->shared_memory.game_memory = malloc(game_memory_size);
	core_global->shared_memory.core = core_global;
	core_global->shared_memory.sound = &core_global->sound;
	core_global->shared_memory.assets = assets;
	core_global->shared_memory.vfs = vfs_global;
	core_global->shared_memory.input = &core_global->input;
	core_global->init_memory_callback(&core_global->shared_memory, 0);

	/* Seed random number generator. */

	/* Set up window. */
	core_global->graphics.view_width = view_width;
	core_global->graphics.view_height = view_height;
	core_global->graphics.window = lodge_window_create(title, window_width, window_height, window_mode, &core_window_create);

	if (!core_global->graphics.window) {
		core_error("Could not create window\n");

	/* Setup input. */
	int ret = input_init(&core_global->input, core_global->graphics.window, &core_key_callback, &core_char_callback, &core_mousebutton_callback);

	if (ret != GRAPHICS_OK) {
		core_error("Input initialization failed (%d)\n", ret);

	lodge_window_set_resize_callback(core_global->graphics.window, &core_resize_callback);

	/* Load all assets */
Exemple #2
static void
core_core(struct context *ctx, struct conn *conn, uint32_t events)
    rstatus_t status;

    log_debug(LOG_VVERB, "event %04"PRIX32" on %c %d", events,
              conn->client ? 'c' : (conn->proxy ? 'p' : 's'), conn->sd);

    conn->events = events;

    /* error takes precedence over read | write */
    if (events & EPOLLERR) {
        core_error(ctx, conn);

    /* read takes precedence over write */
    if (events & (EPOLLIN | EPOLLHUP)) {
        status = core_recv(ctx, conn);
        if (status != NC_OK || conn->done || conn->err) {
            core_close(ctx, conn);

    if (events & EPOLLOUT) {
        status = core_send(ctx, conn);
        if (status != NC_OK || conn->done || conn->err) {
            core_close(ctx, conn);
Exemple #3
core_core(void *arg, uint32_t events)
	rstatus_t status;
	struct conn *conn = arg;
	struct context *ctx = conn_to_ctx(conn);

    log_debug(LOG_VVERB, "event %04"PRIX32" on %s %d", events,
              conn_get_type_string(conn), conn->sd);

	conn->events = events;

	/* error takes precedence over read | write */
	if (events & EVENT_ERR) {
		if (conn->err && conn->dyn_mode) {
			loga("conn err on dnode EVENT_ERR: %d", conn->err);
		core_error(ctx, conn);

		return DN_ERROR;

	/* read takes precedence over write */
	if (events & EVENT_READ) {
		status = core_recv(ctx, conn);

		if (status != DN_OK || conn->done || conn->err) {
			if (conn->dyn_mode) {
				if (conn->err) {
					loga("conn err on dnode EVENT_READ: %d", conn->err);
					core_close(ctx, conn);
					return DN_ERROR;
				return DN_OK;

			core_close(ctx, conn);
			return DN_ERROR;

	if (events & EVENT_WRITE) {
		status = core_send(ctx, conn);
		if (status != DN_OK || conn->done || conn->err) {
			if (conn->dyn_mode) {
				if (conn->err) {
					loga("conn err on dnode EVENT_WRITE: %d", conn->err);
					core_close(ctx, conn);
					return DN_ERROR;
				return DN_OK;

			core_close(ctx, conn);
			return DN_ERROR;

	return DN_OK;
Exemple #4
void computeExactFlags_temp(ConstRep* t, const Real &value) {
  // Chen Li: the following is incorrect:
  //    uMSB = lMSB = value.MSB();
  // because the value could be a BigFloat which is an interval.
  if (value.isExact()) {
    t->uMSB() = t->lMSB() = value.MSB();
  } else {
    t->uMSB() = value.uMSB();
    t->lMSB() = value.lMSB();
    core_error("Leaves in DAG is not exact!", __FILE__, __LINE__, true);

  t->sign() = value.sign();
  // t->length() = value.length();
  t->measure() = value.height(); // for rationals and integers,
  // measure = height.

  // BFMSS[2,5] bound.
  value.ULV_E(t->u25(), t->l25(), t->v2p(), t->v2m(), t->v5p(), t->v5m());

  // The original BFMSS parameters can be set from the BFMSS[2,5] parameters.
  // Here we just need them locally.
  extLong u_e = t->u25() + t->v2p() + ceilLg5(t->v5p());
  extLong l_e = t->l25() + t->v2m() + ceilLg5(t->v5m());

  // To go back to the original BFMSS :
  t->u25() = u_e;
  t->l25() = l_e;
  t->v2p() = t->v2m() = t->v5p() = t->v5m() = EXTLONG_ZERO;
#elif defined BFMSS_2_ONLY
  // To go back to BFMSS[2] only :
  t->u25() = t->u25() + ceilLg5(t->v5p());
  t->l25() = t->l25() + ceilLg5(t->v5m());
  t->v5p() = t->v5m() = EXTLONG_ZERO;

  if (l_e == EXTLONG_ZERO) {           // no divisions introduced
    t->high() = u_e;
    t->low() = EXTLONG_ONE - u_e; // - (u_e - 1)
  } else {
    t->high() = u_e - l_e + EXTLONG_ONE;
    t->low() = EXTLONG_TWO - t->high();

  t->lc() = l_e;
  t->tc() = u_e;

  // set BigRat value
  if (rationalReduceFlag) {
    t->ratFlag() = 1;
    t->ratValue() = new BigRat(value.BigRatValue());

  t->flagsComputed() = true;
Exemple #5
void DivRep::computeExactFlags() {
  if (!first->flagsComputed())
  if (!second->flagsComputed())

  if (!second->sign())
    core_error("zero divisor.", __FILE__, __LINE__, true);

  if (!first->sign()) {// value must be exactly zero.

  // rational node
  if (rationalReduceFlag) {
    if (first->ratFlag() > 0 && second->ratFlag() > 0) {
      BigRat val = (*(first->ratValue()))/(*(second->ratValue()));
      ratFlag() = first->ratFlag() + second->ratFlag();
    } else
      ratFlag() = -1;

  // value is irrational.
  uMSB() = first->uMSB() - second->lMSB();
  lMSB() = first->lMSB() - second->uMSB() - EXTLONG_ONE;
  sign() = first->sign() * second->sign();

  extLong df = first->d_e();
  extLong ds = second->d_e();
  // extLong lf = first->length();
  // extLong ls = second->length();

  // length() = df * ls + ds * lf;
  measure() = (first->measure())*ds + (second->measure())*df;

  // BFMSS[2,5] bound.
  v2p() = first->v2p() + second->v2m();
  v2m() = first->v2m() + second->v2p();
  v5p() = first->v5p() + second->v5m();
  v5m() = first->v5m() + second->v5p();
  u25() = first->u25() + second->l25();
  l25() = first->l25() + second->u25();

  high() = first->high() + second->low();
  low() = first->low() + second->high();

  lc() = ds * first->lc() + df * second->tc();
  tc() = core_min(ds * first->tc() + df * second->lc(), measure());

  flagsComputed() = true;
Exemple #6
// Debug Help Functions
void Expr::debug(int mode, int level, int depthLimit) const {
  std::cout << "-------- Expr debug() -----------" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "rep = " << rep << std::endl;
  if (mode == Expr::LIST_MODE)
    rep->debugList(level, depthLimit);
  else if (mode == Expr::TREE_MODE)
    rep->debugTree(level, 0, depthLimit);
    core_error("unknown debugging mode", __FILE__, __LINE__, false);
  std::cout << "---- End Expr debug(): " << std::endl;
void			kaneton_dump(void)
  cons_msg('#', "dumping kernel parameters:\n");

#if defined(___bootloader)
  cons_msg('#', " mode: bootloader\n");
  core_error("kernel compiled in a bad way where ___bootloader"
		"is defined\n");
#elif defined(___kernel)
  cons_msg('#', " mode: kernel\n");
  core_error("no mode defined\n");

#if defined(___kaneton)
  cons_msg('#', " name: kaneton\n");
  core_error("___kaneton not defined\n");

#if (___wordsz == WORDSZ_32)
  cons_msg('#', " wordsize: 32-bit\n");
#elif (___wordsz == WORDSZ_64)
  cons_msg('#', " wordsize: 64-bit\n");
#elif (___wordsz == WORDSZ_128)
  cons_msg('#', " wordsize: 128-bit\n");
  core_error("no word size defined\n");

#if (___endian == ENDIAN_LITTLE)
  cons_msg('#', " endian: little\n");
#elif (___endian == ENDIAN_BIG)
  cons_msg('#', " endian: big\n");
  core_error("no endian defined\n");
Exemple #8
void core_window_create(lodge_window_t window)
	/* Set up ratio. */
	int w, h;
	lodge_window_get_size(window, &w, &h);
	core_resize_callback(window, w, h);

	/* Set up graphics */
	int ret = graphics_init(&core_global->graphics, &core_think, &core_render, core_global->fps_callback);

	if (ret != GRAPHICS_OK) {
		core_error("Graphics initialization failed (%d)\n", ret);

	/* Set up OpenGL. */
	ret = graphics_opengl_init(&core_global->graphics);
	if (ret != GRAPHICS_OK) {
		core_error("opengl initialization failed (%d)\n", ret);
Exemple #9
void MultRep::computeApproxValue(const extLong& relPrec,
                                 const extLong& absPrec) {
    extLong r   = relPrec + EXTLONG_FOUR;
    extLong  afr = - first->lMSB() + EXTLONG_ONE;
    extLong  afa = second->uMSB() + absPrec + EXTLONG_FIVE;
    extLong  af  = afr > afa ? afr : afa;
    extLong  asr = - second->lMSB() + EXTLONG_ONE;
    extLong  asa = first->uMSB() + absPrec + EXTLONG_FIVE;
    extLong  as  = asr > asa ? asr : asa;
    appValue() = first->getAppValue(r, af)*second->getAppValue(r, as);
  } else {
    std::cerr << "lMSB = " << lMSB() << std::endl;
    core_error("a huge lMSB in MulRep", __FILE__, __LINE__, false);
Exemple #10
core_core(void *arg, uint32_t events)
	rstatus_t status;
	struct conn *conn = arg;
	struct context *ctx = conn_to_ctx(conn);

	if (conn->dyn_mode) {
		log_debug(LOG_VVERB, "event %04"PRIX32" on d_%c %d", events,
				conn->dnode_client ? 'c' : (conn->dnode_server ? 's' : 'p'), conn->sd);
	} else {
		log_debug(LOG_VVERB, "event %04"PRIX32" on %c %d", events,
				conn->client ? 'c' : (conn->proxy ? 'p' : 's'), conn->sd);

	conn->events = events;

	/* error takes precedence over read | write */
	if (events & EVENT_ERR) {
		core_error(ctx, conn);
		return DN_ERROR;

	/* read takes precedence over write */
	if (events & EVENT_READ) {
		status = core_recv(ctx, conn);
		if (status != DN_OK || conn->done || conn->err) {
			core_close(ctx, conn);
			return DN_ERROR;

	if (events & EVENT_WRITE) {
		status = core_send(ctx, conn);
		if (status != DN_OK || conn->done || conn->err) {
			core_close(ctx, conn);
			return DN_ERROR;

	return DN_OK;
Exemple #11
static void
core_core(void *arg, uint32_t evflags)
    rstatus_t status;
    struct conn *conn = (struct conn *) arg;
    struct context *ctx;


    if ((conn->proxy) || (conn->client)) {
        ctx = ((struct server_pool *) (conn -> owner)) -> ctx;
    } else { 
        ctx = ((struct server_pool *) (((struct server *) (conn -> owner)) -> owner )) -> ctx;

    log_debug(LOG_VVERB, "event %04"PRIX32" on %c %d", evflags,
              conn->client ? 'c' : (conn->proxy ? 'p' : 's'), conn->sd);

    conn->events = evflags;

    /* error takes precedence over read | write */
    if (evflags & EV_ERR) {
        core_error(ctx, conn);

    /* read takes precedence over write */
    if (evflags & EV_READ) {
        status = core_recv(ctx, conn);
        if (status != NC_OK || conn->done || conn->err) {
            core_close(ctx, conn);

    if (evflags & EV_WRITE) {
        status = core_send(ctx, conn);
        if (status != NC_OK || conn->done || conn->err) {
            core_close(ctx, conn);
Exemple #12
void DivRep::computeApproxValue(const extLong& relPrec,
                                const extLong& absPrec) {
    extLong rr  = relPrec + EXTLONG_SEVEN;		// These rules come from
    extLong ra  = uMSB() + absPrec + EXTLONG_EIGHT;	// Koji's Master Thesis, page 65
    extLong ra2 = core_max(ra, EXTLONG_TWO);
    extLong r   = core_min(rr, ra2);
    extLong  af  = - first->lMSB() + r;
    extLong  as  = - second->lMSB() + r;

    extLong pr = relPrec + EXTLONG_SIX;
    extLong pa = uMSB() + absPrec + EXTLONG_SEVEN;
    extLong p  = core_min(pr, pa);	// Seems to be an error:
    // p can be negative here!
    // Also, this does not conform to
    // Koji's thesis which has a default
    // relative precision (p.65).

    appValue() = first->getAppValue(r, af).div(second->getAppValue(r, as), p);
  } else {
    std::cerr << "lMSB = " << lMSB() << std::endl;
    core_error("a huge lMSB in DivRep", __FILE__, __LINE__, false);
Exemple #13
void SqrtRep::computeExactFlags() {
  if (!child->flagsComputed())

  if (rationalReduceFlag)
    ratFlag() = -1;

  sign() = child->sign();
  if (sign() < 0)
    core_error("squareroot is called with negative operand.",
               __FILE__, __LINE__, true);

  uMSB() = child->uMSB() / EXTLONG_TWO;
  lMSB() = child->lMSB() / EXTLONG_TWO;

  // length() = child->length();
  measure() = child->measure();

  // BFMSS[2,5] bound.
  if (child->v2p() + ceilLg5(child->v5p()) + child->u25() >=
      child->v2m() + ceilLg5(child->v5m()) + child->l25()) {
    extLong vtilda2 = child->v2p() + child->v2m();
    v2p() = vtilda2 / EXTLONG_TWO;
    v2m() = child->v2m();
    extLong vmod2;
    if (v2p().isInfty())
      vmod2 = CORE_INFTY;
      vmod2 = vtilda2 - EXTLONG_TWO*v2p(); // == vtilda2 % 2
    extLong vtilda5 = child->v5p() + child->v5m();
    v5p() = vtilda5 / EXTLONG_TWO;
    v5m() = child->v5m();
    extLong vmod5;
    if (v5p().isInfty())
      vmod5 = CORE_INFTY;
      vmod5 = vtilda5 - EXTLONG_TWO*v5p(); // == vtilda5 % 2
    u25() = (child->u25() + child->l25() + vmod2 + ceilLg5(vmod5) + EXTLONG_ONE) / EXTLONG_TWO;
    l25() = child->l25();
  } else {
    extLong vtilda2 = child->v2p() + child->v2m();
    v2p() = child->v2p();
    v2m() = vtilda2 / EXTLONG_TWO;
    extLong vmod2;
    if (v2m().isInfty())
      vmod2 = CORE_INFTY;
      vmod2 = vtilda2 - EXTLONG_TWO*v2m(); // == vtilda2 % 2
    extLong vtilda5 = child->v5p() + child->v5m();
    v5p() = child->v5p();
    v5m() = vtilda5 / EXTLONG_TWO;
    u25() = child->u25();
    extLong vmod5;
    if (v5m().isInfty())
      vmod5 = CORE_INFTY;
      vmod5 = vtilda5 - EXTLONG_TWO*v5m(); // == vtilda5 % 2
    l25() = (child->u25() + child->l25() + vmod2 + ceilLg5(vmod5) + EXTLONG_ONE) / EXTLONG_TWO;

  high() = (child->high() +EXTLONG_ONE)/EXTLONG_TWO;
  low() = child->low() / EXTLONG_TWO;
  lc() = child->lc();
  tc() = child->tc();
  flagsComputed() = true;
}// SqrtRep::computeExactFlags
void			kaneton(t_init*				bootloader)
   * 1)
  init = bootloader;

   * 2)

  if (cons_init() != ERROR_NONE)
    core_error("cannot initialise the console manager\n");

   * 3)

  cons_msg('+', "%s\n", version);

   * 4)


   * 5)

  cons_msg('+', "starting malloc\n");

  alloc_init(init->alloc, init->allocsz);

   * 6)

  cons_msg('+', "starting kernel manager\n");


   * 7)

  cons_msg('+', "kaneton started\n");

   * XXX

#if defined(CONF_ENABLE_CHECK)
  cons_msg('+', "running manual tests\n");

#ifdef SERIAL
  cons_msg('+', "starting debug manager\n");

   * /XXX

#ifdef APP


  cons_msg('#', "kaneton is stopping...\n");

   * 8)


   * 21)

  cons_msg('+', "system shutdown\n");

  while (1)
Exemple #15
core_core(void *arg, uint32_t events)
	rstatus_t status;
	struct conn *conn = arg;
	struct context *ctx = conn_to_ctx(conn);

	if (!conn->dyn_mode) {
		if (conn->client && !conn->proxy) {
         struct server_pool *sp = conn->owner;
         log_debug(LOG_VERB, "Client           : '%.*s'", sp->name);
		} else if (!conn->client && !conn->proxy) {
			struct server *server = conn->owner;
			log_debug(LOG_VERB, "Storage server           : '%.*s'", server->name);
		} else {
			struct server_pool *sp = conn->owner;
			log_debug(LOG_VERB, "Proxy           : '%.*s'", sp->name);
	} else {
      if (conn->dnode_client && !conn->dnode_server) {
      	struct server_pool *sp = conn->owner;
      	log_debug(LOG_VERB, "Dnode client           : '%.*s'", sp->name);
      } else if (!conn->dnode_client && !conn->dnode_server) {
			struct server *server = conn->owner;
			log_debug(LOG_VERB, "Dnode peer           : '%.*s'", server->name);
      } else {
			struct server_pool *sp = conn->owner;
			log_debug(LOG_VERB, "Dnode server           : '%.*s'", sp->name);

	if (conn->dyn_mode) {
		log_debug(LOG_VVERB, "event %04"PRIX32" on d_%c %d", events,
				conn->dnode_client ? 'c' : (conn->dnode_server ? 's' : 'p'), conn->sd);
	} else {
		log_debug(LOG_VVERB, "event %04"PRIX32" on %c %d", events,
				conn->client ? 'c' : (conn->proxy ? 'p' : 's'), conn->sd);

	conn->events = events;

	/* error takes precedence over read | write */
	if (events & EVENT_ERR) {
		if (conn->err && conn->dyn_mode) {
			loga("conn err on dnode EVENT_ERR: %d", conn->err);
		core_error(ctx, conn);

		return DN_ERROR;

	/* read takes precedence over write */
	if (events & EVENT_READ) {
		status = core_recv(ctx, conn);

		if (status != DN_OK || conn->done || conn->err) {
			if (conn->dyn_mode) {
				if (conn->err) {
					loga("conn err on dnode EVENT_READ: %d", conn->err);
					core_close(ctx, conn);
					return DN_ERROR;
				return DN_OK;

			core_close(ctx, conn);
			return DN_ERROR;

	if (events & EVENT_WRITE) {
		status = core_send(ctx, conn);
		if (status != DN_OK || conn->done || conn->err) {
			if (conn->dyn_mode) {
				if (conn->err) {
					loga("conn err on dnode EVENT_WRITE: %d", conn->err);
					core_close(ctx, conn);
					return DN_ERROR;
				return DN_OK;

			core_close(ctx, conn);
			return DN_ERROR;

	return DN_OK;