Exemple #1
inv_test (int filter, int width, int height)
  int i;
  SchroFrame *test;
  SchroFrame *orig;
  SchroFrame *ref;
  SchroFrameData *fd_test;
  SchroFrameData *fd_orig;
  SchroFrameData *fd_ref;
  char name[TEST_PATTERN_NAME_SIZE] = { 0 };

  orig = schro_frame_new_and_alloc (NULL, SCHRO_FRAME_FORMAT_S16_444,
      width, height);
  fd_orig = orig->components + 0;
  test = schro_frame_new_and_alloc (NULL, SCHRO_FRAME_FORMAT_S16_444,
      width, height);
  fd_test = test->components + 0;
  ref = schro_frame_new_and_alloc (NULL, SCHRO_FRAME_FORMAT_S16_444,
      width, height);
  fd_ref = ref->components + 0;

    test_pattern_generate (fd_orig, name, i);
    printf("  reverse test \"%s\":\n", name);

    schro_frame_convert (test, orig);
    schro_frame_convert (ref, orig);
    if (!frame_data_compare(fd_test, fd_ref)) { 
      printf("  failed\n");
      if (verbose) frame_data_dump_full (fd_test, fd_ref, fd_orig);
      fail = TRUE;
  schro_frame_unref (orig);
  schro_frame_unref (test);
  schro_frame_unref (ref);
Exemple #2
fwd_random_test_s32 (int filter, int width, int height)
  SchroFrame *test;
  SchroFrame *orig;
  SchroFrame *ref;
  SchroFrameData *fd_orig;
  SchroFrameData *fd_test;
  SchroFrameData *fd_ref;
  char name[TEST_PATTERN_NAME_SIZE] = { 0 };

  orig = schro_frame_new_and_alloc (NULL, SCHRO_FRAME_FORMAT_S16_444,
      width, height);
  fd_orig = orig->components + 0;
  test = schro_frame_new_and_alloc (NULL, SCHRO_FRAME_FORMAT_S32_444,
      width, height);
  fd_test = test->components + 0;
  ref = schro_frame_new_and_alloc (NULL, SCHRO_FRAME_FORMAT_S16_444,
      width, height);
  fd_ref = ref->components + 0;

  test_pattern_generate (fd_orig, name, 0);
  printf("  forward test 32-bit \"%s\":\n", name);

  schro_frame_convert (ref, orig);
  schro_frame_convert (test, orig);
  if (!frame_data_compare(fd_test, fd_ref)) { 
    printf("  failed\n");
    if (verbose) frame_data_dump_full (fd_test, fd_ref, fd_orig);
    fail = TRUE;
  schro_frame_unref (orig);
  schro_frame_unref (test);
  schro_frame_unref (ref);
bool PacketListModel::recordLessThan(PacketListRecord *r1, PacketListRecord *r2)
    int cmp_val = 0;

    // Wherein we try to cram the logic of packet_list_compare_records,
    // _packet_list_compare_records, and packet_list_compare_custom from
    // gtk/packet_list_store.c into one function

    if (sort_column_ < 0) {
        // No column.
        cmp_val = frame_data_compare(sort_cap_file_->epan, r1->frameData(), r2->frameData(), COL_NUMBER);
    } else if (text_sort_column_ < 0) {
        // Column comes directly from frame data
        cmp_val = frame_data_compare(sort_cap_file_->epan, r1->frameData(), r2->frameData(), sort_cap_file_->cinfo.col_fmt[sort_column_]);
    } else  {
        if (r1->columnString(sort_cap_file_, sort_column_).toByteArray().data() == r2->columnString(sort_cap_file_, sort_column_).toByteArray().data()) {
            cmp_val = 0;
        } else if (sort_cap_file_->cinfo.col_fmt[sort_column_] == COL_CUSTOM) {
            header_field_info *hfi;

            // Column comes from custom data
            hfi = proto_registrar_get_byname(sort_cap_file_->cinfo.col_custom_field[sort_column_]);

            if (hfi == NULL) {
                cmp_val = frame_data_compare(sort_cap_file_->epan, r1->frameData(), r2->frameData(), COL_NUMBER);
            } else if ((hfi->strings == NULL) &&
                       (((IS_FT_INT(hfi->type) || IS_FT_UINT(hfi->type)) &&
                         ((hfi->display == BASE_DEC) || (hfi->display == BASE_DEC_HEX) ||
                          (hfi->display == BASE_OCT))) ||
                        (hfi->type == FT_DOUBLE) || (hfi->type == FT_FLOAT) ||
                        (hfi->type == FT_BOOLEAN) || (hfi->type == FT_FRAMENUM) ||
                        (hfi->type == FT_RELATIVE_TIME)))
                /* Attempt to convert to numbers */
                bool ok_r1, ok_r2;
                double num_r1 = r1->columnString(sort_cap_file_, sort_column_).toDouble(&ok_r1);
                double num_r2 = r2->columnString(sort_cap_file_, sort_column_).toDouble(&ok_r2);

                if (!ok_r1 && !ok_r2) {
                    cmp_val = 0;
                } else if (!ok_r1 || num_r1 < num_r2) {
                    cmp_val = -1;
                } else if (!ok_r2 || num_r1 > num_r2) {
                    cmp_val = 1;
            } else {
                cmp_val = strcmp(r1->columnString(sort_cap_file_, sort_column_).toByteArray().data(), r2->columnString(sort_cap_file_, sort_column_).toByteArray().data());
        } else {
            cmp_val = strcmp(r1->columnString(sort_cap_file_, sort_column_).toByteArray().data(), r2->columnString(sort_cap_file_, sort_column_).toByteArray().data());

        if (cmp_val == 0) {
            // Last resort. Compare column numbers.
            cmp_val = frame_data_compare(sort_cap_file_->epan, r1->frameData(), r2->frameData(), COL_NUMBER);

    if (sort_order_ == Qt::AscendingOrder) {
        return cmp_val < 0;
    } else {
        return cmp_val > 0;