extern EOtransmitter* eo_transmitter_New(const eo_transmitter_cfg_t *cfg)
    EOtransmitter *retptr = NULL;   

    if(NULL == cfg)
        cfg = &eo_transmitter_cfg_default;
    // i get the memory for the object
    retptr = eo_mempool_GetMemory(eo_mempool_GetHandle(), eo_mempool_align_32bit, sizeof(EOtransmitter), 1);
    retptr->txpacket                = eo_packet_New(cfg->capacityoftxpacket);
    retptr->ropframereadytotx       = eo_ropframe_New();
    retptr->ropframeregulars        = eo_ropframe_New();
    retptr->ropframeoccasionals     = eo_ropframe_New();
    retptr->ropframereplies         = eo_ropframe_New();
    retptr->roptmp                  = eo_rop_New(cfg->capacityofrop);
    retptr->nvscfg                  = cfg->nvscfg;
    retptr->theagent                = eo_agent_Initialise(NULL);
    retptr->ipv4addr                = cfg->ipv4addr;
    retptr->ipv4port                = cfg->ipv4port;
    retptr->bufferropframeregulars  = eo_mempool_GetMemory(eo_mempool_GetHandle(), eo_mempool_align_32bit, cfg->capacityofropframeregulars, 1);
    retptr->bufferropframeoccasionals = eo_mempool_GetMemory(eo_mempool_GetHandle(), eo_mempool_align_32bit, cfg->capacityofropframeoccasionals, 1);
    retptr->bufferropframereplies   = eo_mempool_GetMemory(eo_mempool_GetHandle(), eo_mempool_align_32bit, cfg->capacityofropframereplies, 1);
    retptr->listofregropinfo        = (0 == cfg->maxnumberofregularrops) ? (NULL) : (eo_list_New(sizeof(eo_transm_regrop_info_t), cfg->maxnumberofregularrops, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL));
    retptr->currenttime             = 0;
    retptr->tx_seqnum               = 0;

    eo_ropframe_Load(retptr->ropframeregulars, retptr->bufferropframeregulars, eo_ropframe_sizeforZEROrops, cfg->capacityofropframeregulars);
    eo_ropframe_Load(retptr->ropframeoccasionals, retptr->bufferropframeoccasionals, eo_ropframe_sizeforZEROrops, cfg->capacityofropframeoccasionals);
    eo_ropframe_Load(retptr->ropframereplies, retptr->bufferropframereplies, eo_ropframe_sizeforZEROrops, cfg->capacityofropframereplies);

    {   // we set the content of ropframereadytotx with the same memory used by txpacket, so that when we operate on 
        // ropframereadytotx then we prepare the txpacket.
        uint8_t *data;
        uint16_t size;
        uint16_t capacity;
        eo_packet_Payload_Get(retptr->txpacket, &data, &size);
        eo_packet_Capacity_Get(retptr->txpacket, &capacity);
        eo_ropframe_Load(retptr->ropframereadytotx, data, eo_ropframe_sizeforZEROrops, capacity); // dont use size because size is now zero.
        if(eobool_true != eo_ropframe_IsValid(retptr->ropframereadytotx))
            eo_errman_Error(eo_errman_GetHandle(), eo_errortype_fatal, s_eobj_ownname, "the ropframeready2tx is not valid... cannot continue");

        // the destination ipv4addr and ipv4port are constant and are the ones passed through configuration
        eo_packet_Addressing_Set(retptr->txpacket, retptr->ipv4addr, retptr->ipv4port);

    if((NULL != cfg->mutex_fn_new) && (eo_transmitter_protection_total == cfg->protection))
        retptr->mtx_replies     = cfg->mutex_fn_new();
        retptr->mtx_regulars    = cfg->mutex_fn_new();
        retptr->mtx_occasionals = cfg->mutex_fn_new();        
        retptr->mtx_replies     = NULL;
        retptr->mtx_regulars    = NULL;
        retptr->mtx_occasionals = NULL;
    // DEBUG
    retptr->debug.txropframeistoobigforthepacket = 0;
Exemple #2
extern eOresult_t eo_receiver_Process(EOreceiver *p, EOpacket *packet, uint16_t *numberofrops, eObool_t *thereisareply, eOabstime_t *transmittedtime)
    uint16_t rxremainingbytes = 0;
    uint16_t txremainingbytes = 0;
    uint8_t* payload;
    uint16_t size;
    uint16_t capacity;
    uint16_t nrops;
    uint16_t i;
    eOresult_t res;
    eOipv4addr_t remipv4addr;
    eOipv4port_t remipv4port;
    uint64_t rec_seqnum;
    uint64_t rec_ageoframe;
    uint16_t numofprocessedrops = 0;

    if((NULL == p) || (NULL == packet)) 
    // clear the ropframereply w/ eo_ropframe_Clear(). the clear operation also makes it safe to manipulate p->ropframereplay with *_quickversion
    // we get the ip address and port of the incoming packet.
    // the remaddr can be any. however, if the eo_receiver_Process() is called by the EOtransceiver, it will be only the one of the remotehost
    eo_packet_Addressing_Get(packet, &remipv4addr, &remipv4port);
    // then we assign them to the ones of the EOreceiver. by doing so we force the receive to accept packets from everyboby.
    //p->ipv4addr = remipv4addr;
    //p->ipv4port = remipv4port;
    // retrieve payload from the incoming packet and load the ropframe with it
    eo_packet_Payload_Get(packet, &payload, &size);
    eo_packet_Capacity_Get(packet, &capacity);
    eo_ropframe_Load(p->ropframeinput, payload, size, capacity);
    // verify if the ropframeinput is valid w/ eo_ropframe_IsValid()
    if(eobool_false == eo_ropframe_IsValid(p->ropframeinput))
#if defined(USE_DEBUG_EORECEIVER)         
        {   // DEBUG
            p->debug.rxinvalidropframes ++;
        p->error_invalidframe.remipv4addr = remipv4addr;
        p->error_invalidframe.ropframe = p->ropframeinput;
        if(NULL != thereisareply)
            *thereisareply = eobool_false;
    // check sequence number
    rec_seqnum = eo_ropframe_seqnum_Get(p->ropframeinput);
    rec_ageoframe = eo_ropframe_age_Get(p->ropframeinput);
    if(p->rx_seqnum == eok_uint64dummy)
        //this is the first received ropframe or ... the sender uses dummy seqnum
        p->rx_seqnum = rec_seqnum;
        p->tx_ageofframe = rec_ageoframe;
        if(rec_seqnum != (p->rx_seqnum+1))
#if defined(USE_DEBUG_EORECEIVER)             
                p->debug.errorsinsequencenumber ++;
            // must set values
            p->error_seqnumber.remipv4addr = remipv4addr;
            p->error_seqnumber.rec_seqnum = rec_seqnum;
            p->error_seqnumber.exp_seqnum =  p->rx_seqnum+1;
            p->error_seqnumber.timeoftxofcurrent = rec_ageoframe;
            p->error_seqnumber.timeoftxofprevious = p->tx_ageofframe;
        p->rx_seqnum = rec_seqnum;
        p->tx_ageofframe = rec_ageoframe;

    nrops = eo_ropframe_ROP_NumberOf_quickversion(p->ropframeinput);
    for(i=0; i<nrops; i++)
        // - get the rop w/ eo_ropframe_ROP_Parse()
        // if we have a valid ropinput the following eo_ropframe_ROP_Parse() returns OK. 
        // in all cases rxremainingbytes contains the number of bytes we still need to parse. in case of 
        // unrecoverable error in the ropframe res is NOK and rxremainingbytes is 0.
        res = eo_ropframe_ROP_Parse(p->ropframeinput, p->ropinput, &rxremainingbytes);
        if(eores_OK == res)
        {   // we have a valid ropinput

            // - use the agent w/ eo_agent_InpROPprocess() and retrieve the ropreply.      
            eo_agent_InpROPprocess(p->agent, p->ropinput, remipv4addr, p->ropreply);
            // - if ropreply is ok w/ eo_rop_GetROPcode() then add it to ropframereply w/ eo_ropframe_ROP_Add()           
            if(eo_ropcode_none != eo_rop_GetROPcode(p->ropreply))
                res = eo_ropframe_ROP_Add(p->ropframereply, p->ropreply, NULL, NULL, &txremainingbytes);
                #if defined(USE_DEBUG_EORECEIVER)             
                {   // DEBUG
                    if(eores_OK != res)
                        p->debug.lostreplies ++;
        // we stop the decoding if rxremainingbytes has reached zero 
        if(0 == rxremainingbytes)

    if(NULL != numberofrops)
        *numberofrops = numofprocessedrops;

    // if any rop inside ropframereply w/ eo_ropframe_ROP_NumberOf() then sets thereisareply  
    if(NULL != thereisareply)
        *thereisareply = (0 == eo_ropframe_ROP_NumberOf(p->ropframereply)) ? (eobool_false) : (eobool_true);
        // dont use the quickversion because it may be that ropframereply is dummy
        //*thereisareply = (0 == eo_ropframe_ROP_NumberOf_quickversion(p->ropframereply)) ? (eobool_false) : (eobool_true);
    if(NULL != transmittedtime)
        *transmittedtime = eo_ropframe_age_Get(p->ropframeinput);