//Function for printing the main screen (everything on the main screne)
void lifeTracker() {
  for(i = 0; i < 20; i++){
    xt_par2(XT_SET_ROW_COL_POS, row = i+7, col = 1);
    xt_par2(XT_SET_ROW_COL_POS, row = i+7, col = 16);
    xt_par2(XT_SET_ROW_COL_POS, row = i+7, col = 19);
    xt_par2(XT_SET_ROW_COL_POS, row = i+7, col = 91);
    xt_par2(XT_SET_ROW_COL_POS, row = i+7, col = 94);
    xt_par2(XT_SET_ROW_COL_POS, row = i+7, col = 120);
  xt_par2(XT_SET_ROW_COL_POS, row = 7, col = 2);
  if(sort == 0) bubbleSortTime();
  else if (sort == 1) bubbleSort();
  xt_par2(XT_SET_ROW_COL_POS, row = 26, col = 2);
  xt_par2(XT_SET_ROW_COL_POS, row = 26, col = 20);
  printf("-----------------------F2-Add F3-Delete F4-Edit------------------------");
  xt_par2(XT_SET_ROW_COL_POS, row = 7, col = 95);
  clearSearch();  //also delete the code in between these lines
  xt_par2(XT_SET_ROW_COL_POS, row = 26, col = 95);
  xt_par2(XT_SET_ROW_COL_POS, row = 28, col = 1);
Exemple #2
int main(int argc, char **argv){
	if( argc != 4 ){
		printf( "Must specify a Database File, book order file, and a category names. \n Feel Free to refer to the readme for usage.\n" );
		_exit( 1 );	// crash and burn
	FILE *fp;

	if( (fp = fopen(argv[1], "r") ) == NULL ) {
		printf("fopen didn't work in %s line %d.\n", __FILE__ , __LINE__ );
		printf("Please Enter Valid Database File \n");
		_exit(1); // crash and burn
	else if( (fp = fopen(argv[2], "r") ) == NULL ) {
		printf("fopen didn't work in %s line %d.\n", __FILE__ , __LINE__ );
		printf("Please Enter Valid Book Order File \n");
		_exit(1); // crash and burn
	else if( (fp = fopen(argv[3], "r") ) == NULL ) {
		printf("fopen didn't work in %s line %d.\n", __FILE__ , __LINE__ );
		printf("Please Enter Valid Category File \n");
		_exit(1); // crash and burn
	/* Done with error checking. */
	fp = fopen(argv[1], "r");
	int fSize;
	fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END);
	fSize = ftell(fp);
	fseek(fp, 0 , SEEK_SET);
	if(fSize == 0){
		printf("The database file is empty, cannot procceed \n");
	customerList = readDatabase(fp);
	if( (error = fclose( fp ) ) > 0 ){
		printf("fclose died in %s line %d: %s \n", __FILE__ , __LINE__ , strerror(error));
		_exit(1); // crash and burn
	totalProfit = 0;
	   this gives us the full set of orders that we can
	   then separate into the array of smaller queues based on the category.
	fp = fopen(argv[3], "r");
	fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END);
	fSize = ftell(fp);
	fseek(fp , 0 , SEEK_SET);
	if(fSize == 0){
		printf("The category file is empty, cannot procceed \n");
	numcats = readCategories(fp);
	categoryList = (category*)malloc(sizeof(category)*numcats);
	if(( error = fclose( fp ) )> 0 ){
		printf("fclose stuck it's nose where it didn't belong in %s line %d: %s\n", __FILE__ , __LINE__ , strerror( error ) );
		_exit(1); // crash and burn
	fp = fopen(argv[2], "r");
	pthread_t	tid;
	if ((error = pthread_create( &tid, NULL , readBookOrders , fp ))){
		printf( "pthread_create() sparked the flames of revolution in %s line %d: %s\n", __FILE__ , __LINE__ , strerror( error ) );
		_exit( 1 );	// crash and burn
	/*create the consumer threads to wait for the producer,
	  force a join on the producer after we create the consumers
	  that way all threads are guaranteed to finish.
	if ((error = pthread_join(tid, NULL))) {
		printf( "pthread_join()ed the dark side in %s line %d: %s \n", __FILE__, __LINE__, strerror( error ) );
		_exit(1);	// crash and burn

	if( (error = fclose(fp) ) > 0 ) {
		printf("fclose was beaten down by the mob in %s line %d: %s \n", __FILE__ , __LINE__ , strerror( error ) );
		_exit(1); // crash and burn
	printf("Total Revenue Gained: \x1b[32m$\x1b[0m%.2lf\n", totalProfit);
	return 0; //success
int main(int ac, char** av){
	if(ac < 2){
		std::cout << "usage: ./signalAcceptance inputFile[s]" << std::endl;
		return -1;
	TH1F* allCategory = new TH1F("allCategory","all Category",11,0.5,11.5);
	TH1F* preselCategory = new TH1F("preselCategory","presel Category",11,0.5,11.5);
	TH1F* photonCategory = new TH1F("photonCategory","reco photon Category",11,0.5,11.5);
	TH1F* VisAllCategory = new TH1F("VisAllCategory","all Category, Vis",11,0.5,11.5);
	TH1F* VisPreselCategory = new TH1F("VisPreselCategory","presel Category, Vis",11,0.5,11.5);
	TH1F* VisPhotonCategory = new TH1F("VisPhotonCategory","reco photon Category, Vis",11,0.5,11.5);
	TH1F* dROtherGen = new TH1F("dROtherGen", "dROtherGen", 800, 0.0, 4.0);
	TH1F* parentage = new TH1F("parentage","parentage",30, 0, 30);	
	TH1F* dptOverpt = new TH1F("dptOverpt","dptOverpt", 400, -2.0, 2.0);
	TH1F* dRrecoGen = new TH1F("dRrecoGen","dRrecoGen", 200, 0.0, 0.2);
	TH1F* dPhiRecoGen = new TH1F("dPhiRecoGen","dPhiRecoGen", 400, 0.0, 0.2);
	TH1F* dEtaRecoGen = new TH1F("dEtaRecoGen","dEtaRecoGen", 800, -0.2, 0.2);
	TH1F* dRGenNearJet = new TH1F("dRGenNearJet","dRGenNearJet", 200, 0.0, 1.0);
	TH1F* dPhiGenNearJet = new TH1F("dPhiGenNearJet","dPhiGenNearJet", 100, 0.0, 0.5);
	TH1F* dEtaGenNearJet = new TH1F("dEtaGenNearJet","dEtaGenNearJet", 200, -0.5, 0.5);

	//TH1F* dRGenNextNearJet = new TH1F("dRGenNextNearJet","dRGenNextNearJet", 600, 0.0, 6.0);
	//TH1F* dPhiGenNextNearJet = new TH1F("dPhiGenNextNearJet","dPhiGenNextNearJet", 300, 0.0, 3.0);
	//TH1F* dEtaGenNextNearJet = new TH1F("dEtaGenNextNearJet","dEtaGenNextNearJet", 600, -3.0, 3.0);

	// object selector
	Selector* selectorLoose = new Selector();
	// create event selectors here
	EventPick* evtPickLoose = new EventPick("LoosePhotonID");
	// do not do jet to photon dR cleaning
	evtPickLoose->veto_pho_jet_dR = 0.0;
	EventTree* tree = new EventTree(ac-1, av+1);
	double PUweight = 1.0;
	Long64_t nEntr = tree->GetEntries();
	for(Long64_t entry=0; entry<nEntr; entry++){
		if(entry%10000 == 0) std::cout << "processing entry " << entry << " out of " << nEntr << std::endl;

		evtPickLoose->process_event(tree, selectorLoose, PUweight);

		// fill the histograms
		fillCategory(tree, allCategory, PUweight);
		if(evtPickLoose->passPreSel) fillCategory(tree, preselCategory, PUweight);
		if(evtPickLoose->passAll) fillCategory(tree, photonCategory, PUweight);

		// fill histograms for gen photon passing the acceptance cuts defined in analysis
		bool inAcc = false;
		for(int mcInd=0; mcInd<tree->nMC_; ++mcInd){
			if(tree->mcPID->at(mcInd) == 22 && 
			(tree->mcParentage->at(mcInd)==2 || tree->mcParentage->at(mcInd)==10 || tree->mcParentage->at(mcInd)==26) && 
			tree->mcPt->at(mcInd) > 25 && 
			fabs(tree->mcEta->at(mcInd)) < 1.4442){
				inAcc = true;
			fillCategory(tree, VisAllCategory, PUweight);
			if(evtPickLoose->passPreSel) fillCategory(tree, VisPreselCategory, PUweight);
			if(evtPickLoose->passAll) fillCategory(tree, VisPhotonCategory, PUweight);
		// have at least one good photon
		if(!evtPickLoose->passAll) continue;

		// test
		//if(overlapMadGraph(tree)) continue;

		int phoInd = evtPickLoose->Photons.at(0);
		// experiment with delta R cuts for photons
		for(int mcInd=0; mcInd<tree->nMC_; ++mcInd){
			bool etetamatch = dR(tree->mcEta->at(mcInd),tree->mcPhi->at(mcInd),tree->phoEta_->at(phoInd),tree->phoPhi_->at(phoInd)) < 0.2 && 
			(fabs(tree->phoEt_->at(phoInd) - tree->mcPt->at(mcInd)) / tree->mcPt->at(mcInd)) < 1.0;
			if( etetamatch && tree->mcPID->at(mcInd) == 22){
				// test
				if(!(tree->mcParentage->at(mcInd)==2 || tree->mcParentage->at(mcInd)==10 || tree->mcParentage->at(mcInd)==26)) continue;
				// fill histograms for mathced photon candidate
				parentage->Fill( tree->mcParentage->at(mcInd) );
				dptOverpt->Fill( (tree->phoEt_->at(phoInd) - tree->mcPt->at(mcInd)) / tree->mcPt->at(mcInd));
				dRrecoGen->Fill( dR(tree->mcEta->at(mcInd),tree->mcPhi->at(mcInd),tree->phoEta_->at(phoInd),tree->phoPhi_->at(phoInd)) );
				dPhiRecoGen->Fill( dPhi( tree->phoPhi_->at(phoInd) - tree->mcPhi->at(mcInd) ) );
				dEtaRecoGen->Fill( tree->phoEta_->at(phoInd) - tree->mcEta->at(mcInd) );
				int closestGenInd = secondMinDrIndex( mcInd, tree );
				if(dR(tree->mcEta->at(mcInd), tree->mcPhi->at(mcInd), tree->mcEta->at(closestGenInd), tree->mcPhi->at(closestGenInd)) < 0.01){
					std::cout << "closest PID " << tree->mcPID->at(closestGenInd) << "  MomPID " << tree->mcMomPID->at(closestGenInd) << std::endl;
					std::cout << "photon mother PID " << tree->mcMomPID->at(mcInd) << std::endl;
				dROtherGen->Fill( dR(tree->mcEta->at(mcInd), tree->mcPhi->at(mcInd), tree->mcEta->at(closestGenInd), tree->mcPhi->at(closestGenInd)) );
				int closestJetInd = minDrIndex( tree->mcEta->at(mcInd), tree->mcPhi->at(mcInd), tree->jetEta_, tree->jetPhi_ );
				dRGenNearJet->Fill( dR(tree->mcEta->at(mcInd), tree->mcPhi->at(mcInd), tree->jetEta_->at(closestJetInd), tree->jetPhi_->at(closestJetInd) ) );
				dPhiGenNearJet->Fill( dPhi( tree->jetPhi_->at(closestJetInd) - tree->mcPhi->at(mcInd) ) );
				dEtaGenNearJet->Fill( tree->jetEta_->at(closestJetInd) - tree->mcEta->at(mcInd) );
				//closestJetInd = secondMinDrIndex( tree->mcEta->at(mcInd), tree->mcPhi->at(mcInd), tree->jetEta_, tree->jetPhi_ );	
				//dRGenNextNearJet->Fill( dR(tree->mcEta->at(mcInd), tree->mcPhi->at(mcInd), tree->jetEta_->at(closestJetInd), tree->jetPhi_->at(closestJetInd) ) );
				//dPhiGenNextNearJet->Fill( dPhi( tree->jetPhi_->at(closestJetInd) - tree->mcPhi->at(mcInd) ) );
				//dEtaGenNextNearJet->Fill( tree->jetEta_->at(closestJetInd) - tree->mcEta->at(mcInd) );


	// write histograms
	TFile outFile("signalAcc.root","RECREATE");
	saveHist(allCategory, &outFile);
	saveHist(preselCategory, &outFile);
	saveHist(photonCategory, &outFile);
	saveHist(VisAllCategory, &outFile);
	saveHist(VisPreselCategory, &outFile);
	saveHist(VisPhotonCategory, &outFile);
	saveHist(dROtherGen, &outFile);
	saveHist(parentage, &outFile);
	saveHist(dptOverpt, &outFile);
	saveHist(dRrecoGen, &outFile);
	saveHist(dPhiRecoGen, &outFile);
	saveHist(dEtaRecoGen, &outFile);
	saveHist(dRGenNearJet, &outFile);
	saveHist(dPhiGenNearJet, &outFile);
	saveHist(dEtaGenNearJet, &outFile);
	//saveHist(dRGenNextNearJet, &outFile);
	//saveHist(dPhiGenNextNearJet, &outFile);
	//saveHist(dEtaGenNextNearJet, &outFile);


	delete tree;
	return 0;