Exemple #1
 * Open up the reserved area and throw an exception.  The reserved area
 * should only be needed to create and initialize the exception itself.
 * If we already opened it and we're continuing to overflow, abort the VM.
 * We have to leave the "reserved" area open until the "catch" handler has
 * finished doing its processing.  This is because the catch handler may
 * need to resolve classes, which requires calling into the class loader if
 * the classes aren't already in the "initiating loader" list.
void dvmHandleStackOverflow(Thread* self)
     * Can we make the reserved area available?
    if (self->stackOverflowed) {
         * Already did, nothing to do but bail.
        LOGE("DalvikVM: double-overflow of stack in threadid=%d; aborting\n",
        dvmDumpThread(self, false);

    /* open it up to the full range */
    LOGI("Stack overflow, expanding (%p to %p)\n", self->interpStackEnd,
        self->interpStackStart - self->interpStackSize);
    //dvmDumpThread(self, false);
    self->interpStackEnd = self->interpStackStart - self->interpStackSize;
    self->stackOverflowed = true;

     * If we were trying to throw an exception when the stack overflowed,
     * we will blow up when doing the class lookup on StackOverflowError
     * because of the pending exception.  So, we clear it and make it
     * the cause of the SOE.
    Object* excep = dvmGetException(self);
    if (excep != NULL) {
        LOGW("Stack overflow while throwing exception\n");
    dvmThrowChainedException("Ljava/lang/StackOverflowError;", NULL, excep);
 * Find a class by name, initializing it if requested.
ClassObject* dvmFindClassByName(StringObject* nameObj, Object* loader,
    bool doInit)
    ClassObject* clazz = NULL;
    char* name = NULL;
    char* descriptor = NULL;

    if (nameObj == NULL) {
        dvmThrowException("Ljava/lang/NullPointerException;", NULL);
        goto bail;
    name = dvmCreateCstrFromString(nameObj);

     * We need to validate and convert the name (from x.y.z to x/y/z).  This
     * is especially handy for array types, since we want to avoid
     * auto-generating bogus array classes.
    if (!validateClassName(name)) {
        LOGW("dvmFindClassByName rejecting '%s'\n", name);
        dvmThrowException("Ljava/lang/ClassNotFoundException;", name);
        goto bail;

    descriptor = dvmDotToDescriptor(name);
    if (descriptor == NULL) {
        goto bail;

    if (doInit)
        clazz = dvmFindClass(descriptor, loader);
        clazz = dvmFindClassNoInit(descriptor, loader);

    if (clazz == NULL) {
        LOGVV("FAIL: load %s (%d)\n", descriptor, doInit);
        Thread* self = dvmThreadSelf();
        Object* oldExcep = dvmGetException(self);
        dvmAddTrackedAlloc(oldExcep, self);     /* don't let this be GCed */
            name, oldExcep);
        dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc(oldExcep, self);
    } else {
        LOGVV("GOOD: load %s (%d) --> %p ldr=%p\n",
            descriptor, doInit, clazz, clazz->classLoader);

    return clazz;
 * 从指定的DEX文件中加载一个类,使用类加载器去初始化一个类对象
static void Dalvik_dalvik_system_DexFile_defineClass(const u4* args,
    JValue* pResult)
    StringObject* nameObj = (StringObject*) args[0];
    Object* loader = (Object*) args[1];
    int cookie = args[2];
    ClassObject* clazz = NULL;
    DexOrJar* pDexOrJar = (DexOrJar*) cookie;
    DvmDex* pDvmDex;
    char* name;
    char* descriptor;

    name = dvmCreateCstrFromString(nameObj);
    descriptor = dvmDotToDescriptor(name);
    ALOGV("--- Explicit class load '%s' l=%p c=0x%08x",
        descriptor, loader, cookie);

    if (!validateCookie(cookie))

    if (pDexOrJar->isDex)
        pDvmDex = dvmGetRawDexFileDex(pDexOrJar->pRawDexFile);
        pDvmDex = dvmGetJarFileDex(pDexOrJar->pJarFile);

    /* once we load something, we can't unmap the storage */
    pDexOrJar->okayToFree = false;

    clazz = dvmDefineClass(pDvmDex, descriptor, loader);
    Thread* self = dvmThreadSelf();
    if (dvmCheckException(self)) {
         * If we threw a "class not found" exception, stifle it, since the
         * contract in the higher method says we simply return null if
         * the class is not found.
        Object* excep = dvmGetException(self);
        if (strcmp(excep->clazz->descriptor,
                   "Ljava/lang/ClassNotFoundException;") == 0 ||
                   "Ljava/lang/NoClassDefFoundError;") == 0)
        clazz = NULL;

Exemple #4
 * Open up the reserved area and throw an exception.  The reserved area
 * should only be needed to create and initialize the exception itself.
 * If we already opened it and we're continuing to overflow, abort the VM.
 * We have to leave the "reserved" area open until the "catch" handler has
 * finished doing its processing.  This is because the catch handler may
 * need to resolve classes, which requires calling into the class loader if
 * the classes aren't already in the "initiating loader" list.
void dvmHandleStackOverflow(Thread* self, const Method* method)
     * Can we make the reserved area available?
    if (self->stackOverflowed) {
         * Already did, nothing to do but bail.
        LOGE("DalvikVM: double-overflow of stack in threadid=%d; aborting\n",
        dvmDumpThread(self, false);

    /* open it up to the full range */
    LOGI("threadid=%d: stack overflow on call to %s.%s:%s\n",
        method->clazz->descriptor, method->name, method->shorty);
    StackSaveArea* saveArea = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(self->curFrame);
    LOGI("  method requires %d+%d+%d=%d bytes, fp is %p (%d left)\n",
        method->registersSize * 4, sizeof(StackSaveArea), method->outsSize * 4,
        (method->registersSize + method->outsSize) * 4 + sizeof(StackSaveArea),
        saveArea, (u1*) saveArea - self->interpStackEnd);
    LOGI("  expanding stack end (%p to %p)\n", self->interpStackEnd,
        self->interpStackStart - self->interpStackSize);
    //dvmDumpThread(self, false);
    self->interpStackEnd = self->interpStackStart - self->interpStackSize;
    self->stackOverflowed = true;

     * If we were trying to throw an exception when the stack overflowed,
     * we will blow up when doing the class lookup on StackOverflowError
     * because of the pending exception.  So, we clear it and make it
     * the cause of the SOE.
    Object* excep = dvmGetException(self);
    if (excep != NULL) {
        LOGW("Stack overflow while throwing exception\n");
        NULL, excep);
 * Wrap the now-pending exception in a different exception.  This is useful
 * for reflection stuff that wants to hand a checked exception back from a
 * method that doesn't declare it.
 * If something fails, an (unchecked) exception related to that failure
 * will be pending instead.
void dvmWrapException(const char* newExcepStr)
    Thread* self = dvmThreadSelf();
    Object* origExcep;
    ClassObject* iteClass;

    origExcep = dvmGetException(self);
    dvmAddTrackedAlloc(origExcep, self);    // don't let the GC free it

    dvmClearException(self);                // clear before class lookup
    iteClass = dvmFindSystemClass(newExcepStr);
    if (iteClass != NULL) {
        Object* iteExcep;
        Method* initMethod;

        iteExcep = dvmAllocObject(iteClass, ALLOC_DEFAULT);
        if (iteExcep != NULL) {
            initMethod = dvmFindDirectMethodByDescriptor(iteClass, "<init>",
            if (initMethod != NULL) {
                JValue unused;
                dvmCallMethod(self, initMethod, iteExcep, &unused,

                /* if <init> succeeded, replace the old exception */
                if (!dvmCheckException(self))
                    dvmSetException(self, iteExcep);
            dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc(iteExcep, NULL);

            /* if initMethod doesn't exist, or failed... */
            if (!dvmCheckException(self))
                dvmSetException(self, origExcep);
        } else {
            /* leave OutOfMemoryError pending */
    } else {
        /* leave ClassNotFoundException pending */

    dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc(origExcep, self);
 * private static Class defineClass(String name, ClassLoader loader,
 *      int cookie, ProtectionDomain pd)
 * Load a class from a DEX file.  This is roughly equivalent to defineClass()
 * in a regular VM -- it's invoked by the class loader to cause the
 * creation of a specific class.  The difference is that the search for and
 * reading of the bytes is done within the VM.
 * The class name is a "binary name", e.g. "java.lang.String".
 * Returns a null pointer with no exception if the class was not found.
 * Throws an exception on other failures.
static void Dalvik_dalvik_system_DexFile_defineClass(const u4* args,
    JValue* pResult)
    StringObject* nameObj = (StringObject*) args[0];
    Object* loader = (Object*) args[1];
    int cookie = args[2];
    Object* pd = (Object*) args[3];
    ClassObject* clazz = NULL;
    DexOrJar* pDexOrJar = (DexOrJar*) cookie;
    DvmDex* pDvmDex;
    char* name;
    char* descriptor;

    name = dvmCreateCstrFromString(nameObj);
    descriptor = dvmDotToDescriptor(name);
    LOGV("--- Explicit class load '%s' 0x%08x\n", descriptor, cookie);

    if (!validateCookie(cookie))

    if (pDexOrJar->isDex)
        pDvmDex = dvmGetRawDexFileDex(pDexOrJar->pRawDexFile);
        pDvmDex = dvmGetJarFileDex(pDexOrJar->pJarFile);

    /* once we load something, we can't unmap the storage */
    pDexOrJar->okayToFree = false;

    clazz = dvmDefineClass(pDvmDex, descriptor, loader);
    Thread* self = dvmThreadSelf();
    if (dvmCheckException(self)) {
         * If we threw a "class not found" exception, stifle it, since the
         * contract in the higher method says we simply return null if
         * the class is not found.
        Object* excep = dvmGetException(self);
        if (strcmp(excep->clazz->descriptor,
                   "Ljava/lang/ClassNotFoundException;") == 0 ||
                   "Ljava/lang/NoClassDefFoundError;") == 0)
        clazz = NULL;

     * Set the ProtectionDomain -- do we need this to happen before we
     * link the class and make it available? If so, we need to pass it
     * through dvmDefineClass (and figure out some other
     * stuff, like where it comes from for bootstrap classes).
    if (clazz != NULL) {
        //LOGI("SETTING pd '%s' to %p\n", clazz->descriptor, pd);
        dvmSetFieldObject((Object*) clazz, gDvm.offJavaLangClass_pd, pd);

 * Alternate version of dvmResolveClass for use with verification and
 * optimization.  Performs access checks on every resolve, and refuses
 * to acknowledge the existence of classes defined in more than one DEX
 * file.
 * Exceptions caused by failures are cleared before returning.
 * On failure, returns NULL, and sets *pFailure if pFailure is not NULL.
ClassObject* dvmOptResolveClass(ClassObject* referrer, u4 classIdx,
    VerifyError* pFailure)
    DvmDex* pDvmDex = referrer->pDvmDex;
    ClassObject* resClass;

     * Check the table first.  If not there, do the lookup by name.
    resClass = dvmDexGetResolvedClass(pDvmDex, classIdx);
    if (resClass == NULL) {
        const char* className = dexStringByTypeIdx(pDvmDex->pDexFile, classIdx);
        if (className[0] != '\0' && className[1] == '\0') {
            /* primitive type */
            resClass = dvmFindPrimitiveClass(className[0]);
        } else {
            resClass = dvmFindClassNoInit(className, referrer->classLoader);
        if (resClass == NULL) {
            /* not found, exception should be raised */
            ALOGV("DexOpt: class %d (%s) not found",
                dexStringByTypeIdx(pDvmDex->pDexFile, classIdx));
            if (pFailure != NULL) {
                /* dig through the wrappers to find the original failure */
                Object* excep = dvmGetException(dvmThreadSelf());
                while (true) {
                    Object* cause = dvmGetExceptionCause(excep);
                    if (cause == NULL)
                    excep = cause;
                if (strcmp(excep->clazz->descriptor,
                    "Ljava/lang/IncompatibleClassChangeError;") == 0)
                    *pFailure = VERIFY_ERROR_CLASS_CHANGE;
                } else {
                    *pFailure = VERIFY_ERROR_NO_CLASS;
            return NULL;

         * Add it to the resolved table so we're faster on the next lookup.
        dvmDexSetResolvedClass(pDvmDex, classIdx, resClass);

    /* multiple definitions? */
        ALOGI("DexOpt: not resolving ambiguous class '%s'",
        if (pFailure != NULL)
            *pFailure = VERIFY_ERROR_NO_CLASS;
        return NULL;

    /* access allowed? */
    tweakLoader(referrer, resClass);
    bool allowed = dvmCheckClassAccess(referrer, resClass);
    untweakLoader(referrer, resClass);
    if (!allowed) {
        ALOGW("DexOpt: resolve class illegal access: %s -> %s",
            referrer->descriptor, resClass->descriptor);
        if (pFailure != NULL)
            *pFailure = VERIFY_ERROR_ACCESS_CLASS;
        return NULL;

    return resClass;