Exemple #1
one (int i, mpz_t multiplicand, mpz_t multiplier)
  mpz_t product, ref_product;

  mpz_init (product);
  mpz_init (ref_product);

  /* Test plain multiplication comparing results against reference code.  */
  mpz_mul (product, multiplier, multiplicand);
  refmpz_mul (ref_product, multiplier, multiplicand);
  if (mpz_cmp (product, ref_product))
    dump_abort (i, "incorrect plain product",
		multiplier, multiplicand, product, ref_product);

  /* Test squaring, comparing results against plain multiplication  */
  mpz_mul (product, multiplier, multiplier);
  mpz_set (multiplicand, multiplier);
  mpz_mul (ref_product, multiplier, multiplicand);
  if (mpz_cmp (product, ref_product))
    dump_abort (i, "incorrect square product",
		multiplier, multiplier, product, ref_product);

  mpz_clear (product);
  mpz_clear (ref_product);
Exemple #2
main (int argc, char **argv)
  mpz_t dividend, divisor;
  mpz_t quotient, remainder;
  mpz_t quotient2, remainder2;
  mpz_t temp;
  mp_size_t dividend_size, divisor_size;
  int i;
  int reps = 1000;
  gmp_randstate_ptr rands;
  mpz_t bs;
  unsigned long bsi, size_range;

  tests_start ();
  TESTS_REPS (reps, argv, argc);

  rands = RANDS;

  mpz_init (bs);

  mpz_init (dividend);
  mpz_init (divisor);
  mpz_init (quotient);
  mpz_init (remainder);
  mpz_init (quotient2);
  mpz_init (remainder2);
  mpz_init (temp);

  for (i = 0; i < reps; i++)
      mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, 32);
      size_range = mpz_get_ui (bs) % 18 + 2; /* 0..524288 bit operands */

	  mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, size_range);
	  divisor_size = mpz_get_ui (bs);
	  mpz_rrandomb (divisor, rands, divisor_size);
      while (mpz_sgn (divisor) == 0);

      mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, size_range);
      dividend_size = mpz_get_ui (bs) + divisor_size;
      mpz_rrandomb (dividend, rands, dividend_size);

      mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, 2);
      bsi = mpz_get_ui (bs);
      if ((bsi & 1) != 0)
	mpz_neg (dividend, dividend);
      if ((bsi & 2) != 0)
	mpz_neg (divisor, divisor);

      /* printf ("%ld %ld\n", SIZ (dividend), SIZ (divisor)); */

      mpz_tdiv_qr (quotient, remainder, dividend, divisor);
      mpz_tdiv_q (quotient2, dividend, divisor);
      mpz_tdiv_r (remainder2, dividend, divisor);

      /* First determine that the quotients and remainders computed
	 with different functions are equal.  */
      if (mpz_cmp (quotient, quotient2) != 0)
	dump_abort (dividend, divisor);
      if (mpz_cmp (remainder, remainder2) != 0)
	dump_abort (dividend, divisor);

      /* Check if the sign of the quotient is correct.  */
      if (mpz_cmp_ui (quotient, 0) != 0)
	if ((mpz_cmp_ui (quotient, 0) < 0)
	    != ((mpz_cmp_ui (dividend, 0) ^ mpz_cmp_ui (divisor, 0)) < 0))
	dump_abort (dividend, divisor);

      /* Check if the remainder has the same sign as the dividend
	 (quotient rounded towards 0).  */
      if (mpz_cmp_ui (remainder, 0) != 0)
	if ((mpz_cmp_ui (remainder, 0) < 0) != (mpz_cmp_ui (dividend, 0) < 0))
	  dump_abort (dividend, divisor);

      mpz_mul (temp, quotient, divisor);
      mpz_add (temp, temp, remainder);
      if (mpz_cmp (temp, dividend) != 0)
	dump_abort (dividend, divisor);

      mpz_abs (temp, divisor);
      mpz_abs (remainder, remainder);
      if (mpz_cmp (remainder, temp) >= 0)
	dump_abort (dividend, divisor);

  mpz_clear (bs);
  mpz_clear (dividend);
  mpz_clear (divisor);
  mpz_clear (quotient);
  mpz_clear (remainder);
  mpz_clear (quotient2);
  mpz_clear (remainder2);
  mpz_clear (temp);

  tests_end ();
  exit (0);
Exemple #3
main (int argc, char **argv)
  mpz_t dividend;
  mpz_t quotient, remainder;
  mpz_t quotient2, remainder2;
  mpz_t temp;
  mp_size_t dividend_size;
  unsigned long divisor;
  int i;
  int reps = 10000;
  gmp_randstate_t rands;
  mpz_t bs;
  unsigned long bsi, size_range;
  unsigned long r_rq, r_q, r_r, r;

  tests_start ();

  mpz_init (bs);

  if (argc == 2)
     reps = atoi (argv[1]);

  mpz_init (dividend);
  mpz_init (quotient);
  mpz_init (remainder);
  mpz_init (quotient2);
  mpz_init (remainder2);
  mpz_init (temp);

  for (i = 0; i < reps; i++)
      mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, 32);
      size_range = mpz_get_ui (bs) % 10 + 2; /* 0..2047 bit operands */

	  mpz_rrandomb (bs, rands, 64);
	  divisor = mpz_get_ui (bs);
      while (divisor == 0);

      mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, size_range);
      dividend_size = mpz_get_ui (bs);
      mpz_rrandomb (dividend, rands, dividend_size);

      mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, 2);
      bsi = mpz_get_ui (bs);
      if ((bsi & 1) != 0)
	mpz_neg (dividend, dividend);

      /* printf ("%ld\n", SIZ (dividend)); */

      r_rq = mpz_cdiv_qr_ui (quotient, remainder, dividend, divisor);
      r_q = mpz_cdiv_q_ui (quotient2, dividend, divisor);
      r_r = mpz_cdiv_r_ui (remainder2, dividend, divisor);
      r = mpz_cdiv_ui (dividend, divisor);

      /* First determine that the quotients and remainders computed
	 with different functions are equal.  */
      if (mpz_cmp (quotient, quotient2) != 0)
	dump_abort ("quotients from mpz_cdiv_qr_ui and mpz_cdiv_q_ui differ",
		    dividend, divisor);
      if (mpz_cmp (remainder, remainder2) != 0)
	dump_abort ("remainders from mpz_cdiv_qr_ui and mpz_cdiv_r_ui differ",
		    dividend, divisor);

      /* Check if the sign of the quotient is correct.  */
      if (mpz_cmp_ui (quotient, 0) != 0)
	if ((mpz_cmp_ui (quotient, 0) < 0)
	    != (mpz_cmp_ui (dividend, 0) < 0))
	dump_abort ("quotient sign wrong", dividend, divisor);

      /* Check if the remainder has the opposite sign as the (positive) divisor
	 (quotient rounded towards minus infinity).  */
      if (mpz_cmp_ui (remainder, 0) != 0)
	if (mpz_cmp_ui (remainder, 0) > 0)
	  dump_abort ("remainder sign wrong", dividend, divisor);

      mpz_mul_ui (temp, quotient, divisor);
      mpz_add (temp, temp, remainder);
      if (mpz_cmp (temp, dividend) != 0)
	dump_abort ("n mod d != n - [n/d]*d", dividend, divisor);

      mpz_abs (remainder, remainder);
      if (mpz_cmp_ui (remainder, divisor) >= 0)
	dump_abort ("remainder greater than divisor", dividend, divisor);

      if (mpz_cmp_ui (remainder, r_rq) != 0)
	dump_abort ("remainder returned from mpz_cdiv_qr_ui is wrong",
		    dividend, divisor);
      if (mpz_cmp_ui (remainder, r_q) != 0)
	dump_abort ("remainder returned from mpz_cdiv_q_ui is wrong",
		    dividend, divisor);
      if (mpz_cmp_ui (remainder, r_r) != 0)
	dump_abort ("remainder returned from mpz_cdiv_r_ui is wrong",
		    dividend, divisor);
      if (mpz_cmp_ui (remainder, r) != 0)
	dump_abort ("remainder returned from mpz_cdiv_ui is wrong",
		    dividend, divisor);

  mpz_clear (bs);
  mpz_clear (dividend);
  mpz_clear (quotient);
  mpz_clear (remainder);
  mpz_clear (quotient2);
  mpz_clear (remainder2);
  mpz_clear (temp);
  tests_end ();
  exit (0);
main (int argc, char **argv)
    mpz_t op1, op2, r1, r2;
    mp_size_t op1n, op2n;
    unsigned long int op2long;
    int i;
    int reps = 100000;
    gmp_randstate_ptr rands;
    mpz_t bs;
    unsigned long bsi, size_range;

    tests_start ();
    rands = RANDS;

    mpz_init (bs);

    if (argc == 2)
        reps = atoi (argv[1]);

    mpz_init (op1);
    mpz_init (op2);
    mpz_init (r1);
    mpz_init (r2);

    for (i = 0; i < reps; i++)
        mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, 32);
        size_range = mpz_get_ui (bs) % 10 + 2;

        mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, size_range);
        op1n = mpz_get_ui (bs);
        mpz_rrandomb (op1, rands, op1n);

        mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, size_range);
        op2n = mpz_get_ui (bs);
        mpz_rrandomb (op2, rands, op2n);

        mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, 2);
        bsi = mpz_get_ui (bs);
        if ((bsi & 1) != 0)
            mpz_neg (op1, op1);
        if ((bsi & 2) != 0)
            mpz_neg (op2, op2);

        /* printf ("%ld %ld\n", SIZ (multiplier), SIZ (multiplicand)); */

        mpz_add (r1, op1, op2);
        mpz_sub (r2, r1, op2);
        if (mpz_cmp (r2, op1) != 0)
            dump_abort (i, "mpz_add or mpz_sub incorrect", op1, op2);

        if (mpz_fits_ulong_p (op2))
            op2long = mpz_get_ui (op2);
            mpz_add_ui (r1, op1, op2long);
            mpz_sub_ui (r2, r1, op2long);
            if (mpz_cmp (r2, op1) != 0)
                dump_abort (i, "mpz_add_ui or mpz_sub_ui incorrect", op1, op2);

            mpz_ui_sub (r1, op2long, op1);
            mpz_sub_ui (r2, op1, op2long);
            mpz_neg (r2, r2);
            if (mpz_cmp (r1, r2) != 0)
                dump_abort (i, "mpz_add_ui or mpz_ui_sub incorrect", op1, op2);

    mpz_clear (bs);
    mpz_clear (op1);
    mpz_clear (op2);
    mpz_clear (r1);
    mpz_clear (r2);

    tests_end ();
    exit (0);
Exemple #5
main (int argc, char **argv)
  mpz_t x2;
  mpz_t x, rem;
  mpz_t temp, temp2;
  mp_size_t x2_size;
  int i;
  int reps = 1000;
  gmp_randstate_ptr rands;
  mpz_t bs;
  unsigned long size_range;

  tests_start ();
  TESTS_REPS (reps, argv, argc);

  rands = RANDS;

  mpz_init (bs);

  mpz_init (x2);
  mpz_init (x);
  mpz_init (rem);
  mpz_init (temp);
  mpz_init (temp2);

  for (i = 0; i < reps; i++)
      mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, 32);
      size_range = mpz_get_ui (bs) % 17 + 2; /* 0..262144 bit operands */

      mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, size_range);
      x2_size = mpz_get_ui (bs);
      mpz_rrandomb (x2, rands, x2_size);

      /* printf ("%ld\n", SIZ (x2)); */

      mpz_sqrtrem (x, rem, x2);
      MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (rem);

      mpz_mul (temp, x, x);

      /* Is square of result > argument?  */
      if (mpz_cmp (temp, x2) > 0)
	dump_abort (x2, x, rem);

      mpz_add_ui (temp2, x, 1);
      mpz_mul (temp2, temp2, temp2);

      /* Is square of (result + 1) <= argument?  */
      if (mpz_cmp (temp2, x2) <= 0)
	dump_abort (x2, x, rem);

      mpz_add (temp2, temp, rem);

      /* Is the remainder wrong?  */
      if (mpz_cmp (x2, temp2) != 0)
	dump_abort (x2, x, rem);

  mpz_clear (bs);
  mpz_clear (x2);
  mpz_clear (x);
  mpz_clear (rem);
  mpz_clear (temp);
  mpz_clear (temp2);

  tests_end ();
  exit (0);
Exemple #6
main (int argc, char **argv)
  int i;
  int pass, reps = 10000;
  mpf_t in1, in2, out1;
  unsigned long int in1i, in2i;
  mpf_t res1, res2, res3;
  mp_size_t bprec = 100;

  tests_start ();

  if (argc > 1)
      reps = strtol (argv[1], 0, 0);
      if (argc > 2)
	bprec = strtol (argv[2], 0, 0);

  mpf_set_default_prec (bprec);

  mpf_init (in1);
  mpf_init (in2);
  mpf_init (out1);
  mpf_init (res1);
  mpf_init (res2);
  mpf_init (res3);

  for (pass = 1; pass <= reps; pass++)
      mpf_random2 (in1, urandom () % SIZE - SIZE/2, urandom () % EXPO);
      mpf_random2 (in2, urandom () % SIZE - SIZE/2, urandom () % EXPO);

      for (i = 0; i < sizeof (dss_funcs) / sizeof (dss_func); i++)
	  /* Don't divide by 0.  */
	  if (i == 0 && mpf_cmp_ui (in2, 0) == 0)

	  (dss_funcs[i]) (res1, in1, in2);

	  mpf_set (out1, in1);
	  (dss_funcs[i]) (out1, out1, in2);
	  mpf_set (res2, out1);

	  mpf_set (out1, in2);
	  (dss_funcs[i]) (out1, in1, out1);
	  mpf_set (res3, out1);

	  if (mpf_cmp (res1, res2) != 0)
	    dump_abort (dss_func_names[i], res1, res2);
	  if (mpf_cmp (res1, res3) != 0)
	    dump_abort (dss_func_names[i], res1, res3);

      in2i = urandom ();
      for (i = 0; i < sizeof (dsi_funcs) / sizeof (dsi_func); i++)
	  /* Don't divide by 0.  */
	  if (strcmp (dsi_func_names[i], "mpf_div_ui") == 0 && in2i == 0)

	  (dsi_funcs[i]) (res1, in1, in2i);

	  mpf_set (out1, in1);
	  (dsi_funcs[i]) (out1, out1, in2i);
	  mpf_set (res2, out1);

	  if (mpf_cmp (res1, res2) != 0)
	    dump_abort (dsi_func_names[i], res1, res2);

      in1i = urandom ();
      for (i = 0; i < sizeof (dis_funcs) / sizeof (dis_func); i++)
	  /* Don't divide by 0.  */
	  if (strcmp (dis_func_names[i], "mpf_ui_div") == 0
	      && mpf_cmp_ui (in2, 0) == 0)

	  (dis_funcs[i]) (res1, in1i, in2);

	  mpf_set (out1, in2);
	  (dis_funcs[i]) (out1, in1i, out1);
	  mpf_set (res2, out1);

	  if (mpf_cmp (res1, res2) != 0)
	    dump_abort (dis_func_names[i], res1, res2);


  mpf_clear (in1);
  mpf_clear (in2);
  mpf_clear (out1);
  mpf_clear (res1);
  mpf_clear (res2);
  mpf_clear (res3);

  tests_end ();
  exit (0);
Exemple #7
main (int argc, char **argv)
  mpz_t x2;
  mpz_t x, rem;
  mpz_t temp, temp2;
  mp_size_t x2_size;
  int i;
  int reps = 20000;
  gmp_randstate_t rands;
  mpz_t bs;
  unsigned long size_range;

  tests_start ();

  mpz_init (bs);

  if (argc == 2)
    reps = atoi (argv[1]);

  mpz_init (x2);
  mpz_init (x);
  mpz_init (rem);
  mpz_init (temp);
  mpz_init (temp2);

  for (i = 0; i < reps; i++)
      mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, 32);
      size_range = mpz_get_ui (bs) % 12 + 2; /* 0..8191 bit operands */

      mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, size_range);
      x2_size = mpz_get_ui (bs);
      mpz_rrandomb (x2, rands, x2_size);

      /* printf ("%ld\n", SIZ (x2)); */

      mpz_sqrtrem (x, rem, x2);
      mpz_mul (temp, x, x);

      /* Is square of result > argument?  */
      if (mpz_cmp (temp, x2) > 0)
	dump_abort (x2, x, rem);

      mpz_add_ui (temp2, x, 1);
      mpz_mul (temp2, temp2, temp2);

      /* Is square of (result + 1) <= argument?  */
      if (mpz_cmp (temp2, x2) <= 0)
	dump_abort (x2, x, rem);

      mpz_add (temp2, temp, rem);

      /* Is the remainder wrong?  */
      if (mpz_cmp (x2, temp2) != 0)
	dump_abort (x2, x, rem);

  mpz_clear (bs);
  mpz_clear (x2);
  mpz_clear (x);
  mpz_clear (rem);
  mpz_clear (temp);
  mpz_clear (temp2);
  tests_end ();
  exit (0);
Exemple #8
check_random (long reps)
  unsigned long test;
  gmp_randstate_ptr rands = RANDS;
  mpf_t a, b, x;
  mpz_t ds;
  int hibits, lshift1, lshift2;
  int xtra;

#define HIBITS 10
#define LSHIFT1 10
#define LSHIFT2 10

  mpf_set_default_prec ((1 << HIBITS) + (1 << LSHIFT1) + (1 << LSHIFT2));

  mpz_init (ds);
  mpf_inits (a, b, x, NULL);

  for (test = 0; test < reps; test++)
      mpz_urandomb (ds, rands, HIBITS);
      hibits = mpz_get_ui (ds) + 1;
      mpz_urandomb (ds, rands, hibits);
      mpz_setbit (ds, hibits  - 1);	/* make sure msb is set */
      mpf_set_z (a, ds);
      mpf_set_z (b, ds);

      mpz_urandomb (ds, rands, LSHIFT1);
      lshift1 = mpz_get_ui (ds);
      mpf_mul_2exp (a, a, lshift1 + 1);
      mpf_mul_2exp (b, b, lshift1 + 1);
      mpf_add_ui (a, a, 1);	/* make a one-bit difference */

      mpz_urandomb (ds, rands, LSHIFT2);
      lshift2 = mpz_get_ui (ds);
      mpf_mul_2exp (a, a, lshift2);
      mpf_mul_2exp (b, b, lshift2);
      mpz_urandomb (ds, rands, lshift2);
      mpf_set_z (x, ds);
      mpf_add (a, a, x);
      mpf_add (b, b, x);

      insert_random_low_zero_limbs (a, rands);
      insert_random_low_zero_limbs (b, rands);

      if (mpf_eq (a, b, lshift1 + hibits) == 0 ||
	  mpf_eq (b, a, lshift1 + hibits) == 0)
	  dump_abort (a, b, lshift1 + hibits, lshift1, lshift2, hibits, 1, test);
      for (xtra = 1; xtra < 100; xtra++)
	if (mpf_eq (a, b, lshift1 + hibits + xtra) != 0 ||
	    mpf_eq (b, a, lshift1 + hibits + xtra) != 0)
	    dump_abort (a, b, lshift1 + hibits + xtra, lshift1, lshift2, hibits, 0, test);

  mpf_clears (a, b, x, NULL);
  mpz_clear (ds);
Exemple #9
main (int argc, char **argv)
  mpz_t op1, op2, x;
  mpz_t gcd, gcd2, s, t;
  mpz_t temp1, temp2;
  mp_size_t op1_size, op2_size, x_size;
  int i;
  int reps = 2000;
  gmp_randstate_ptr rands;
  mpz_t bs;
  unsigned long bsi, size_range;

  tests_start ();
  rands = RANDS;

  mpz_init (bs);

  if (argc == 2)
    reps = atoi (argv[1]);

  mpz_init (op1);
  mpz_init (op2);
  mpz_init (x);
  mpz_init (gcd);
  mpz_init (gcd2);
  mpz_init (temp1);
  mpz_init (temp2);
  mpz_init (s);
  mpz_init (t);

  for (i = 0; i < reps; i++)
      mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, 32);
      size_range = mpz_get_ui (bs) % 12 + 2; /* 0..8191 bit operands */

      mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, size_range);
      op1_size = mpz_get_ui (bs);
      mpz_rrandomb (op1, rands, op1_size);

      mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, size_range);
      op2_size = mpz_get_ui (bs);
      mpz_rrandomb (op2, rands, op2_size);

      mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, size_range);
      x_size = mpz_get_ui (bs);
      mpz_rrandomb (x, rands, x_size);

      mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, 2);
      bsi = mpz_get_ui (bs);
      if ((bsi & 1) != 0)
	mpz_neg (op1, op1);
      if ((bsi & 2) != 0)
	mpz_neg (op2, op2);

      /* printf ("%ld %ld\n", SIZ (op1), SIZ (op2)); */

      mpz_mul (op1, op1, x);
      mpz_mul (op2, op2, x);

      mpz_gcd (gcd, op1, op2);
      /* We know GCD will be at least X, since we multiplied both operands
	 with it.  */
      if (mpz_cmp (gcd, x) < 0 && mpz_sgn (op1) != 0 && mpz_sgn (op2) != 0)
	dump_abort (i, op1, op2);

      if (mpz_fits_ulong_p (op2))
	  mpz_gcd_ui (gcd2, op1, mpz_get_ui (op2));
	  if (mpz_cmp (gcd, gcd2))
	    dump_abort (i, op1, op2);

      mpz_gcdext (gcd2, s, t, op1, op2);
      if (mpz_cmp (gcd, gcd2))
	dump_abort (i, op1, op2);

      mpz_gcdext (gcd2, s, NULL, op1, op2);
      if (mpz_cmp (gcd, gcd2))
	dump_abort (i, op1, op2);

      mpz_mul (temp1, s, op1);
      mpz_mul (temp2, t, op2);
      mpz_add (gcd2, temp1, temp2);
      if (mpz_cmp (gcd, gcd2))
	dump_abort (i, op1, op2);

  mpz_clear (bs);
  mpz_clear (op1);
  mpz_clear (op2);
  mpz_clear (x);
  mpz_clear (gcd);
  mpz_clear (gcd2);
  mpz_clear (temp1);
  mpz_clear (temp2);
  mpz_clear (s);
  mpz_clear (t);

  tests_end ();
  exit (0);