Exemple #1
char *edwGetEmailAndVerify()
/* Get email from persona-managed cookies and validate them.
 * Return email address if all is good and user is logged in.
 * If user not logged in return NULL.  If user logged in but
 * otherwise things are wrong abort. */
char *email = findCookieData("email");
if (email)
    char *sid = findCookieData("sid");
    edwVerifySid(email, sid);
return email;
Exemple #2
void checkForGeoMirrorRedirect(struct cart *cart)
// Implement Geo/IP based redirection.
char *thisNodeStr = geoMirrorNode();
if (thisNodeStr)   // if geo-mirroring is enabled
    char *redirectCookie = findCookieData("redirect");
    char *redirect = cgiOptionalString("redirect");

    // if we're not already redirected
    if (redirect == NULL && redirectCookie == NULL) 
        int thisNode = sqlUnsigned(thisNodeStr);
        struct sqlConnection *centralConn = hConnectCentral();
        char *ipStr = cgiRemoteAddr();
        int node = defaultNode(centralConn, ipStr);

        // if our node is not the node that's closest.
        if (thisNode != node)
	    char *geoSuffix = cfgOptionDefault("browser.geoSuffix","");
            char query[1056];
            sqlSafef(query, sizeof query, "select domain from gbNode%s where node = %d", geoSuffix, node);
            char *newDomain = sqlQuickString(centralConn, query);
            char *oldDomain = cgiServerName();
            char *port = cgiServerPort();
            char *uri = cgiRequestUri();
            char *sep = strchr(uri, '?') ? "&" : "?";
            int newUriSize = strlen(uri) + 1024;
            char *newUri = needMem(newUriSize);
            char *oldUri = needMem(newUriSize);
            safef(oldUri, newUriSize, "http%s://%s:%s%s%sredirect=manual&source=%s", 
		cgiServerHttpsIsOn() ? "s" : "", oldDomain, port, uri, sep, oldDomain);
            safef(newUri, newUriSize, "http%s://%s:%s%s%sredirect=manual&source=%s", 
		cgiServerHttpsIsOn() ? "s" : "", newDomain, port, uri, sep, oldDomain);

	    printf("<TR><TD COLSPAN=3 id='redirectTd' onclick=\"javascript:document.getElementById('redirectTd').innerHTML='';\">"
	    "<div style=\"margin: 10px 25%%; border-style:solid; border-width:thin; border-color:#97D897;\">"
	    "<h3 style=\"background-color: #97D897; text-align: left; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px;\">"
	    "&nbsp;You might want to navigate to your nearest mirror - %s"
	    "</h3> "
	    "<ul style=\"margin:5px;\">",
	    printf("<li>User settings (sessions and custom tracks) <B>will differ</B> between sites."
		"<idiv style=\"float:right;\"><a href=\"../goldenPath/help/genomeEuro.html#sessions\">Read more.</a></idiv>");
	    printf("<li>Take me to  <a href=\"%s\">%s</a> </li>",
		newUri, newDomain);
	    printf("<li>Let me stay here   <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>",
		oldUri, oldDomain );
char *wikiLinkUserName()
/* Return the user name specified in cookies from the browser, or NULL if 
 * the user doesn't appear to be logged in. */
if (wikiLinkEnabled())
    char *wikiUserName = findCookieData(wikiLinkUserNameCookie());
    char *wikiLoggedIn = findCookieData(wikiLinkLoggedInCookie());

    if (isNotEmpty(wikiLoggedIn) && isNotEmpty(wikiUserName))
	return cloneString(wikiUserName);
    errAbort("wikiLinkUserName called when wiki is not enabled (specified "
        "in hg.conf).");
return NULL;
static char *getCookieUser()
/* get user from hguid cookie */
char *user = NULL;
char *centralCookie = hUserCookie();

if (centralCookie)
    user = findCookieData(centralCookie);

return user;
Exemple #5
void resetVars()
/* Reset vars except for position and database. */
static char *except[] = {"db", "position", NULL};
char *cookieName = hUserCookie();
int sessionId = cgiUsualInt(cartSessionVarName(), 0);
char *hguidString = findCookieData(cookieName);
int userId = (hguidString == NULL ? 0 : atoi(hguidString));
struct cart *oldCart = cartNew(userId, sessionId, NULL, NULL);
cartRemoveExcept(oldCart, except);