Exemple #1
//Tester Function
void QueueTest(){
	createPCB("THisisPCB7", 0, 4);
	createPCB("THisisPCB4", 0, 3);
	createPCB("THisisPCB5", 0, 5);
	//createPCB("THisisPCB2", 0, 1);
Exemple #2
void createRandomPCB(FIFO_queue_p theList, int theNumberOfPCB) {
    char processNameSetUp[10] = "Process";
    int PCBCounter = 0;    
    int i = 0;
    PCB_p tempPCB;
    for (PCBCounter = 0; PCBCounter < theNumberOfPCB; PCBCounter++) {
        srand(time(NULL) * (PCBCounter + 1));
        sprintf(processNameSetUp, "Process%d", PCBCounter);
        tempPCB = createPCB(processNameSetUp, PCBCounter, rand() % 4, 0, 0, ready);
        enqueue(theList, tempPCB);

        strcpy(processNameSetUp, "Process");
    //return theList;
Exemple #3
//Creates an IDLE PCB
// returns the pointer to the list; NULL if list not created
PCB_p createIdlePCB() {
        int i = 0;
	//struct control_block_type testing;
	PCB_p pcb = createPCB("IDLE_PCB", 0, 0, 0, 0, running);
	// if allocation was successful

        strcpy(pcb->name, "IDLE_PCB");
        pcb->pid = -1;
        pcb->priority = 15;
        pcb->interrupt_simulator = 0;
        pcb->pc = 0;
        pcb->currentState = running;

            //New stuff
            //pcb->max_pc = ?   jowy added  (do we need a new parameter?)
        pcb->creation = getTheCurrentTime();
        pcb->terminate = INT_MAX;
        pcb->term_count = 0;
        for (; i < 4; i++) {
            pcb->IO_1_traps[i] = -1;
            pcb->IO_2_traps[i] = -1;
	return pcb;
Exemple #4
int PCB_Init(int argc, char *argv[] )
		Log_Inicializar( _PPCB_, "1" );
		PCB.PPCB_ID = atol (argv[1]);
		PCB.tiempoRestanteOper = 0;	/*Se inicializa en cero*/
		PCB.argc = argc;	/*Lo guardo para arreglar error en crear config.ppcb<ID>*/
		if (0)
			return -1;
		if ( argc == 3) {
			PCB.nIdProcesoPadre = atoi( argv[2] );	/*el proceso que lo origino (o _ID_ACR_ o _ID_ADP_)*/
			if ( PCB_LeerConfig() == ERROR )
				Log_log( log_error, "Error leyendo la configuracion" ); 
		} else if ( argc == 8) {
			PCB.nIdProcesoPadre = _ID_ACR_;	/*el unico que usa esta cant de param es el ACR*/
			if ( createPCB(argv) == ERROR){
				Log_log( log_error, "Error creando la configuracion" ); 
		/* inicializacion de la lista de sockets */
		if ( !(PCB.m_ListaSockets = malloc( MALLOC_SOCKS_INI *sizeof(tSocket*) ) ) ) 
			return ERROR;
		memset( PCB.m_ListaSockets, 0, MALLOC_SOCKS_INI * sizeof(tSocket*) );
		/*Creo el socket de escucha*/
		/*PCB.m_ultimoSocket = SOCK_ESCUCHA; */
		if ( argc == 8 ) 
			if ( PCB_ConectarConACR() == ERROR )
				Log_log( log_error, "No se pudo establecer conexion con el ACR" );
				return ERROR;
			/*tSocket* sockDummy = (tSocket*)CrearSocket();
			sockDummy -> estado = estadoConn_standby;
			PCB.m_ListaSockets[SOCK_ADP] = sockDummy;*/
		if ( argc == 3 ) 
			if( PCB.nIdProcesoPadre == _ID_ACR_ )	/*si lo creo el ACR, se conecta con el ACR*/
				if ( PCB_ConectarConACR() == ERROR )
					Log_log( log_error, "No se pudo establecer conexion con el ACR" );
					return ERROR;
				/*tSocket* sockDummy = (tSocket*)CrearSocket();
				sockDummy -> estado = estadoConn_standby;
				PCB.m_ListaSockets[SOCK_ADP] = sockDummy;*/
			}else if( PCB.nIdProcesoPadre == _ID_ADP_ )	/*si lo creo el ADP, se conecta con el ADP*/
				if ( PCB_ConectarConADP() == ERROR )
					Log_log( log_error, "No se pudo establecer conexion con el ADP" );
					return ERROR;
				/*tSocket* sockDummy = (tSocket*)CrearSocket();
				sockDummy -> estado = estadoConn_standby;
				PCB.m_ListaSockets[SOCK_ACR] = sockDummy;*/				
		signal(SIGALRM, PCB_ProcesarSeniales);
		signal(SIGCHLD, PCB_ProcesarSeniales);
		signal(SIGTERM, PCB_ProcesarSeniales);
		signal(SIGUSR1, PCB_ProcesarSeniales);
		signal(SIGUSR2, PCB_ProcesarSeniales);
		signal(SIGINT,  PCB_ProcesarSeniales);
		/*PCB_Migrar("",9550, SOCK_ADP); /* Esto fue de prueba*/
		return OK;
	if ( errno )
		Log_log( log_error, conn_getLastError() );
		printf("No se puede crear el Buscador: revise el archivo de configuracion\n");
	return ERROR;
Exemple #5
void main(void) {

	char processNameSetUp[10] = "Process";
	int i = 0;
	FIFO_queue_p PCBContainer = createLinkedList();
	PCB_p tempPCB;
	int PCBCounter = 0;
	int loopCounter = 0;
	int numberOfPCB = 0;

	FILE* outFile = fopen("scheduleTrace.txt", "w+");
	fprintf(outFile, "Group 5: Nok Him Nam, Jowy Tran, Mark Johnson, David Humphreys\nDate (DD/MM/YY) : 28/ 01/ 2015\nAssignment : Problem 2 - Scheduling\n");

	//Create CPU
	CPU_instance_p testingCPU = createCPU();

	//Master CPU Loop
	while (loopCounter <= MAX_NUMBER_OF_RUNTIME) {

		if (loopCounter % PRINT_EVERY_xTIMES == 0) {
			fprintf(outFile, "\n__________NEXT TIME QUANTUM  : %d___________\n", loopCounter);

		numberOfPCB = rand() % 6;

		//While the number of PCBs created is less than 30, create more PCBs
		if (PCBCounter < MAX_NUMBER_OF_PCB && PCBCounter + numberOfPCB <= MAX_NUMBER_OF_PCB) {

			if (loopCounter % PRINT_EVERY_xTIMES == 0) {
				//fprintf(outFile, "\n__________NEXT TIME QUANTUM  : %d___________\n", loopCounter);
				fprintf(outFile, "//----------------------------------\n");
				fprintf(outFile, "We are creating %d PCBs \n\n", numberOfPCB);

			for (i = 0; i < numberOfPCB; i++) {

				sprintf(processNameSetUp, "Process%d", PCBCounter);

				enqueue(PCBContainer, tempPCB = createPCB(processNameSetUp, PCBCounter, rand() % 15,
					0, 1000 * PCBCounter, ready));
				if (loopCounter % PRINT_EVERY_xTIMES == 0) {
					toStringFileVersion(tempPCB, outFile);

				strcpy(processNameSetUp, "Process");
		} else if(PCBCounter == MAX_NUMBER_OF_PCB && loopCounter % 4 == 0) {
			fprintf(outFile, "We are done creating PCBs\n");

		if (loopCounter % PRINT_EVERY_xTIMES == 0) {
			fprintf(outFile, "//----------------------------------\n");

		//If we have started a running processes, increment the PC value to simulate running
		if (testingCPU->runningProcess != NULL) {
			testingCPU->runningProcess->pc += rand() % 1000 + 3000;

			//strcpy(testingCPU->systemStack->name, testingCPU->runningProcess->name);
			testingCPU->systemStack->pc = testingCPU->runningProcess->pc;
		//else, create a temp "fake" processs PCB till a "real" one is created
		else {
			testingCPU->runningProcess = createPCB("Default", 0, 0, 0, 0, running);
			testingCPU->systemStack = createPCB("Default", 0, 0, 0, 0, running);

		//Simulate Timer Interrupt
		timerISR(testingCPU, PCBContainer);

		if (loopCounter % PRINT_EVERY_xTIMES == 0) {
			fprintf(outFile, "\nRunning process: \n");
			toStringFileVersion(testingCPU->runningProcess, outFile);
			fprintf(outFile, "//---------------------------------------\n\n");
			fprintf(outFile, "State of the Ready Queue: \n\n");
			printListFileVersion(testingCPU->readQueue_p, outFile);
			fprintf(outFile, "\n\n");

		//pseudo halt for debug screen

		//one run has passed

	//free used memory