int open_connection() { SQLRETURN ret; /* Allocate Environment handle and register version */ ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &ODenvi); if ((ret != SQL_SUCCESS) && (ret != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) { db_d_append_error("SQLAllocHandle()"); db_d_report_error(); return DB_FAILED; } ret = SQLSetEnvAttr(ODenvi, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION, (void *)SQL_OV_ODBC3, 0); if ((ret != SQL_SUCCESS) && (ret != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) { db_d_append_error("SQLSetEnvAttr()"); db_d_report_error(); SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, ODenvi); return DB_FAILED; } /* Allocate connection handle */ ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, ODenvi, &ODconn); if ((ret != SQL_SUCCESS) && (ret != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) { db_d_append_error("SQLAllocHandle()"); db_d_report_error(); SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, ODenvi); return DB_FAILED; } /* Set timeout */ SQLSetConnectAttr(ODconn, SQL_LOGIN_TIMEOUT, (SQLPOINTER *) 5, 0); return DB_OK; }
int db__driver_open_select_cursor(dbString * sel, dbCursor * dbc, int mode) { cursor *c; dbTable *table; char *str; /* allocate cursor */ c = alloc_cursor(); if (c == NULL) return DB_FAILED; db_set_cursor_mode(dbc, mode); db_set_cursor_type_readonly(dbc); /* \ must be escaped, see explanation in * db_driver_execute_immediate() */ str = G_str_replace(db_get_string(sel), "\\", "\\\\"); G_debug(3, "Escaped SQL: %s", str); if (mysql_query(connection, str) != 0) { db_d_append_error("%s\n%s\n%s", _("Unable to select data:"), db_get_string(sel), mysql_error(connection)); if (str) G_free(str); db_d_report_error(); return DB_FAILED; } if (str) G_free(str); c->res = mysql_store_result(connection); if (c->res == NULL) { db_d_append_error("%s\n%s", db_get_string(sel), mysql_error(connection)); db_d_report_error(); return DB_FAILED; } if (describe_table(c->res, &table, c) == DB_FAILED) { db_d_append_error(_("Unable to describe table.")); db_d_report_error(); mysql_free_result(c->res); return DB_FAILED; } c->nrows = (int)mysql_num_rows(c->res); /* record table with dbCursor */ db_set_cursor_table(dbc, table); /* set dbCursor's token for my cursor */ db_set_cursor_token(dbc, c->token); return DB_OK; }
int db__driver_get_num_rows(dbCursor * cn) { cursor *c; dbToken token; int row, ret; /* get cursor token */ token = db_get_cursor_token(cn); /* get the cursor by its token */ if (!(c = (cursor *) db_find_token(token))) { db_d_append_error(_("Cursor not found")); db_d_report_error(); return DB_FAILED; } if (c->nrows > -1) { return (c->nrows); } sqlite3_reset(c->statement); c->nrows = 0; while ((ret = sqlite3_step(c->statement)) == SQLITE_ROW) { c->nrows++; } /* get real result code */ ret = sqlite3_reset(c->statement); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { db_d_append_error("%s\n%s", _("Unable to get number of rows:"), (char *)sqlite3_errmsg(sqlite)); db_d_report_error(); return DB_FAILED; } /* Reset cursor position */ row = -1; if (c->row > -1) { while (sqlite3_step(c->statement) == SQLITE_ROW) { if (row == c->row) break; row++; } } return (c->nrows); }
int db__driver_execute_immediate(dbString * sql) { char *s, msg[OD_MSG]; cursor *c; SQLRETURN ret; SQLINTEGER err; s = db_get_string(sql); /* allocate cursor */ c = alloc_cursor(); if (c == NULL) return DB_FAILED; ret = SQLExecDirect(c->stmt, s, SQL_NTS); if ((ret != SQL_SUCCESS) && (ret != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) { SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, c->stmt, 1, NULL, &err, msg, sizeof(msg), NULL); db_d_append_error("SQLExecDirect():\n%s\n%s (%d)\n", s, msg, (int)err); db_d_report_error(); return DB_FAILED; } free_cursor(c); return DB_OK; }
int db__driver_execute_immediate(dbString * sql) { char *str; /* In addition to standard escape character ' (apostrophe) * MySQL supports also \ (backslash). Because this is not SQL * standard, GRASS modules cannot escape all \ in the text * because other drivers do not support this feature. * For example, if a text contains string \' GRASS modules * escape ' by another ' and the string passed to the driver is \'' * MySQL converts \' to ' but second ' remains not escaped and * result is error. * Because of this, all occurencies of \ in sql must be * escaped by \ */ str = G_str_replace(db_get_string(sql), "\\", "\\\\"); G_debug(3, "Escaped SQL: %s", str); if (mysql_query(connection, str) != 0) { db_d_append_error("%s\n%s\n%s", _("Unable to execute:"), str, mysql_error(connection)); db_d_report_error(); if (str) G_free(str); return DB_FAILED; } if (str) G_free(str); return DB_OK; }
/* \brief Parse connection string in form: 1) 'database_name' 2) 'host=xx,port=xx,dbname=xx' \returns DB_OK on success \return DB_FAILED on failure */ int parse_conn(const char *str, PGCONN * pgconn) { int i; char **tokens, delm[2]; /* reset */ G_zero(pgconn, sizeof(PGCONN)); G_debug(3, "parse_conn: '%s'", str); if (strchr(str, '=') == NULL) { /* db name only */ pgconn->dbname = G_store(str); } else { delm[0] = ','; delm[1] = '\0'; tokens = G_tokenize(str, delm); i = 0; while (tokens[i]) { G_chop(tokens[i]); G_debug(3, "token %d : %s", i, tokens[i]); if (strncmp(tokens[i], "host", 4) == 0) pgconn->host = G_store(tokens[i] + 5); else if (strncmp(tokens[i], "port", 4) == 0) pgconn->port = G_store(tokens[i] + 5); else if (strncmp(tokens[i], "options", 7) == 0) pgconn->options = G_store(tokens[i] + 8); else if (strncmp(tokens[i], "tty", 3) == 0) pgconn->tty = G_store(tokens[i] + 4); else if (strncmp(tokens[i], "dbname", 6) == 0) pgconn->dbname = G_store(tokens[i] + 7); else if (strncmp(tokens[i], "user", 4) == 0) G_warning(_("'user' in database definition is not supported, use db.login")); /* pgconn->user = G_store ( tokens[i] + 5 ); */ else if (strncmp(tokens[i], "password", 8) == 0) /* pgconn->password = G_store ( tokens[i] + 9 ); */ G_warning(_("'password' in database definition is not supported, use db.login")); else if (strncmp(tokens[i], "schema", 6) == 0) pgconn->schema = G_store(tokens[i] + 7); else { db_d_append_error("%s %s", _("Unknown option in database definition " "for PostgreSQL: "), tokens[i]); return DB_FAILED; } i++; } G_free_tokens(tokens); } return DB_OK; }
int db__driver_commit_transaction(void) { G_debug(2, "mysql: COMMIT"); if (mysql_query(connection, "COMMIT") != 0) { db_d_append_error("%s %s", _("Unable to commit transaction:"), mysql_error(connection)); db_d_report_error(); return DB_FAILED; } return DB_OK; }
int db__driver_begin_transaction(void) { G_debug(2, "mysql: START TRANSACTION"); if (mysql_query(connection, "START TRANSACTION") != 0) { db_d_append_error("%s %s", _("Unable to start transaction:"), mysql_error(connection)); db_d_report_error(); return DB_FAILED; } return DB_OK; }
int db__driver_create_table(dbTable * table) { dbString sql; int ret; G_debug(3, "db__driver_create_table()"); db_init_string(&sql); db_table_to_sql(table, &sql); G_debug(3, " SQL: %s", db_get_string(&sql)); ret = execute(db_get_string(&sql), NULL); if (ret == DB_FAILED) { db_d_append_error(_("Unable to create table")); db_d_report_error(); return DB_FAILED; } return DB_OK; }
int db__driver_open_database(dbHandle * handle) { char buf[500]; const char *name, *schema, *user, *password; dbConnection connection; PGCONN pgconn; PGresult *res; int row; db_get_connection(&connection); name = db_get_handle_dbname(handle); /* if name is empty use connection.databaseName */ if (strlen(name) == 0) name = connection.databaseName; G_debug(3, "db_driver_open_database(): driver=pg database definition = '%s'", name); if (parse_conn(name, &pgconn) == DB_FAILED) { db_d_report_error(); return DB_FAILED; } G_debug(3, "db_driver_open_database(): host = %s, port = %s, options = %s, tty = %s, " "dbname = %s, user = %s, password = %s, " "schema = %s",, pgconn.port, pgconn.options, pgconn.tty, pgconn.dbname, pgconn.user, pgconn.password, pgconn.schema); db_get_login("pg", name, &user, &password); pg_conn = PQsetdbLogin(, pgconn.port, pgconn.options, pgconn.tty, pgconn.dbname, user, password); if (PQstatus(pg_conn) == CONNECTION_BAD) { db_d_append_error("%s\n%s", _("Connection failed."), PQerrorMessage(pg_conn)); db_d_report_error(); PQfinish(pg_conn); return DB_FAILED; } /* set schema */ schema = db_get_handle_dbschema(handle); /* Cannot use default schema because link to table can point to different database */ /* if ( schema ) schema = connection.schemaName; */ if (pgconn.schema) { schema = pgconn.schema; } /* set path to the schema */ if (schema && strlen(schema) > 0) { sprintf(buf, "set search_path to %s", schema); res = PQexec(pg_conn, buf); if (!res || PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { db_d_append_error("%s %s", _("Unable to set schema:"), schema); db_d_report_error(); PQclear(res); return DB_FAILED; } } /* read internal codes */ res = PQexec(pg_conn, "select oid, typname from pg_type where typname in ( " "'bit', 'int2', 'int4', 'int8', 'serial', 'oid', " "'float4', 'float8', 'numeric', " "'char', 'bpchar', 'varchar', 'text', " "'time', 'date', 'timestamp', " "'bool', 'geometry', 'topogeometry') order by oid"); if (!res || PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) { db_d_append_error(_("Unable to select data types")); db_d_report_error(); PQclear(res); return DB_FAILED; } pg_ntypes = PQntuples(res); pg_types = G_realloc(pg_types, 2 * pg_ntypes * sizeof(int)); for (row = 0; row < pg_ntypes; row++) { int pgtype, type; pgtype = atoi(PQgetvalue(res, row, 0)); pg_types[row][0] = pgtype; G_debug(3, "row = %d value = %s", row, PQgetvalue(res, row, 1)); if (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, row, 1), "bit") == 0) type = PG_TYPE_BIT; else if (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, row, 1), "int2") == 0) type = PG_TYPE_INT2; else if (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, row, 1), "int4") == 0) type = PG_TYPE_INT4; else if (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, row, 1), "int8") == 0) type = PG_TYPE_INT8; else if (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, row, 1), "serial") == 0) type = PG_TYPE_SERIAL; else if (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, row, 1), "oid") == 0) type = PG_TYPE_OID; else if (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, row, 1), "float4") == 0) type = PG_TYPE_FLOAT4; else if (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, row, 1), "float8") == 0) type = PG_TYPE_FLOAT8; else if (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, row, 1), "numeric") == 0) type = PG_TYPE_NUMERIC; else if (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, row, 1), "char") == 0) type = PG_TYPE_CHAR; else if (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, row, 1), "bpchar") == 0) type = PG_TYPE_BPCHAR; else if (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, row, 1), "varchar") == 0) type = PG_TYPE_VARCHAR; else if (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, row, 1), "text") == 0) type = PG_TYPE_TEXT; else if (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, row, 1), "date") == 0) type = PG_TYPE_DATE; else if (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, row, 1), "time") == 0) type = PG_TYPE_TIME; else if (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, row, 1), "timestamp") == 0) type = PG_TYPE_TIMESTAMP; else if (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, row, 1), "bool") == 0) type = PG_TYPE_BOOL; else if (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, row, 1), "geometry") == 0) type = PG_TYPE_POSTGIS_GEOM; else if (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, row, 1), "topogeometry") == 0) type = PG_TYPE_POSTGIS_TOPOGEOM; else type = PG_TYPE_UNKNOWN; G_debug(3, "db_driver_open_database(): pgtype = %d, name = %s -> type = %d", pgtype, PQgetvalue(res, row, 1), type); pg_types[row][1] = type; } /* print notice messages only on verbose level */ PQsetNoticeProcessor(pg_conn, notice_processor, NULL); PQclear(res); return DB_OK; }
/* create or drop database */ int create_delete_db(dbHandle *handle, int create) { dbString stmt; const char *template_db, *name, *user, *password; PGCONN pgconn; PGresult *res; db_init_string(&stmt); template_db = "template1"; name = db_get_handle_dbname(handle); /* database to create */ if (parse_conn(template_db, &pgconn) == DB_FAILED) { db_d_report_error(); return DB_FAILED; } G_debug(3, "db_driver_create_database(): host = %s, port = %s, options = %s, tty = %s, " "dbname = %s, user = %s, password = %s, " "schema = %s",, pgconn.port, pgconn.options, pgconn.tty, pgconn.dbname, pgconn.user, pgconn.password, pgconn.schema); db_get_login("pg", template_db, &user, &password); pg_conn = PQsetdbLogin(, pgconn.port, pgconn.options, pgconn.tty, pgconn.dbname, user, password); if (PQstatus(pg_conn) == CONNECTION_BAD) { db_d_append_error(_("Connection failed.")); db_d_append_error("\n"); db_d_append_error(PQerrorMessage(pg_conn)); db_d_report_error(); PQfinish(pg_conn); return DB_FAILED; } /* create new database */ if (create) db_set_string(&stmt, "CREATE DATABASE "); else db_set_string(&stmt, "DROP DATABASE "); db_append_string(&stmt, name); res = PQexec(pg_conn, db_get_string(&stmt)); if (!res || PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { if (create) db_d_append_error(_("Unable to create database <%s>"), name); else db_d_append_error(_("Unable to drop database <%s>"), name); db_d_append_error("\n"); db_d_append_error(PQerrorMessage(pg_conn)); db_d_report_error(); PQclear(res); PQfinish(pg_conn); return DB_FAILED; } PQclear(res); PQfinish(pg_conn); return DB_OK; }
int db__driver_list_tables(dbString ** tlist, int *tcount, int system) { int i, j, nrows, trows, vrows, ncols, tablecol, tschemacol, viewcol, vschemacol; dbString *list; PGresult *rest, *resv; char buf[DB_SQL_MAX]; *tlist = NULL; *tcount = 0; /* Get table names */ sprintf(buf, "SELECT * FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname %s " " ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') ORDER BY tablename", system ? "IN" : "NOT IN"); G_debug(2, "SQL: %s", buf); rest = PQexec(pg_conn, buf); if (!rest || PQresultStatus(rest) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) { db_d_append_error("%s\n%s", _("Unable to select table names."), PQerrorMessage(pg_conn)); db_d_report_error(); PQclear(rest); return DB_FAILED; } /* Find table and schema col */ ncols = PQnfields(rest); tschemacol = -1; for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++) { if (strcmp(PQfname(rest, i), "tablename") == 0) tablecol = i; if (strcmp(PQfname(rest, i), "schemaname") == 0) tschemacol = i; } /* Get view names */ sprintf(buf, "SELECT * FROM pg_views WHERE schemaname %s " " ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') ORDER BY viewname", system ? "IN" : "NOT IN"); G_debug(2, "SQL: %s", buf); resv = PQexec(pg_conn, buf); if (!resv || PQresultStatus(resv) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) { db_d_append_error("%s\n%s", _("Unable to select view names."), PQerrorMessage(pg_conn)); db_d_report_error(); PQclear(resv); return DB_FAILED; } /* Find viewname and schema col */ ncols = PQnfields(resv); vschemacol = -1; for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++) { if (strcmp(PQfname(resv, i), "viewname") == 0) viewcol = i; if (strcmp(PQfname(resv, i), "schemaname") == 0) vschemacol = i; } trows = PQntuples(rest); vrows = PQntuples(resv); nrows = trows + vrows; list = db_alloc_string_array(nrows); if (list == NULL) { db_d_append_error(_("Out of memory")); db_d_report_error(); return DB_FAILED; } for (i = 0; i < trows; i++) { if (tschemacol >= 0) { sprintf(buf, "%s.%s", (char *)PQgetvalue(rest, i, tschemacol), (char *)PQgetvalue(rest, i, tablecol)); } else { sprintf(buf, "%s", (char *)PQgetvalue(rest, i, tablecol)); } db_set_string(&list[i], buf); } PQclear(rest); for (j = 0; j < vrows; j++) { if (vschemacol >= 0) { sprintf(buf, "%s.%s", (char *)PQgetvalue(resv, j, vschemacol), (char *)PQgetvalue(resv, j, viewcol)); } else { sprintf(buf, "%s", (char *)PQgetvalue(resv, j, viewcol)); } db_set_string(&list[i], buf); i++; } PQclear(resv); *tlist = list; *tcount = nrows; return DB_OK; }
int db__driver_open_database(dbHandle * handle) { const char *name; int len; dbConnection connection; char buf[1024]; DIR *dir; struct dirent *ent; char **tokens; int no_tokens, n; G_debug(2, "DBF: db__driver_open_database() name = '%s'", db_get_handle_dbname(handle));[0] = '\0'; db.tables = NULL; db.atables = 0; db.ntables = 0; db_get_connection(&connection); name = db_get_handle_dbname(handle); /* if name is empty use connection.databaseName */ if (strlen(name) == 0) { name = connection.databaseName; } strcpy(, name); /* open database dir and read table ( *.dbf files ) names * to structure */ /* parse variables in if present */ if ([0] == '$') { tokens = G_tokenize(, "/"); no_tokens = G_number_of_tokens(tokens);[0] = '\0'; /* re-init */ for (n = 0; n < no_tokens; n++) { G_debug(3, "tokens[%d] = %s", n, tokens[n]); if (tokens[n][0] == '$') { G_strchg(tokens[n], '$', ' '); G_chop(tokens[n]); strcat(, G__getenv(tokens[n])); G_debug(3, " -> %s", G__getenv(tokens[n])); } else strcat(, tokens[n]); strcat(, "/"); } G_free_tokens(tokens); } G_debug(2, " = %s",; errno = 0; dir = opendir(; if (dir == NULL) { if (errno == ENOENT) { int status; status = G_mkdir(; if (status != 0) { /* mkdir failed */ db_d_append_error(_("Unable create DBF database: %s"), name); db_d_report_error(); return DB_FAILED; } else { /* now that the dbf/ dir is created, try again */ dir = opendir(; if (dir == NULL) { db_d_append_error(_("Cannot open DBF database directory: %s"), name); db_d_report_error(); return DB_FAILED; } } } else { /* some other problem */ db_d_append_error(_("Unable to open DBF database: %s"), name); db_d_report_error(); return DB_FAILED; } } while ((ent = readdir(dir))) { len = strlen(ent->d_name) - 4; if ((len > 0) && (G_strcasecmp(ent->d_name + len, ".dbf") == 0)) { strcpy(buf, ent->d_name); buf[len] = '\0'; add_table(buf, ent->d_name); } } closedir(dir); return DB_OK; }
int db__driver_fetch(dbCursor * cn, int position, int *more) { cursor *c; dbToken token; dbTable *table; int i, ret; int ns; /* get cursor token */ token = db_get_cursor_token(cn); /* get the cursor by its token */ if (!(c = (cursor *) db_find_token(token))) { db_d_append_error(("Cursor not found")); db_d_report_error(); return DB_FAILED; } G_debug(3, "fetch row = %d", c->row); /* fetch on position */ switch (position) { case DB_NEXT: case DB_FIRST: if (position == DB_FIRST) c->row = -1; ret = sqlite3_step(c->statement); if (ret != SQLITE_ROW) { /* get real result code */ ret = sqlite3_reset(c->statement); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { db_d_append_error("%s\n%s", _("Unable to fetch:"), (char *)sqlite3_errmsg(sqlite)); db_d_report_error(); return DB_FAILED; } *more = 0; return DB_OK; } c->row++; break; case DB_CURRENT: break; case DB_PREVIOUS: db_d_append_error(_("DB_PREVIOUS is not supported")); db_d_report_error(); return DB_FAILED; break; case DB_LAST: db_d_append_error(_("DB_LAST is not supported")); db_d_report_error(); return DB_FAILED; break; }; *more = 1; /* get the data out of the descriptor into the table */ table = db_get_cursor_table(cn); for (i = 0; i < c->nkcols; i++) { int col, litetype, sqltype; dbColumn *column; dbValue *value; const char *text; dbDateTime *dt; col = c->kcols[i]; /* known cols */ column = db_get_table_column(table, i); sqltype = db_get_column_sqltype(column); /* fails for dates: litetype = db_get_column_host_type(column); */ litetype = sqlite3_column_type(c->statement, col); text = (const char *)sqlite3_column_text(c->statement, col); value = db_get_column_value(column); db_zero_string(&value->s); /* Is null? */ if (sqlite3_column_type(c->statement, col) == SQLITE_NULL) { value->isNull = 1; continue; } else { value->isNull = 0; } G_debug(3, "col %d, litetype %d, sqltype %d: val = '%s'", col, litetype, sqltype, text); /* SQLITE_INTEGER 1 SQLITE_FLOAT 2 SQLITE_TEXT 3 SQLITE_BLOB 4 SQLITE_NULL 5 lib/db/dbmi_base/sqltype.c defines: DB_SQL_TYPE_* */ /* Note: we have set DATESTYLE TO ISO in db_driver_open_select_cursor() so datetime * format should be ISO */ switch (sqltype) { case DB_SQL_TYPE_INTEGER: case DB_SQL_TYPE_SMALLINT: case DB_SQL_TYPE_SERIAL: value->i = sqlite3_column_int(c->statement, col); break; case DB_SQL_TYPE_REAL: case DB_SQL_TYPE_DOUBLE_PRECISION: value->d = sqlite3_column_double(c->statement, col); break; case DB_SQL_TYPE_DATE: dt = &value->t; dt->hour = 0; dt->minute = 0; dt->seconds = 0.0; G_debug(3, "sqlite fetched date: <%s>", text); ns = sscanf(text, "%4d-%2d-%2d", &dt->year, &dt->month, &dt->day); if (ns != 3) { db_d_append_error("%s %s", _("Unable to scan date:"), text); db_d_report_error(); return DB_FAILED; } break; case DB_SQL_TYPE_TIME: dt = &value->t; dt->year = 0; dt->month = 0; dt->day = 0; G_debug(3, "sqlite fetched date: %s", text); ns = sscanf(text, "%2d:%2d:%lf", &dt->hour, &dt->minute, &dt->seconds); if (ns != 3) { db_d_append_error("%s %s", _("Unable to scan time:"), text); db_d_report_error(); return DB_FAILED; } break; case DB_SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: dt = &value->t; G_debug(3, "sqlite fetched timestamp: %s", text); ns = sscanf(text, "%4d-%2d-%2d %2d:%2d:%lf", &dt->year, &dt->month, &dt->day, &dt->hour, &dt->minute, &dt->seconds); if (ns != 6) { db_d_append_error("%s %s", _("Unable to scan timestamp:"), text); db_d_report_error(); return DB_FAILED; } break; case DB_SQL_TYPE_INTERVAL: dt = &value->t; dt->year = 0; dt->month = 0; dt->day = 0; dt->hour = 0; dt->minute = 0; G_debug(3, "sqlite fetched interval: %s", text); G_warning(_("SQLite driver: parsing of interval values " "not implemented; assuming seconds")); ns = sscanf(text, "%lf", &dt->seconds); if (ns != 1) { db_d_append_error("%s %s", _("Unable to scan interval:"), text); db_d_report_error(); return DB_FAILED; } break; case DB_SQL_TYPE_DECIMAL: case DB_SQL_TYPE_NUMERIC: case DB_SQL_TYPE_CHARACTER: case DB_SQL_TYPE_TEXT: db_set_string(&value->s, text); break; } } G_debug(3, "Row fetched"); return DB_OK; }
int db__driver_open_select_cursor(dbString * sel, dbCursor * dbc, int mode) { PGresult *res; cursor *c; dbTable *table; char *str; /* Set datetime style */ res = PQexec(pg_conn, "SET DATESTYLE TO ISO"); if (!res || PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { db_d_append_error(_("Unable set DATESTYLE")); db_d_report_error(); PQclear(res); return DB_FAILED; } PQclear(res); /* allocate cursor */ c = alloc_cursor(); if (c == NULL) return DB_FAILED; db_set_cursor_mode(dbc, mode); db_set_cursor_type_readonly(dbc); /* \ must be escaped, see explanation in db_driver_execute_immediate() */ str = G_str_replace(db_get_string(sel), "\\", "\\\\"); G_debug(3, "Escaped SQL: %s", str); c->res = PQexec(pg_conn, str); if (!c->res || PQresultStatus(c->res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) { db_d_append_error("%s\n%s\n%s", _("Unable to select:"), db_get_string(sel), PQerrorMessage(pg_conn)); db_d_report_error(); PQclear(c->res); if (str) G_free(str); return DB_FAILED; } if (str) G_free(str); if (describe_table(c->res, &table, c) == DB_FAILED) { db_d_append_error(_("Unable to describe table")); db_d_report_error(); PQclear(res); return DB_FAILED; } c->nrows = PQntuples(c->res); c->row = -1; /* record table with dbCursor */ db_set_cursor_table(dbc, table); /* set dbCursor's token for my cursor */ db_set_cursor_token(dbc, c->token); return DB_OK; }
int db__driver_open_database(dbHandle * handle) { char *name; dbConnection default_connection; MYSQL *res; db_get_connection(&default_connection); name = G_store(db_get_handle_dbname(handle)); /* if name is empty use default_connection.databaseName */ if (strlen(name) == 0) name = default_connection.databaseName; G_debug(3, "db_driver_open_database() mysql: database definition = '%s'", name); /* Embedded version */ { char *datadir, *database; char *server_args[4]; char *buf; if (!replace_variables(name, &datadir, &database)) { db_d_append_error(_("Unable parse MySQL embedded database name")); db_d_append_error(mysql_error(connection)); db_d_report_error(); return DB_FAILED; } server_args[0] = "mesql"; /* this string is not used */ G_asprintf(&buf, "--datadir=%s", datadir); server_args[1] = buf; /* With InnoDB it is very slow to close the database */ server_args[2] = "--skip-innodb"; /* OK? */ /* Without --bootstrap it complains about missing * mysql.time_zone_leap_second table */ server_args[3] = "--bootstrap"; /* OK? */ if (mysql_server_init(4, server_args, NULL)) { db_d_append_error(_("Cannot initialize MySQL embedded server")); db_d_append_error(mysql_error(connection)); db_d_report_error(); free(datadir); free(database); return DB_FAILED; } connection = mysql_init(NULL); mysql_options(connection, MYSQL_OPT_USE_EMBEDDED_CONNECTION, NULL); res = mysql_real_connect(connection, NULL, NULL, NULL, database, 0, NULL, 0); free(datadir); free(database); if (res == NULL) { db_d_append_error(_("Unable to connect to MySQL embedded server: ")); db_d_append_error(mysql_error(connection)); db_d_report_error(); return DB_FAILED; } } return DB_OK; }
int db__driver_list_tables(dbString ** tlist, int *tcount, int system) { int i, nrows; dbString *list; sqlite3_stmt *statement; const char *rest; int ret; G_debug(3, "db__driver_list_tables(): system = %d", system); ret = sqlite3_prepare(sqlite, "select name from sqlite_master where type = 'table' or type = 'view'", -1, &statement, &rest); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { db_d_append_error("%s\n%s", _("Unable to list tables:"), (char *)sqlite3_errmsg(sqlite)); db_d_report_error(); sqlite3_finalize(statement); return DB_FAILED; } nrows = 0; while (sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW) { nrows++; } /* get real result code */ ret = sqlite3_reset(statement); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { db_d_append_error("%s\n%s", _("Unable to list tables:"), (char *)sqlite3_errmsg(sqlite)); db_d_report_error(); sqlite3_finalize(statement); return DB_FAILED; } G_debug(3, "nrows = %d", nrows); list = db_alloc_string_array(nrows); if (list == NULL) { db_d_append_error(_("Unable to db_alloc_string_array()")); db_d_report_error(); sqlite3_finalize(statement); return DB_FAILED; } i = 0; while (sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW) { G_debug(3, "table: %s", sqlite3_column_text(statement, 0)); db_set_string(&list[i], (char *)sqlite3_column_text(statement, 0)); i++; } sqlite3_finalize(statement); *tlist = list; *tcount = nrows; return DB_OK; }
int db__driver_execute_immediate(dbString * sql) { char *where, *table; int res, ncols, i; column_info *cols; OGRLayerH hLayer; OGRFeatureH hFeature; OGRFeatureDefnH hFeatureDefn; OGRFieldDefnH hFieldDefn; G_debug(1, "db__driver_execute_immediate():"); G_debug(3, "\tSQL: '%s'", db_get_string(sql)); /* try RDBMS SQL */ OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(hDs, db_get_string(sql), NULL, NULL); if (CPLGetLastErrorType() == CE_None) return DB_OK; /* parse UPDATE statement */ res = parse_sql_update(db_get_string(sql), &table, &cols, &ncols, &where); G_debug(3, "\tUPDATE: table=%s, where=%s, ncols=%d", table, where ? where : "", ncols); if (res != 0) return DB_FAILED; /* get OGR layer */ hLayer = OGR_DS_GetLayerByName(hDs, table); if (!hLayer) { db_d_append_error(_("OGR layer <%s> not found"), table); db_d_report_error(); return DB_FAILED; } if (where) OGR_L_SetAttributeFilter(hLayer, where); /* get columns info */ hFeatureDefn = OGR_L_GetLayerDefn(hLayer); for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++) { cols[i].index = OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex(hFeatureDefn, cols[i].name); if (cols[i].index < 0) { db_d_append_error(_("Column <%s> not found in table <%s>"), cols[i].name, table); db_d_report_error(); return DB_FAILED; } cols[i].qindex = OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex(hFeatureDefn, cols[i].value); hFieldDefn = OGR_FD_GetFieldDefn(hFeatureDefn, cols[i].index); cols[i].type = OGR_Fld_GetType(hFieldDefn); G_debug(3, "\t\tcol=%s, val=%s, idx=%d, type=%d, qidx=%d", cols[i].name, cols[i].value, cols[i].index, cols[i].type, cols[i].qindex); } /* update features */ OGR_L_ResetReading(hLayer); while(TRUE) { char *value; hFeature = OGR_L_GetNextFeature(hLayer); if (!hFeature) break; G_debug(5, "\tfid=%ld", OGR_F_GetFID(hFeature)); for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++) { if (cols[i].qindex > -1) { value = (char *)OGR_F_GetFieldAsString(hFeature, cols[i].qindex); } else { if ((cols[i].type != OFTInteger || cols[i].type != OFTReal) && *(cols[i].value) == '\'') { value = G_strchg(cols[i].value, '\'', ' '); G_strip(value); } else { value = cols[i].value; } } OGR_F_SetFieldString(hFeature, cols[i].index, value); } OGR_L_SetFeature(hLayer, hFeature); OGR_F_Destroy(hFeature); } G_free(table); G_free(where); for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++) { G_free(cols[i].name); G_free(cols[i].value); } return DB_OK; }