Exemple #1
void prefsProxiesViewCb_ok(Widget    w,
						   XtPointer closure,
						   XtPointer callData)
	XFE_PrefsProxiesViewDialog *theDialog = (XFE_PrefsProxiesViewDialog *)closure;
	PrefsDataProxiesView       *fep = theDialog->m_prefsDataProxiesView;

	if (! theDialog->verifyPage()) return;

	char *s1;
	char *s2;

	PREFS_SET_GLOBALPREF_TEXT(no_proxy, no_proxy_text);

#define SNARFP(NAME,SUFFIX,empty_port_ok) \
{ \
    s1 = fe_GetTextField(fep->NAME##_##SUFFIX##_text); \
	s2 = fe_GetTextField(fep->NAME##_port_text); \
    if (*s1 && (*s2 || empty_port_ok)) { \
        fe_globalPrefs.NAME##_##SUFFIX = strdup(s1); \
        fe_globalPrefs.NAME##_##SUFFIX##_port = *s2 ? atoi(s2) : 0; \
    } else { \
        fe_globalPrefs.NAME##_##SUFFIX = strdup(""); \
        fe_globalPrefs.NAME##_##SUFFIX##_port = 0; \
    } \
	if (s1) XtFree(s1); \
	if (s2) XtFree(s2); \

    SNARFP (ftp,    proxy, False);
	SNARFP (gopher, proxy, False);
	SNARFP (http,   proxy, False);
	SNARFP (https,  proxy, False);
	SNARFP (wais,   proxy, False);
	SNARFP (socks,  host,  True);
#undef SNARFP

	// Install changes


	// Simulate a cancel

	prefsProxiesViewCb_cancel(w, closure, callData);

	// Save the preferences at the end, so that if we've found some setting that
	// crashes, it won't get saved...
	if (!fe_CheckVersionAndSavePrefs((char *) fe_globalData.user_prefs_file, &fe_globalPrefs))
		fe_perror (theDialog->getContext(), XP_GetString( XFE_ERROR_SAVING_OPTIONS));

Exemple #2
void XFE_PrefsDiskMoreDialog::prefsDiskMoreCb_ok(Widget    w,
												 XtPointer closure,
												 XtPointer callData)
	XFE_PrefsDiskMoreDialog *theDialog = (XFE_PrefsDiskMoreDialog *)closure;
	PrefsDataDiskMore       *fep = theDialog->m_prefsDataDiskMore;

	if (! theDialog->verifyPage()) return;
	Boolean                     b;
    char                        c;
	char                       *s = 0;
    int                         n;

	XtVaGetValues(fep->rm_msg_body_toggle, XmNset, &b, 0);
	fe_globalPrefs.news_remove_bodies_by_age = b;

    XtVaGetValues(fep->num_days_text, XmNvalue, &s, 0);
    fe_globalPrefs.news_remove_bodies_days = 0;
    if (1 == sscanf (s, " %d %c", &n, &c))
      fe_globalPrefs.news_remove_bodies_days = n;

	// Simulate a cancel

	prefsDiskMoreCb_cancel(w, closure, callData);

	// Install preferences


	// Save the preferences at the end, so that if we've found some 
	// setting that crashes, it won't get saved...

	if (! fe_CheckVersionAndSavePrefs((char *) fe_globalData.user_prefs_file, &fe_globalPrefs))
		fe_perror (theDialog->getContext(), XP_GetString( XFE_ERROR_SAVING_OPTIONS));