Exemple #1
void doThings(lua_State* L)
    ///////// create the meta table for character class /////////
    luaL_newmetatable(L, "UnitMT");
    lua_pushvalue(L, -1);
    lua_setfield(L, -2, "__index");
    lua_pushcfunction(L, function_unit_getDamage);
    lua_setfield(L, -2, "getDamage");
    lua_pushcfunction(L, function_unit_dealtDamage);
    lua_setfield(L, -2, "dealtDamage");
    lua_pushcfunction(L, function_unit_health);
    lua_setfield(L, -2, "health");
    lua_pop(L, 1);
    // create new meta table for Character
    luaL_newmetatable(L, "CharacterMT");
    // set the meta table of the character meta table to be itself
    // lua_pushvalue(L, -1);
    // instead of referencing itself, we reference the unit mt as "parent"
    luaL_getmetatable(L, "UnitMT");
    lua_setfield(L, -2, "__index");
    // pop the meta table from the stack
    lua_pop(L, 1);

    // create the 2 character
    Character attacker("Attacker", 3, 10);
    Unit defender(1, 20);

    // print the state before the call
    std::cout << "[C++] [Before damage] Attacker Hp : " << attacker.health << " Defender Hp : " << defender.health << std::endl;
    std::cout << "[C++] Calling damage function from lua" << std::endl;

    // manually do it here, to test the polymorphism
    // put the function on the stack
    lua_getglobal(L, "applyDamage");
    // create a new user data on the stack, and assign the attacker pointer to it
    putCharacter(L, attacker);
    // create a new user data on the stack, and assign the defender pointer to it
    putUnit(L, defender);
    // call the function
    lua_call(L, 2, 0);
    // shouldn't have anything to pop
    assert(lua_gettop(L) == 0);

    // print the state after the call
    std::cout << "[C++] [After damage]  Attacker Hp : " << attacker.health << " Defender Hp : " << defender.health << std::endl;

    lua_getglobal(L, "testcharacter");
    putCharacter(L, attacker);
    lua_call(L, 1, 0);
    lua_getglobal(L, "testcharacter");
    putUnit(L, defender);
    lua_call(L, 1, 0);
void testFullyExpandLiveStoneIntoGroup()
	int boardWidth = 9;

	BitBoard stonesWithLiberties(boardWidth);

	BitBoard defender(boardWidth);
	defender.putStone(9, 'a');

	complexOpps::fullyExpandLiveStoneIntoGroup(&stonesWithLiberties, &defender);

	if (stonesWithLiberties.bitCount()>0)
		cout << "fail: testFullyExpandLiveStoneIntoGroup" << endl;
		cout << "pass: testFullyExpandLiveStoneIntoGroup" << endl;
void testFindStonesAdjacentLiberties()
	int boardWidth = 9;

	BitBoard liberties(boardWidth);

	BitBoard defender(boardWidth);
	defender.putStone(9, 'a');

	BitBoard* stonesAdjLibs = complexOpps::findStonesAdjacentLiberties(&liberties, &defender);

	if (stonesAdjLibs->bitCount()>0)
		cout << "fail: testFindStonesAdjacentLiberties" << endl;
		cout << "pass: testFindStonesAdjacentLiberties" << endl;

	delete stonesAdjLibs;
void testFindStonesWithLiberties()
	int boardWidth = 9;

	BitBoard attacker(boardWidth);
	attacker.putStone(8, 'a');
	attacker.putStone(9, 'b');

	BitBoard defender(boardWidth);
	defender.putStone(9, 'a');

	BitBoard* stonesWithLibs = complexOpps::findStonesWithLiberties(&attacker, &defender);

	if (stonesWithLibs->bitCount()>0)
		cout << "fail: testFindStonesWithLiberties" << endl;
		cout << "pass: testFindStonesWithLiberties" << endl;

	delete stonesWithLibs;
void testFindLibertiesAdjacentStones()
	int boardWidth = 9;

	BitBoard attacker(boardWidth);
	attacker.putStone(8, 'a');
	attacker.putStone(9, 'b');

	BitBoard defender(boardWidth);
	defender.putStone(9, 'a');

	BitBoard* libsAdjStones = complexOpps::findLibertiesAdjacentStones(&defender, &attacker);

	if (libsAdjStones->bitCount()>0)
		cout << "fail: testFindLibertiesAdjacentStones" << endl;
		cout << "pass: testFindLibertiesAdjacentStones" << endl;

	delete libsAdjStones;
Exemple #6
  // Write your strategy here in game function.
  // You can also make new functions and call them from game function.
  void game(BeliefState *state)
	  curTeamState->Act(state, curPlayerStates);
	  int i;
	  for (i = 1; i < 3; ++i) {
		  //std::string s = curPlayerStates[i]->StateName();
		  //print("%s", s);
		  PlayerSt * newPlSt = curPlayerStates[i]->Act(state);
		  if (newPlSt != NULL) {
			  //changePlayerState(curPlayerStates, i, newPlSt);
			  curPlayerStates[i] = newPlSt;
	  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
		  //state->homeAngle[i] = acos(state->homeVel[i].dot(Vector2D<float>(0, 1)) / state->homeVel[i].abs());

	  if (state->ballPos.x >= -100) {
		  if (Vec2D::dist(state->homePos[2], state->ballPos) < Vec2D::dist(state->homePos[1], state->ballPos)) {
			  attacker_id = 2;
			  supporter_id = 1;
		  else {
			  attacker_id = 1;
			  supporter_id = 2;
		  attacker(state, attacker_id);
		  attacksupporter(state, supporter_id);
	  else {
		  if (Vec2D::dist(state->homePos[2], state->ballPos) < Vec2D::dist(state->homePos[1], state->ballPos)) {
			  defender(state, 1);
			  attacker(state, 2);
		  else {
			  defender(state, 2);
			  attacker(state, 1);

	  Vec2D bp = state->ballPos;
	 /* if (state->pr_balInOurCorner) {
		  int closestBotId = state->ourBotNearestToBall;
		  GoToPoint(1, state, state->homePos[0], 0, true, true);

	  if (Vec2D::dist(prevPos[2], state->homePos[2]) < 2) {
		  Vec2D newPos = state->homePos[2];
		  newPos.x += rand() % 5;
		  newPos.y += rand() % 5;
		  GoToPoint(2, state, newPos, 0, true, true);
	  if (Vec2D::dist(prevPos[1], state->homePos[1]) < 2) {
		  Vec2D newPos = state->homePos[1];
		  newPos.x += rand() % 5;
		  newPos.y += rand() % 5;
		  GoToPoint(1, state, newPos, 0, true, true);