Exemple #1
mdef_phone_id(mdef_t * m,
              int ci, int lc, int rc, word_posn_t wpos)
    ph_lc_t *lcptr;
    ph_rc_t *rcptr;
    int newl, newr;

    assert((ci >= 0) && (ci < m->n_ciphone));
    assert((lc >= 0) && (lc < m->n_ciphone));
    assert((rc >= 0) && (rc < m->n_ciphone));
    assert((wpos >= 0) && (wpos < N_WORD_POSN));

    if (((lcptr =
          find_ph_lc(m->wpos_ci_lclist[wpos][(int) ci], lc)) == NULL)
        || ((rcptr = find_ph_rc(lcptr->rclist, rc)) == NULL)) {
        /* Not found; backoff to silence context if non-silence filler context */
        if (m->sil < 0)
            return -1;

        newl = m->ciphone[(int) lc].filler ? m->sil : lc;
        newr = m->ciphone[(int) rc].filler ? m->sil : rc;
        if ((newl == lc) && (newr == rc))
            return -1;

        return (mdef_phone_id(m, ci, newl, newr, wpos));

    return (rcptr->pid);
static int32
triphone_add(mdef_t * m,
	     s3cipid_t ci, s3cipid_t lc, s3cipid_t rc, word_posn_t wpos,
	     s3pid_t p)
	ph_lc_t *lcptr;
	ph_rc_t *rcptr;

	if (mdef->n_phone >= max_phone)
		E_FATAL("Max phones (%d) exceeded\n", max_phone);

	assert(p == mdef->n_phone);

	/* Fill in phone[p] information */
	mdef->phone[p].ci = ci;
	mdef->phone[p].lc = lc;
	mdef->phone[p].rc = rc;
	mdef->phone[p].wpos = wpos;

	if (p >= max_ciphone) {
		/* Create <ci,lc,rc,wpos> -> p mapping */
		if ((lcptr =
				lc)) == NULL) {
			lcptr = (ph_lc_t *) ckd_calloc(1, sizeof(ph_lc_t));
			lcptr->lc = lc;
			lcptr->next = m->wpos_ci_lclist[wpos][ci];
			m->wpos_ci_lclist[wpos][ci] = lcptr;
		if ((rcptr = find_ph_rc(lcptr->rclist, rc)) != NULL)
			return -1;	/* Duplicate triphone */

		rcptr = (ph_rc_t *) ckd_calloc(1, sizeof(ph_rc_t));
		rcptr->rc = rc;
		rcptr->pid = p;
		rcptr->next = lcptr->rclist;
		lcptr->rclist = rcptr;


	return 0;
Exemple #3
s3pid_t mdef_phone_id (mdef_t *m, 
		       s3cipid_t ci, s3cipid_t lc, s3cipid_t rc, word_posn_t wpos)
    ph_lc_t *lcptr;
    ph_rc_t *rcptr;
    assert (m);
    assert ((ci >= 0) && (ci < mdef->n_ciphone));
    assert ((lc >= 0) && (lc < mdef->n_ciphone));
    assert ((rc >= 0) && (rc < mdef->n_ciphone));
    assert ((wpos >= 0) && (wpos < N_WORD_POSN));

    if (((lcptr = find_ph_lc (m->wpos_ci_lclist[wpos][ci], lc)) == NULL) ||
	((rcptr = find_ph_rc (lcptr->rclist, rc)) == NULL))
	return (BAD_PID);

    return (rcptr->pid);
Exemple #4
static void
triphone_add(mdef_t * m,
             int ci, int lc, int rc, word_posn_t wpos,
             int p)
    ph_lc_t *lcptr;
    ph_rc_t *rcptr;

    assert(p < m->n_phone);

    /* Fill in phone[p] information (state and tmat mappings added later) */
    m->phone[p].ci = ci;
    m->phone[p].lc = lc;
    m->phone[p].rc = rc;
    m->phone[p].wpos = wpos;

    /* Create <ci,lc,rc,wpos> -> p mapping if not a CI phone */
    if (p >= m->n_ciphone) {
        if ((lcptr = find_ph_lc(m->wpos_ci_lclist[wpos][(int) ci], lc))
            == NULL) {
            lcptr = (ph_lc_t *) ckd_calloc(1, sizeof(ph_lc_t)); /* freed at mdef_free, I believe */
            lcptr->lc = lc;
            lcptr->next = m->wpos_ci_lclist[wpos][(int) ci];
            m->wpos_ci_lclist[wpos][(int) ci] = lcptr;  /* This is what needs to be freed */
        if ((rcptr = find_ph_rc(lcptr->rclist, rc)) != NULL) {
            __BIGSTACKVARIABLE__ char buf[4096];

            mdef_phone_str(m, rcptr->pid, buf);
            E_FATAL("Duplicate triphone: %s\n", buf);

        rcptr = (ph_rc_t *) ckd_calloc(1, sizeof(ph_rc_t));     /* freed in mdef_free, I believe */
        rcptr->rc = rc;
        rcptr->pid = p;
        rcptr->next = lcptr->rclist;
        lcptr->rclist = rcptr;