void ossimPpjFrameSensor::imagingRay(const ossimDpt& imagePoint,
                                     ossimEcefRay& imageRay) const
   // Form camera frame LOS vector
   ossimColumnVector3d camLOS(imagePoint.x - m_principalPoint.x,
                              imagePoint.y - m_principalPoint.y,

   // Rotate to ECF
   ossimColumnVector3d ecfLOS = m_ecef2CamInverse * camLOS;
   ossimEcefVector ecfRayDir(ecfLOS);

   if (traceDebug())
         << "ossimPpjFrameSensor::imagingRay DEBUG:\n"
         << "  camLOS = " << camLOS << "\n"
         << "  m_adjustedPlatformPosition = " << m_adjustedCameraPosition << "\n"
         << "  imageRay = " << imageRay << "\n"
         << std::endl;

void ossimSpectraboticsRedEdgeModel::worldToLineSample(const ossimGpt& world_point,
                                           ossimDpt&       image_point) const
   #if 0
   if((theBoundGndPolygon.getNumberOfVertices() > 0)&&
      if (!(theBoundGndPolygon.pointWithin(world_point)))
//         image_point.makeNan();
//          image_point = extrapolate(world_point);
//         return;
   ossimEcefPoint g_ecf(world_point);
   ossimEcefVector ecfRayDir(g_ecf - m_adjEcefPlatformPosition);
   ossimColumnVector3d camRayDir (m_compositeMatrixInverse*ecfRayDir.data());
    double scale = -m_focalLength/camRayDir[2];
    ossimDpt film (scale*camRayDir[0], scale*camRayDir[1]);
    film.x /= m_pixelSize.x; // get into pixel coordinates
    film.y /= m_pixelSize.y;

    // now distort to find the true image coordinate location
    if (m_lensDistortion.valid())
      ossimDpt filmOut;
      film.x /= m_norm; // normalize radial
      film.y /= m_norm;
       m_lensDistortion->distort(film, filmOut);
      film = filmOut;//+m_lensDistortion->getCenter();
      film.x *= m_norm;
      film.y *= m_norm; 

    // invert Y to get back to left handed image space
    ossimDpt f1(film.x+m_calibratedCenter.x, m_calibratedCenter.y-film.y);
    image_point = f1;
Exemple #3
void ossimBuckeyeSensor::worldToLineSample(const ossimGpt& world_point,
	ossimDpt&       image_point) const
	if (traceDebug())  ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "DEBUG ossimBuckeyeSensor::worldToLineSample: entering..." << std::endl;
	if((theBoundGndPolygon.getNumberOfVertices() > 0)&&
		if (!(theBoundGndPolygon.pointWithin(world_point)))
	ossimEcefPoint g_ecf(world_point);
	ossimEcefVector ecfRayDir(g_ecf - theAdjEcefPlatformPosition);
	ossimColumnVector3d camRayDir (theCompositeMatrixInverse*ecfRayDir.data());

	double scale = -theFocalLength/camRayDir[2];
	ossimDpt film (scale*camRayDir[0], scale*camRayDir[1]);

	if (theLensDistortion.valid())
		ossimDpt filmOut;
		theLensDistortion->distort(film, filmOut);
		film = filmOut;

	ossimDpt f1(film + thePrincipalPoint);
	ossimDpt p1(f1.x/thePixelSize.x,

	ossimDpt p0 (p1.x + theRefImgPt.x,
		p1.y + theRefImgPt.y);

	image_point = p0;
	if (traceDebug())  ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "DEBUG ossimBuckeyeSensor::worldToLineSample: returning..." << std::endl;
void rspfBuckeyeSensor::worldToLineSample(const rspfGpt& world_point,
                                          rspfDpt&       image_point) const
#if 0
   if((theBoundGndPolygon.getNumberOfVertices() > 0)&&
      if (!(theBoundGndPolygon.pointWithin(world_point)))
   rspfEcefPoint g_ecf(world_point);
   rspfEcefVector ecfRayDir(g_ecf - m_ecefPlatformPosition);
   rspfColumnVector3d camRayDir (m_compositeMatrixInverse*ecfRayDir.data());
   double scale = -m_focalLength/camRayDir[2];
   rspfDpt film (scale*camRayDir[0], scale*camRayDir[1]);
   if (m_lensDistortion.valid())
      rspfDpt filmOut;
      m_lensDistortion->distort(film, filmOut);
      film = filmOut;
   rspfDpt f1(film + m_principalPoint);
   rspfDpt p1(f1.x/m_pixelSize.x,
   rspfDpt p0 (p1.x + theRefImgPt.x,
                p1.y + theRefImgPt.y);
   image_point = p0;
Exemple #5
void ossimApplanixUtmModel::worldToLineSample(const ossimGpt& world_point,
                                           ossimDpt&       image_point) const
   if((theBoundGndPolygon.getNumberOfVertices() > 0)&&
      if (!(theBoundGndPolygon.pointWithin(world_point)))
//          image_point = extrapolate(world_point);
   ossimEcefPoint g_ecf(world_point);
   ossimEcefVector ecfRayDir(g_ecf - theAdjEcefPlatformPosition);
   ossimColumnVector3d camRayDir (theCompositeMatrixInverse*ecfRayDir.data());
   double scale = -theFocalLength/camRayDir[2];
   ossimDpt film (scale*camRayDir[0], scale*camRayDir[1]);
   if (theLensDistortion.valid())
      ossimDpt filmOut;
      theLensDistortion->distort(film, filmOut);
      film = filmOut;
     ossimDpt f1(film + thePrincipalPoint);
    ossimDpt p1(f1.x/thePixelSize.x,

    ossimDpt p0 (p1.x + theRefImgPt.x,
                 p1.y + theRefImgPt.y);
    image_point = p0;
void ossimAlphaSensorHSI::imagingRay(const ossimDpt& imagePoint,
                                     ossimEcefRay& imageRay) const
   ossim_float64 line = imagePoint.y;

   // Form camera frame LOS vector
   ossim_float64 scanAngle = getScanAngle(line);
   ossimColumnVector3d camLOS(imagePoint.x - theImageSize.x/2,
                              m_adjustedFocalLength * tan(scanAngle),

   // Compute camera position & orientation matrix
   ossimEcefPoint platPos;
   NEWMAT::Matrix cam2EcfRot;
   getPositionOrientation(line, platPos, cam2EcfRot);

   // Rotate camera vector to ECF
   ossimColumnVector3d ecfLOS = cam2EcfRot * camLOS.unit();

   // Construct ECF image ray
   ossimEcefVector ecfRayDir(ecfLOS);

   if (traceDebug())
         << "ossimAlphaSensorHSI::imagingRay DEBUG:\n"
         << "  imagePoint = " << imagePoint << "\n"
         << "  imageRay = " << imageRay << "\n"
         << "  camLOS     = " << camLOS << "\n"
         << "  platPos    = " << platPos << "\n"
         << std::endl;
