Exemple #1
/* Function Definitions */
static void b_equalizeOFDM(testMACRouterStackData *SD, const emlrtStack *sp,
  const creal_T recv_data[1280], const real_T tx_longPreamble[53], const real_T
  tx_pilots[48], const real_T c_tx_pilotLocationsWithoutGuard[4], const real_T
  tx_dataSubcarrierIndexies_data[48], const int32_T
  tx_dataSubcarrierIndexies_size[2], c_struct_T *estimate, OFDMDemodulator_1
  *hPreambleDemod, OFDMDemodulator_1 *hDataDemod, creal_T R[576],
  emxArray_creal_T *Rraw)
  OFDMDemodulator_1 *obj;
  const mxArray *y;
  static const int32_T iv198[2] = { 1, 45 };

  const mxArray *m49;
  char_T cv241[45];
  int32_T i;
  static const char_T cv242[45] = { 'M', 'A', 'T', 'L', 'A', 'B', ':', 's', 'y',
    's', 't', 'e', 'm', ':', 'm', 'e', 't', 'h', 'o', 'd', 'C', 'a', 'l', 'l',
    'e', 'd', 'W', 'h', 'e', 'n', 'R', 'e', 'l', 'e', 'a', 's', 'e', 'd', 'C',
    'o', 'd', 'e', 'g', 'e', 'n' };

  const mxArray *b_y;
  static const int32_T iv199[2] = { 1, 4 };

  char_T cv243[4];
  static const char_T cv244[4] = { 's', 't', 'e', 'p' };

  const mxArray *c_y;
  static const int32_T iv200[2] = { 1, 51 };

  char_T cv245[51];
  static const char_T cv246[51] = { 'M', 'A', 'T', 'L', 'A', 'B', ':', 's', 'y',
    's', 't', 'e', 'm', ':', 'm', 'e', 't', 'h', 'o', 'd', 'C', 'a', 'l', 'l',
    'e', 'd', 'W', 'h', 'e', 'n', 'L', 'o', 'c', 'k', 'e', 'd', 'R', 'e', 'l',
    'e', 'a', 's', 'e', 'd', 'C', 'o', 'd', 'e', 'g', 'e', 'n' };

  const mxArray *d_y;
  static const int32_T iv201[2] = { 1, 5 };

  char_T cv247[5];
  static const char_T cv248[5] = { 's', 'e', 't', 'u', 'p' };

  int8_T fullGrid[64];
  int32_T k;
  static const int8_T iv202[11] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63 };

  int8_T ii_data[64];
  int32_T ii;
  boolean_T exitg2;
  boolean_T guard2 = FALSE;
  int8_T b_ii_data[64];
  creal_T recv[64];
  emxArray_creal_T *RLongFirst;
  const mxArray *e_y;
  static const int32_T iv203[2] = { 1, 45 };

  const mxArray *f_y;
  static const int32_T iv204[2] = { 1, 4 };

  const mxArray *g_y;
  static const int32_T iv205[2] = { 1, 51 };

  const mxArray *h_y;
  static const int32_T iv206[2] = { 1, 5 };

  boolean_T exitg1;
  boolean_T guard1 = FALSE;
  creal_T b_recv[64];
  emxArray_creal_T *RLongSecond;
  emxArray_creal_T *b_R;
  creal_T c_R[106];
  real_T b_tx_longPreamble[106];
  creal_T RNormal[106];
  real_T dv13[106];
  real_T dv14[106];
  real_T REnergy[53];
  creal_T RConj[53];
  creal_T b_RConj[53];
  const mxArray *i_y;
  static const int32_T iv207[2] = { 1, 45 };

  const mxArray *j_y;
  static const int32_T iv208[2] = { 1, 4 };

  const mxArray *k_y;
  static const int32_T iv209[2] = { 1, 51 };

  const mxArray *l_y;
  static const int32_T iv210[2] = { 1, 5 };

  int8_T b_fullGrid[768];
  static const int16_T iv211[48] = { 11, 25, 39, 53, 75, 89, 103, 117, 139, 153,
    167, 181, 203, 217, 231, 245, 267, 281, 295, 309, 331, 345, 359, 373, 395,
    409, 423, 437, 459, 473, 487, 501, 523, 537, 551, 565, 587, 601, 615, 629,
    651, 665, 679, 693, 715, 729, 743, 757 };

  boolean_T c_fullGrid[768];
  int32_T ii_size[1];
  int32_T c_ii_data[768];
  real_T d_ii_data[768];
  int32_T b_ii_size[1];
  creal_T RXPilots[48];
  creal_T preambleGainsFull[636];
  int32_T ia;
  int32_T iv212[3];
  static const int8_T iv213[3] = { 48, 12, 1 };

  int32_T b_Rraw[3];
  creal_T PilotNormal[48];
  real_T pilotEqGains_re;
  real_T pilotEqGains_im;
  real_T a[48];
  real_T PilotEnergy[48];
  creal_T b_PilotNormal[48];
  creal_T pilotEqGains[576];
  creal_T preambleGainsFull_data[576];
  creal_T b_preambleGainsFull_data[576];
  creal_T c_preambleGainsFull_data[576];
  real_T preambleGainsFull_data_re;
  real_T preambleGainsFull_data_im;
  emlrtStack st;
  emlrtStack b_st;
  emlrtStack c_st;
  emlrtStack d_st;
  st.prev = sp;
  st.tls = sp->tls;
  b_st.prev = &st;
  b_st.tls = st.tls;
  c_st.prev = &b_st;
  c_st.tls = b_st.tls;
  d_st.prev = &c_st;
  d_st.tls = c_st.tls;

  /*  equalizeOFDM: Equalize the entire OFDM frame through the use of both */
  /*  the long preamble from the 802.11a standard and four pilot tones in */
  /*  the data frames themselves.  The gains from the pilots are */
  /*  interpolated across frequency to fill the data frame and apply gains */
  /*  to all data subcarriers. */
  /*     %% Use Long Preamble frame to estimate channel in frequency domain */
  /*  Separate out received preambles */
  emlrtVectorVectorIndexCheckR2012b(1280, 1, 1, 160, &y_emlrtECI, sp);

  /*  Demod */
  st.site = &xr_emlrtRSI;
  obj = hPreambleDemod;
  if (!obj->isReleased) {
  } else {
    y = NULL;
    m49 = mxCreateCharArray(2, iv198);
    for (i = 0; i < 45; i++) {
      cv241[i] = cv242[i];

    emlrtInitCharArrayR2013a(&st, 45, m49, cv241);
    emlrtAssign(&y, m49);
    b_y = NULL;
    m49 = mxCreateCharArray(2, iv199);
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      cv243[i] = cv244[i];

    emlrtInitCharArrayR2013a(&st, 4, m49, cv243);
    emlrtAssign(&b_y, m49);
    b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    c_error(&b_st, message(&b_st, y, b_y, &emlrtMCI), &emlrtMCI);

  if (!obj->isInitialized) {
    b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    if (!obj->isInitialized) {
    } else {
      c_y = NULL;
      m49 = mxCreateCharArray(2, iv200);
      for (i = 0; i < 51; i++) {
        cv245[i] = cv246[i];

      emlrtInitCharArrayR2013a(&b_st, 51, m49, cv245);
      emlrtAssign(&c_y, m49);
      d_y = NULL;
      m49 = mxCreateCharArray(2, iv201);
      for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        cv247[i] = cv248[i];

      emlrtInitCharArrayR2013a(&b_st, 5, m49, cv247);
      emlrtAssign(&d_y, m49);
      c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
      c_error(&c_st, message(&c_st, c_y, d_y, &emlrtMCI), &emlrtMCI);

    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    obj->isInitialized = TRUE;
    d_st.site = &db_emlrtRSI;
    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    d_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    d_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    d_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    d_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    d_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    d_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    d_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    d_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    d_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    d_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    d_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    memset(&fullGrid[0], 1, sizeof(int8_T) << 6);
    for (k = 0; k < 11; k++) {
      fullGrid[iv202[k]] = 0;

    d_st.site = &fs_emlrtRSI;
    i = 0;
    ii = 1;
    exitg2 = FALSE;
    while ((exitg2 == FALSE) && (ii < 65)) {
      guard2 = FALSE;
      if (fullGrid[ii - 1] == 1) {
        ii_data[i - 1] = (int8_T)ii;
        if (i >= 64) {
          exitg2 = TRUE;
        } else {
          guard2 = TRUE;
      } else {
        guard2 = TRUE;

      if (guard2 == TRUE) {

    if (1 > i) {
      i = 0;

    for (k = 0; k < i; k++) {
      b_ii_data[k] = ii_data[k];

    for (k = 0; k < i; k++) {
      ii_data[k] = b_ii_data[k];

    d_st.site = &fs_emlrtRSI;
    k = obj->pDataLinearIndices->size[0];
    obj->pDataLinearIndices->size[0] = i;
    emxEnsureCapacity(&d_st, (emxArray__common *)obj->pDataLinearIndices, k,
                      (int32_T)sizeof(real_T), &pb_emlrtRTEI);
    for (k = 0; k < i; k++) {
      obj->pDataLinearIndices->data[k] = ii_data[k];

    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;

  b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  memcpy(&recv[0], &recv_data[192], sizeof(creal_T) << 6);
  emxInit_creal_T(&st, &RLongFirst, 3, &yb_emlrtRTEI, TRUE);
  b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  OFDMDemodulator_stepImpl(&b_st, obj, recv, RLongFirst);

  /* First half of long preamble */
  st.site = &yr_emlrtRSI;
  obj = hPreambleDemod;
  if (!obj->isReleased) {
  } else {
    e_y = NULL;
    m49 = mxCreateCharArray(2, iv203);
    for (i = 0; i < 45; i++) {
      cv241[i] = cv242[i];

    emlrtInitCharArrayR2013a(&st, 45, m49, cv241);
    emlrtAssign(&e_y, m49);
    f_y = NULL;
    m49 = mxCreateCharArray(2, iv204);
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      cv243[i] = cv244[i];

    emlrtInitCharArrayR2013a(&st, 4, m49, cv243);
    emlrtAssign(&f_y, m49);
    b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    c_error(&b_st, message(&b_st, e_y, f_y, &emlrtMCI), &emlrtMCI);

  if (!obj->isInitialized) {
    b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    if (!obj->isInitialized) {
    } else {
      g_y = NULL;
      m49 = mxCreateCharArray(2, iv205);
      for (i = 0; i < 51; i++) {
        cv245[i] = cv246[i];

      emlrtInitCharArrayR2013a(&b_st, 51, m49, cv245);
      emlrtAssign(&g_y, m49);
      h_y = NULL;
      m49 = mxCreateCharArray(2, iv206);
      for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        cv247[i] = cv248[i];

      emlrtInitCharArrayR2013a(&b_st, 5, m49, cv247);
      emlrtAssign(&h_y, m49);
      c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
      c_error(&c_st, message(&c_st, g_y, h_y, &emlrtMCI), &emlrtMCI);

    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    obj->isInitialized = TRUE;
    d_st.site = &db_emlrtRSI;
    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    d_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    d_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    d_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    d_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    d_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    d_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    d_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    d_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    d_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    d_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    d_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    memset(&fullGrid[0], 1, sizeof(int8_T) << 6);
    for (k = 0; k < 11; k++) {
      fullGrid[iv202[k]] = 0;

    d_st.site = &fs_emlrtRSI;
    i = 0;
    ii = 1;
    exitg1 = FALSE;
    while ((exitg1 == FALSE) && (ii < 65)) {
      guard1 = FALSE;
      if (fullGrid[ii - 1] == 1) {
        ii_data[i - 1] = (int8_T)ii;
        if (i >= 64) {
          exitg1 = TRUE;
        } else {
          guard1 = TRUE;
      } else {
        guard1 = TRUE;

      if (guard1 == TRUE) {

    if (1 > i) {
      i = 0;

    for (k = 0; k < i; k++) {
      b_ii_data[k] = ii_data[k];

    for (k = 0; k < i; k++) {
      ii_data[k] = b_ii_data[k];

    d_st.site = &fs_emlrtRSI;
    k = obj->pDataLinearIndices->size[0];
    obj->pDataLinearIndices->size[0] = i;
    emxEnsureCapacity(&d_st, (emxArray__common *)obj->pDataLinearIndices, k,
                      (int32_T)sizeof(real_T), &pb_emlrtRTEI);
    for (k = 0; k < i; k++) {
      obj->pDataLinearIndices->data[k] = ii_data[k];

    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;

  b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  memcpy(&b_recv[0], &recv_data[256], sizeof(creal_T) << 6);
  emxInit_creal_T(&st, &RLongSecond, 3, &ac_emlrtRTEI, TRUE);
  emxInit_creal_T(&st, &b_R, 3, &pb_emlrtRTEI, TRUE);
  b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  OFDMDemodulator_stepImpl(&b_st, obj, b_recv, RLongSecond);

  /* Second half of long preamble */
  /*     %% Preamble Equalization */
  /*  Get Equalizer tap gains */
  k = RLongFirst->size[0];
  ii = RLongSecond->size[0];
  emlrtDimSizeEqCheckFastR2012b(k, ii, &x_emlrtECI, sp);
  st.site = &as_emlrtRSI;
  k = b_R->size[0] * b_R->size[1] * b_R->size[2];
  b_R->size[0] = RLongFirst->size[0];
  b_R->size[1] = 2;
  b_R->size[2] = 1;
  emxEnsureCapacity(&st, (emxArray__common *)b_R, k, (int32_T)sizeof(creal_T),
  i = RLongFirst->size[0];
  for (k = 0; k < i; k++) {
    b_R->data[k] = RLongFirst->data[k];

  i = RLongSecond->size[0];
  for (k = 0; k < i; k++) {
    b_R->data[k + b_R->size[0]] = RLongSecond->data[k];


  /*  Calculate Equalizer Taps with preamble symbols */
  /*  Calculate non-normalized channel gains */
  for (k = 0; k < 53; k++) {
    ii = b_R->size[0];
    i = 1 + k;
    emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(i, 1, ii, &lb_emlrtBCI, &st);

  i = b_R->size[0];
  for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
    for (ii = 0; ii < 53; ii++) {
      c_R[ii + 53 * k] = b_R->data[ii + i * k];

  for (k = 0; k < 53; k++) {
    b_tx_longPreamble[k] = tx_longPreamble[k];
    b_tx_longPreamble[53 + k] = tx_longPreamble[k];

  b_st.site = &bt_emlrtRSI;
  b_rdivide(c_R, b_tx_longPreamble, RNormal);

  /*  Known is the original Long Preamble symbols  */
  /*  Scale channel gains */
  b_st.site = &ct_emlrtRSI;
  d_abs(RNormal, dv13);
  memcpy(&dv14[0], &dv13[0], 106U * sizeof(real_T));
  b_st.site = &ct_emlrtRSI;
  b_power(dv14, dv13);
  b_st.site = &ct_emlrtRSI;
  c_mean(dv13, REnergy);
  b_st.site = &dt_emlrtRSI;
  d_mean(RNormal, RConj);
  for (k = 0; k < 53; k++) {
    RConj[k].im = -RConj[k].im;
    b_RConj[k] = RConj[k];

  b_st.site = &et_emlrtRSI;
  c_rdivide(b_RConj, REnergy, RConj);

  /*  Separate data from preambles */
  /* recvData = recv(length(tx.preambles)+1:length(tx.preambles)+(hDataDemod.NumSymbols)*(tx.FFTLength+hDataDemod.CyclicPrefixLength)); */
  emlrtVectorVectorIndexCheckR2012b(1280, 1, 1, 960, &w_emlrtECI, sp);

  /*  CG */
  /*  OFDM Demod */
  st.site = &bs_emlrtRSI;
  obj = hDataDemod;
  if (!obj->isReleased) {
  } else {
    i_y = NULL;
    m49 = mxCreateCharArray(2, iv207);
    for (i = 0; i < 45; i++) {
      cv241[i] = cv242[i];

    emlrtInitCharArrayR2013a(&st, 45, m49, cv241);
    emlrtAssign(&i_y, m49);
    j_y = NULL;
    m49 = mxCreateCharArray(2, iv208);
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      cv243[i] = cv244[i];

    emlrtInitCharArrayR2013a(&st, 4, m49, cv243);
    emlrtAssign(&j_y, m49);
    b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    c_error(&b_st, message(&b_st, i_y, j_y, &emlrtMCI), &emlrtMCI);

  if (!obj->isInitialized) {
    b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    if (!obj->isInitialized) {
    } else {
      k_y = NULL;
      m49 = mxCreateCharArray(2, iv209);
      for (i = 0; i < 51; i++) {
        cv245[i] = cv246[i];

      emlrtInitCharArrayR2013a(&b_st, 51, m49, cv245);
      emlrtAssign(&k_y, m49);
      l_y = NULL;
      m49 = mxCreateCharArray(2, iv210);
      for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        cv247[i] = cv248[i];

      emlrtInitCharArrayR2013a(&b_st, 5, m49, cv247);
      emlrtAssign(&l_y, m49);
      c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
      c_error(&c_st, message(&c_st, k_y, l_y, &emlrtMCI), &emlrtMCI);

    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    d_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    d_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    d_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
    memset(&b_fullGrid[0], 1, 768U * sizeof(int8_T));
    for (k = 0; k < 12; k++) {
      for (ii = 0; ii < 11; ii++) {
        b_fullGrid[iv202[ii] + (k << 6)] = 0;

      b_fullGrid[32 + (k << 6)] = 0;

    d_st.site = &st_emlrtRSI;
    d_st.site = &st_emlrtRSI;
    for (k = 0; k < 48; k++) {
      b_fullGrid[iv211[k]] = 2;

    d_st.site = &fs_emlrtRSI;
    for (k = 0; k < 768; k++) {
      c_fullGrid[k] = (b_fullGrid[k] == 1);

    eml_find(c_fullGrid, c_ii_data, ii_size);
    b_ii_size[0] = ii_size[0];
    i = ii_size[0];
    for (k = 0; k < i; k++) {
      d_ii_data[k] = c_ii_data[k];

    d_st.site = &fs_emlrtRSI;
    h_SystemProp_matlabCodegenSetAn(&d_st, obj, d_ii_data, b_ii_size);
    c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;

  b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI;
  b_OFDMDemodulator_stepImpl(SD, &b_st, obj, *(creal_T (*)[960])&recv_data[320],
    Rraw, RXPilots);

  /*  Expand equalizer gains to full frame size */
  st.site = &cs_emlrtRSI;
  i = 0;
  for (ii = 0; ii < 12; ii++) {
    ia = 0;
    for (k = 0; k < 53; k++) {
      preambleGainsFull[i] = RConj[ia];
      b_st.site = &ng_emlrtRSI;
      b_st.site = &og_emlrtRSI;

  /*  Isolate pilot gains from preamble equalizer */
  /*  Needed to correctly adjust pilot gains */
  /*  Apply preamble equalizer gains to data and pilots */
  /* Correct pilots */
  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    iv212[i] = iv213[i];

  for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
    b_Rraw[k] = Rraw->size[k];

  emlrtSizeEqCheckNDR2012b(iv212, b_Rraw, &v_emlrtECI, sp);

  /* Correct data */
  /*     %% Pilot Equalization */
  /*  Get pilot-based equalizer gains */
  st.site = &ds_emlrtRSI;

  /*  Calculate Equalizer Taps with pilot symbols */
  /*  Calculate non-normalized channel gains */
  b_st.site = &vt_emlrtRSI;
  c_st.site = &k_emlrtRSI;
  for (k = 0; k < 12; k++) {
    for (ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++) {
      pilotEqGains_re = preambleGainsFull[((int32_T)
        c_tx_pilotLocationsWithoutGuard[ii] + 53 * k) - 1].re * RXPilots[ii + (k
        << 2)].re - preambleGainsFull[((int32_T)
        c_tx_pilotLocationsWithoutGuard[ii] + 53 * k) - 1].im * RXPilots[ii + (k
        << 2)].im;
      pilotEqGains_im = preambleGainsFull[((int32_T)
        c_tx_pilotLocationsWithoutGuard[ii] + 53 * k) - 1].re * RXPilots[ii + (k
        << 2)].im + preambleGainsFull[((int32_T)
        c_tx_pilotLocationsWithoutGuard[ii] + 53 * k) - 1].im * RXPilots[ii + (k
        << 2)].re;
      if (pilotEqGains_im == 0.0) {
        PilotNormal[ii + (k << 2)].re = pilotEqGains_re / tx_pilots[ii + (k << 2)];
        PilotNormal[ii + (k << 2)].im = 0.0;
      } else if (pilotEqGains_re == 0.0) {
        PilotNormal[ii + (k << 2)].re = 0.0;
        PilotNormal[ii + (k << 2)].im = pilotEqGains_im / tx_pilots[ii + (k << 2)];
      } else {
        PilotNormal[ii + (k << 2)].re = pilotEqGains_re / tx_pilots[ii + (k << 2)];
        PilotNormal[ii + (k << 2)].im = pilotEqGains_im / tx_pilots[ii + (k << 2)];

  /*  Scale channel gains */
  b_st.site = &wt_emlrtRSI;
  for (k = 0; k < 48; k++) {
    c_st.site = &qc_emlrtRSI;
    d_st.site = &co_emlrtRSI;
    a[k] = muDoubleScalarHypot(PilotNormal[k].re, PilotNormal[k].im);

  b_st.site = &wt_emlrtRSI;
  c_st.site = &n_emlrtRSI;
  d_st.site = &hp_emlrtRSI;
  for (k = 0; k < 48; k++) {
    d_st.site = &o_emlrtRSI;
    PilotEnergy[k] = a[k] * a[k];

  b_st.site = &xt_emlrtRSI;
  c_st.site = &k_emlrtRSI;

  /*  Interpolate to data carrier size */
  for (k = 0; k < 48; k++) {
    if (-PilotNormal[k].im == 0.0) {
      b_PilotNormal[k].re = PilotNormal[k].re / PilotEnergy[k];
      b_PilotNormal[k].im = 0.0;
    } else if (PilotNormal[k].re == 0.0) {
      b_PilotNormal[k].re = 0.0;
      b_PilotNormal[k].im = -PilotNormal[k].im / PilotEnergy[k];
    } else {
      b_PilotNormal[k].re = PilotNormal[k].re / PilotEnergy[k];
      b_PilotNormal[k].im = -PilotNormal[k].im / PilotEnergy[k];

  b_st.site = &yt_emlrtRSI;
  resample(SD, &b_st, b_PilotNormal, pilotEqGains);

  /*  Apply Equalizer from Pilots */
  for (k = 0; k < 12; k++) {
    for (ii = 0; ii < 48; ii++) {
      preambleGainsFull_data[ii + 48 * k] = preambleGainsFull[((int32_T)
        tx_dataSubcarrierIndexies_data[tx_dataSubcarrierIndexies_size[0] * ii] +
        53 * k) - 1];

  for (k = 0; k < 12; k++) {
    memcpy(&b_preambleGainsFull_data[48 * k], &preambleGainsFull_data[48 * k],
           48U * sizeof(creal_T));

  i = Rraw->size[0];
  for (k = 0; k < 12; k++) {
    for (ii = 0; ii < 48; ii++) {
      c_preambleGainsFull_data[ii + 48 * k].re = b_preambleGainsFull_data[ii +
        48 * k].re * Rraw->data[ii + i * k].re - b_preambleGainsFull_data[ii +
        48 * k].im * Rraw->data[ii + i * k].im;
      c_preambleGainsFull_data[ii + 48 * k].im = b_preambleGainsFull_data[ii +
        48 * k].re * Rraw->data[ii + i * k].im + b_preambleGainsFull_data[ii +
        48 * k].im * Rraw->data[ii + i * k].re;

  for (k = 0; k < 12; k++) {
    for (ii = 0; ii < 48; ii++) {
      pilotEqGains_re = pilotEqGains[ii + 48 * k].re;
      pilotEqGains_im = pilotEqGains[ii + 48 * k].im;
      preambleGainsFull_data_re = c_preambleGainsFull_data[ii + 48 * k].re;
      preambleGainsFull_data_im = c_preambleGainsFull_data[ii + 48 * k].im;
      R[ii + 48 * k].re = pilotEqGains_re * preambleGainsFull_data_re -
        pilotEqGains_im * preambleGainsFull_data_im;
      R[ii + 48 * k].im = pilotEqGains_re * preambleGainsFull_data_im +
        pilotEqGains_im * preambleGainsFull_data_re;

  /*  Save Gains for visualization */
  estimate->pilotEqGains.size[0] = 48;
  estimate->pilotEqGains.size[1] = 12;
  for (k = 0; k < 576; k++) {
    estimate->pilotEqGains.data[k] = pilotEqGains[k];

  estimate->preambleEqGains.size[0] = 53;
  for (k = 0; k < 53; k++) {
    estimate->preambleEqGains.data[k] = RConj[k];

void locateShortpreamble(const emlrtStack *sp, const real_T M_data[1224], real_T
  *preambleEstimatedLocation, real_T *numPeaks)
  int32_T ixstart;
  real_T thresholdNorm;
  int32_T ix;
  boolean_T exitg1;
  boolean_T b_M_data[1224];
  int32_T ii_size[1];
  int32_T ii_data[1224];
  int32_T MLocations_size_idx_0;
  int32_T loop_ub;
  real_T MLocations_data[1224];
  int16_T unnamed_idx_0;
  int32_T peaks_data[1224];
  int32_T i20;
  real_T b_MLocations_data[1224];
  int32_T MLocations_size[1];
  real_T MLocations[8];
  int32_T ib_size[1];
  int32_T ib_data[8];
  int32_T ia_size[1];
  int32_T ia_data[8];
  int32_T c_size[1];
  real_T c_data[8];
  int32_T peaks_size[1];
  emlrtStack st;
  emlrtStack b_st;
  emlrtStack c_st;
  st.prev = sp;
  st.tls = sp->tls;
  b_st.prev = &st;
  b_st.tls = st.tls;
  c_st.prev = &b_st;
  c_st.tls = b_st.tls;

  /*  Locate of the start of the actual preamble from timing metric */
  /* % Find peaks of correlation */
  /*  Adjust threshold */
  st.site = &pp_emlrtRSI;
  b_st.site = &we_emlrtRSI;
  ixstart = 1;
  thresholdNorm = M_data[0];
  if (muDoubleScalarIsNaN(M_data[0])) {
    ix = 2;
    exitg1 = FALSE;
    while ((exitg1 == FALSE) && (ix <= 1224)) {
      ixstart = ix;
      if (!muDoubleScalarIsNaN(M_data[ix - 1])) {
        thresholdNorm = M_data[ix - 1];
        exitg1 = TRUE;
      } else {

  if (ixstart < 1224) {
    while (ixstart + 1 <= 1224) {
      if (M_data[ixstart] > thresholdNorm) {
        thresholdNorm = M_data[ixstart];


  st.site = &pp_emlrtRSI;
  thresholdNorm *= 0.6;
  st.site = &qp_emlrtRSI;
  for (ixstart = 0; ixstart < 1224; ixstart++) {
    b_M_data[ixstart] = (M_data[ixstart] > thresholdNorm);

  b_st.site = &vc_emlrtRSI;
  b_eml_find(b_M_data, ii_data, ii_size);

  /*  Correct estimate to start of preamble not its center */
  MLocations_size_idx_0 = ii_size[0];
  loop_ub = ii_size[0];
  for (ixstart = 0; ixstart < loop_ub; ixstart++) {
    MLocations_data[ixstart] = (real_T)ii_data[ixstart] - 9.0;

  /*  Frame Detection */
  unnamed_idx_0 = (int16_T)ii_size[0];
  loop_ub = (int16_T)ii_size[0];
  for (ixstart = 0; ixstart < loop_ub; ixstart++) {
    peaks_data[ixstart] = 0;

  /*  Determine correct peak  */
  st.site = &rp_emlrtRSI;
  ix = 0;
  while (ix <= ii_size[0] - 1) {
    ixstart = ix + 1;
    emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(ixstart, 1, ii_size[0], &cb_emlrtBCI, sp);
    if (ix + 1 > ii_size[0]) {
      ixstart = 1;
      i20 = 1;
    } else {
      ixstart = emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(ix + 1, 1, ii_size[0],
        &db_emlrtBCI, sp);
      i20 = emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(ii_size[0], 1, ii_size[0],
        &db_emlrtBCI, sp) + 1;

    emlrtVectorVectorIndexCheckR2012b(ii_size[0], 1, 1, i20 - ixstart,
      &s_emlrtECI, sp);
    st.site = &sp_emlrtRSI;
    b_st.site = &eq_emlrtRSI;
    MLocations_size[0] = i20 - ixstart;
    loop_ub = i20 - ixstart;
    for (i20 = 0; i20 < loop_ub; i20++) {
      b_MLocations_data[i20] = MLocations_data[(ixstart + i20) - 1];

    for (ixstart = 0; ixstart < 8; ixstart++) {
      MLocations[ixstart] = MLocations_data[ix] + (16.0 + 16.0 * (real_T)ixstart);

    c_st.site = &fq_emlrtRSI;
    do_vectors(&c_st, b_MLocations_data, MLocations_size, MLocations, c_data,
               c_size, ia_data, ia_size, ib_data, ib_size);
    st.site = &sp_emlrtRSI;
    ixstart = (int16_T)ii_size[0];
    peaks_data[emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(ix + 1, 1, ixstart,
      &gb_emlrtBCI, sp) - 1] = c_size[0];
    emlrtBreakCheckFastR2012b(emlrtBreakCheckR2012bFlagVar, sp);

  /*  Have at least 5 peaks for positive match */
  /*  (TUNABLE) */
  peaks_size[0] = (int16_T)ii_size[0];
  loop_ub = (int16_T)ii_size[0];
  for (ixstart = 0; ixstart < loop_ub; ixstart++) {
    b_M_data[ixstart] = (peaks_data[ixstart] < 7);

  st.site = &tp_emlrtRSI;
  eml_li_find(&st, b_M_data, peaks_size, ii_data, ii_size);
  loop_ub = ii_size[0];
  for (ixstart = 0; ixstart < loop_ub; ixstart++) {
    i20 = (int16_T)MLocations_size_idx_0;
    peaks_data[emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(ii_data[ixstart], 1, i20,
      &eb_emlrtBCI, sp) - 1] = 0;

  /*  Pick earliest peak in time */
  if (!(unnamed_idx_0 == 0)) {
    st.site = &up_emlrtRSI;
    b_st.site = &ir_emlrtRSI;
    ixstart = peaks_data[0];
    loop_ub = 1;
    if (unnamed_idx_0 > 1) {
      for (ix = 2; ix <= unnamed_idx_0; ix++) {
        if (peaks_data[ix - 1] > ixstart) {
          ixstart = peaks_data[ix - 1];
          loop_ub = ix;

    *numPeaks = ixstart;
    if (ixstart > 0) {
      *preambleEstimatedLocation =
        MLocations_data[emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(loop_ub, 1,
        MLocations_size_idx_0, &fb_emlrtBCI, sp) - 1];
    } else {
      *preambleEstimatedLocation = -1.0;

      /*  no desirable location found */
  } else {
    *preambleEstimatedLocation = -1.0;
    *numPeaks = 0.0;

  /*  Normalize max peaks found */
  st.site = &vp_emlrtRSI;
  b_st.site = &j_emlrtRSI;
  *numPeaks /= 8.0;
Exemple #3
/* Function Definitions */
void OFDMbits2letters(const emlrtStack *sp, const boolean_T bits_data[560],
                      const int32_T bits_size[2], real_T Letters_data[80],
                      int32_T Letters_size[1])
  real_T a;
  int32_T i32;
  int32_T i33;
  boolean_T p;
  const mxArray *y;
  static const int32_T iv237[2] = { 1, 28 };

  const mxArray *m43;
  char_T cv284[28];
  int32_T i;
  static const char_T cv285[28] = { 'C', 'o', 'd', 'e', 'r', ':', 'M', 'A', 'T',
    'L', 'A', 'B', ':', 'N', 'o', 'n', 'I', 'n', 't', 'e', 'g', 'e', 'r', 'I',
    'n', 'p', 'u', 't' };

  const mxArray *b_y;
  const mxArray *c_y;
  int32_T maxdimlen;
  boolean_T y_data[560];
  const mxArray *d_y;
  static const int32_T iv238[2] = { 1, 40 };

  char_T cv286[40];
  static const char_T cv287[40] = { 'C', 'o', 'd', 'e', 'r', ':', 'M', 'A', 'T',
    'L', 'A', 'B', ':', 'g', 'e', 't', 'R', 'e', 's', 'h', 'a', 'p', 'e', 'D',
    'i', 'm', 's', '_', 'n', 'o', 't', 'S', 'a', 'm', 'e', 'N', 'u', 'm', 'e',
    'l' };

  boolean_T b_bits_data[560];
  char_T s[7];
  int32_T exitg1;
  const mxArray *e_y;
  static const int32_T iv239[2] = { 1, 34 };

  char_T cv288[34];
  static const char_T cv289[34] = { 'M', 'A', 'T', 'L', 'A', 'B', ':', 'b', 'i',
    'n', '2', 'd', 'e', 'c', ':', 'I', 'l', 'l', 'e', 'g', 'a', 'l', 'B', 'i',
    'n', 'a', 'r', 'y', 'S', 't', 'r', 'i', 'n', 'g' };

  real_T varargin_1;
  real_T p2;
  emlrtStack st;
  emlrtStack b_st;
  emlrtStack c_st;
  emlrtStack d_st;
  emlrtStack e_st;
  st.prev = sp;
  st.tls = sp->tls;
  b_st.prev = &st;
  b_st.tls = st.tls;
  c_st.prev = &b_st;
  c_st.tls = b_st.tls;
  d_st.prev = &b_st;
  d_st.tls = b_st.tls;
  e_st.prev = &st;
  e_st.tls = st.tls;

  /*  OFDMbits2letters: Convert input bits from a double array to ascii */
  /*  integers, which can be converted to letters by the char() function */
  /*  Make input into column */
  /* Trim extra bits */
  st.site = &qab_emlrtRSI;
  st.site = &qab_emlrtRSI;
  b_st.site = &m_emlrtRSI;
  c_st.site = &n_emlrtRSI;
  a = (real_T)(bits_size[0] * bits_size[1]) / 7.0;
  st.site = &qab_emlrtRSI;
  st.site = &qab_emlrtRSI;
  a *= 7.0;
  if (1.0 > a) {
    i32 = 0;
  } else {
    i32 = bits_size[0] * bits_size[1];
    emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(1, 1, i32, &rb_emlrtBCI, sp);
    i32 = bits_size[0] * bits_size[1];
    i33 = (int32_T)a;
    i32 = emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(i33, 1, i32, &rb_emlrtBCI, sp);

  emlrtVectorVectorIndexCheckR2012b(bits_size[0] * bits_size[1], 1, 1, i32,
    &x_emlrtECI, sp);

  /* Shape into letters */
  st.site = &rab_emlrtRSI;
  st.site = &rab_emlrtRSI;
  b_st.site = &m_emlrtRSI;
  c_st.site = &n_emlrtRSI;
  a = (real_T)i32 / 7.0;
  st.site = &rab_emlrtRSI;
  b_st.site = &tab_emlrtRSI;
  c_st.site = &uab_emlrtRSI;
  if (a != muDoubleScalarFloor(a)) {
    p = FALSE;
  } else {
    p = TRUE;

  if (p) {
    c_st.site = &uab_emlrtRSI;
    p = TRUE;
  } else {
    p = FALSE;

  if (p) {
  } else {
    y = NULL;
    m43 = mxCreateCharArray(2, iv237);
    for (i = 0; i < 28; i++) {
      cv284[i] = cv285[i];

    emlrtInitCharArrayR2013a(&b_st, 28, m43, cv284);
    emlrtAssign(&y, m43);
    b_y = NULL;
    m43 = mxCreateNumericMatrix(1, 1, mxINT32_CLASS, mxREAL);
    *(int32_T *)mxGetData(m43) = MIN_int32_T;
    emlrtAssign(&b_y, m43);
    c_y = NULL;
    m43 = mxCreateNumericMatrix(1, 1, mxINT32_CLASS, mxREAL);
    *(int32_T *)mxGetData(m43) = MAX_int32_T;
    emlrtAssign(&c_y, m43);
    c_st.site = &uab_emlrtRSI;
    d_st.site = &bcb_emlrtRSI;
    c_error(&c_st, c_message(&d_st, y, b_y, c_y, &ac_emlrtMCI), &bc_emlrtMCI);

  c_st.site = &ny_emlrtRSI;
  c_st.site = &ny_emlrtRSI;
  b_st.site = &ky_emlrtRSI;
  c_st.site = &af_emlrtRSI;
  maxdimlen = i32;
  if (1 > i32) {
    maxdimlen = 1;

  b_st.site = &ky_emlrtRSI;
  c_st.site = &af_emlrtRSI;
  if (i32 < maxdimlen) {
  } else {
    maxdimlen = i32;

  if (7 > maxdimlen) {
    b_st.site = &jy_emlrtRSI;

  if ((int8_T)(int32_T)a > maxdimlen) {
    b_st.site = &jy_emlrtRSI;

  b_st.site = &iy_emlrtRSI;
  c_st.site = &v_emlrtRSI;
  if (i32 == 7 * (int32_T)a) {
  } else {
    d_y = NULL;
    m43 = mxCreateCharArray(2, iv238);
    for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
      cv286[i] = cv287[i];

    emlrtInitCharArrayR2013a(&st, 40, m43, cv286);
    emlrtAssign(&d_y, m43);
    b_st.site = &iy_emlrtRSI;
    e_st.site = &rbb_emlrtRSI;
    c_error(&b_st, b_message(&e_st, d_y, &tb_emlrtMCI), &ub_emlrtMCI);

  b_st.site = &hy_emlrtRSI;
  c_st.site = &dg_emlrtRSI;
  for (maxdimlen = 0; maxdimlen + 1 <= i32; maxdimlen++) {
    y_data[maxdimlen] = bits_data[maxdimlen];

  for (i32 = 0; i32 < 7; i32++) {
    maxdimlen = (int32_T)a;
    for (i33 = 0; i33 < maxdimlen; i33++) {
      b_bits_data[i33 + (int32_T)a * i32] = y_data[i32 + 7 * i33];

  /* Convert bits to letters */
  Letters_size[0] = (int32_T)a;
  maxdimlen = (int32_T)a;
  for (i32 = 0; i32 < maxdimlen; i32++) {
    Letters_data[i32] = 0.0;

  i = 0;
  while (i <= (int32_T)a - 1) {
    st.site = &sab_emlrtRSI;
    i32 = (int32_T)a;
    i33 = 1 + i;
    emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(i33, 1, i32, &qb_emlrtBCI, &st);
    b_st.site = &of_emlrtRSI;
    b_st.site = &vab_emlrtRSI;
    for (maxdimlen = 0; maxdimlen < 7; maxdimlen++) {
      s[maxdimlen] = '0';
      if (b_bits_data[i + (int32_T)a * maxdimlen]) {
        s[maxdimlen] = '1';

    st.site = &sab_emlrtRSI;
    b_st.site = &wab_emlrtRSI;
    maxdimlen = 0;
    do {
      exitg1 = 0;
      if (maxdimlen < 7) {
        if ((s[maxdimlen] != '0') && (s[maxdimlen] != '1')) {
          p = FALSE;
          exitg1 = 1;
        } else {
      } else {
        p = TRUE;
        exitg1 = 1;
    } while (exitg1 == 0);

    if (p) {
    } else {
      e_y = NULL;
      m43 = mxCreateCharArray(2, iv239);
      for (maxdimlen = 0; maxdimlen < 34; maxdimlen++) {
        cv288[maxdimlen] = cv289[maxdimlen];

      emlrtInitCharArrayR2013a(&st, 34, m43, cv288);
      emlrtAssign(&e_y, m43);
      b_st.site = &wab_emlrtRSI;
      e_st.site = &qbb_emlrtRSI;
      c_error(&b_st, b_message(&e_st, e_y, &cc_emlrtMCI), &dc_emlrtMCI);

    b_st.site = &xab_emlrtRSI;
    varargin_1 = 0.0;
    p2 = 1.0;
    for (maxdimlen = 0; maxdimlen < 7; maxdimlen++) {
      if (s[6 - maxdimlen] == '1') {
        varargin_1 += p2;

      p2 += p2;

    st.site = &sab_emlrtRSI;
    i32 = (int32_T)varargin_1;
    emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(i32, 0, 255, &emlrtBCI, &st);
    i32 = (int32_T)a;
    i33 = 1 + i;
    Letters_data[emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(i33, 1, i32, &sb_emlrtBCI, sp)
      - 1] = (int8_T)varargin_1;
    emlrtBreakCheckFastR2012b(emlrtBreakCheckR2012bFlagVar, sp);
/* Function Definitions */
void update_eq_17_state(const real_T xk_data[6250], const int32_T xk_size[2],
  const emxArray_real_T *vk, const real_T uk_data[250], const int32_T uk_size[1],
  real_T xkPlus_data[6250], int32_T xkPlus_size[2])
  int32_T i0;
  int32_T i1;
  uint8_T uv0[2];
  int32_T loop_ub;
  int32_T k;
  real_T xdot[17];
  real_T vk_data[100];
  real_T wi[3];
  real_T ai[3];
  real_T b_xk_data[25];
  real_T xk[9];
  real_T b_xk[3];
  real_T c_xk[3];
  real_T dv0[9];
  real_T B;
  real_T dv1[9];
  real_T d_xk[12];
  real_T dv2[12];
  static const int8_T b[9] = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 };

  real_T xkPlus[4];
  real_T dv3[9];
  real_T e_xk[9];
  real_T c_xk_data[25];
  real_T dv4[9];
  uint8_T tmp_data[25];
  int32_T iv0[1];
  static const int32_T iv1[1] = { 17 };

  real_T f_xk[17];

  /* xk: 17 x 2N+1, inertial position, inertial velocity, inertial quaternion, relative position, and relative quaternion */
  /* vk: 12 x 2N+1, noise on wi,(wj_est),ai,(vj_inertial) */
  /* uk[wi;ai;mag_i] : 9 x 2N+1 */
  /*  IMU measurements of me */
  emlrtVectorVectorIndexCheckR2012b(uk_size[0], 1, 1, 3, &l_emlrtECI,
  for (i0 = 0; i0 < 3; i0++) {
    i1 = 1 + i0;
    emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(i1, 1, uk_size[0], &j_emlrtBCI,

  emlrtVectorVectorIndexCheckR2012b(uk_size[0], 1, 1, 3, &k_emlrtECI,
  for (i0 = 0; i0 < 3; i0++) {
    i1 = 4 + i0;
    emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(i1, 1, uk_size[0], &k_emlrtBCI,

  for (i0 = 0; i0 < 2; i0++) {
    uv0[i0] = (uint8_T)xk_size[i0];

  xkPlus_size[0] = uv0[0];
  xkPlus_size[1] = uv0[1];
  loop_ub = uv0[0] * uv0[1];
  for (i0 = 0; i0 < loop_ub; i0++) {
    xkPlus_data[i0] = 0.0;

  k = 0;
  while (k <= xk_size[1] - 1) {
    i0 = (int32_T)(1.0 + (real_T)k);
    emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(i0, 1, xk_size[1], &i_emlrtBCI,

    /*  hist position relative to my. My body frame */
    emlrtVectorVectorIndexCheckR2012b(xk_size[0], 1, 1, 3, &j_emlrtECI,
    for (i0 = 0; i0 < 3; i0++) {
      i1 = 11 + i0;
      emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(i1, 1, xk_size[0], &l_emlrtBCI,

    /*  my velocity */
    emlrtVectorVectorIndexCheckR2012b(xk_size[0], 1, 1, 3, &i_emlrtECI,
    for (i0 = 0; i0 < 3; i0++) {
      i1 = 4 + i0;
      emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(i1, 1, xk_size[0], &m_emlrtBCI,

    /*  my attitude */
    emlrtVectorVectorIndexCheckR2012b(xk_size[0], 1, 1, 4, &h_emlrtECI,
    for (i0 = 0; i0 < 4; i0++) {
      i1 = 7 + i0;
      emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(i1, 1, xk_size[0], &n_emlrtBCI,

    /*  his attitude relative to mine. His body frame */
    emlrtVectorVectorIndexCheckR2012b(xk_size[0], 1, 1, 4, &g_emlrtECI,
    for (i0 = 0; i0 < 4; i0++) {
      i1 = 14 + i0;
      emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(i1, 1, xk_size[0], &o_emlrtBCI,

    i0 = vk->size[1];
    i1 = (int32_T)(1.0 + (real_T)k);
    emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(i1, 1, i0, &h_emlrtBCI, emlrtRootTLSGlobal);
    memset(&xdot[0], 0, 17U * sizeof(real_T));
    i0 = vk->size[0];
    emlrtVectorVectorIndexCheckR2012b(i0, 1, 1, 3, &f_emlrtECI,
    i0 = vk->size[0];
    for (i1 = 0; i1 < 3; i1++) {
      loop_ub = 10 + i1;
      emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(loop_ub, 1, i0, &p_emlrtBCI,

    i0 = vk->size[0];
    emlrtVectorVectorIndexCheckR2012b(i0, 1, 1, 3, &e_emlrtECI,
    i0 = vk->size[0];
    for (i1 = 0; i1 < 3; i1++) {
      loop_ub = 4 + i1;
      emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(loop_ub, 1, i0, &q_emlrtBCI,

    i0 = vk->size[0];
    emlrtVectorVectorIndexCheckR2012b(i0, 1, 1, 3, &d_emlrtECI,
    i0 = vk->size[0];
    loop_ub = vk->size[0];
    for (i1 = 0; i1 < loop_ub; i1++) {
      vk_data[i1] = vk->data[i1 + vk->size[0] * k];

    for (i1 = 0; i1 < 3; i1++) {
      loop_ub = 1 + i1;
      wi[i1] = uk_data[i1] + vk_data[emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(loop_ub,
        1, i0, &r_emlrtBCI, emlrtRootTLSGlobal) - 1];

    i0 = vk->size[0];
    emlrtVectorVectorIndexCheckR2012b(i0, 1, 1, 3, &c_emlrtECI,
    i0 = vk->size[0];
    loop_ub = vk->size[0];
    for (i1 = 0; i1 < loop_ub; i1++) {
      vk_data[i1] = vk->data[i1 + vk->size[0] * k];

    for (i1 = 0; i1 < 3; i1++) {
      loop_ub = 7 + i1;
      ai[i1] = uk_data[i1 + 3] + vk_data[emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b
        (loop_ub, 1, i0, &s_emlrtBCI, emlrtRootTLSGlobal) - 1];

    /*  cosine matrix */
    /* Tim Woodbury */
    /* modified for AERO 622 */
    /*  */
    /* [Y] = attpar(X,I,options) */
    /* Function to convert between attitude parametrizations */
    /*  */
    /* INPUTS: */
    /* X - matrix input of appropriate dimension (detailed later) */
    /* I - 2 x 1 indexing vector indicating the input (I(1)) and output (I(2)) */
    /*     attitude parametrizations, corresponding to the numbers in the section, */
    /* options - a data structure. Currently only allows output Euler angle */
    /*     sequence to be defined. Supported members are "seq" which should be a */
    /*     [3 x 1] vector describing the first, second, and third rotations in */
    /*     the desired output sequence. */
    /*  */
    /* OUTPUTS: */
    /* Y - output matrix of appropriate dimensions. */
    /*     All angles are in radians. */
    /*  */
    /* 1 - Direction cosine matrix, dimensions [3 x 3] */
    /* 2 - Euler principal axis/angle, [3 x 2]. [:,1] is the principal axis; */
    /*     [1,2] is the principal angle (rad). */
    /* 3 - 2-angle parametrization, [3 x 4] */
    /* 4 - Euler angle sequence, [3 x 2]. [:,1] are the rotation angles in radians,  */
    /*      and [2,1]-[2,2]-[2,3] is the rotation sequence.  */
    /*      [3-1-3] sequence is default for output. Other sequences may be specified */
    /*      by passing an optional data structure with a [3 x 1] member "seq" whose */
    /*      entries [a;b;c] correspond to the sequence a-b-c. Any input sequence */
    /*      may be used by specifying the second column of input appropriately. */
    /* 5 - Classical Rodrigues parameters [3 x 1] */
    /* 6 - quaternion [4 x 1]. The scalar part of the quaternion comes FIRST. */
    /* 7 - modified Rodrigues parameters [3 x 1] */
    /* 8 - exponential matrix, [3 x 3] */
    /* 9 - Cayley-Klein parameters, [2 x 2] */
    /* check if any options are passed */
    /* %check if output and inp are the same - if so do nothing */
    /* for each inp, convert to DCM */
    /* quaternion */
    /* disp('Input value specified as quaternion.'); */
    /* convert DCM to output form */
    /* DCM */
    /* disp('Output value specified as direction cosine matrix.'); */
    /*  time rate of my position */
    loop_ub = xk_size[0];
    for (i0 = 0; i0 < loop_ub; i0++) {
      b_xk_data[i0] = xk_data[i0 + xk_size[0] * k];

    xk[0] = ((xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 7] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 7] -
              xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 8] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 8]) -
             xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 9] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 9]) +
      xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 6] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 6];
    xk[1] = 2.0 * (xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 7] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 8] +
                   xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 9] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 6]);
    xk[2] = 2.0 * (xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 7] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 9] -
                   xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 8] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 6]);
    xk[3] = 2.0 * (xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 7] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 8] -
                   xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 9] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 6]);
    xk[4] = ((xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 8] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 8] -
              xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 7] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 7]) -
             xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 9] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 9]) +
      xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 6] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 6];
    xk[5] = 2.0 * (xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 8] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 9] +
                   xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 7] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 6]);
    xk[6] = 2.0 * (xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 7] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 9] +
                   xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 8] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 6]);
    xk[7] = 2.0 * (xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 8] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 9] -
                   xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 7] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 6]);
    xk[8] = ((xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 9] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 9] -
              xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 7] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 7]) -
             xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 8] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 8]) +
      xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 6] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 6];
    for (i0 = 0; i0 < 3; i0++) {
      b_xk[i0] = b_xk_data[i0 + 3];

    for (i0 = 0; i0 < 3; i0++) {
      c_xk[i0] = 0.0;
      for (i1 = 0; i1 < 3; i1++) {
        c_xk[i0] += xk[i0 + 3 * i1] * b_xk[i1];

      xdot[i0] = c_xk[i0];

    /*  time rate of my velocity */
    /* returns the cross product matrix of the vector x */
    loop_ub = xk_size[0];
    for (i0 = 0; i0 < loop_ub; i0++) {
      b_xk_data[i0] = xk_data[i0 + xk_size[0] * k];

    dv0[0] = 0.0;
    dv0[3] = -wi[2];
    dv0[6] = wi[1];
    dv0[1] = wi[2];
    dv0[4] = 0.0;
    dv0[7] = -wi[0];
    dv0[2] = -wi[1];
    dv0[5] = wi[0];
    dv0[8] = 0.0;
    for (i0 = 0; i0 < 3; i0++) {
      b_xk[i0] = b_xk_data[i0 + 3];

    for (i0 = 0; i0 < 3; i0++) {
      B = 0.0;
      for (i1 = 0; i1 < 3; i1++) {
        B += dv0[i0 + 3 * i1] * b_xk[i1];

      c_xk[i0] = ai[i0] - B;

    for (i0 = 0; i0 < 3; i0++) {
      xdot[3 + i0] = c_xk[i0];

    /*  time rate of my attitude */
    /*  A matrix for qin */
    /* returns the cross product matrix of the vector x */
    loop_ub = xk_size[0];
    for (i0 = 0; i0 < loop_ub; i0++) {
      b_xk_data[i0] = xk_data[i0 + xk_size[0] * k];

    dv1[0] = 0.0;
    dv1[3] = -xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 9];
    dv1[6] = xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 8];
    dv1[1] = xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 9];
    dv1[4] = 0.0;
    dv1[7] = -xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 7];
    dv1[2] = -xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 8];
    dv1[5] = xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 7];
    dv1[8] = 0.0;
    for (i0 = 0; i0 < 3; i0++) {
      d_xk[i0 << 2] = -b_xk_data[i0 + 7];
      for (i1 = 0; i1 < 3; i1++) {
        d_xk[(i1 + (i0 << 2)) + 1] = xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 6] * (real_T)b[i1
          + 3 * i0] + dv1[i1 + 3 * i0];

      for (i1 = 0; i1 < 4; i1++) {
        dv2[i1 + (i0 << 2)] = 0.5 * d_xk[i1 + (i0 << 2)];

    for (i0 = 0; i0 < 4; i0++) {
      xkPlus[i0] = 0.0;
      for (i1 = 0; i1 < 3; i1++) {
        xkPlus[i0] += dv2[i0 + (i1 << 2)] * wi[i1];

      xdot[6 + i0] = xkPlus[i0];

    /*  relative attitude cosine matrix */
    /* Tim Woodbury */
    /* modified for AERO 622 */
    /*  */
    /* [Y] = attpar(X,I,options) */
    /* Function to convert between attitude parametrizations */
    /*  */
    /* INPUTS: */
    /* X - matrix input of appropriate dimension (detailed later) */
    /* I - 2 x 1 indexing vector indicating the input (I(1)) and output (I(2)) */
    /*     attitude parametrizations, corresponding to the numbers in the section, */
    /* options - a data structure. Currently only allows output Euler angle */
    /*     sequence to be defined. Supported members are "seq" which should be a */
    /*     [3 x 1] vector describing the first, second, and third rotations in */
    /*     the desired output sequence. */
    /*  */
    /* OUTPUTS: */
    /* Y - output matrix of appropriate dimensions. */
    /*     All angles are in radians. */
    /*  */
    /* 1 - Direction cosine matrix, dimensions [3 x 3] */
    /* 2 - Euler principal axis/angle, [3 x 2]. [:,1] is the principal axis; */
    /*     [1,2] is the principal angle (rad). */
    /* 3 - 2-angle parametrization, [3 x 4] */
    /* 4 - Euler angle sequence, [3 x 2]. [:,1] are the rotation angles in radians,  */
    /*      and [2,1]-[2,2]-[2,3] is the rotation sequence.  */
    /*      [3-1-3] sequence is default for output. Other sequences may be specified */
    /*      by passing an optional data structure with a [3 x 1] member "seq" whose */
    /*      entries [a;b;c] correspond to the sequence a-b-c. Any input sequence */
    /*      may be used by specifying the second column of input appropriately. */
    /* 5 - Classical Rodrigues parameters [3 x 1] */
    /* 6 - quaternion [4 x 1]. The scalar part of the quaternion comes FIRST. */
    /* 7 - modified Rodrigues parameters [3 x 1] */
    /* 8 - exponential matrix, [3 x 3] */
    /* 9 - Cayley-Klein parameters, [2 x 2] */
    /* check if any options are passed */
    /* %check if output and inp are the same - if so do nothing */
    /* for each inp, convert to DCM */
    /* quaternion */
    /* disp('Input value specified as quaternion.'); */
    /* convert DCM to output form */
    /* DCM */
    /* disp('Output value specified as direction cosine matrix.'); */
    /*  relative angular velocity in j frame */
    /*  A matrix for q_ji */
    /* returns the cross product matrix of the vector x */
    /*  time rate of relative attitude */
    loop_ub = xk_size[0];
    for (i0 = 0; i0 < loop_ub; i0++) {
      b_xk_data[i0] = xk_data[i0 + xk_size[0] * k];

    dv3[0] = 0.0;
    dv3[3] = -xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 16];
    dv3[6] = xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 15];
    dv3[1] = xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 16];
    dv3[4] = 0.0;
    dv3[7] = -xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 14];
    dv3[2] = -xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 15];
    dv3[5] = xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 14];
    dv3[8] = 0.0;
    for (i0 = 0; i0 < 3; i0++) {
      d_xk[i0 << 2] = -b_xk_data[i0 + 14];
      for (i1 = 0; i1 < 3; i1++) {
        d_xk[(i1 + (i0 << 2)) + 1] = xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 13] * (real_T)b[i1
          + 3 * i0] + dv3[i1 + 3 * i0];

    loop_ub = vk->size[0];
    for (i0 = 0; i0 < loop_ub; i0++) {
      vk_data[i0] = vk->data[i0 + vk->size[0] * k];

    e_xk[0] = ((xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 14] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 14] -
                xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 15] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 15]) -
               xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 16] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 16]) +
      xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 13] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 13];
    e_xk[3] = 2.0 * (xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 14] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 15]
                     + xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 16] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k +
    e_xk[6] = 2.0 * (xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 14] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 16]
                     - xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 15] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k +
    e_xk[1] = 2.0 * (xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 14] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 15]
                     - xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 16] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k +
    e_xk[4] = ((xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 15] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 15] -
                xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 14] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 14]) -
               xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 16] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 16]) +
      xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 13] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 13];
    e_xk[7] = 2.0 * (xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 15] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 16]
                     + xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 14] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k +
    e_xk[2] = 2.0 * (xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 14] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 16]
                     + xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 15] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k +
    e_xk[5] = 2.0 * (xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 15] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 16]
                     - xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 14] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k +
    e_xk[8] = ((xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 16] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 16] -
                xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 14] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 14]) -
               xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 15] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 15]) +
      xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 13] * xk_data[xk_size[0] * k + 13];
    for (i0 = 0; i0 < 3; i0++) {
      for (i1 = 0; i1 < 4; i1++) {
        dv2[i1 + (i0 << 2)] = 0.5 * d_xk[i1 + (i0 << 2)];

    for (i0 = 0; i0 < 3; i0++) {
      B = 0.0;
      for (i1 = 0; i1 < 3; i1++) {
        B += e_xk[i0 + 3 * i1] * wi[i1];

      c_xk[i0] = vk_data[i0 + 3] - B;

    for (i0 = 0; i0 < 4; i0++) {
      xkPlus[i0] = 0.0;
      for (i1 = 0; i1 < 3; i1++) {
        xkPlus[i0] += dv2[i0 + (i1 << 2)] * c_xk[i1];

      xdot[13 + i0] = xkPlus[i0];

    /*  time rate of relative position */
    /* returns the cross product matrix of the vector x */
    loop_ub = vk->size[0];
    for (i0 = 0; i0 < loop_ub; i0++) {
      vk_data[i0] = vk->data[i0 + vk->size[0] * k];

    loop_ub = xk_size[0];
    for (i0 = 0; i0 < loop_ub; i0++) {
      b_xk_data[i0] = xk_data[i0 + xk_size[0] * k];

    loop_ub = xk_size[0];
    for (i0 = 0; i0 < loop_ub; i0++) {
      c_xk_data[i0] = xk_data[i0 + xk_size[0] * k];

    dv4[0] = 0.0;
    dv4[3] = -wi[2];
    dv4[6] = wi[1];
    dv4[1] = wi[2];
    dv4[4] = 0.0;
    dv4[7] = -wi[0];
    dv4[2] = -wi[1];
    dv4[5] = wi[0];
    dv4[8] = 0.0;
    for (i0 = 0; i0 < 3; i0++) {
      b_xk[i0] = c_xk_data[i0 + 10];

    for (i0 = 0; i0 < 3; i0++) {
      B = 0.0;
      for (i1 = 0; i1 < 3; i1++) {
        B += dv4[i0 + 3 * i1] * b_xk[i1];

      c_xk[i0] = (vk_data[i0 + 9] - b_xk_data[i0 + 3]) - B;

    for (i0 = 0; i0 < 3; i0++) {
      xdot[10 + i0] = c_xk[i0];

    emlrtSizeEqCheck1DFastR2012b(xk_size[0], 17, &b_emlrtECI, emlrtRootTLSGlobal);
    loop_ub = uv0[0];
    for (i0 = 0; i0 < loop_ub; i0++) {
      tmp_data[i0] = (uint8_T)i0;

    i0 = uv0[1];
    i1 = (int32_T)(1.0 + (real_T)k);
    emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(i1, 1, i0, &g_emlrtBCI, emlrtRootTLSGlobal);
    iv0[0] = uv0[0];
    emlrtSubAssignSizeCheckR2012b(iv0, 1, iv1, 1, &emlrtECI, emlrtRootTLSGlobal);
    loop_ub = xk_size[0];
    for (i0 = 0; i0 < loop_ub; i0++) {
      b_xk_data[i0] = xk_data[i0 + xk_size[0] * k];

    loop_ub = xk_size[0];
    for (i0 = 0; i0 < loop_ub; i0++) {
      c_xk_data[i0] = b_xk_data[i0];

    for (i0 = 0; i0 < 17; i0++) {
      f_xk[i0] = c_xk_data[i0] + Ts * xdot[i0];

    loop_ub = uv0[0];
    for (i0 = 0; i0 < loop_ub; i0++) {
      xkPlus_data[tmp_data[i0] + uv0[0] * k] = f_xk[i0];

    /* re-normalize */
    i0 = uv0[1];
    i1 = (int32_T)(1.0 + (real_T)k);
    emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(i1, 1, i0, &f_emlrtBCI, emlrtRootTLSGlobal);
    for (i0 = 0; i0 < 4; i0++) {
      i1 = uv0[0];
      loop_ub = 7 + i0;
      emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(loop_ub, 1, i1, &t_emlrtBCI,

    i0 = uv0[1];
    i1 = 1 + k;
    emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(i1, 1, i0, &e_emlrtBCI, emlrtRootTLSGlobal);
    for (i0 = 0; i0 < 4; i0++) {
      i1 = uv0[0];
      loop_ub = 7 + i0;
      xkPlus[i0] = xkPlus_data[(emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(loop_ub, 1, i1,
        &u_emlrtBCI, emlrtRootTLSGlobal) + uv0[0] * k) - 1];

    B = norm(xkPlus);
    i0 = uv0[1];
    i1 = 1 + k;
    emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(i1, 1, i0, &d_emlrtBCI, emlrtRootTLSGlobal);
    for (i0 = 0; i0 < 4; i0++) {
      xkPlus[i0] = xkPlus_data[(i0 + uv0[0] * k) + 6] / B;

    for (i0 = 0; i0 < 4; i0++) {
      i1 = uv0[0];
      loop_ub = 7 + i0;
      xkPlus_data[(emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(loop_ub, 1, i1, &v_emlrtBCI,
        emlrtRootTLSGlobal) + uv0[0] * k) - 1] = xkPlus[i0];

    i0 = uv0[1];
    i1 = (int32_T)(1.0 + (real_T)k);
    emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(i1, 1, i0, &c_emlrtBCI, emlrtRootTLSGlobal);
    for (i0 = 0; i0 < 4; i0++) {
      i1 = uv0[0];
      loop_ub = 14 + i0;
      emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(loop_ub, 1, i1, &w_emlrtBCI,

    i0 = uv0[1];
    i1 = 1 + k;
    emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(i1, 1, i0, &b_emlrtBCI, emlrtRootTLSGlobal);
    for (i0 = 0; i0 < 4; i0++) {
      i1 = uv0[0];
      loop_ub = 14 + i0;
      xkPlus[i0] = xkPlus_data[(emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(loop_ub, 1, i1,
        &x_emlrtBCI, emlrtRootTLSGlobal) + uv0[0] * k) - 1];

    B = norm(xkPlus);
    i0 = uv0[1];
    i1 = 1 + k;
    emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(i1, 1, i0, &emlrtBCI, emlrtRootTLSGlobal);
    for (i0 = 0; i0 < 4; i0++) {
      xkPlus[i0] = xkPlus_data[(i0 + uv0[0] * k) + 13] / B;

    for (i0 = 0; i0 < 4; i0++) {
      i1 = uv0[0];
      loop_ub = 14 + i0;
      xkPlus_data[(emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(loop_ub, 1, i1, &y_emlrtBCI,
        emlrtRootTLSGlobal) + uv0[0] * k) - 1] = xkPlus[i0];

    emlrtBreakCheckFastR2012b(emlrtBreakCheckR2012bFlagVar, emlrtRootTLSGlobal);