Exemple #1
static int
es_sqlite_query(duk_context *ctx)
    int argc = duk_get_top(ctx);
    if(argc < 2)
        return DUK_RET_TYPE_ERROR;

    es_sqlite_t *es = es_resource_get(ctx, 0, &es_resource_sqlite);
    const char *query = duk_safe_to_string(ctx, 1);

    if(es->es_stmt) {
        es->es_stmt = NULL;

    int rc = db_prepare(es->es_db, &es->es_stmt, query);

    if(rc != SQLITE_OK) {

        if(es->es_transaction && rc == SQLITE_LOCKED)
            duk_error(ctx, ST_ERROR_SQLITE_BASE | rc , "Deadlock");

        duk_error(ctx, ST_ERROR_SQLITE_BASE | rc,
                  "Sqlite error 0x%x -- %s",
                  rc, sqlite3_errmsg(es->es_db));

    sqlite3_stmt *stmt = es->es_stmt;

    for(int i = 2; i < argc; i++) {
        int sqlite_arg = i - 1;

        if(duk_is_null_or_undefined(ctx, i)) {
            sqlite3_bind_null(stmt, sqlite_arg);
        } else if(duk_is_number(ctx, i)) {
            sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, sqlite_arg, duk_get_number(ctx, i));
        } else if(duk_is_boolean(ctx, i)) {
            sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, sqlite_arg, duk_get_boolean(ctx, i));
        } else {
            sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, sqlite_arg, duk_safe_to_string(ctx, i),
                              -1, SQLITE_STATIC);

    es_sqlite_stmt_step(ctx, es);
    return 0;
Exemple #2
/* reads a file from path and returns it as string */
int js_read_file(duk_context *ctx) {
	/* return error if no filename is given */
	if (duk_get_top(ctx) == 0) {
		printf("'read' expects one argument: 0 given\n");
	/* also needs to be a string */
	if (!duk_is_string(ctx, 0)) {
		printf("'read' expects argument 1 of type string\n");

	/* get the first argument */
	const char *filename = duk_get_string(ctx, 0);

	/* save file contents in this buffer */
	char *buffer = 0;
	/* how big is the file? */
	long length;

	/* try opening the file */
	FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r");
	if (!fp) {
		printf("Failed to open file '%s'\n", filename);
	/* get the files length... */
	fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
	length = ftell(fp);
	fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
	/* ...allocate memory for its content... */
	buffer = malloc(length);
	/* ...and get its content if possible */
	if (buffer)
		fread(buffer, 1, length, fp);

	/* close the file again */
	/* finally, push the string on the js stack */
	duk_push_string(ctx, buffer);
	return 1;
static duk_ret_t test_1(duk_context *ctx, void *udata) {
	duk_idx_t i, n;

	(void) udata;

	duk_set_top(ctx, 0);

	duk_push_int(ctx, 1);
	duk_push_number(ctx, -123.456);
	duk_push_number(ctx, INFINITY);
	duk_push_string(ctx, "");
	duk_push_string(ctx, "foo");

	duk_push_string(ctx, "123");
	duk_push_string(ctx, "123.456");
	duk_push_string(ctx, "123.456e3");
	duk_push_string(ctx, "  -123.456e+3  ");
	duk_push_string(ctx, "NaN");
	duk_push_string(ctx, "-Infinity");
	duk_push_string(ctx, "+Infinity");
	duk_push_string(ctx, "Infinity");
	duk_push_string(ctx, "Infinityx");
	duk_push_string(ctx, "xInfinity");

	duk_push_string(ctx, "  Infinity  ");
	duk_push_fixed_buffer(ctx, 0);    /* coerces like string: ToNumber('') = 0 */
	duk_push_fixed_buffer(ctx, 1024); /* coerces like string: ToNumber('\u0000\u0000...') = NaN */
	duk_push_dynamic_buffer(ctx, 0);
	duk_push_dynamic_buffer(ctx, 1024);
	duk_push_pointer(ctx, (void *) NULL);
	duk_push_pointer(ctx, (void *) 0xdeadbeef);

	n = duk_get_top(ctx);
	printf("top: %ld\n", (long) n);
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		printf("index %ld, number: %lf\n", (long) i, (double) duk_to_number(ctx, i));

	return 0;
/* same test but with one element checks, once per loop */
static duk_ret_t check_2(duk_context *ctx, void *udata) {
	int i;
	duk_ret_t rc;

	(void) udata;

	for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
		rc = duk_check_stack_top(ctx, i + 1);
		if (rc == 0) {
			printf("duk_check_stack failed\n");
		duk_push_int(ctx, 123);

	printf("final top: %ld\n", (long) duk_get_top(ctx));
	return 0;
static duk_ret_t test_c_pcall_error2(duk_context *ctx) {
	duk_idx_t i;
	duk_int_t rc;

	duk_require_stack(ctx, STACK_REQUIRE + 1);

	duk_push_c_function(ctx, my_func_error2, 0);
	rc = duk_pcall(ctx, 0 /*nargs*/);
	printf("duk_pcall: rc=%ld, value: %s\n", (long) rc, duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1));

	for (i = 0; i < STACK_REQUIRE; i++) {
		duk_push_int(ctx, 123);

	printf("final top: %ld\n", (long) duk_get_top(ctx));
	return 0;
static duk_ret_t test_ecma_pcall_error(duk_context *ctx) {
	duk_idx_t i;
	duk_int_t rc;

	duk_require_stack(ctx, STACK_REQUIRE + 1);

	duk_eval_string(ctx, "(function () { print('hello from ecma func'); throw Error('ecma thrown'); })");
	rc = duk_pcall(ctx, 0 /*nargs*/);
	printf("duk_pcall: rc=%ld, value: %s\n", (long) rc, duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1));

	for (i = 0; i < STACK_REQUIRE; i++) {
		duk_push_int(ctx, 123);

	printf("final top: %ld\n", (long) duk_get_top(ctx));
	return 0;
Exemple #7
duk_ret_t JsExe::LinkArgs(duk_context* duktapeContext)
   try {
      int args = duk_get_top(duktapeContext);

      auto obj = JavaScriptHelper::CppObject<JsExe>(duktapeContext);

      if (!args) duk_push_string(duktapeContext, obj->linker.Args().c_str());
      else obj->linker.Args(JavaScriptHelper::AsString(duktapeContext, args));

      return 1;
   catch (std::exception& e) {
      JavaScriptHelper::Throw(duktapeContext, e.what());
Exemple #8
duk_ret_t JsExe::WarningDisable(duk_context* duktapeContext)
   try {
      int args = duk_get_top(duktapeContext);

      auto obj = JavaScriptHelper::CppObject<JsExe>(duktapeContext);

      if (!args) JavaScriptHelper::PushArray(duktapeContext, obj->compiler.WarningDisable());
      else obj->compiler.WarningDisable(JavaScriptHelper::AsIntVector(duktapeContext, args));

      return 1;
   catch (std::exception& e) {
      JavaScriptHelper::Throw(duktapeContext, e.what());
static duk_ret_t test_1(duk_context *ctx, void *udata) {
	(void) udata;

	duk_set_top(ctx, 0);

	duk_eval_string(ctx, "Duktape.errThrow = function (err) { err.name = 'ForcedName'; return err; }");

	/* Throw with duk_throw(). */

	duk_push_error_object(ctx, DUK_ERR_RANGE_ERROR, "range error: %d", 123);

	printf("final top: %ld\n", (long) duk_get_top(ctx));
	return 0;
Exemple #10
static duk_ret_t
js_OutlinedCircle(duk_context* ctx)
	bool    antialiased = false;
	color_t color;
	int     n_args;
	int     x, y, radius;

	n_args = duk_get_top(ctx);
	x = duk_to_int(ctx, 0);
	y = duk_to_int(ctx, 1);
	radius = duk_to_int(ctx, 2);
	color = duk_require_sphere_color(ctx, 3);
	if (n_args >= 5) antialiased = duk_require_boolean(ctx, 4);
	if (!is_skipped_frame()) al_draw_circle(x, y, radius, nativecolor(color), 1);
	return 0;
duk_ret_t JavaMethod::invoke(duk_context* ctx, JNIEnv* env, jobject javaThis) const {
  if (duk_get_top(ctx) != m_argumentLoaders.size()) {
    // Wrong number of arguments given - throw an error.
    duk_error(ctx, DUK_ERR_API_ERROR, "wrong number of arguments");
    // unreachable - duk_error never returns.
    return DUK_RET_API_ERROR;

  std::vector<jvalue> args(m_argumentLoaders.size());
  // Load the arguments off the stack and convert to Java types.
  // Note we're going backwards since the last argument is at the top of the stack.
  for (ssize_t i = m_argumentLoaders.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
    args[i] = m_argumentLoaders[i](ctx, env);

  return m_methodBody(ctx, env, javaThis, args.data());
Exemple #12
/* Basic test. */
static duk_ret_t test_1(duk_context *ctx) {
	int i;

	duk_eval_string(ctx, "new RangeError('test error')");  /* 0 */
	duk_eval_string(ctx, "Error");  /* 1 */
	duk_eval_string(ctx, "RangeError");  /* 2 */
	duk_eval_string(ctx, "TypeError");  /* 3 */
	duk_eval_string(ctx, "Object");  /* 4 */
	duk_eval_string(ctx, "Function");  /* 5 */

	for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
		printf("0 instanceof %d: %d\n", i, (int) duk_instanceof(ctx, 0, i));

	printf("final top: %ld\n", (long) duk_get_top(ctx));
	return 0;
static duk_ret_t Line_Intersects_Selector(duk_context* ctx)
    int numArgs = duk_get_top(ctx);
    if (numArgs == 3 && GetValueObject<OBB>(ctx, 0, OBB_ID) && duk_is_number(ctx, 1) && duk_is_number(ctx, 2))
        return Line_Intersects_OBB_float_float(ctx);
    if (numArgs == 3 && GetValueObject<AABB>(ctx, 0, AABB_ID) && duk_is_number(ctx, 1) && duk_is_number(ctx, 2))
        return Line_Intersects_AABB_float_float(ctx);
    if (numArgs == 1 && GetValueObject<Capsule>(ctx, 0, Capsule_ID))
        return Line_Intersects_Capsule(ctx);
    if (numArgs == 1 && GetValueObject<Frustum>(ctx, 0, Frustum_ID))
        return Line_Intersects_Frustum(ctx);
    if (numArgs == 1 && GetValueObject<AABB>(ctx, 0, AABB_ID))
        return Line_Intersects_AABB(ctx);
    if (numArgs == 1 && GetValueObject<OBB>(ctx, 0, OBB_ID))
        return Line_Intersects_OBB(ctx);
    duk_error(ctx, DUK_ERR_ERROR, "Could not select function overload");
Exemple #14
static duk_ret_t test_1(duk_context *ctx) {
	duk_set_top(ctx, 0);

	duk_push_c_function(ctx, my_adder, 3 /*nargs*/);
	duk_push_int(ctx, 10);
	duk_push_int(ctx, 11);
	duk_push_int(ctx, 12);
	duk_push_int(ctx, 13);  /* clipped */
	duk_push_int(ctx, 14);  /* clipped */
	duk_call(ctx, 5);

	printf("result=%s\n", duk_to_string(ctx, -1));

	printf("final top: %ld\n", (long) duk_get_top(ctx));
	return 0;
Exemple #15
int test_2(duk_context *ctx) {
	duk_set_top(ctx, 0);

	duk_push_c_function(ctx, my_adder, 3 /*nargs*/);
	duk_push_int(ctx, 10);
	duk_push_int(ctx, 11);
	duk_push_string(ctx, "foo");  /* causes error */
	duk_push_int(ctx, 13);  /* clipped */
	duk_push_int(ctx, 14);  /* clipped */
	duk_call(ctx, 5);

	printf("result=%s\n", duk_to_string(ctx, -1));

	printf("final top: %d\n", duk_get_top(ctx));
	return 0;
void CallDisconnectSignal(duk_context* ctx, void* signal)
    int numArgs = duk_get_top(ctx);
    duk_push_number(ctx, (size_t)signal);
    duk_insert(ctx, 0);
    duk_get_prop_string(ctx, -1, "_DisconnectSignal");
    duk_remove(ctx, -2); // Global object
    duk_insert(ctx, 0);
    duk_pcall(ctx, numArgs + 1);
    if (duk_get_boolean(ctx, -1)) // Last receiver disconnected
        HashMap<void*, SharedPtr<SignalReceiver> >& signalReceivers = JavaScriptInstance::InstanceFromContext(ctx)->SignalReceivers();
    duk_pop(ctx); // Result
Exemple #17
/* duk_get_prop_string(), success cases */
static duk_ret_t test_getpropstring_a(duk_context *ctx, void *udata) {
	duk_ret_t rc;

	(void) udata;


	rc = duk_get_prop_string(ctx, 0, "foo");
	printf("obj.foo -> rc=%d, result='%s'\n", (int) rc, duk_to_string(ctx, -1));

	rc = duk_get_prop_string(ctx, 0, "foo" "\x00" "bar");  /* embedded NUL terminates key */
	printf("obj.foo -> rc=%d, result='%s'\n", (int) rc, duk_to_string(ctx, -1));

	rc = duk_get_prop_string(ctx, 0, "nonexistent");
	printf("obj.nonexistent -> rc=%d, result='%s'\n", (int) rc, duk_to_string(ctx, -1));

	rc = duk_get_prop_string(ctx, 0, "123");
	printf("obj['123'] -> rc=%d, result='%s'\n", (int) rc, duk_to_string(ctx, -1));

	rc = duk_get_prop_string(ctx, 1, "nonexistent");
	printf("arr.nonexistent -> rc=%d, result='%s'\n", (int) rc, duk_to_string(ctx, -1));

	rc = duk_get_prop_string(ctx, 1, "2");
	printf("arr['2'] -> rc=%d, result='%s'\n", (int) rc, duk_to_string(ctx, -1));

	rc = duk_get_prop_string(ctx, 1, "length");
	printf("arr.length -> rc=%d, result='%s'\n", (int) rc, duk_to_string(ctx, -1));

	rc = duk_get_prop_string(ctx, 2, "5");
	printf("'test_string'['5'] -> rc=%d, result='%s'\n", (int) rc, duk_to_string(ctx, -1));

	rc = duk_get_prop_string(ctx, 2, "length");
	printf("'test_string'.length -> rc=%d, result='%s'\n", (int) rc, duk_to_string(ctx, -1));

	printf("final top: %ld\n", (long) duk_get_top(ctx));
	return 0;
int duk_builtin_date_constructor(duk_context *ctx) {
	int nargs = duk_get_top(ctx);
	int is_cons = duk_is_constructor_call(ctx);
	double dparts[NUM_PARTS];
	double d;

	DUK_DDDPRINT("Date constructor, nargs=%d, is_cons=%d", nargs, is_cons);

	                       DUK_HOBJECT_FLAG_EXTENSIBLE |

	/* Unlike most built-ins, the internal [[PrimitiveValue]] of a Date
	 * is mutable.

	if (nargs == 0 || !is_cons) {
		d = timeclip(GET_NOW_TIMEVAL(ctx));
		duk_push_number(ctx, d);
		duk_def_prop_stridx(ctx, -2, DUK_STRIDX_INT_VALUE, DUK_PROPDESC_FLAGS_W);
		if (!is_cons) {
			/* called as a normal function: return new Date().toString() */
			duk_to_string(ctx, -1);
		return 1;
	} else if (nargs == 1) {
		duk_to_primitive(ctx, 0, DUK_HINT_NONE);
		if (duk_is_string(ctx, 0)) {
			parse_string(ctx, duk_to_string(ctx, 0));
			duk_replace(ctx, 0);  /* may be NaN */
		d = timeclip(duk_to_number(ctx, 0));
		duk_push_number(ctx, d);
		duk_def_prop_stridx(ctx, -2, DUK_STRIDX_INT_VALUE, DUK_PROPDESC_FLAGS_W);
		return 1;

	set_parts_from_args(ctx, dparts, nargs);

	/* Parts are in local time, convert when setting. */

	set_this_timeval_from_dparts(ctx, dparts, FLAG_LOCALTIME /*flags*/);  /* -> [ ... this timeval ] */
	duk_pop(ctx);  /* -> [ ... this ] */
	return 1;
static duk_ret_t test_suspend_resume_throw_basic(duk_context *ctx, void *udata) {
	duk_context *other;
	duk_thread_state st;

	(void) duk_push_thread(ctx);
	other = duk_get_context(ctx, -1);

	duk_suspend(ctx, &st);
	duk_eval_string(other, "print('other thread executing');");
	duk_resume(ctx, &st);
	(void) duk_range_error(ctx, "aiee");


	printf("final top: %ld\n", (long) duk_get_top(ctx));
	return 0;
/* Underlying buffer doesn't cover logical slice. */
static duk_ret_t test_uncovered_buffer(duk_context *ctx) {
	unsigned char *p;
	duk_size_t sz;

	duk_push_dynamic_buffer(ctx, 64);  /* 16x4 elements */

		"(function (plain_buffer) {\n"
		"    var b = new ArrayBuffer(plain_buffer);\n"
		"    return new Uint32Array(b).subarray(1,5);\n"
	duk_dup(ctx, 0);
	duk_call(ctx, 1);  /* -> [ plain_buffer Uint32Array ] */

	/* Initially OK. */
	sz = (duk_size_t) 0xdeadbeefUL;
	p = duk_get_buffer_data(ctx, -1, &sz);
	if (p) {
		printf("p is not NULL, sz=%ld\n", (long) sz);
	} else {
		printf("p is NULL\n");

	/* Resize; slice still covered. */
	duk_resize_buffer(ctx, 0, 20);  /* 5x4 = 20, subarray is [1*4, 5*4[ */
	sz = (duk_size_t) 0xdeadbeefUL;
	p = duk_get_buffer_data(ctx, -1, &sz);
	if (p) {
		printf("p is not NULL, sz=%ld\n", (long) sz);
	} else {
		printf("p is NULL\n");

	/* Resize; no longer covered. */
	duk_resize_buffer(ctx, 0, 19);
	sz = (duk_size_t) 0xdeadbeefUL;
	p = duk_get_buffer_data(ctx, -1, &sz);
	if (p) {
		printf("p is not NULL, sz=%ld\n", (long) sz);
	} else {
		printf("p is NULL\n");

	printf("final top: %ld\n", (long) duk_get_top(ctx));
	return 0;
Exemple #21
duk_ret_t JsLibrarian::Files(duk_context* duktapeContext)
   try {
      int args = duk_get_top(duktapeContext);

      auto obj = JavaScriptHelper::CppObject<JsLibrarian>(duktapeContext);

      if (!args) JavaScriptHelper::PushArray(duktapeContext, obj->librarian.Files());
      else obj->librarian.Files(JavaScriptHelper::AsStringVector(duktapeContext, args));

      return 1;
   catch (std::exception& e) {
      JavaScriptHelper::Throw(duktapeContext, e.what());
static int test_nodejs_buffer_copy_1(duk_context *ctx) {
	int i, dst, src;
	unsigned char *data;

	data = (unsigned char *) duk_push_dynamic_buffer(ctx, 10);  /* index 0 */
	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
		data[i] = 0x40 + i;

	setup_nodejs_buffer(ctx, 0);
	setup_nodejs_buffer_slice(ctx, 0, 1, 4);
	setup_nodejs_buffer_slice(ctx, 0, 3, 7);
	setup_nodejs_buffer_slice(ctx, 0, 6, 9);

	for (i = 10; i >= 0; i--) {
		duk_resize_buffer(ctx, 0, i);

		/* The resulting buffers are not printed here; they're not very
		 * intuitive because both the source and the destination share
		 * the same underlying buffer.

		for (dst = 1; dst <= 4; dst++) {
			for (src = 1; src <= 4; src++) {
				printf("%d %d %d\n", i, dst, src);
					"(function (dst, src) {\n"
					"    for (var i = 0; i < dst.length; i++) { dst[i] = 0x11; }\n"
					"    for (var i = 0; i < src.length; i++) { src[i] = 0x22; }\n"
					"    src.copy(dst);\n"
					"    for (var i = 0; i < dst.length; i++) { dst[i] = 0x11; }\n"
					"    for (var i = 0; i < src.length; i++) { src[i] = 0x22; }\n"
					"    src.copy(dst, 4, 1);\n"
				duk_dup(ctx, dst);
				duk_dup(ctx, src);
				duk_call(ctx, 2);

	printf("final top: %ld\n", (long) duk_get_top(ctx));
	return 0;
Exemple #23
static duk_ret_t test_1(duk_context *ctx, void *udata) {
	duk_idx_t i, n;

	(void) udata;

	duk_set_top(ctx, 0);
	duk_push_int(ctx, 0);
	duk_push_int(ctx, 1);
	duk_push_number(ctx, INFINITY);
	duk_push_string(ctx, "");
	duk_push_string(ctx, "foo");
	duk_push_fixed_buffer(ctx, 0);
	duk_push_fixed_buffer(ctx, 1024);
	duk_push_dynamic_buffer(ctx, 0);
	duk_push_dynamic_buffer(ctx, 1024);
	duk_push_pointer(ctx, (void *) NULL);
	duk_push_pointer(ctx, (void *) 0xdeadbeefUL);

	n = duk_get_top(ctx);
	printf("top: %ld\n", (long) n);
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		void *ptr;
		duk_int_t t1, t2;

		t1 = duk_get_type(ctx, i);
		ptr = duk_to_pointer(ctx, i);
		t2 = duk_get_type(ctx, i);

		printf("index %ld, ptr-is-NULL: %d, type: %ld -> %ld\n",
		       (long) i, (ptr == NULL ? 1 : 0), (long) t1, (long) t2);
		if (t1 == DUK_TYPE_POINTER) {
			/* check that pointer is retained as is (can safely print) */
			printf("pointer: %p\n", ptr);

	return 0;
int duk_builtin_date_constructor_utc(duk_context *ctx) {
	int nargs = duk_get_top(ctx);
	double dparts[NUM_PARTS];
	double d;

	/* Behavior for nargs < 2 is implementation dependent: currently we'll
	 * set a NaN time value (matching V8 behavior) in this case.

	if (nargs < 2) {
	} else {
		set_parts_from_args(ctx, dparts, nargs);
		d = get_timeval_from_dparts(dparts, 0 /*flags*/);
		duk_push_number(ctx, d);
	return 1;
void test(duk_context *ctx) {
	duk_ret_t rc;

        duk_eval_string(ctx, "this.testFunc = eval.bind(this, 'print(\\'hello from eval\\')');");

	duk_get_prop_string(ctx, -1, "testFunc");
	rc = duk_pcall(ctx, 0);
	printf("rc=%d\n", (int) rc);
	if (rc != 0) {
		/* unexpected error */
		printf("error=%s\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1));

        printf("final top: %ld\n", (long) duk_get_top(ctx));
Exemple #26
duk_ret_t JsLibrarian::Output(duk_context* duktapeContext)
   try {
      int args = duk_get_top(duktapeContext);

      auto obj = JavaScriptHelper::CppObject<JsLibrarian>(duktapeContext);

      if (!args) duk_push_string(duktapeContext, obj->librarian.Output().c_str());
      else if (args == 1) obj->librarian.Output(duk_require_string(duktapeContext, 0));
      else JavaScriptHelper::Throw(duktapeContext, "One argument for Librarian::Output() expected");

      return 1;
   catch (std::exception& e) {
      JavaScriptHelper::Throw(duktapeContext, e.what());
Exemple #27
duk_ret_t JsLibrarian::DependencyCheck(duk_context* duktapeContext)
   try {
      int args = duk_get_top(duktapeContext);

      auto obj = JavaScriptHelper::CppObject<JsLibrarian>(duktapeContext);

      if (!args) duk_push_boolean(duktapeContext, obj->librarian.DependencyCheck());
      else if (args == 1) obj->librarian.DependencyCheck(duk_require_boolean(duktapeContext, 0) != 0);
      else JavaScriptHelper::Throw(duktapeContext, "One argument for Librarian::DependencyCheck() expected");

      return 1;
   catch (std::exception& e) {
      JavaScriptHelper::Throw(duktapeContext, e.what());
Exemple #28
duk_ret_t JsLibrarian::Create(duk_context* duktapeContext)
   try {
      int args = duk_get_top(duktapeContext);

      auto obj = JavaScriptHelper::CppObject<JsLibrarian>(duktapeContext);

      if (args != 0) JavaScriptHelper::Throw(duktapeContext, "No arguments for Librarian::Create() expected");


      return 1;
   catch (std::exception& e) {
      JavaScriptHelper::Throw(duktapeContext, e.what());
Exemple #29
static duk_ret_t test_putprop_shorthand_a(duk_context *ctx) {
	duk_eval_string(ctx, "({ foo: 123 })");

	duk_push_uint(ctx, 123);
	duk_put_prop_string(ctx, -2, "bar" "\x00" "quux");

	duk_push_uint(ctx, 234);
	duk_put_prop_index(ctx, -2, 2001);

	duk_push_uint(ctx, 345);
	duk_put_prop_lstring(ctx, -2, "nul" "\x00" "keyx", 7);

	duk_json_encode(ctx, -1);
	printf("%s\n", duk_to_string(ctx, -1));

	printf("final top: %ld\n", (long) duk_get_top(ctx));
	return 0;
static duk_ret_t test_api_example(duk_context *ctx, void *udata) {
	void *ptr;

	(void) udata;

	duk_eval_string(ctx, "({ foo: 'bar' })");
	ptr = duk_get_heapptr(ctx, -1);

	duk_put_global_string(ctx, "ref");
	duk_set_top(ctx, 0);

	duk_push_heapptr(ctx, ptr);
	duk_get_prop_string(ctx, -1, "foo");
	printf("obj.foo: %s\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1));  /* prints 'bar' */

	printf("final top: %ld\n", (long) duk_get_top(ctx));
	return 0;