//#define MULTI_THREAD_SUPPORT 1 int httpserver_start(int port, int nthreads, int backlog) { int r, i; int nfd = httpserver_bindsocket(port, backlog); if (nfd < 0) return -1; #ifdef MULTI_THREAD_SUPPORT pthread_t ths[nthreads]; for (i=0; i<nthreads; i++) { struct event_base *base = event_init(); if (base == NULL) return -1; struct evhttp *httpd = evhttp_new(base); if (httpd == NULL) return -1; r = evhttp_accept_socket(httpd, nfd); if (r != 0) return -1; evhttp_set_gencb(httpd, httpserver_generic_handler, NULL); r = pthread_create(&ths[i], NULL, httpserver_dispatch, base); if (r != 0) return -1; } for (i=0; i<nthreads; i++) { pthread_join(ths[i], NULL); } #else struct event_base *base = event_init(); if (base == NULL) return -1; struct evhttp *httpd = evhttp_new(base); if (httpd == NULL) return -1; r = evhttp_accept_socket(httpd, nfd); evhttp_set_gencb(httpd, httpserver_generic_handler, NULL); httpserver_dispatch(base); #endif }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { setting = &_setting; sigset_t signal_mask; sigemptyset(&signal_mask); sigaddset(&signal_mask, SIGPIPE); pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &signal_mask, NULL); signal(SIGINT, clean_up); signal(SIGQUIT, clean_up); signal(SIGTERM, clean_up); parse_options(argc, argv); if (setting->daemon_mode) { daemonize(); } redis_init(setting->redis_addr, setting->redis_port); event_init(); config_init(); g_httpd = evhttp_start(setting->listen_host, setting->listen_port); evhttp_set_gencb(g_httpd, request_handler, NULL); event_dispatch(); return 0; }
int ulEventHttpServerSetup(const char *address, unsigned short port, const char* path, data_processor_function data_processor) { struct evhttp* evh = NULL; debug("Setting up event-based http server listening at %s:%d on path: %s", address, port, path); evh = evhttp_new(eventbase); if(evh != NULL) { info("Event-based http server at %s:%d on path: %s has been setup", address, port, path); } else { error("Setup of event-based http server at %s:%d on path: %s FAILED", address, port, path); return UL_RETURN_FAIL; } if(evhttp_bind_socket(evh, address, port) != -1) { info("Event-based http server socket bind with %s:%d OK", address, port); } else { error("Bind of event-based http server with %s:%d FAILED", address, port); return UL_RETURN_FAIL; } //when a request for a generic path comes to the server, trigger the ulEventHttpServerProcessRequest //function and also pass to it a pointer to an external data_processor function, which is //able to handle the received data specifically evhttp_set_gencb(evh, ulEventHttpServerProcessRequest, data_processor); sprintf(input_http_path, "/%s", path); debug("Setting up static path to: %s", input_http_path); return UL_RETURN_OK; }
void *CHttpServer::http_start_server(void *arg) { CHttpServer *pthis = (CHttpServer *)arg; struct evhttp *httpd = NULL; event_init(); httpd = evhttp_start(pthis->m_http_addr, pthis->m_http_port); if (NULL == httpd) { printf("http server unable to listen on %s:%d\n\n", pthis->m_http_addr, pthis->m_http_port); return NULL; } evhttp_set_timeout(httpd, pthis->m_timeout); evhttp_set_gencb(httpd, http_handle_postdata, arg); #ifdef DEBUG printf("http_server start:%s:%d timeout:%u\n", pthis->m_http_addr, pthis->m_http_port, pthis->m_timeout); #else logrun("http_server start:%s:%d timeout:%u", pthis->m_http_addr, pthis->m_http_port, pthis->m_timeout); #endif event_dispatch(); evhttp_free(httpd); return NULL; }
static void HHVM_METHOD(EventHttp, setDefaultCallback, const Object &cb, const Variant &arg) { EventHttpResourceData *resource_data = FETCH_RESOURCE(this_, EventHttpResourceData, s_event_http); cb.get()->incRefCount(); resource_data->setDefaultCallback(cb.get()); resource_data->setDefaultCallbackArg(arg); evhttp_set_gencb((evhttp_t *)resource_data->getInternalResourceData(), event_http_default_cb, (void *) resource_data); }
SinoparserServer::SinoparserServer(std::string address, int port, Database& ndb) { db = ndb; struct event_base *base = event_init(); struct evhttp *server = evhttp_new(base); int res = evhttp_bind_socket(server, address.c_str(), port); if (res != 0) { std::cout << "[ERROR] Could not start http server!" << std::endl; return; } db.debug(); evhttp_set_gencb(server, http_callback_default, this); evhttp_set_cb(server, "/pinyin", http_pinyin_callback, this); evhttp_set_cb(server, "/jyutping", http_jyutping_callback, this); evhttp_set_cb(server, "/trad", http_trad_callback, this); evhttp_set_cb(server, "/simp", http_simp_callback, this); evhttp_set_cb(server, "/guess_script", http_guess_script_callback, this); evhttp_set_cb(server, "/change_script", http_change_script_callback, this); evhttp_set_cb(server, "/all", http_all_callback, this); event_base_dispatch(base); }
int httpserver_start(int port, int backlog) { int ret; int fd = httpserver_bindsocket(port, backlog); if (fd < 0) { return -1; printf("httpserver_bindsocket error !\n"); } struct event_base *base = event_init(); if (base == NULL) { printf("event_init error !\n"); return -1; } struct evhttp *httpd = evhttp_new(base); if (httpd == NULL) { printf("enhttp_new error !\n"); return -1; } ret = evhttp_accept_socket(httpd, fd); if (ret != 0) { printf("evhttp_accept_socket error \n"); return -1; } evhttp_set_gencb(httpd, httpserver_handler, NULL); event_base_dispatch(base); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int retval; void *handle = NULL; short http_port = 8081; // Binds on IPv4 & IPv6, refer to /proc/sys/net/ipv6/bindv6only char *http_addr = "::"; struct evhttp *http_server = NULL; cweb_init(); retval = init_pages(); if (retval) { printf("[ERROR] loading of plugins failed.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } event_init(); http_server = evhttp_start(http_addr, http_port); evhttp_set_gencb(http_server, cweb_request_handler, NULL); fprintf(stderr, "Server started on port %d\n", http_port); event_dispatch(); return(0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { // initialize libraries struct evhttp *httpd; if (sigignore(SIGPIPE) == -1) { perror("failed to ignore SIGPIPE; sigaction"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } host = argv[2]; port = atoi(argv[3]); event_init(); httpd = evhttp_start("", atoi(argv[1])); if (httpd == NULL) { perror("evhttpd failed!"); exit(1); } /* Set a callback for all other requests. */ evhttp_set_gencb(httpd, proxycb, NULL); event_dispatch(); /* Not reached in this code as it is now. */ evhttp_free(httpd); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { (void) signal(SIGINT, ex_program); event_init(); server = evhttp_new(0); if (!server) { fprintf(stderr,"[ERROR]\tError creating the server\n"); return 1; } int rc = evhttp_bind_socket(server, "", 30080); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR]\tError binding server to port!!!\n"); return 1; } /* Add a handler to handle the request */ /* default handler */ evhttp_set_cb(server, "/HEST", generic_request_handler, NULL); evhttp_set_gencb(server, generic_request_handler, NULL); fprintf(stderr, "[INFO]\tThe server is totally waiting for real!!!\n"); event_dispatch(); /* Brooom, brooom */ return 0; }
static void playlistcontainer_loaded(sp_playlistcontainer *pc, void *userdata) { syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "playlistcontainer_loaded\n"); sp_session *session = userdata; struct state *state = sp_session_userdata(session); sp_playlistcontainer_remove_callbacks(pc, &playlistcontainer_callbacks, session); state->http = evhttp_new(state->event_base); evhttp_set_timeout(state->http, 60); evhttp_set_gencb(state->http, &handle_request, state); // Bind HTTP server int bind = evhttp_bind_socket(state->http, state->http_host, state->http_port); if (bind == -1) { syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Could not bind HTTP server socket to %s:%d", state->http_host, state->http_port); sp_session_logout(session); return; } syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "HTTP server listening on %s:%d", state->http_host, state->http_port); }
int serve(int port) { struct event_base *base = event_base_new(); if (!base) { puts("could not initialize event_base"); abort(); } struct evhttp *http = evhttp_new(base); if (!http) { puts("could not initialize evhttp"); abort(); } evhttp_set_cb(http, "/master", get_master, NULL); // master evhttp_set_gencb(http, get_master_pgn, NULL); // master/pgn/{8} struct evhttp_bound_socket *socket = evhttp_bind_socket_with_handle(http, "", port); if (!socket) { printf("could not bind socket to\n", port); return 1; } printf("listening on ...\n", port); return event_base_dispatch(base); }
static void StartEventHandler(KonohaContext *kctx, void *args) { KNH_ASSERT(EVENTAPI eventContext == NULL); struct EventContext *eventContext = (struct EventContext *)PLATAPI malloc_i(sizeof(struct EventContext)); bzero(eventContext, sizeof(struct EventContext)); ((KonohaFactory *)kctx->platApi)->EventModule.eventContext = eventContext; eventContext->safePointRef = (int *)&kctx->safepoint; eventContext->queue = (LocalQueue *)PLATAPI malloc_i(sizeof(LocalQueue)); LocalQueue_Init(kctx, eventContext->queue); eventContext->httpContext = httpContext; pthread_mutex_init(&eventContext->lock, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&eventContext->cond, NULL); KNH_ASSERT(args != NULL); Ip *ip = (Ip *)args; struct event_base *base = event_base_new(); struct evhttp *httpd = evhttp_new(base); KNH_ASSERT(evhttp_bind_socket(httpd, ip->host, ip->port) >= 0); evhttp_set_gencb(httpd, http_handler, (void *)eventContext); eventContext->base = base; eventContext->httpd = httpd; pthread_t t; pthread_create(&t, NULL, HttpEventListener, (void *)eventContext); }
LibEventServer::LibEventServer(const ServerOptions &options) : Server(options.m_address, options.m_port, options.m_numThreads), m_accept_sock(options.m_serverFD), m_accept_sock_ssl(options.m_sslFD), m_dispatcher(options.m_numThreads, RuntimeOption::ServerThreadRoundRobin, RuntimeOption::ServerThreadDropCacheTimeoutSeconds, RuntimeOption::ServerThreadDropStack, this, RuntimeOption::ServerThreadJobLIFOSwitchThreshold, RuntimeOption::ServerThreadJobMaxQueuingMilliSeconds, kNumPriorities, Util::num_numa_nodes()), m_dispatcherThread(this, &LibEventServer::dispatch) { m_eventBase = event_base_new(); m_server = evhttp_new(m_eventBase); m_server_ssl = nullptr; evhttp_set_connection_limit(m_server, RuntimeOption::ServerConnectionLimit); evhttp_set_gencb(m_server, on_request, this); #ifdef EVHTTP_PORTABLE_READ_LIMITING evhttp_set_read_limit(m_server, RuntimeOption::RequestBodyReadLimit); #endif m_responseQueue.create(m_eventBase); if (!options.m_takeoverFilename.empty()) { m_takeover_agent.reset(new TakeoverAgent(options.m_takeoverFilename)); } }
void xBlog::SetRouteTable(evhttp * http) { evhttp_set_cb(http, "/download", xBlogPage::DownloadCallback, this); // 测试 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/post", xBlogPage::PostRequestCallback, this); // 请求文章 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/guestbook", xBlogPage::GuestbookCallback, this); // 查看-留言 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/postmessage", xBlogPage::GuestPostCallback, this); // 添加-评论留言 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/catalog", xBlogPage::CatalogRequestCallback, this); // 分类 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/", xBlogPage::IndexRequestCallback, this); // 首页 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/page", xBlogPage::PageRequestCallback, this); // 页面 // 管理后台功能 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/admin", xBlogPage::AdminCallback, this); // 管理后台 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/checklogin", xBlogPage::AdminCheckLoginCallback, this); // 权限验证 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/shell", xBlogPage::AdminShellCallback, this); // 测试 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/status", xBlogPage::AdminStatusCallback, this); // 测试 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/postmanager", xBlogPage::AdminPostManagerCallback, this); // 文章管理 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/siteconfig", xBlogPage::AdminSiteConfigCallback, this); // 网站配置参数管理 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/links", xBlogPage::AdminLinksCallback, this); // 链接管理 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/catalogset", xBlogPage::AdminCatalogCallback, this); // 链接管理 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/comments", xBlogPage::AdminCommentsCallback, this); // 留言评论管理 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/system", xBlogPage::AdminSystemCallback, this); // 系统配置 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/user", xBlogPage::AdminUserCallback, this); // 系统配置 evhttp_set_timeout(http, Config::GetInstance()->xBlogAppConfig.HttpdTimeOut); evhttp_set_gencb(http, xBlogPage::SendDocumentCallback, this); }
int main (void) { struct event_base *ebase; struct evhttp *server; // Create a new event handler ebase = event_base_new ();; // Create a http server using that handler server = evhttp_new (ebase); // Limit serving GET requests evhttp_set_allowed_methods (server, EVHTTP_REQ_GET); // Set a test callback, /testing evhttp_set_cb (server, "/testing", testing, 0); // Set the callback for anything not recognized evhttp_set_gencb (server, notfound, 0); // Listen locally on port 32001 if (evhttp_bind_socket (server, "", 32001) != 0) errx (1, "Could not bind to"); // Start processing queries event_base_dispatch(ebase); // Free up stuff evhttp_free (server); event_base_free (ebase); }
static void* thread_worker(void *arg) { struct args *args = (struct args*) arg; struct event_base *base = event_base_new(); struct evhttp *evh = evhttp_new(base); evhttp_accept_socket(evh, args->fd); evhttp_set_gencb(evh, doit, (void *) evbuffer_new()); event_base_dispatch(base); }
static void start_srv (struct event_base *base, gchar *in_dir) { struct evhttp *http; http = evhttp_new (base); evhttp_bind_socket (http, "", 8011); evhttp_set_gencb (http, on_srv_request, in_dir); }
static void start_srv (struct event_base *base, gchar *in_dir) { app->http_srv = evhttp_new (base); g_assert (app->http_srv); evhttp_bind_socket (app->http_srv, "", 8011); evhttp_set_gencb (app->http_srv, on_srv_gen_request, in_dir); LOG_debug (HTTP_TEST, "SRV: started"); }
bool InitHTTPServer() { if (!InitHTTPAllowList()) return false; if (gArgs.GetBoolArg("-rpcssl", false)) { uiInterface.ThreadSafeMessageBox( "SSL mode for RPC (-rpcssl) is no longer supported.", "", CClientUIInterface::MSG_ERROR); return false; } // Redirect libevent's logging to our own log event_set_log_callback(&libevent_log_cb); // Update libevent's log handling. Returns false if our version of // libevent doesn't support debug logging, in which case we should // clear the BCLog::LIBEVENT flag. if (!UpdateHTTPServerLogging(g_logger->WillLogCategory(BCLog::LIBEVENT))) { g_logger->DisableCategory(BCLog::LIBEVENT); } #ifdef WIN32 evthread_use_windows_threads(); #else evthread_use_pthreads(); #endif raii_event_base base_ctr = obtain_event_base(); /* Create a new evhttp object to handle requests. */ raii_evhttp http_ctr = obtain_evhttp(base_ctr.get()); struct evhttp* http = http_ctr.get(); if (!http) { LogPrintf("couldn't create evhttp. Exiting.\n"); return false; } evhttp_set_timeout(http, gArgs.GetArg("-rpcservertimeout", DEFAULT_HTTP_SERVER_TIMEOUT)); evhttp_set_max_headers_size(http, MAX_HEADERS_SIZE); evhttp_set_max_body_size(http, MAX_SIZE); evhttp_set_gencb(http, http_request_cb, nullptr); if (!HTTPBindAddresses(http)) { LogPrintf("Unable to bind any endpoint for RPC server\n"); return false; } LogPrint(BCLog::HTTP, "Initialized HTTP server\n"); int workQueueDepth = std::max((long)gArgs.GetArg("-rpcworkqueue", DEFAULT_HTTP_WORKQUEUE), 1L); LogPrintf("HTTP: creating work queue of depth %d\n", workQueueDepth); workQueue = new WorkQueue<HTTPClosure>(workQueueDepth); // transfer ownership to eventBase/HTTP via .release() eventBase = base_ctr.release(); eventHTTP = http_ctr.release(); return true; }
int task_http_proxy(void) { struct event_base *base; struct evhttp *http; struct evhttp_bound_socket *handle; unsigned short port = PORT; log_write(INFO, "http-server: http proxy initialize.\n"); /* As you konw */ if (signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR) return (1); if (signal(SIGCHLD, sig_chld) == SIG_ERR) return (1); /* Create a new base evObject */ base = event_base_new(); if (!base) { log_write(ERROR, "http-server: Couldn't create an event_base: exiting\n"); return 1; } /* Create a new evhttp object to handle requests. */ http = evhttp_new(base); if (!http) { log_write(ERROR, "http-server: Couldn't create evhttp. Exiting.\n"); return 1; } /* * The path /post support post method * Receive shell command by post body */ evhttp_set_cb(http, "/post", post_command_cb, NULL); /* We want to accept arbitrary requests, so we need to set a "generic" * cb. We can also add callbacks for specific paths. */ evhttp_set_gencb(http, other_cb, NULL); /* Now we tell the evhttp what port to listen on */ handle = evhttp_bind_socket_with_handle(http, "", port); if (!handle) { log_write(ERROR, "http-server: Couldn't bind to port %d. Exiting.\n", (int)port); return 1; } log_write(INFO, "http-server: http proxy initialized done.\n"); event_base_dispatch(base); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* ---------- end of function main ---------- */
LibEventServer::LibEventServer(const std::string &address, int port, int thread, int timeoutSeconds) : Server(address, port, thread), m_accept_sock(-1), m_timeoutThreadData(thread, timeoutSeconds), m_timeoutThread(&m_timeoutThreadData, &TimeoutThread::run), m_dispatcher(thread, this), m_dispatcherThread(this, &LibEventServer::dispatch) { m_eventBase = event_base_new(); m_server = evhttp_new(m_eventBase); evhttp_set_gencb(m_server, on_request, this); m_responseQueue.create(m_eventBase); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct evhttp *httpd; event_init(); httpd = evhttp_start(argv[argc-2], atoi(argv[argc-1])); evhttp_set_cb(httpd, "/request_sys/", sys_handler, NULL); /* Set a callback for all other requests. */ evhttp_set_gencb(httpd, notfound_hander, NULL); event_dispatch(); /* Not reached in this code as it is now. */ evhttp_free(httpd); return 0; }
void InterruptHTTPServer() { LogPrint(BCLog::HTTP, "Interrupting HTTP server\n"); if (eventHTTP) { // Unlisten sockets for (evhttp_bound_socket *socket : boundSockets) { evhttp_del_accept_socket(eventHTTP, socket); } // Reject requests on current connections evhttp_set_gencb(eventHTTP, http_reject_request_cb, NULL); } if (workQueue) workQueue->Interrupt(); }
int http_init(struct http* http, struct event_base *base, struct metrics *metrics) { char workdir[256]; char docroot[256]; char listen_addr[256]; memset(http, 0, sizeof(struct http)); http->metrics = metrics; /* TODO: read port from config file */ http->port = 4000; /* TODO: read docroot from config file */ if (getcwd(workdir,sizeof(workdir)) == NULL) { printf("Could not get working directory\n"); return ERROR_FAIL; } snprintf(docroot, sizeof(docroot), "%s/docroot", workdir); http->docroot = strdup(docroot); /* TODO: should also read a bind address */ /* Create a new evhttp object to handle requests. */ http->http = evhttp_new(base); if (!http->http) { printf("could not create evhttp.\n"); return ERROR_FAIL; } evhttp_set_cb(http->http, "/metrics", http_metrics_request_cb, http); evhttp_set_cb(http->http, "/list", http_list_request_cb, http); evhttp_set_gencb(http->http, http_document_request_cb, http); /* Now we tell the evhttp what port to listen on */ http->handle = evhttp_bind_socket_with_handle(http->http, "", http->port); if (!http->handle) { printf("couldn't bind to http port %d.\n", (int)http->port); return ERROR_FAIL; } if (http_get_address(http, listen_addr, sizeof(listen_addr)) == S_OK) printf("http: listening at %s\n", listen_addr); return S_OK; }
HttpServer::HttpServer(std::string base_addr, int base_port) { base = NULL; base = event_init(); internal_url = base_addr; internal_port = base_port; // Bind the address to the internal callback method struct evhttp *httpd; httpd = evhttp_new(base); if (httpd != NULL) { if (evhttp_bind_socket(httpd, internal_url.c_str(), internal_port) == 0) { evhttp_set_gencb(httpd, process_request, NULL); } } }
bool HttpService::Init() { bool ret = false; do { evthread_use_pthreads(); base_ = event_base_new(); if (!base_) { LOG_ERROR("create event base failed!"); break; } dnsbase_ = evdns_base_new(base_, 1); if (!dnsbase_) { LOG_ERROR("create dnsbase failed!"); break; } http_server_ = evhttp_new(base_); if (!http_server_) { LOG_ERROR("create evhttp failed!"); break; } evhttp_set_allowed_methods(http_server_, EVHTTP_REQ_CONNECT | EVHTTP_REQ_GET | EVHTTP_REQ_POST | EVHTTP_REQ_HEAD | EVHTTP_REQ_PUT | EVHTTP_REQ_DELETE); if (evhttp_accept_socket(http_server_, sock_) != 0) { LOG_ERROR("accept socket failed!"); break; } evhttp_set_gencb(http_server_, HttpGenericCallback, this); ret = true; } while(0); return ret; }
static void run_request_test (struct event_base *evbase, struct evdns_base *dns_base, TestID test_id) { OutData *out; struct evbuffer *in_buf; char c = 'x'; LOG_debug (HTTP_TEST, "===================== TEST ID : %d =======================", test_id); out = g_new0 (OutData, 1); out->evbase = evbase; out->test_id = test_id; out->evhttp = evhttp_new (evbase); evhttp_bind_socket (out->evhttp, "", 8080); evhttp_set_gencb (out->evhttp, on_request_gencb, out); //out->http = http_client_create (evbase, dns_base); in_buf = evbuffer_new (); http_client_set_cb_ctx (out->http, out); http_client_set_on_chunk_cb (out->http, on_input_data_cb); http_client_set_close_cb (out->http, on_http_close); //http_client_set_output_length (out->http, 1); //http_client_add_output_data (out->http, &c, 1); http_client_start_request_to_storage_url (out->http, Method_get, "/index.html", NULL, NULL); event_base_dispatch (evbase); http_client_destroy (out->http); LOG_debug (HTTP_TEST, "Resulting buff: %zd", evbuffer_get_length (in_buf)); evbuffer_free (in_buf); g_free (out->first_line); g_free (out->header_line); evconnlistener_free (out->listener); evtimer_del (out->timeout); event_free (out->timeout); evbuffer_free (out->out_buf); evbuffer_free (out->in_file); g_free (out); LOG_debug (HTTP_TEST, "===================== END TEST ID : %d =======================", test_id); }
bool LibEventServer::enableSSL(void *sslCTX, int port) { #ifdef _EVENT_USE_OPENSSL m_server_ssl = evhttp_new_openssl_ctx(m_eventBase, sslCTX); if (m_server_ssl == nullptr) { Logger::Error("evhttp_new_openssl_ctx failed"); return false; } m_port_ssl = port; evhttp_set_connection_limit(m_server_ssl, RuntimeOption::ServerConnectionLimit); evhttp_set_gencb(m_server_ssl, on_request, this); return true; #else Logger::Error("A SSL enabled libevent is required"); return false; #endif }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int cli; int sock = BindSocket(12345); struct config conf; conf.store = store_open("tracker.db"); conf.max_peer_return=50; conf.min_interval=300; conf.max_peer_return=48; struct event_base *base = event_init(); struct evhttp *httpd; httpd = evhttp_new(base); cli = evhttp_accept_socket(httpd, sock); evhttp_set_gencb(httpd, tracker, (void *)&conf); event_base_dispatch(base); return 0; }