Exemple #1
// The kernel called by planner_recalculate() when scanning the plan from last to first entry.
void planner_reverse_pass_kernel(block_t *previous, block_t *current, block_t *next) {
  if(!current) { return; }

  double entry_factor = 1.0;
  double exit_factor;
  if (next) {
    exit_factor = next->entry_factor;
  } else {
    exit_factor = factor_for_safe_speed(current);
  // Calculate the entry_factor for the current block. 
  if (previous) {
    // Reduce speed so that junction_jerk is within the maximum allowed
    double jerk = junction_jerk(previous, current);
    if (jerk > settings.max_jerk) {
      entry_factor = (settings.max_jerk/jerk);
    // If the required deceleration across the block is too rapid, reduce the entry_factor accordingly.
    if (entry_factor > exit_factor) {
      double max_entry_speed = max_allowable_speed(-settings.acceleration,current->nominal_speed*exit_factor, 
      double max_entry_factor = max_entry_speed/current->nominal_speed;
      if (max_entry_factor < entry_factor) {
        entry_factor = max_entry_factor;
  } else {
    entry_factor = factor_for_safe_speed(current);
  // Store result
  current->entry_factor = entry_factor;
Exemple #2
// Recalculates the trapezoid speed profiles for all blocks in the plan according to the 
// entry_factor for each junction. Must be called by planner_recalculate() after 
// updating the blocks.
void planner_recalculate_trapezoids() {
  uint8_t block_index = block_buffer_tail;
  block_t *current;
  block_t *next = NULL;
  while(block_index != block_buffer_head) {
    current = next;
    next = &block_buffer[block_index];
    if (current) {
      calculate_trapezoid_for_block(current, current->entry_factor, next->entry_factor);      
	  block_index = (block_index+1);
	  block_index = block_index % BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE;
  calculate_trapezoid_for_block(next, next->entry_factor, factor_for_safe_speed(next));
Exemple #3
// Add a new linear movement to the buffer. steps_x, _y and _z is the absolute position in 
// mm. Microseconds specify how many microseconds the move should take to perform. To aid acceleration
// calculation the caller must also provide the physical length of the line in millimeters.
void plan_buffer_line(double x, double y, double z, double feed_rate,
		      int invert_feed_rate)
    // The target position of the tool in absolute steps

    // Calculate target position in absolute steps
    int32_t target[3];
    target[X_AXIS] = lround(x * settings.steps_per_mm[X_AXIS]);
    target[Y_AXIS] = lround(y * settings.steps_per_mm[Y_AXIS]);
    target[Z_AXIS] = lround(z * settings.steps_per_mm[Z_AXIS]);

    // Calculate the buffer head after we push this byte
    int next_buffer_head = (block_buffer_head + 1) % BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE;
    // If the buffer is full: good! That means we are well ahead of the robot. 
    // Rest here until there is room in the buffer.
    while (block_buffer_tail == next_buffer_head) {
    // Prepare to set up new block
    block_t *block = &block_buffer[block_buffer_head];
    // Number of steps for each axis
    block->steps_x = labs(target[X_AXIS] - position[X_AXIS]);
    block->steps_y = labs(target[Y_AXIS] - position[Y_AXIS]);
    block->steps_z = labs(target[Z_AXIS] - position[Z_AXIS]);
    block->step_event_count =
	max(block->steps_x, max(block->steps_y, block->steps_z));
    // Bail if this is a zero-length block
    if (block->step_event_count == 0) {

    double delta_x_mm =
	(target[X_AXIS] -
	 position[X_AXIS]) / settings.steps_per_mm[X_AXIS];
    double delta_y_mm =
	(target[Y_AXIS] -
	 position[Y_AXIS]) / settings.steps_per_mm[Y_AXIS];
    double delta_z_mm =
	(target[Z_AXIS] -
	 position[Z_AXIS]) / settings.steps_per_mm[Z_AXIS];
    block->millimeters =
	sqrt(square(delta_x_mm) + square(delta_y_mm) + square(delta_z_mm));

    uint32_t microseconds;
    if (!invert_feed_rate) {
	microseconds = lround((block->millimeters / feed_rate) * 1000000);
    } else {
	microseconds = lround(ONE_MINUTE_OF_MICROSECONDS / feed_rate);

    // Calculate speed in mm/minute for each axis
    double multiplier = 60.0 * 1000000.0 / microseconds;
    block->speed_x = delta_x_mm * multiplier;
    block->speed_y = delta_y_mm * multiplier;
    block->speed_z = delta_z_mm * multiplier;
    block->nominal_speed = block->millimeters * multiplier;
    block->nominal_rate = ceil(block->step_event_count * multiplier);
    block->entry_factor = 0.0;

    // Compute the acceleration rate for the trapezoid generator. Depending on the slope of the line
    // average travel per step event changes. For a line along one axis the travel per step event
    // is equal to the travel/step in the particular axis. For a 45 degree line the steppers of both
    // axes might step for every step event. Travel per step event is then sqrt(travel_x^2+travel_y^2).
    // To generate trapezoids with contant acceleration between blocks the rate_delta must be computed 
    // specifically for each line to compensate for this phenomenon:
    double travel_per_step = block->millimeters / block->step_event_count;
    block->rate_delta = ceil(((settings.acceleration * 60.0) / (ACCELERATION_TICKS_PER_SECOND)) /	// acceleration mm/sec/sec per acceleration_tick
			     travel_per_step);	// convert to: acceleration steps/min/acceleration_tick    
    if (acceleration_manager_enabled) {
	// compute a preliminary conservative acceleration trapezoid
	double safe_speed_factor = factor_for_safe_speed(block);
	calculate_trapezoid_for_block(block, safe_speed_factor,
    } else {
	block->initial_rate = block->nominal_rate;
	block->final_rate = block->nominal_rate;
	block->accelerate_until = 0;
	block->decelerate_after = block->step_event_count;
	block->rate_delta = 0;

    // Compute direction bits for this block
    block->direction_bits = 0;
    if (target[X_AXIS] < position[X_AXIS]) {
	block->direction_bits |= (1 << X_DIRECTION_BIT);
    if (target[Y_AXIS] < position[Y_AXIS]) {
	block->direction_bits |= (1 << Y_DIRECTION_BIT);
    if (target[Z_AXIS] < position[Z_AXIS]) {
	block->direction_bits |= (1 << Z_DIRECTION_BIT);
    // Move buffer head
    block_buffer_head = next_buffer_head;
    // Update position 
    memcpy(position, target, sizeof(target));	// position[] = target[]

    if (acceleration_manager_enabled) {