Exemple #1
 * \brief Convert _StdPath to one or more _BezierLine/BezierGon
static ObjectChange *
_convert_to_beziers_callback (DiaObject *obj, Point *clicked, gpointer data)
  StdPath *stdpath = (StdPath *)obj;
  BezPoint *bezier = stdpath->points;
  GList *list = NULL;
  int i, n = 0;
  ObjectChange *change;

  for (i = 1; i < stdpath->num_points; ++i) {
    if (bezier[i].type == BEZ_MOVE_TO || i+1 == stdpath->num_points) {
      DiaObject *rep;
      int num = bezier[i].type == BEZ_MOVE_TO ? i - n : i - n + 1;
      if (stdpath->stroke_or_fill & PDO_FILL)
	rep = create_standard_beziergon (num, &bezier[n]);
	rep = create_standard_bezierline (num, &bezier[n], NULL, NULL);
      if (!rep) /* no Standard objects? */
      list = g_list_append (list, rep);
      n = i;
  if (!list) {
    change = change_list_create ();
  } else if (g_list_length (list) == 1) {
    change = object_substitute (obj, (DiaObject *)list->data);
    g_list_free (list);
  } else {
    change = object_substitute (obj, create_standard_group (list));

  return change;
Exemple #2
 * \brief Upgrade the _Zigzagline to a _Bezierline
 * Accessible through the object's context menu this function substitutes 
 * the _Zigzagline with a _Bezierline. The function creates a favorable
 * representation of the original _OrthConn data of the given object.
 * @param obj  explicit this pointer
 * @param clicked  last clicked point on the canvas or NULL
 * @param data a pointer to extra data, unused here
 * @return  undo/redo information as _ObjectChange
 * \memberof _Zigzagline
static ObjectChange *
_convert_to_bezierline_callback (DiaObject *obj, Point *clicked, gpointer data)
  DiaObject *poly;
  Zigzagline *zigzagline = (Zigzagline *)obj;
  OrthConn *orth = &zigzagline->orth;
  BezPoint *bp;
  int i, j, num_points;
  DiaObject *bezier;

  num_points = (orth->numpoints + 1) / 2;
  bp = g_new(BezPoint, num_points);
  bp[0].type = BEZ_MOVE_TO;
  bp[0].p1 = orth->points[0];

  for (i = 1, j = 1; i < num_points && j < orth->numpoints; ++i) {
    bp[i].type = BEZ_CURVE_TO;
    bp[i].p1 = orth->points[j++];
    bp[i].p2 = orth->points[j++];
    if (j + 2 < orth->numpoints) {
      /* if we have more than two points left, use the middle of the segment */
      Point p = { (orth->points[j-1].x + orth->points[j].x) / 2.0,
		  (orth->points[j-1].y + orth->points[j].y) / 2.0 };
      bp[i].p3 = p;
    } else if (j + 2 == orth->numpoints) {
      /* if we one extra point left, use the middle of two segments */
      Point p1 = { (orth->points[j-2].x + orth->points[j-1].x) / 2.0,
		   (orth->points[j-2].y + orth->points[j-1].y) / 2.0 };
      Point p2 = { (orth->points[j-1].x + orth->points[j].x) / 2.0,
		   (orth->points[j-1].y + orth->points[j].y) / 2.0 };
      Point p =  { (p1.x + p2.x) / 2.0, (p1.y + p2.y) / 2.0 };
      bp[i].p3 = p;
      /* also adapt the previous control point */
      bp[i].p2 = p1;
      /* and do the final bezpoint */
      bp[i+1].type = BEZ_CURVE_TO;
      bp[i+1].p1 = p2;
      bp[i+1].p2 = orth->points[j];
      bp[i+1].p3 = orth->points[j+1];
    } else {
      bp[i].p3 = orth->points[j++];
  bezier = create_standard_bezierline(num_points, bp, &zigzagline->end_arrow, &zigzagline->start_arrow);

  return object_substitute (obj, bezier);
Exemple #3
 * \brief create a _Bezierline or _StdPath from the graphics state
DiaOutputDev::stroke (GfxState *state)
  GArray *points = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(BezPoint));
  DiaObject *obj = NULL;
  GfxPath *path = state->getPath();
  bool haveClose = false;

  if (doPath (points, state, path, haveClose) && points->len > 1) {
    if (path->getNumSubpaths() == 1) {
      if (!haveClose)
        obj = create_standard_bezierline (points->len, &g_array_index (points, BezPoint, 0), NULL, NULL);
        obj = create_standard_beziergon (points->len, &g_array_index (points, BezPoint, 0));
    } else {
      obj = create_standard_path (points->len, &g_array_index (points, BezPoint, 0));
    applyStyle (obj, false);
  g_array_free (points, TRUE);
  if (obj)
    addObject (obj);
Exemple #4
static DiaObject *
fig_read_spline(FILE *file, DiaContext *ctx)
    int sub_type;
    int line_style;
    int thickness;
    int pen_color;
    int fill_color;
    int depth;
    int pen_style;
    int area_fill;
    real style_val;
    int cap_style;
    int forward_arrow, backward_arrow;
    Arrow *forward_arrow_info = NULL, *backward_arrow_info = NULL;
    int npoints;
    Point *points = NULL;
    GPtrArray *props = g_ptr_array_new();
    DiaObject *newobj = NULL;
    BezPoint *bezpoints;
    int i;
    char* old_locale;

    old_locale = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
    if (fscanf(file, "%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %lf %d %d %d %d\n",
	       &npoints) != 13) {
	dia_context_add_message_with_errno(ctx, errno, _("Couldn't read spline info."));
	goto exit;

    if (forward_arrow == 1) {
	forward_arrow_info = fig_read_arrow(file, ctx);

    if (backward_arrow == 1) {
	backward_arrow_info = fig_read_arrow(file, ctx);

    if (!fig_read_n_points(file, npoints, &points, ctx)) {
	goto exit;
    switch (sub_type) {
    case 0: /* Open approximated spline */
    case 1: /* Closed approximated spline */
	dia_context_add_message(ctx, _("Cannot convert approximated spline yet."));
	goto exit;
    case 2: /* Open interpolated spline */
    case 3: /* Closed interpolated spline */
	/* Despite what the Fig description says, interpolated splines
	   now also have the line with spline info from the X-spline */
    case 4: /* Open X-spline */
    case 5: /* Closed X-spline */
	    double f;
	    gboolean interpolated = TRUE;
	    for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
		if (fscanf(file, " %lf ", &f) != 1) {
		    dia_context_add_message_with_errno(ctx, errno,_("Couldn't read spline info."));
		    goto exit;
		if (f != -1.0 && f != 0.0) {
		    dia_context_add_message(ctx, _("Cannot convert approximated spline yet."));
		    interpolated = FALSE;
	    if (!interpolated)
		goto exit;
	    /* Matrix-based conversion not ready yet. */
#if 0
	    if (sub_type%2 == 0) {
		bezpoints = fig_transform_spline(npoints, points, FALSE, f);
		newobj = create_standard_bezierline(npoints, bezpoints,
	    } else {
		points = g_renew(Point, points, npoints+1);
		points[npoints] = points[0];
		bezpoints = fig_transform_spline(npoints, points, TRUE, f);
		newobj = create_standard_beziergon(npoints, bezpoints);
	    if (sub_type%2 == 0) {
		bezpoints = transform_spline(npoints, points, FALSE);
		newobj = create_standard_bezierline(npoints, bezpoints,
	    } else {
		points = g_renew(Point, points, npoints+1);
		points[npoints] = points[0];
		bezpoints = transform_spline(npoints, points, TRUE);
		newobj = create_standard_beziergon(npoints, bezpoints);
	if (newobj == NULL) goto exit;
	dia_context_add_message(ctx, _("Unknown spline subtype: %d\n"), sub_type);
	goto exit;

    fig_simple_properties(newobj, line_style, style_val, thickness,
			  pen_color, fill_color, area_fill, ctx);
    /* Pen style field (not used) */
    /* Style_val (size of dots and dashes) in 1/80 inch*/
    /* Cap style */
    /* Depth field */
    add_at_depth(newobj, depth, ctx);
    setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, old_locale);
    return newobj;