static enum cmd_retval cmd_list_sessions_exec(struct cmd *self, struct cmdq_item *item) { struct args *args = self->args; struct session *s; u_int n; struct format_tree *ft; const char *template; char *line; if ((template = args_get(args, 'F')) == NULL) template = LIST_SESSIONS_TEMPLATE; n = 0; RB_FOREACH(s, sessions, &sessions) { ft = format_create(item, FORMAT_NONE, 0); format_add(ft, "line", "%u", n); format_defaults(ft, NULL, s, NULL, NULL); line = format_expand(ft, template); cmdq_print(item, "%s", line); free(line); format_free(ft); n++; } return (CMD_RETURN_NORMAL); }
enum cmd_retval cmd_new_session_exec(struct cmd *self, struct cmd_q *cmdq) { struct args *args = self->args; struct client *c = cmdq->client, *c0; struct session *s, *groupwith; struct window *w; struct environ env; struct termios tio, *tiop; const char *newname, *target, *update, *errstr, *template; const char *path; char **argv, *cmd, *cause, *cp; int detached, already_attached, idx, cwd, fd = -1; int argc; u_int sx, sy; struct format_tree *ft; struct environ_entry *envent; if (self->entry == &cmd_has_session_entry) { if (cmd_find_session(cmdq, args_get(args, 't'), 0) == NULL) return (CMD_RETURN_ERROR); return (CMD_RETURN_NORMAL); } if (args_has(args, 't') && (args->argc != 0 || args_has(args, 'n'))) { cmdq_error(cmdq, "command or window name given with target"); return (CMD_RETURN_ERROR); } newname = args_get(args, 's'); if (newname != NULL) { if (!session_check_name(newname)) { cmdq_error(cmdq, "bad session name: %s", newname); return (CMD_RETURN_ERROR); } if (session_find(newname) != NULL) { if (args_has(args, 'A')) { return (cmd_attach_session(cmdq, newname, args_has(args, 'D'), 0, NULL, args_has(args, 'E'))); } cmdq_error(cmdq, "duplicate session: %s", newname); return (CMD_RETURN_ERROR); } } target = args_get(args, 't'); if (target != NULL) { groupwith = cmd_find_session(cmdq, target, 0); if (groupwith == NULL) return (CMD_RETURN_ERROR); } else groupwith = NULL; /* Set -d if no client. */ detached = args_has(args, 'd'); if (c == NULL) detached = 1; /* Is this client already attached? */ already_attached = 0; if (c != NULL && c->session != NULL) already_attached = 1; /* Get the new session working directory. */ if (args_has(args, 'c')) { ft = format_create(); format_defaults(ft, cmd_find_client(cmdq, NULL, 1), NULL, NULL, NULL); cp = format_expand(ft, args_get(args, 'c')); format_free(ft); if (cp != NULL && *cp != '\0') { fd = open(cp, O_RDONLY|O_DIRECTORY); free(cp); if (fd == -1) { cmdq_error(cmdq, "bad working directory: %s", strerror(errno)); return (CMD_RETURN_ERROR); } } else if (cp != NULL) free(cp); cwd = fd; } else if (c != NULL && c->session == NULL) cwd = c->cwd; else if ((c0 = cmd_find_client(cmdq, NULL, 1)) != NULL) cwd = c0->session->cwd; else { fd = open(".", O_RDONLY); cwd = fd; } /* * If this is a new client, check for nesting and save the termios * settings (part of which is used for new windows in this session). * * tcgetattr() is used rather than using tty.tio since if the client is * detached, tty_open won't be called. It must be done before opening * the terminal as that calls tcsetattr() to prepare for tmux taking * over. */ if (!detached && !already_attached && c->tty.fd != -1) { if (server_client_check_nested(cmdq->client)) { cmdq_error(cmdq, "sessions should be nested with care, " "unset $TMUX to force"); return (CMD_RETURN_ERROR); } if (tcgetattr(c->tty.fd, &tio) != 0) fatal("tcgetattr failed"); tiop = &tio; } else tiop = NULL; /* Open the terminal if necessary. */ if (!detached && !already_attached) { if (server_client_open(c, &cause) != 0) { cmdq_error(cmdq, "open terminal failed: %s", cause); free(cause); goto error; } } /* Find new session size. */ if (c != NULL) { sx = c->; sy = c->; } else { sx = 80; sy = 24; } if (detached && args_has(args, 'x')) { sx = strtonum(args_get(args, 'x'), 1, USHRT_MAX, &errstr); if (errstr != NULL) { cmdq_error(cmdq, "width %s", errstr); goto error; } } if (detached && args_has(args, 'y')) { sy = strtonum(args_get(args, 'y'), 1, USHRT_MAX, &errstr); if (errstr != NULL) { cmdq_error(cmdq, "height %s", errstr); goto error; } } if (sy > 0 && options_get_number(&global_s_options, "status")) sy--; if (sx == 0) sx = 1; if (sy == 0) sy = 1; /* Figure out the command for the new window. */ argc = -1; argv = NULL; if (target == NULL && args->argc != 0) { argc = args->argc; argv = args->argv; } else if (target == NULL) { cmd = options_get_string(&global_s_options, "default-command"); if (cmd != NULL && *cmd != '\0') { argc = 1; argv = &cmd; } else { argc = 0; argv = NULL; } } path = NULL; if (c != NULL && c->session == NULL) envent = environ_find(&c->environ, "PATH"); else envent = environ_find(&global_environ, "PATH"); if (envent != NULL) path = envent->value; /* Construct the environment. */ environ_init(&env); if (c != NULL && !args_has(args, 'E')) { update = options_get_string(&global_s_options, "update-environment"); environ_update(update, &c->environ, &env); } /* Create the new session. */ idx = -1 - options_get_number(&global_s_options, "base-index"); s = session_create(newname, argc, argv, path, cwd, &env, tiop, idx, sx, sy, &cause); if (s == NULL) { cmdq_error(cmdq, "create session failed: %s", cause); free(cause); goto error; } environ_free(&env); /* Set the initial window name if one given. */ if (argc >= 0 && args_has(args, 'n')) { w = s->curw->window; window_set_name(w, args_get(args, 'n')); options_set_number(&w->options, "automatic-rename", 0); } /* * If a target session is given, this is to be part of a session group, * so add it to the group and synchronize. */ if (groupwith != NULL) { session_group_add(groupwith, s); session_group_synchronize_to(s); session_select(s, RB_MIN(winlinks, &s->windows)->idx); } /* * Set the client to the new session. If a command client exists, it is * taking this session and needs to get MSG_READY and stay around. */ if (!detached) { if (!already_attached) server_write_ready(c); else if (c->session != NULL) c->last_session = c->session; c->session = s; notify_attached_session_changed(c); session_update_activity(s); server_redraw_client(c); } recalculate_sizes(); server_update_socket(); /* * If there are still configuration file errors to display, put the new * session's current window into more mode and display them now. */ if (cfg_finished) cfg_show_causes(s); /* Print if requested. */ if (args_has(args, 'P')) { if ((template = args_get(args, 'F')) == NULL)
if (idx == -1) idx = -1 - options_get_number(dst_s->options, "base-index"); wl = session_attach(dst_s, w, idx, &cause); /* can't fail */ if (!args_has(self->args, 'd')) session_select(dst_s, wl->idx); server_redraw_session(src_s); if (src_s != dst_s) server_redraw_session(dst_s); server_status_session_group(src_s); if (src_s != dst_s) server_status_session_group(dst_s); if (args_has(args, 'P')) { if ((template = args_get(args, 'F')) == NULL) template = BREAK_PANE_TEMPLATE; ft = format_create(cmdq, 0); format_defaults(ft, cmdq->state.c, dst_s, wl, wp); cp = format_expand(ft, template); cmdq_print(cmdq, "%s", cp); free(cp); format_free(ft); } return (CMD_RETURN_NORMAL); #endif }
enum cmd_retval cmd_new_window_exec(struct cmd *self, struct cmd_q *cmdq) { struct args *args = self->args; struct session *s; struct winlink *wl; struct client *c; const char *cmd, *template; char *cause, *cp; int idx, last, detached, cwd, fd = -1; struct format_tree *ft; if (args_has(args, 'a')) { wl = cmd_find_window(cmdq, args_get(args, 't'), &s); if (wl == NULL) return (CMD_RETURN_ERROR); idx = wl->idx + 1; /* Find the next free index. */ for (last = idx; last < INT_MAX; last++) { if (winlink_find_by_index(&s->windows, last) == NULL) break; } if (last == INT_MAX) { cmdq_error(cmdq, "no free window indexes"); return (CMD_RETURN_ERROR); } /* Move everything from last - 1 to idx up a bit. */ for (; last > idx; last--) { wl = winlink_find_by_index(&s->windows, last - 1); server_link_window(s, wl, s, last, 0, 0, NULL); server_unlink_window(s, wl); } } else { if ((idx = cmd_find_index(cmdq, args_get(args, 't'), &s)) == -2) return (CMD_RETURN_ERROR); } detached = args_has(args, 'd'); if (args->argc == 0) cmd = options_get_string(&s->options, "default-command"); else cmd = args->argv[0]; if (args_has(args, 'c')) { ft = format_create(); if ((c = cmd_find_client(cmdq, NULL, 1)) != NULL) format_client(ft, c); format_session(ft, s); format_winlink(ft, s, s->curw); format_window_pane(ft, s->curw->window->active); cp = format_expand(ft, args_get(args, 'c')); format_free(ft); if (cp != NULL && *cp != '\0') { fd = open(cp, O_RDONLY|O_DIRECTORY); free(cp); if (fd == -1) { cmdq_error(cmdq, "bad working directory: %s", strerror(errno)); return (CMD_RETURN_ERROR); } } else if (cp != NULL) free(cp); cwd = fd; } else if (cmdq->client != NULL && cmdq->client->session == NULL) cwd = cmdq->client->cwd; else cwd = s->cwd; wl = NULL; if (idx != -1) wl = winlink_find_by_index(&s->windows, idx); if (wl != NULL && args_has(args, 'k')) { /* * Can't use session_detach as it will destroy session if this * makes it empty. */ notify_window_unlinked(s, wl->window); wl->flags &= ~WINLINK_ALERTFLAGS; winlink_stack_remove(&s->lastw, wl); winlink_remove(&s->windows, wl); /* Force select/redraw if current. */ if (wl == s->curw) { detached = 0; s->curw = NULL; } } if (idx == -1) idx = -1 - options_get_number(&s->options, "base-index"); wl = session_new(s, args_get(args, 'n'), cmd, cwd, idx, &cause); if (wl == NULL) { cmdq_error(cmdq, "create window failed: %s", cause); free(cause); goto error; } if (!detached) { session_select(s, wl->idx); server_redraw_session_group(s); } else server_status_session_group(s); if (args_has(args, 'P')) { if ((template = args_get(args, 'F')) == NULL)
recalculate_sizes(); server_update_socket(); /* * If there are still configuration file errors to display, put the new * session's current window into more mode and display them now. */ if (cfg_finished) cfg_show_causes(s); /* Print if requested. */ if (args_has(args, 'P')) { if ((template = args_get(args, 'F')) == NULL) template = NEW_SESSION_TEMPLATE; ft = format_create(); format_defaults(ft, cmd_find_client(cmdq, NULL, 1), s, NULL, NULL); cp = format_expand(ft, template); cmdq_print(cmdq, "%s", cp); free(cp); format_free(ft); } if (!detached) cmdq->client_exit = 0; if (fd != -1) close(fd);
enum cmd_retval cmd_if_shell_exec(struct cmd *self, struct cmd_q *cmdq) { struct args *args = self->args; struct cmd_if_shell_data *cdata; char *shellcmd, *cmd, *cause; struct cmd_list *cmdlist; struct session *s = cmdq->state.tflag.s; struct winlink *wl = cmdq->state.tflag.wl; struct window_pane *wp = cmdq->state.tflag.wp; struct format_tree *ft; const char *cwd; if (cmdq->client != NULL && cmdq->client->session == NULL) cwd = cmdq->client->cwd; else if (s != NULL) cwd = s->cwd; else cwd = NULL; ft = format_create(cmdq, 0); format_defaults(ft, NULL, s, wl, wp); shellcmd = format_expand(ft, args->argv[0]); format_free(ft); if (args_has(args, 'F')) { cmd = NULL; if (*shellcmd != '0' && *shellcmd != '\0') cmd = args->argv[1]; else if (args->argc == 3) cmd = args->argv[2]; free(shellcmd); if (cmd == NULL) return (CMD_RETURN_NORMAL); if (cmd_string_parse(cmd, &cmdlist, NULL, 0, &cause) != 0) { if (cause != NULL) { cmdq_error(cmdq, "%s", cause); free(cause); } return (CMD_RETURN_ERROR); } cmdq_run(cmdq, cmdlist, &cmdq->item->mouse); cmd_list_free(cmdlist); return (CMD_RETURN_NORMAL); } cdata = xmalloc(sizeof *cdata); cdata->cmd_if = xstrdup(args->argv[1]); if (args->argc == 3) cdata->cmd_else = xstrdup(args->argv[2]); else cdata->cmd_else = NULL; cdata->bflag = args_has(args, 'b'); cdata->cmdq = cmdq; memcpy(&cdata->mouse, &cmdq->item->mouse, sizeof cdata->mouse); cmdq->references++; cdata->references = 1; job_run(shellcmd, s, cwd, cmd_if_shell_callback, cmd_if_shell_free, cdata); free(shellcmd); if (cdata->bflag) return (CMD_RETURN_NORMAL); return (CMD_RETURN_WAIT); }
static enum cmd_retval cmd_new_session_exec(struct cmd *self, struct cmdq_item *item) { struct args *args = self->args; struct client *c = item->client; struct session *s, *as; struct session *groupwith = item->state.tflag.s; struct window *w; struct environ *env; struct termios tio, *tiop; const char *newname, *target, *update, *errstr, *template; const char *path, *cwd, *to_free = NULL; char **argv, *cmd, *cause, *cp; int detached, already_attached, idx, argc; u_int sx, sy; struct format_tree *ft; struct environ_entry *envent; struct cmd_find_state fs; if (self->entry == &cmd_has_session_entry) { /* * cmd_prepare() will fail if the session cannot be found, * hence always return success here. */ return (CMD_RETURN_NORMAL); } if (args_has(args, 't') && (args->argc != 0 || args_has(args, 'n'))) { cmdq_error(item, "command or window name given with target"); return (CMD_RETURN_ERROR); } newname = args_get(args, 's'); if (newname != NULL) { if (!session_check_name(newname)) { cmdq_error(item, "bad session name: %s", newname); return (CMD_RETURN_ERROR); } if ((as = session_find(newname)) != NULL) { if (args_has(args, 'A')) { /* * This item is now destined for * attach-session. Because attach-session * will have already been prepared, copy this * session into its tflag so it can be used. */ cmd_find_from_session(&item->state.tflag, as); return (cmd_attach_session(item, args_has(args, 'D'), 0, NULL, args_has(args, 'E'))); } cmdq_error(item, "duplicate session: %s", newname); return (CMD_RETURN_ERROR); } } if ((target = args_get(args, 't')) != NULL) { if (groupwith == NULL) { cmdq_error(item, "no such session: %s", target); goto error; } } else groupwith = NULL; /* Set -d if no client. */ detached = args_has(args, 'd'); if (c == NULL) detached = 1; /* Is this client already attached? */ already_attached = 0; if (c != NULL && c->session != NULL) already_attached = 1; /* Get the new session working directory. */ if (args_has(args, 'c')) { ft = format_create(item, 0); format_defaults(ft, c, NULL, NULL, NULL); to_free = cwd = format_expand(ft, args_get(args, 'c')); format_free(ft); } else if (c != NULL && c->session == NULL && c->cwd != NULL) cwd = c->cwd; else cwd = "."; /* * If this is a new client, check for nesting and save the termios * settings (part of which is used for new windows in this session). * * tcgetattr() is used rather than using tty.tio since if the client is * detached, tty_open won't be called. It must be done before opening * the terminal as that calls tcsetattr() to prepare for tmux taking * over. */ if (!detached && !already_attached && c->tty.fd != -1) { if (server_client_check_nested(item->client)) { cmdq_error(item, "sessions should be nested with care, " "unset $TMUX to force"); return (CMD_RETURN_ERROR); } if (tcgetattr(c->tty.fd, &tio) != 0) fatal("tcgetattr failed"); tiop = &tio; } else tiop = NULL; /* Open the terminal if necessary. */ if (!detached && !already_attached) { if (server_client_open(c, &cause) != 0) { cmdq_error(item, "open terminal failed: %s", cause); free(cause); goto error; } } /* Find new session size. */ if (c != NULL) { sx = c->; sy = c->; } else { sx = 80; sy = 24; } if (detached && args_has(args, 'x')) { sx = strtonum(args_get(args, 'x'), 1, USHRT_MAX, &errstr); if (errstr != NULL) { cmdq_error(item, "width %s", errstr); goto error; } } if (detached && args_has(args, 'y')) { sy = strtonum(args_get(args, 'y'), 1, USHRT_MAX, &errstr); if (errstr != NULL) { cmdq_error(item, "height %s", errstr); goto error; } } if (sy > 0 && options_get_number(global_s_options, "status")) sy--; if (sx == 0) sx = 1; if (sy == 0) sy = 1; /* Figure out the command for the new window. */ argc = -1; argv = NULL; if (!args_has(args, 't') && args->argc != 0) { argc = args->argc; argv = args->argv; } else if (groupwith == NULL) { cmd = options_get_string(global_s_options, "default-command"); if (cmd != NULL && *cmd != '\0') { argc = 1; argv = &cmd; } else { argc = 0; argv = NULL; } } path = NULL; if (c != NULL && c->session == NULL) envent = environ_find(c->environ, "PATH"); else envent = environ_find(global_environ, "PATH"); if (envent != NULL) path = envent->value; /* Construct the environment. */ env = environ_create(); if (c != NULL && !args_has(args, 'E')) { update = options_get_string(global_s_options, "update-environment"); environ_update(update, c->environ, env); } /* Create the new session. */ idx = -1 - options_get_number(global_s_options, "base-index"); s = session_create(newname, argc, argv, path, cwd, env, tiop, idx, sx, sy, &cause); environ_free(env); if (s == NULL) { cmdq_error(item, "create session failed: %s", cause); free(cause); goto error; } /* Set the initial window name if one given. */ if (argc >= 0 && args_has(args, 'n')) { w = s->curw->window; window_set_name(w, args_get(args, 'n')); options_set_number(w->options, "automatic-rename", 0); } /* * If a target session is given, this is to be part of a session group, * so add it to the group and synchronize. */ if (groupwith != NULL) { session_group_add(groupwith, s); session_group_synchronize_to(s); session_select(s, RB_MIN(winlinks, &s->windows)->idx); } /* * Set the client to the new session. If a command client exists, it is * taking this session and needs to get MSG_READY and stay around. */ if (!detached) { if (!already_attached) { if (~c->flags & CLIENT_CONTROL) proc_send(c->peer, MSG_READY, -1, NULL, 0); } else if (c->session != NULL) c->last_session = c->session; c->session = s; server_client_set_key_table(c, NULL); status_timer_start(c); notify_client("client-session-changed", c); session_update_activity(s, NULL); gettimeofday(&s->last_attached_time, NULL); server_redraw_client(c); } recalculate_sizes(); server_update_socket(); /* * If there are still configuration file errors to display, put the new * session's current window into more mode and display them now. */ if (cfg_finished) cfg_show_causes(s); /* Print if requested. */ if (args_has(args, 'P')) { if ((template = args_get(args, 'F')) == NULL)
recalculate_sizes(); server_update_socket(); /* * If there are still configuration file errors to display, put the new * session's current window into more mode and display them now. */ if (cfg_finished) cfg_show_causes(s); /* Print if requested. */ if (args_has(args, 'P')) { if ((template = args_get(args, 'F')) == NULL) template = NEW_SESSION_TEMPLATE; ft = format_create(item, 0); format_defaults(ft, c, s, NULL, NULL); cp = format_expand(ft, template); cmdq_print(item, "%s", cp); free(cp); format_free(ft); } if (!detached) c->flags |= CLIENT_ATTACHED; if (to_free != NULL) free((void *)to_free);
enum cmd_retval cmd_pipe_pane_exec(struct cmd *self, struct cmd_q *cmdq) { #ifdef TMATE_SLAVE return (CMD_RETURN_ERROR); #else struct args *args = self->args; struct client *c = cmdq->state.c; struct window_pane *wp = cmdq->state.tflag.wp; struct session *s = cmdq->state.tflag.s; struct winlink *wl = cmdq->state.tflag.wl; char *cmd; int old_fd, pipe_fd[2], null_fd; struct format_tree *ft; /* Destroy the old pipe. */ old_fd = wp->pipe_fd; if (wp->pipe_fd != -1) { bufferevent_free(wp->pipe_event); close(wp->pipe_fd); wp->pipe_fd = -1; } /* If no pipe command, that is enough. */ if (args->argc == 0 || *args->argv[0] == '\0') return (CMD_RETURN_NORMAL); /* * With -o, only open the new pipe if there was no previous one. This * allows a pipe to be toggled with a single key, for example: * * bind ^p pipep -o 'cat >>~/output' */ if (args_has(self->args, 'o') && old_fd != -1) return (CMD_RETURN_NORMAL); /* Open the new pipe. */ if (socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, PF_UNSPEC, pipe_fd) != 0) { cmdq_error(cmdq, "socketpair error: %s", strerror(errno)); return (CMD_RETURN_ERROR); } /* Expand the command. */ ft = format_create(cmdq, 0); format_defaults(ft, c, s, wl, wp); cmd = format_expand_time(ft, args->argv[0], time(NULL)); format_free(ft); /* Fork the child. */ switch (fork()) { case -1: cmdq_error(cmdq, "fork error: %s", strerror(errno)); free(cmd); return (CMD_RETURN_ERROR); case 0: /* Child process. */ close(pipe_fd[0]); clear_signals(1); if (dup2(pipe_fd[1], STDIN_FILENO) == -1) _exit(1); if (pipe_fd[1] != STDIN_FILENO) close(pipe_fd[1]); null_fd = open(_PATH_DEVNULL, O_WRONLY, 0); if (dup2(null_fd, STDOUT_FILENO) == -1) _exit(1); if (dup2(null_fd, STDERR_FILENO) == -1) _exit(1); if (null_fd != STDOUT_FILENO && null_fd != STDERR_FILENO) close(null_fd); closefrom(STDERR_FILENO + 1); execl(_PATH_BSHELL, "sh", "-c", cmd, (char *) NULL); _exit(1); default: /* Parent process. */ close(pipe_fd[1]); wp->pipe_fd = pipe_fd[0]; wp->pipe_off = EVBUFFER_LENGTH(wp->event->input); wp->pipe_event = bufferevent_new(wp->pipe_fd, NULL, NULL, cmd_pipe_pane_error_callback, wp); bufferevent_enable(wp->pipe_event, EV_WRITE); setblocking(wp->pipe_fd, 0); free(cmd); return (CMD_RETURN_NORMAL); } #endif }
enum cmd_retval cmd_attach_session(struct cmd_q *cmdq, const char *tflag, int dflag, int rflag, const char *cflag) { struct session *s; struct client *c; struct winlink *wl = NULL; struct window *w = NULL; struct window_pane *wp = NULL; const char *update; char *cause; u_int i; int fd; struct format_tree *ft; char *cp; if (RB_EMPTY(&sessions)) { cmdq_error(cmdq, "no sessions"); return (CMD_RETURN_ERROR); } if (tflag == NULL) { if ((s = cmd_find_session(cmdq, tflag, 1)) == NULL) return (CMD_RETURN_ERROR); } else if (tflag[strcspn(tflag, ":.")] != '\0') { if ((wl = cmd_find_pane(cmdq, tflag, &s, &wp)) == NULL) return (CMD_RETURN_ERROR); } else { if ((s = cmd_find_session(cmdq, tflag, 1)) == NULL) return (CMD_RETURN_ERROR); w = cmd_lookup_windowid(tflag); if (w == NULL && (wp = cmd_lookup_paneid(tflag)) != NULL) w = wp->window; if (w != NULL) wl = winlink_find_by_window(&s->windows, w); } if (cmdq->client == NULL) return (CMD_RETURN_NORMAL); if (wl != NULL) { if (wp != NULL) window_set_active_pane(wp->window, wp); session_set_current(s, wl); } if (cmdq->client->session != NULL) { if (dflag) { /* * Can't use server_write_session in case attaching to * the same session as currently attached to. */ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH(&clients); i++) { c = ARRAY_ITEM(&clients, i); if (c == NULL || c->session != s) continue; if (c == cmdq->client) continue; server_write_client(c, MSG_DETACH, c->session->name, strlen(c->session->name) + 1); } } if (cflag != NULL) { ft = format_create(); format_defaults(ft, cmd_find_client(cmdq, NULL, 1), s, NULL, NULL); cp = format_expand(ft, cflag); format_free(ft); fd = open(cp, O_RDONLY|O_DIRECTORY); free(cp); if (fd == -1) { cmdq_error(cmdq, "bad working directory: %s", strerror(errno)); return (CMD_RETURN_ERROR); } close(s->cwd); s->cwd = fd; } cmdq->client->session = s; notify_attached_session_changed(cmdq->client); session_update_activity(s); server_redraw_client(cmdq->client); s->curw->flags &= ~WINLINK_ALERTFLAGS; } else { if (server_client_open(cmdq->client, &cause) != 0) { cmdq_error(cmdq, "open terminal failed: %s", cause); free(cause); return (CMD_RETURN_ERROR); } if (cflag != NULL) { ft = format_create(); format_defaults(ft, cmd_find_client(cmdq, NULL, 1), s, NULL, NULL); cp = format_expand(ft, cflag); format_free(ft); fd = open(cp, O_RDONLY|O_DIRECTORY); free(cp); if (fd == -1) { cmdq_error(cmdq, "bad working directory: %s", strerror(errno)); return (CMD_RETURN_ERROR); } close(s->cwd); s->cwd = fd; } if (rflag) cmdq->client->flags |= CLIENT_READONLY; if (dflag) { server_write_session(s, MSG_DETACH, s->name, strlen(s->name) + 1); } update = options_get_string(&s->options, "update-environment"); environ_update(update, &cmdq->client->environ, &s->environ); cmdq->client->session = s; notify_attached_session_changed(cmdq->client); session_update_activity(s); server_redraw_client(cmdq->client); s->curw->flags &= ~WINLINK_ALERTFLAGS; server_write_ready(cmdq->client); cmdq->client_exit = 0; } recalculate_sizes(); server_update_socket(); return (CMD_RETURN_NORMAL); }