Exemple #1
int main() {
	int choice;
	char infix[50], *postfix;

	do {
		printf("(1) Convert infix to postfix expression and evaluate\n");
		printf("(2) Evaluate postfix expression\n");
		printf("(3) Quit\n");
		printf("Enter selection (1, 2, or 3): ");
		scanf("%d", &choice);
		getchar();  // read and ignore newline
		if (choice == 1) {
			printf("Enter Infix Expression: ");
			fgets(infix, 50, stdin);
			infix[strlen(infix) - 1] = '\0'; // trim off newline character
			postfix = infixToPostfix(infix);
			printf("Postfix: %s\n", postfix);
			printf("Evaluates to: %d\n", evaluatePostfix(postfix));
		} else if (choice == 2) {
			printf("Enter Postfix Expression: ");
			fgets(infix, 50, stdin);
			infix[strlen(infix) - 1] = '\0';
			printf("Evaluates to: %d\n", evaluatePostfix(infix));
		} else if (choice == 3) {
		} else {
			printf("Invalid selection. Try again...\n");
	} while (choice != 3);

	return 0;
int main()
	char exp[] = "231*+9-";
	printf ("Value of %s is %d", exp, evaluatePostfix(exp));
    return 0;

Exemple #3
int main()
  Expression* infix;
  Expression* postfix;
  std::string* evaluatedExpression;
  char newline[80];
  char nextChar;
  std::fstream expressions;
  infix = new Expression;
      postfix = new Expression;
      evaluatedExpression = new std::string;
      convertToPostfix(*infix, *postfix);
      evaluatePostfix(*postfix, *evaluatedExpression);
      std::cout << *evaluatedExpression << "\n";
      delete infix;
      delete postfix;
      delete evaluatedExpression;

      expressions.getline(newline, 79, '\n'); // move past end of line
      nextChar = expressions.peek(); // peek next character to check if at end of file

      infix = new Expression;
  delete infix;
  return 0;
int main()
    std::string infix_expression;
    int column_width = 16;

    std::cout <<std::left <<std::setw(column_width) <<"infix"
        <<std::left <<std::setw(column_width) <<"prefix"
        <<std::left <<std::setw(column_width) <<"postfix"
        <<std::left <<std::setw(column_width) <<"value" <<"\n\n";

    while (getline(std::cin, infix_expression))
        std::string post_fix_expression;
        std::string pre_fix_expression;
        double post_fix_evaluation;
        post_fix_expression = infixToPostfix(infix_expression);
        pre_fix_expression = postfixToPrefix(post_fix_expression);
        post_fix_evaluation = evaluatePostfix(post_fix_expression);
        std::string::iterator new_end = std::remove_if(infix_expression.begin(), infix_expression.end(), isspace);
        std::cout <<std::left <<std::setw(column_width) <<std::string(infix_expression.begin(), new_end)
            <<std::left <<std::setw(column_width) <<pre_fix_expression
            <<std::left <<std::setw(column_width) <<post_fix_expression
            <<std::left <<std::setw(column_width) <<post_fix_evaluation <<std::endl;

    return 0;
int main()
    char exp[100];
    printf("Enter the postfix expression to be evaluated:\n");
    scanf("%s", exp);
    printf ("Value of expression %s is %d\n", exp, evaluatePostfix(exp));
    return 0;
	double Calculator::evaluate(const char * infix)
		// TODO: Calculate the value of a mathematical expression given in infix notation.
		// Evaluate postfix
		double answer;
		answer = evaluatePostfix(infix);
		return answer;
Exemple #7
int calculator(const string &s) {
	return evaluatePostfix(infixToPostfix(s));
Exemple #8
make_command_stream (int (*get_next_byte) (void *),
		     void *get_next_byte_argument)
  /* FIXME: Replace this with your implementation.  You may need to
     add auxiliary functions and otherwise modify the source code.
     You can also use external functions defined in the GNU C Library.  */
//  error (1, 0, "command reading not yet implemented");
//  return 0;
	//get all input chars to buf	
	char* buf = malloc(65536);
	int size = 65536;
	int end_buf = 0;
	int i;
	int val; 
	for (; (val = get_next_byte(get_next_byte_argument)) != EOF; )
		char value = (char) val;	
		if (end_buf >= size)
			char* t_buf = malloc(size *= 2);
			copy(buf, t_buf, size);
			buf = t_buf;
		buf[end_buf++] = value;
	buf[end_buf++] = ' ';
	//handle errors
	if (!basicSyntax(buf))
		error(1, 0, "basic syntax error!");
	//tokenize buffer
	tokentype t = NULL_TOKEN;
	char* tokchars = malloc(128);
	int cwp = 0; //current word pointer
	bool commenting; //true or false: are we commenting?
	token* start, *end; //represents linked list of tokens
	token** andstart 	= &start;
	token** andend 		= &end;
	start = end = NULL;

	for (i = 0; i < end_buf;)
		char c = buf[i];
		if (c == '#')
			if (t != NULL_TOKEN)
				addToken_make(&andstart, &andend, t, tokchars, cwp, 0);
			t = NULL_TOKEN;
			tokchars = malloc(128);
			cwp = 0;
			commenting = 1;
		else if (c == '\n' && commenting)
			commenting = 0;
		else if (commenting)
		else if (c == '\r')
		else if (c == '&')
			if (t != NULL_TOKEN)
				addToken_make(&andstart, &andend, t, tokchars, cwp, 0);
			t = NULL_TOKEN;
			token* andtoken = malloc(sizeof(token));
			andtoken->t = AND_TOKEN;
			andtoken->sub = cur_shellnum;
			addToken(&start, &end, andtoken);
			t = NULL_TOKEN;
			i += 2;
			tokchars = malloc(128);
			cwp = 0;
		else if (c == '|')
			if (t != NULL_TOKEN)
				addToken_make(&andstart, &andend, t, tokchars, cwp, 0);
			t = NULL_TOKEN;
			if (buf[i+1] == '|')
				token* ortoken = malloc(sizeof(token));
				ortoken->t = OR_TOKEN;
				ortoken->sub = cur_shellnum;
				addToken(&start, &end, ortoken);
				t = NULL_TOKEN;
				i += 2;
				token* pipetoken = malloc(sizeof(token));
				pipetoken->t = PIPE_TOKEN;
				pipetoken->sub = cur_shellnum;
				addToken(&start, &end, pipetoken);
				t = NULL_TOKEN;
				i += 1;
			tokchars = malloc(128);
			cwp = 0;
		else if (c == '(' || c == ')' || c == '<' || c == '>' || c == ';' || c == '\n')
			if (t != NULL_TOKEN)
				addToken_make(&andstart, &andend, t, tokchars, cwp, 0);
			t = NULL_TOKEN;
			addToken_make(&andstart, &andend, tokentypeOf(c), 0, 0, (c == '(' || c == ')'));
			tokchars = malloc(128);
			cwp = 0;
		else if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || !c)
			if (t == WORD_TOKEN)
				tokchars[cwp++] = c;
				tokchars = malloc(128);
				cwp = 0;
				t = NULL_TOKEN;
		else if (c == '!' || c == '%' || c == '+' || c == ',' || c == '-' || c == '.' || c == '/' || c == ':' || c == '@' || c == '^' || c == '_' || ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') || ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') || ('0' <= c && c <= '9'))
			t = WORD_TOKEN;
			tokchars[cwp++] = c;
			int xx = 0;
			error (1, 0, "unrecognized character");
	if (t != NULL_TOKEN)
		addToken_make(&andstart, &andend, t, tokchars, cwp, 0);
	//clean token stream first
	token* clean;
	token** andclean = &clean;
	for (clean = start; clean; clean = clean->next) //start by removing adjacent newlines and checking syntax of semicolon, pipe, and, and or
		if (clean->t == NEWLINE_TOKEN)
			while (clean->next && clean->next->t == NEWLINE_TOKEN)
				clean->next = clean->next->next;
				if (clean->next) clean->next->prev = clean;
		else if (clean->t == SEMICOLON_TOKEN || clean->t == PIPE_TOKEN || clean->t == AND_TOKEN || clean->t == OR_TOKEN)
			if (!clean->prev || clean->prev->t == NEWLINE_TOKEN)
				error (1, 0, "illegal semicolon or operator syntax");
	for (clean = start; clean; clean = clean->next) //then check operator syntax once more
		if (clean->t == AND_TOKEN || clean->t == OR_TOKEN || clean->t == PIPE_TOKEN)
			if (!clean->next || clean->next->t == SEMICOLON_TOKEN || !clean->prev || clean->prev->t == SEMICOLON_TOKEN)
				error (1, 0, "illegal operator syntax");
			if (clean->next->t == NEWLINE_TOKEN)
				token* temp = clean->next;
				for (; temp && temp->t == NEWLINE_TOKEN; temp = temp->next);
				if (!temp || temp->t == SEMICOLON_TOKEN)
					error (1, 0, "illegal operator syntax");
		else if (clean->t == LESS_TOKEN || clean->t == GREATER_TOKEN)
			if (!clean->prev || !clean->next || clean->prev->t != WORD_TOKEN || clean->next->t != WORD_TOKEN)
				error(1, 0, "bad redirection!");
	for (clean = start; clean; clean = clean->next) //then get rid of all newlines
		if (clean->t == NEWLINE_TOKEN)
			if ((clean->prev != NULL && clean->prev->t != WORD_TOKEN && clean->prev->t != RIGHT_PAREN_TOKEN) || (clean->next != NULL && clean->next->t != WORD_TOKEN && clean->next->t != LEFT_PAREN_TOKEN)) //function as whitespace
				token* p = clean->prev;
				token* n = clean->next;
				p->next = n;
				if (n) n->prev = p;
			else //function as semicolon
				clean->t = SEMICOLON_TOKEN;
		if (clean->t == SEMICOLON_TOKEN)
			while (clean->next && clean->next->t == SEMICOLON_TOKEN)
				clean->next = clean->next->next;
				if (clean->next) clean->next->prev = clean;
	if (start && start->t == SEMICOLON_TOKEN)
		start = start->next;
		start->prev = 0;
	//change token stream from infix to postfix
	token* finalTokenStream = infixToPostfix(start);
	command_stream* strm = evaluatePostfix(finalTokenStream);
	return strm;