Exemple #1
// quick and dirty
static bool is_between_( const great_circle::arc& a, const Eigen::Vector3d& p ) // quick and dirty, faster than great_circle::arc::has()
    if( equal_( a.begin(), p ) || equal_( a.end(), p ) ) { return true; } // if( comma::math::equal( a.begin(), p, epsilon ) || comma::math::equal( a.end(), p, epsilon ) ) { return true; }
    double begin_angle = great_circle::arc::angle_axis(a.begin(), p ).angle();
    double end_angle = great_circle::arc::angle_axis(p, a.end() ).angle();
    return comma::math::equal( a.angle(), begin_angle + end_angle, coordinates::epsilon );
Exemple #2
bool great_circle::arc::has( const Eigen::Vector3d& p ) const
    //if( begin_coordinates_ == p || end_coordinates_ == p ) { return true; }
    if( equal_(begin_, p) || equal_(end_, p )) { return true; }

    //great_circle::arc a( begin_coordinates_, p );
    Eigen::AngleAxis< double > a = arc::angle_axis(begin_, p);

    return equal_( axis(), a.axis() ) && comma::math::less( a.angle(), angle() );
Exemple #3
bool great_circle::arc::overlaps( const great_circle::arc& rhs ) const // quick and dirty, potentially slow
    return    ( equal_( axis(), rhs.axis() ) || equal_( axis(), -rhs.axis() ) )
           && (    has( rhs.begin_ )
                || has( rhs.end_ )
                || rhs.has( begin_ )
                || rhs.has( end_ ) );
//     return    ( equal_( axis(), rhs.axis() ) || equal_( axis(), -rhs.axis() ) )
//            && (    has( rhs.begin_coordinates() )
//                 || has( rhs.end_coordinates() )
//                 || rhs.has( begin_coordinates_ )
//                 || rhs.has( end_coordinates_ ) );
boost::optional< coordinates > great_circle::arc::intersection_with( const arc& rhs ) const
    if (!may_intersect(rhs))  { return boost::optional< coordinates >(); }
    if( equal_( axis(), rhs.axis() ) || equal_( axis(), -rhs.axis() ) ) { return boost::optional< coordinates >(); }
    Eigen::Vector3d cross = axis().cross( rhs.axis() );
    if( is_between_( *this, cross ) && is_between_( rhs, cross ) )
        snark::range_bearing_elevation a( cross ); // quick and dirty, quite excessive
        return coordinates( a.e(), a.b() );
    if( is_between_( *this, -cross ) && is_between_( rhs, -cross ) )
        snark::range_bearing_elevation a( -cross ); // quick and dirty, quite excessive
        return coordinates( a.e(), a.b() );
    return boost::optional< coordinates >();
Exemple #5
	virtual bool isEqual(void* object1, void* object2)
		return equal_(object1, object2) != 0;
bool equal(const darc::distributed_container::shared_map<std::string, uint32_t>& set1,
           const darc::distributed_container::shared_map<std::string, uint32_t>& set2)
  return equal_(set1, set2) && equal_(set2, set1);
Exemple #7
	virtual bool isEqual(const void* object1, const void* object2)
		return equal_(object1, object2) != 0;