     * Initialize FontStashAdapter, it will initialize necessary data structure for fonstate.h, 
     * generate GL buffers, setting the matrix, etc
    void FontStashAdapter::init(int width, int height, int flags, Rect& viewport) {
        this->instance             = this;
        this->viewportSize         = viewport;
        this->orthogonalProjection = glm::ortho(0.0f, viewportSize.width, viewportSize.height, 0.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f );
        glGenBuffers(3, this->bufferIDs);
        this->shaderLib = SHADERLIB_FONT_PASS->clone();
        FONSparams params;
        memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
        params.width    = width;
        params.height   = height;
        params.flags    = (unsigned char)flags;
        params.userPtr  = NULL; /* No user data is needed, we're going to refer to this instance's data member */
        /* Function callback handlers */
        params.renderCreate = FontStashAdapter::renderCreate;
        params.renderResize = FontStashAdapter::renderResize;
        params.renderUpdate = FontStashAdapter::renderUpdate;
        params.renderDraw   = FontStashAdapter::renderDraw;
        params.renderDelete = FontStashAdapter::renderDelete;

        context  = fonsCreateInternal(&params);
        initialized = true;
void FontContext::initFontContext(int _atlasSize) {
    m_atlas = std::unique_ptr<Texture>(new Texture(_atlasSize, _atlasSize));

    FONSparams params;
    params.width = _atlasSize;
    params.height = _atlasSize;
    params.flags = (unsigned char)FONS_ZERO_TOPLEFT;

    params.renderCreate = renderCreate;
    params.renderResize = nullptr;
    params.renderUpdate = renderUpdate;
    params.renderDraw = nullptr;
    params.renderDelete = nullptr;
    params.pushQuad = pushQuad;
    params.userPtr = (void*) this;

    m_fsContext = fonsCreateInternal(&params);

    fonsSetErrorCallback(m_fsContext, &fontstashError, (void*) this);