Exemple #1
static int
ens_read(struct ens_handle *handle, char *buf, int len)
    if (handle->s == NULL || handle->pos == handle->s->length) {
	char *p;
	handle->s = StrmyISgets(handle->is);
	if (handle->s->length == 0)
	    return 0;
	cleanup_line(handle->s, PAGER_MODE);
	if (handle->encoding == ENC_BASE64)
	else if (handle->encoding == ENC_UUENCODE) {
	    if (!strncmp(handle->s->ptr, "begin", 5))
		handle->s = StrmyISgets(handle->is);
	p = handle->s->ptr;
	if (handle->encoding == ENC_QUOTE)
	    handle->s = decodeQP(&p);
	else if (handle->encoding == ENC_BASE64)
	    handle->s = decodeB(&p);
	else if (handle->encoding == ENC_UUENCODE)
	    handle->s = decodeU(&p);
	handle->pos = 0;

    if (len > handle->s->length - handle->pos)
	len = handle->s->length - handle->pos;

    bcopy(&handle->s->ptr[handle->pos], buf, len);
    handle->pos += len;
    return len;
Exemple #2
* carsonl, jan 8,98 
* Decodes a string encoded in RFC2047 format. If the string is not encoded
* returns the original string. Can be used on the header value returned by
* getHeader() and getAllHeaders() methods in MIMEMessage class.
* parameter :
*	szInputString : string to be trimmed
* return : The decoded header string.
char *decodeHeader( char *szInputString )
	int len, retLen = 0;
	int i, j, outBytes, outBits;
	int nStart = 0;
	int nEnd = 0;
	char *szEncodedText = NULL;
	char *szDecodedText = NULL;
	char *plainPart = NULL, *retBuf=NULL;
	char *leftOverBuf=NULL, *leftOverDecodedBuf=NULL;
	int  plainTextLen = 0, leftOverLen=0;
	char achCharset[16];
	BOOLEAN bEncodeBase64 = FALSE;
	BOOLEAN bEncodeString = FALSE;

	if ( szInputString == NULL )
		return NULL;

    len = strlen( szInputString );
    /* find start of encoding text */
    for ( i = 0; i < len && szInputString[i] != 0 ; i++ )
    	if ( szInputString[i] == '=' && szInputString[i+1] == '?' )
		bEncodeString = TRUE;

    if (bEncodeString == FALSE)
	return (strdup (szInputString));

    if (i > 0)
	plainTextLen = (i);
	plainPart = malloc (i+1);
	strncpy (plainPart, szInputString, plainTextLen);
	plainPart [i] = 0;

    /* get charset */
    for ( i += 2, j = 0; i < len && szInputString[i] != '?' && j < 15; i++, j++ )
    	achCharset[j] = szInputString[i];

    achCharset[j] = 0;
    i++;	/* skip ? */

    /* get encoding type */
    if ( szInputString[i] == 'Q' || szInputString[i] == 'q' )
    	bEncodeQP = TRUE;

    else if ( szInputString[i] == 'B' || szInputString[i] == 'b' )
    	bEncodeBase64 = TRUE;

    if (szInputString[i] == '?' )
    	i++;	/* skip ? */
    nStart = ++i;

    /* look for end of encoded text */
    for ( j = 0; i < len && szInputString[i] != 0; i++, j++ )
    	if ( szInputString[i] == '?' && (i+1) < len && szInputString[i+1] == '=' )
    		nEnd = i;

    if ( nEnd > 0 )
    	/* extract encoded text */
		szEncodedText = (char *) malloc( j + 1 );
		szDecodedText = (char *) malloc( j + 1 );

		if ( szEncodedText != NULL && szDecodedText != NULL )
    		strncpy( szEncodedText, &szInputString[nStart], j );

			if ( bEncodeQP )
				decodeQP( szEncodedText, szDecodedText, j );

			else if ( bEncodeBase64 )
				decodeBase64( szEncodedText, szDecodedText, j, j, &outBytes, &outBits );

			free( szEncodedText );

    if (nEnd+2 < len-1)
	leftOverLen = len - (nEnd+2);
	leftOverBuf = malloc (leftOverLen + 1);	
    	strncpy (leftOverBuf, &szInputString[nEnd+2], leftOverLen);
	leftOverBuf [leftOverLen] = 0;
	leftOverDecodedBuf = decodeHeader (leftOverBuf);

    retLen = plainTextLen + strlen (szDecodedText) + strlen (leftOverDecodedBuf);
    retBuf = malloc (retLen +1);

    if (plainPart != NULL && szDecodedText != NULL && leftOverDecodedBuf != NULL)
	sprintf (retBuf, "%s%s%s", plainPart, szDecodedText, leftOverDecodedBuf);
	free (plainPart);
	free (szDecodedText);
	free (leftOverBuf);
	free (leftOverDecodedBuf);
    else if (plainPart != NULL && szDecodedText != NULL)
	sprintf (retBuf, "%s%s", plainPart, szDecodedText);
	free (plainPart);
	free (szDecodedText);
    else if (szDecodedText != NULL && leftOverDecodedBuf != NULL)
	sprintf (retBuf, "%s%s", szDecodedText, leftOverDecodedBuf);
	free (szDecodedText);
	free (leftOverBuf);
	free (leftOverDecodedBuf);
    else if (szDecodedText != NULL)
	free (retBuf);
	return szDecodedText;
	free (retBuf);
	return null;

    return retBuf;