void DarkGDK()

	//Set variables
	int centerX = dbScreenWidth() / 2;	
	int centerY = dbScreenHeight() / 2;	
	int leftX = centerX - HALF;			
	int topY = centerY - HALF;			
	int rightX = centerX + HALF;		
	int lowerY = centerY + HALF;		
	//Set the window's title
	dbSetWindowTitle("Octagon Pattern");

	//Set colors
	DWORD black = dbRGB(0, 0, 0);
	DWORD red = dbRGB(255, 0, 0);

	//Draw the Octagons using the variables
	dbInk(red, black);
	drawOctagon(leftX, topY);		
	drawOctagon(leftX, lowerY);		
	drawOctagon(rightX, topY);		
	drawOctagon(rightX, lowerY);	

	//Wait for the user to press a key
Exemple #2
void BiPlaneGameUI::addPlayerSpeedo(void) {
	// Get the ID Handling singlton
	MyIdHandler* mih = &MyIdHandler::get();

	// Grab some ID's for the speedo and needle (one for the image, one for the sprite)
	this->speedoImageId = mih->getImageId();
	this->speedoSpriteId = mih->getSpriteId();
	this->speedoNeedleImageId = mih->getImageId();
	this->speedoNeedleSpriteId = mih->getSpriteId();

	// Load the resources
	dbLoadImage("Media/speedo.png", this->speedoImageId, 1);
	dbLoadImage("Media/needle.png", this->speedoNeedleImageId, 1);

	// Define the speedo sprite
	dbSprite(this->speedoSpriteId, 0, 0, this->speedoImageId);
	dbSetSpriteAlpha(this->speedoSpriteId, 33);

	// Define the needle sprite, offsetting it's center so it pivots nicely
	dbSprite(this->speedoNeedleSpriteId, 0, 0, this->speedoNeedleImageId);
	dbOffsetSprite(this->speedoNeedleSpriteId, 43, 12);
	dbSetSpriteAlpha(this->speedoNeedleSpriteId, 33);

	// Define the position of the speedo...
	this->speedoX = dbScreenWidth() - dbSpriteWidth(this->speedoSpriteId) - 16;
	this->speedoY = dbScreenHeight() - dbSpriteHeight(this->speedoSpriteId) - 16;

	// ... an the needle
	this->needleX = this->speedoX + (dbSpriteWidth(this->speedoSpriteId) / 2);
	this->needleY = this->speedoY + (dbSpriteHeight(this->speedoSpriteId) / 2);
Exemple #3
void drawScanlines(int linesBetween ) {
	int screenHeight = dbScreenHeight();
	int screenWidth = dbScreenWidth();

	dbInk( RGB(0,0,0), RGB(0,0,0) );
	int currentLine = 0;
	while( currentLine < screenHeight ) {
		currentLine += linesBetween;
		dbLine( 0, currentLine, screenWidth, currentLine );
Exemple #4
void DarkGDK ( void )
	dbSetWindowPosition ( dbScreenWidth()/3 , dbScreenHeight()/6); 
	dbSyncOn   ( );
	dbSyncRate ( 60 );
	dbSetWindowSize (800, 600);	
	dbSetWindowTitle ( "Labyrinth V 1.0");

	dbDisableEscapeKey ( );
	dbRandomize ( dbTimer ( ) );
// DarkGDK function                              *
void DarkGDK()
	const int BOX_SIZE = dbScreenWidth() / 10;

	DWORD red = dbRGB(255, 0, 0);
	DWORD white = dbRGB(255,255,255);

	int left = 0, top=0, right = left + BOX_SIZE, bottom = top + BOX_SIZE;
	bool odd = true;

	for (int i = 0; i < dbScreenWidth(); i += BOX_SIZE)
		for (int j = 0; j < dbScreenWidth(); j += BOX_SIZE)
			if (odd)
				dbInk(red, white); // set drawing color to red (2nd parm is ignored)
				dbBox(left, top, right, bottom); // draw box at indicated position
				left += BOX_SIZE;
				right += BOX_SIZE;
				dbInk(white, red); // set drawing color to white (2nd parm is ignored)
				dbBox(left, top, right, bottom); // draw box at indicated position

				left += BOX_SIZE;
				right += BOX_SIZE;
				dbInk(white, red); // set drawing color to white (2nd parm is ignored)
				dbBox(left, top, right, bottom); // draw box at indicated position

				left += BOX_SIZE;
				right += BOX_SIZE;

				dbInk(red, white); // set drawing color to red (2nd parm is ignored)
				dbBox(left, top, right, bottom); // draw box at indicated position
				left += BOX_SIZE;
				right += BOX_SIZE;


		if (odd)
			odd = false;
			odd = true;

		left = 0, top += BOX_SIZE, right = left + BOX_SIZE, bottom = top + BOX_SIZE;


    // Wait for the user to press a key.
Exemple #6
// the main entry point for the application is this function
void DarkGDK ( void ){
	// Seed the random number generator

	// Configure the engine to run as fast as possible (no frame rate cap)

	// If fullscreen, configure to a, currently, hard coded setting
		dbSetDisplayModeAntialias(1680, 1050, 32, 1, 0, 0);
		dbSetCameraAspect(0, 1680.0 / 1050.0);
	// Otherwise, configure a windowed display
	else {
		dbSetDisplayModeAntialias(1280, 800, 32, 1, 0, 0);
		dbSetCameraAspect(0, 1280.0 / 800.0);

		int winPosX = (dbDesktopWidth() - dbScreenWidth()) / 2;
		int winPosY = (dbDesktopHeight() - dbScreenHeight()) / 2;

		dbSetWindowPosition(winPosX, winPosY);
	// Hide the mouse pointer; CEGUI handles this

	// This forces the timer to initialise
	MyTimer *timer = &MyTimer::get();
	float t;

	// Create a new Game State - this is a general game controlling class
	BiPlaneGameState *gsGame = new BiPlaneGameState();

	// We'll need a start-up menu	
	StartMenuGameState *gsMenu = new StartMenuGameState();
	// a Loop State holder
	bool loopState = TRUE;

	// This is for the Start Menu loop
	//while (LoopGDK()) {
	do {
		// Tick the timer & frame rate for this loop
		t = timer->getT();
		dbText(0, 0, dbStr((float)(1.0 / t)));

		loopState &= gsGame->update(t);
		loopState &= gsMenu->update(t);

	} while (loopState && LoopGDK());

	switch (gsMenu->getState()) {
		// Start Server
		case 1 :

		// Start Client
		case 2 :

		default : exit(-5);

	loopState = TRUE;
	// our main loop
	//while (LoopGDK()) {
	do {
		// Tick the timer & frame rate for this loop
		t = timer->getT();
		dbText(0, 0, dbStr((float)(1.0 / t)));

		// Issue an Update to the GameState system, passing the frameTime into it
		loopState &= gsGame->update(t);

		// Update the display
	} while (loopState && LoopGDK());

	// Do a little house keeping
	delete gsGame;
	delete gsMenu;