CanMessage* CanAccess::txtMessage(const char* string) {
	boolean msg = false;
	boolean ext = false;
	long  eid = 0;
	short sid = 0;
	if (*string == 'X' || *string == 'R') {
		msg = (string[0] == 'X');
		ext = true;

		string += 2;
		eid  = ((long)parseHexDigit(*string++)) << 28;
		eid |= ((long)parseHexDigit(*string++)) << 24;
		eid |= ((long)parseHexDigit(*string++)) << 20;
		eid |= ((long)parseHexDigit(*string++)) << 16;
		eid |= ((long)parseHexDigit(*string++)) << 12;
		eid |= ((long)parseHexDigit(*string++)) << 8;
		eid |= ((long)parseHexDigit(*string++)) << 4;
		eid |= ((long)parseHexDigit(*string++));
	} else if (*string == 'S' || *string == 'r') {
		msg = (string[0] == 'S');
		ext = false;
		string += 2;
		sid |= ((short)parseHexDigit(*string++)) << 8;
		sid |= ((short)parseHexDigit(*string++)) << 4;
		sid |= ((short)parseHexDigit(*string++));
	} else {
		return NULL;
	string += 3;
	byte length = parseHexDigit(*string++);
	if (length < 0 || 8 < length)
		return NULL;

	byte data[8];
	string += 3;
	for (int p = 0; p < length; ++p) {
		data[p]  = (parseHexDigit(*string++) << 4);
		data[p] |=  parseHexDigit(*string++);

	if (msg && ext) 
		return &extMessage(eid, length, data);
	else if (msg)
		return &stdMessage(sid, length, data);
	else if (ext)
		return &extRequest(eid, length, data);
		return &stdRequest(sid, length, data);
//! When something from a server extension is received this function is called. Could be position updating  of gameobject, a private message or just a notification. The ["cmd"] parameter of the event that is received  reveals which extension that was spitting out the info. Based on extension this function will do different things.
void NetworkManager::OnSmartFoxExtensionResponse(unsigned long long ptrContext, boost::shared_ptr<BaseEvent> ptrEvent) {
	// get pointer to main frame.
	NetworkManager* ptrMainFrame = (NetworkManager*)ptrContext;

	// Check that we're still alive and running
	if (ptrMainFrame == NULL) {

	// Get the cmd parameter of the event
	boost::shared_ptr<map<string, boost::shared_ptr<void>>> ptrEventParams = ptrEvent->Params();
	boost::shared_ptr<void> ptrEventParamValueCmd = (*ptrEventParams)["cmd"];
	boost::shared_ptr<string> ptrNotifiedCmd = ((boost::static_pointer_cast<string>)(ptrEventParamValueCmd));

	// check the type of the command
	if (*ptrNotifiedCmd == "PilotEvent") {
		boost::shared_ptr<void> ptrEventParamValueParams = (*ptrEventParams)["params"];
		boost::shared_ptr<ISFSObject> ptrNotifiedISFSObject = ((boost::static_pointer_cast<ISFSObject>)(ptrEventParamValueParams));

		pInputRotX = *(ptrNotifiedISFSObject->GetDouble("sgctRotY"));
		pInputRotZ = *(ptrNotifiedISFSObject->GetDouble("sgctRotX"));

		bool pInputForward = *(ptrNotifiedISFSObject->GetBool("sgctForward"));
		//bool pInputBackward = *(ptrNotifiedISFSObject->GetBool("sgctBackward"));

		accRotX += pInputRotX * accRotVal;
		accRotZ += pInputRotZ * accRotVal;

		if (pInputForward) {
			if (enginePowerup.getVal() <= 0.0 && navigationSpeed < accThrustMax * eInputEngine)
				navigationSpeed += accThrustVal * eInputEngine;
			else if (navigationSpeed < accThrustMax * eInputEngine * 2.0)
				navigationSpeed += accThrustVal * eInputEngine * 2.0;
		//if (pInputBackward && navigationSpeed > -0.1) {
		//	navigationSpeed -= accThrustVal * eInputEngine;

	if (*ptrNotifiedCmd == "GunnerEvent") {
		boost::shared_ptr<void> ptrEventParamValueParams = (*ptrEventParams)["params"];
		boost::shared_ptr<ISFSObject> ptrNotifiedISFSObject = ((boost::static_pointer_cast<ISFSObject>)(ptrEventParamValueParams));

		gInputRotX = *(ptrNotifiedISFSObject->GetDouble("sgctRotX")) * 3.0;
		gInputRotY = *(ptrNotifiedISFSObject->GetDouble("sgctRotY")) * 3.0;
		bool fire = *(ptrNotifiedISFSObject->GetBool("sgctFire"));


		if (fire && fireTimer <= 0.0) {
			//if (gEngine->isMaster())"laser", osg::Vec3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
			fireTimer = fireRate / eInputTurret;
	if (*ptrNotifiedCmd == "EngineerEvent") {
		boost::shared_ptr<void> ptrEventParamValueParams = (*ptrEventParams)["params"];
		boost::shared_ptr<ISFSObject> ptrNotifiedISFSObject = ((boost::static_pointer_cast<ISFSObject>)(ptrEventParamValueParams));

		eInputEngine = ((float)(*(ptrNotifiedISFSObject->GetFloat("sgctEngine"))) * 3 + 0.5);	//	0.5 - 3.5
		eInputShield = 1.0 - 0.75 * ((float)(*(ptrNotifiedISFSObject->GetFloat("sgctShield"))));//	1.0 - 0.25	(percent of damage taken)
		eInputTurret = ((float)(*(ptrNotifiedISFSObject->GetFloat("sgctTurret"))) + 0.5);		//	0.5 - 1.5

	if (*ptrNotifiedCmd == "BenchMarking") {

		boost::shared_ptr<void> ptrEventParamValueParams = (*ptrEventParams)["params"];
		boost::shared_ptr<ISFSObject> ptrNotifiedISFSObject = ((boost::static_pointer_cast<ISFSObject>)(ptrEventParamValueParams));

		double item = *(ptrNotifiedISFSObject->GetDouble("1"));
		double item2 = *(ptrNotifiedISFSObject->GetDouble("2"));
		double item3 = *(ptrNotifiedISFSObject->GetDouble("3"));
		double item4 = *(ptrNotifiedISFSObject->GetDouble("4"));

		end = omp_get_wtime();
		std::cout << "Reply from server, " << static_cast<int>((end - start) * 1000) << "ms." << endl;

		start = omp_get_wtime();
		// send new item 
		if (itemsSent++ < 35 && benchmarkingStarted) {
			boost::shared_ptr<ISFSObject> parameters(new SFSObject());

			parameters->PutDouble("1", 0.923);
			parameters->PutDouble("2", 0.953);
			parameters->PutDouble("3", 0.343);
			parameters->PutDouble("4", 0.523);

			// find our room to send to.
			boost::shared_ptr<Room> lastJoined = ptrMainFrame->m_ptrSmartFox->LastJoinedRoom();

			// Perform extensionrequest
			boost::shared_ptr<IRequest> extRequest(new ExtensionRequest("BenchMarking", parameters, lastJoined));
		else {
			benchmarkingStarted = false;
			itemsSent = 0;