Exemple #1
int oh_start_event_thread()
        struct oh_global_param threaded_param = { .type = OPENHPI_THREADED };

        if (threaded_param.u.threaded) {
                trace("Starting event thread");
                oh_is_threaded = TRUE;
                oh_thread_wait = g_cond_new();
                oh_thread_mutex = g_mutex_new();
                oh_event_thread = g_thread_create(oh_event_thread_loop,
                                                  NULL, FALSE, &oh_event_thread_error);

        return 1;
Exemple #2
static lcm_provider_t *lcm_memq_create(lcm_t *parent, const char *target, const GHashTable *args)
    lcm_memq_t *self = (lcm_memq_t *) calloc(1, sizeof(lcm_memq_t));
    self->lcm = parent;
    self->queue = g_queue_new();
    self->mutex = g_mutex_new();

    dbg(DBG_LCM, "Initializing LCM memq provider context...\n");

    if (lcm_internal_pipe_create(self->notify_pipe) != 0) {
        perror(__FILE__ " - pipe (notify)");
        return NULL;
    return self;
Exemple #3
LcmTunnel::LcmTunnel(bool verbose, const char *lcm_channel) :
  verbose(verbose), regex(NULL), buf_sz(65536), buf((char*) calloc(65536, sizeof(char))), channel_sz(65536), channel(
      (char*) calloc(65536, sizeof(char))), recFlags_sz(1024), recFlags((char*) calloc(1024, sizeof(char))), ldpc_dec(
      NULL), udp_fd(-1), server_udp_port(-1), udp_send_seqno(0), stopSendThread(false), bytesInQueue(0), cur_seqno(0),
      errorStartTime(-1), numSuccessful(0), lastErrorPrintTime(-1)
  //allocate and initialize things


  //sendThread stuff
  sendQueueLock = g_mutex_new();
  sendQueueCond = g_cond_new();
  sendThread = g_thread_create(sendThreadFunc, (void *) this, 1, NULL);

static void
gst_data_queue_init (GstDataQueue * queue)
  queue->cur_level.visible = 0; /* no content */
  queue->cur_level.bytes = 0;   /* no content */
  queue->cur_level.time = 0;    /* no content */

  queue->checkfull = NULL;

  queue->qlock = g_mutex_new ();
  queue->item_add = g_cond_new ();
  queue->item_del = g_cond_new ();
  queue->queue = g_queue_new ();

  GST_DEBUG ("initialized queue's not_empty & not_full conditions");
Exemple #5
 * gst_goo_sem_new:
 * @counter: the semaphore's counter initial value
 * Creates a new semaphore for threading syncronization
 * Returns: a new #GstGooSem structure
gst_goo_sem_new (gint counter)
        g_assert (counter <= 0);
        GstGooSem *self;

        self = g_new (GstGooSem, 1);
        g_assert (self != NULL);

        self->counter = counter;

        self->condition = g_cond_new ();
        self->mutex = g_mutex_new ();

        return self;
static CajaFileChangesQueue *
caja_file_changes_queue_new (void)
    CajaFileChangesQueue *result;

    result = g_new0 (CajaFileChangesQueue, 1);

# if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 32, 0)
    g_mutex_init (&result->mutex);
# else
    result->mutex = g_mutex_new ();
# endif
    return result;
Exemple #7
static void
log4g_appender_init(Log4gAppender *self)
	self->priv = ASSIGN_PRIVATE(self);
	struct Private *priv = GET_PRIVATE(self);
	priv->layout = NULL;
	priv->name = NULL;
	priv->threshold = NULL;
	priv->error = log4g_only_once_error_handler_new();
	priv->head = priv->tail = NULL;
	priv->closed = FALSE;
	priv->lock = NULL;
	if (g_thread_supported()) {
		priv->lock = g_mutex_new();
Exemple #8
static void
bus_registry_init (BusRegistry *registry)
    GList *p;
    registry->observed_paths = NULL;
    registry->components = NULL;
    registry->engine_table = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal);

    registry->thread = NULL;
    registry->thread_running = TRUE;
    registry->mutex = g_mutex_new ();
    registry->cond = g_cond_new ();
    registry->changed = FALSE;

    if (g_strcmp0 (g_cache, "none") == 0) {
        /* only load registry, but not read and write cache */
        bus_registry_load (registry);
    else if (g_strcmp0 (g_cache, "refresh") == 0) {
        /* load registry and overwrite the cache */
        bus_registry_load (registry);
        bus_registry_save_cache (registry);
    else {
        /* load registry from cache.
         * If the cache does not exist or it is outdated, then rebuild it */
        if (bus_registry_load_cache (registry) == FALSE ||
            bus_registry_check_modification (registry)) {
            bus_registry_remove_all (registry);
            bus_registry_load (registry);
            bus_registry_save_cache (registry);

    for (p = registry->components; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
        IBusComponent *comp = (IBusComponent *)p->data;
        GList *p1;

        for (p1 = comp->engines; p1 != NULL; p1 = p1->next) {
            IBusEngineDesc *desc = (IBusEngineDesc *)p1->data;
            g_hash_table_insert (registry->engine_table, desc->name, desc);
            g_object_set_data ((GObject *)desc, "component", comp);
static void
clutter_gst_video_sink_init (ClutterGstVideoSink      *sink,
                             ClutterGstVideoSinkClass *klass)
  ClutterGstVideoSinkPrivate *priv;

  sink->priv = priv =

  priv->buffer_lock = g_mutex_new ();
  priv->renderers = clutter_gst_build_renderers_list (&priv->syms);
  priv->caps = clutter_gst_build_caps (priv->renderers);
  priv->renderer_state = CLUTTER_GST_RENDERER_STOPPED;

  priv->signal_handler_ids = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (gulong));
Exemple #10
static void
xmr_downloader_init(XmrDownloader *downloader)
	XmrDownloaderPrivate *priv;

	downloader->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE(downloader, XMR_TYPE_DOWNLOADER, XmrDownloaderPrivate);
	priv = downloader->priv;

#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 32, 0)
	priv->mutex = g_malloc(sizeof(GMutex));
	priv->mutex = g_mutex_new();

	priv->tasks = NULL;
 *  ...
static void fm_dir_tree_model_init (FmDirTreeModel *dir_tree_model)
    dir_tree_model->stamp = g_random_int ();
    // Set default values...
    dir_tree_model->icon_size = 16;
    dir_tree_model->show_hidden = FALSE;
    dir_tree_model->show_symlinks = FALSE;
    dir_tree_model->check_subdir = TRUE;
    // Check Subdirectories job...
    g_queue_init (&dir_tree_model->subdir_checks);
    dir_tree_model->subdir_checks_mutex = g_mutex_new ();
    dir_tree_model->subdir_cancellable = g_cancellable_new ();
    g_signal_connect (gtk_icon_theme_get_default (), "changed", G_CALLBACK (on_theme_changed), dir_tree_model);
static void
gst_alsasink_init (GstAlsaSink * alsasink, GstAlsaSinkClass * g_class)
  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (alsasink, "initializing alsasink");

  alsasink->device = g_strdup (DEFAULT_DEVICE);
  alsasink->handle = NULL;
  alsasink->cached_caps = NULL;
  alsasink->alsa_lock = g_mutex_new ();

  g_static_mutex_lock (&output_mutex);
  if (output_ref == 0) {
    snd_output_stdio_attach (&output, stdout, 0);
  g_static_mutex_unlock (&output_mutex);
Exemple #13
 * goo_semaphore_new:
 * @counter: the semaphore's counter initial value
 * Creates a new semaphore for threading syncronization
 * Returns: a new #GooSemaphore structure
goo_semaphore_new (gint counter)
        g_assert (counter <= 0);
        GooSemaphore *self;

        self = g_new (GooSemaphore, 1);
        g_assert (self != NULL);

        self->counter = counter;
        self->waiting = FALSE;

        self->condition = g_cond_new ();
        self->mutex = g_mutex_new ();

        return self;
Exemple #14
cdda_scanner_start(void) {

	if (cdda_scanner_working) {

	cdda_notify_rb = rb_create(CDDA_NOTIFY_RB_SIZE);
#ifdef _WIN32
	cdda_mutex = g_mutex_new();
#endif /* _WIN32 */


	cdda_scanner_working = 1;
	AQUALUNG_THREAD_CREATE(cdda_scanner_id, NULL, cdda_scanner, NULL)
Exemple #15
static void
instance_init(GTypeInstance *instance,
	      gpointer g_class)
	GstDspBase *base = GST_DSP_BASE(instance);
	GstDspVEnc *self = GST_DSP_VENC(instance);

	gst_pad_set_setcaps_function(base->sinkpad, sink_setcaps);
	base->reset = reset;

	self->bitrate = DEFAULT_BITRATE;
	self->mode = DEFAULT_MODE;
	self->keyframe_interval = DEFAULT_KEYFRAME_INTERVAL;
	self->intra_refresh = DEFAULT_INTRA_REFRESH;

	self->keyframe_mutex = g_mutex_new();
Exemple #16
GVfsFtpDirCache *
g_vfs_ftp_dir_cache_new (const GVfsFtpDirFuncs *funcs)
  GVfsFtpDirCache *cache;

  g_return_val_if_fail (funcs != NULL, NULL);

  cache = g_slice_new0 (GVfsFtpDirCache);
  cache->directories = g_hash_table_new_full (g_vfs_ftp_file_hash,
                                              (GDestroyNotify) g_vfs_ftp_file_free,
                                              (GDestroyNotify) g_vfs_ftp_dir_cache_entry_unref);
  cache->lock = g_mutex_new();
  cache->funcs = funcs;

  return cache;
Exemple #17
static void
gst_object_init (GTypeInstance * instance, gpointer g_class)
  GstObject *object = GST_OBJECT (instance);

  object->lock = g_mutex_new ();
  object->parent = NULL;
  object->name = NULL;
  GST_CAT_LOG_OBJECT (GST_CAT_REFCOUNTING, object, "%p new", object);

  gst_alloc_trace_new (_gst_object_trace, object);

  object->flags = 0;
Exemple #18
static xr_servlet* xr_servlet_new(xr_servlet_def* def, xr_server_conn* conn)
  xr_servlet* s = g_new0(xr_servlet, 1);
  if (def->size > 0)
    s->priv = g_malloc0(def->size);
  s->def = def;
  s->conn = conn;
  s->call_mutex = g_mutex_new();

  if (s->def->init && !s->def->init(s))
    return NULL;

  return s;
GOmxPort *
g_omx_port_new (GOmxCore *core)
    GOmxPort *port;
    port = g_new0 (GOmxPort, 1);

    port->core = core;
    port->num_buffers = 0;
    port->buffer_size = 0;
    port->buffers = NULL;

    port->enabled = TRUE;
    port->queue = async_queue_new ();
    port->mutex = g_mutex_new ();

    return port;
Exemple #20
static void
gst_app_sink_init (GstAppSink * appsink)
  GstAppSinkPrivate *priv;

  priv = appsink->priv =

  priv->mutex = g_mutex_new ();
  priv->cond = g_cond_new ();
  priv->queue = g_queue_new ();

  priv->emit_signals = DEFAULT_PROP_EMIT_SIGNALS;
  priv->max_buffers = DEFAULT_PROP_MAX_BUFFERS;
  priv->drop = DEFAULT_PROP_DROP;
static void
gst_pvrvideosink_init (GstPVRVideoSink * pvrvideosink)
  pvrvideosink->running = FALSE;

  pvrvideosink->flow_lock = g_mutex_new ();
  pvrvideosink->pool = NULL;

  pvrvideosink->keep_aspect = FALSE;
  pvrvideosink->current_caps = NULL;
  pvrvideosink->dcontext = NULL;
  pvrvideosink->xwindow = NULL;
  pvrvideosink->redraw_borders = TRUE;
  pvrvideosink->current_buffer = NULL;
  pvrvideosink->event_thread = NULL;
  memset (&pvrvideosink->render_params, 0, sizeof (WSEGLDrawableParams));
static void *
osx_output_init(G_GNUC_UNUSED const struct audio_format *audio_format,
		G_GNUC_UNUSED const struct config_param *param,
		G_GNUC_UNUSED GError **error)
	struct osx_output *oo = g_new(struct osx_output, 1);

	oo->mutex = g_mutex_new();
	oo->condition = g_cond_new();

	oo->pos = 0;
	oo->len = 0;
	oo->buffer = NULL;
	oo->buffer_size = 0;

	return oo;
Exemple #23
static void 
  if (timmData.tab == NULL)
    /* check and init thread system */
    timmData.isMultiThreadSupport = gap_base_thread_init();
    if(timmData.isMultiThreadSupport == TRUE)
      timmData.mutex = g_mutex_new();
    timmData.maxFuncId = -1;
    timmData.tabSizeInElements = GAP_TIMM_MAX_ELEMENTS;
    timmData.tab = g_malloc0(timmData.tabSizeInElements * sizeof(GapTimmElement));
Exemple #24
GstM3U8Client *
gst_m3u8_client_new (const gchar * uri)
  GstM3U8Client *client;

  g_return_val_if_fail (uri != NULL, NULL);

  client = g_new0 (GstM3U8Client, 1);
  client->main = gst_m3u8_new ();
  client->current = NULL;
  client->sequence = -1;
  client->update_failed_count = 0;
  client->lock = g_mutex_new ();
  gst_m3u8_set_uri (client->main, g_strdup (uri));

  return client;
Exemple #25
 * gst_buffer_straw_start_pipeline:
 * @bin: the pipeline to run
 * @pad: a pad on an element in @bin
 * Sets up a pipeline for buffer sucking. This will allow you to call
 * gst_buffer_straw_get_buffer() to access buffers as they pass over @pad.
 * This function is normally used in unit tests that want to verify that a
 * particular element is outputting correct buffers. For example, you would make
 * a pipeline via gst_parse_launch(), pull out the pad you want to monitor, then
 * call gst_buffer_straw_get_buffer() to get the buffers that pass through @pad.
 * The pipeline will block until you have sucked off the buffers.
 * This function will set the state of @bin to PLAYING; to clean up, be sure to
 * call gst_buffer_straw_stop_pipeline().
 * Note that you may not start two buffer straws at the same time. This function
 * is intended for unit tests, not general API use. In fact it calls fail_if
 * from libcheck, so you cannot use it outside unit tests.
gst_buffer_straw_start_pipeline (GstElement * bin, GstPad * pad)
  GstStateChangeReturn ret;

  id = gst_pad_add_buffer_probe (pad, G_CALLBACK (buffer_probe), NULL);

  cond = g_cond_new ();
  lock = g_mutex_new ();

  ret = gst_element_set_state (bin, GST_STATE_PLAYING);
  fail_if (ret == GST_STATE_CHANGE_FAILURE, "Could not start test pipeline");
  if (ret == GST_STATE_CHANGE_ASYNC) {
    ret = gst_element_get_state (bin, NULL, NULL, GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE);
    fail_if (ret != GST_STATE_CHANGE_SUCCESS, "Could not start test pipeline");
Exemple #26
static void
gst_rtp_jitter_buffer_init (GstRtpJitterBuffer * jitterbuffer,
    GstRtpJitterBufferClass * klass)
  GstRtpJitterBufferPrivate *priv;

  priv = GST_RTP_JITTER_BUFFER_GET_PRIVATE (jitterbuffer);
  jitterbuffer->priv = priv;

  priv->latency_ms = DEFAULT_LATENCY_MS;
  priv->drop_on_latency = DEFAULT_DROP_ON_LATENCY;
  priv->do_lost = DEFAULT_DO_LOST;

  priv->jbuf = rtp_jitter_buffer_new ();
  priv->jbuf_lock = g_mutex_new ();
  priv->jbuf_cond = g_cond_new ();

  priv->srcpad =
      gst_pad_new_from_static_template (&gst_rtp_jitter_buffer_src_template,

  gst_pad_set_activatepush_function (priv->srcpad,
      GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_rtp_jitter_buffer_src_activate_push));
  gst_pad_set_query_function (priv->srcpad,
      GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_rtp_jitter_buffer_query));
  gst_pad_set_getcaps_function (priv->srcpad,
      GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_rtp_jitter_buffer_getcaps));
  gst_pad_set_event_function (priv->srcpad,
      GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_rtp_jitter_buffer_src_event));

  priv->sinkpad =
      gst_pad_new_from_static_template (&gst_rtp_jitter_buffer_sink_template,

  gst_pad_set_chain_function (priv->sinkpad,
      GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_rtp_jitter_buffer_chain));
  gst_pad_set_event_function (priv->sinkpad,
      GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_rtp_jitter_buffer_sink_event));
  gst_pad_set_setcaps_function (priv->sinkpad,
      GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_jitter_buffer_sink_setcaps));
  gst_pad_set_getcaps_function (priv->sinkpad,
      GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_rtp_jitter_buffer_getcaps));

  gst_element_add_pad (GST_ELEMENT (jitterbuffer), priv->srcpad);
  gst_element_add_pad (GST_ELEMENT (jitterbuffer), priv->sinkpad);
static void
gst_ss_demux_stream_init (GstSSDemux *demux, GstSSDemuxStream *stream, SS_STREAM_TYPE stream_type)
  stream->cond = g_cond_new ();
  stream->lock = g_mutex_new ();
  stream->queue = g_queue_new ();
  stream->parent = demux;
  stream->pipe = NULL;
  stream->urisrc = NULL;
  stream->parser = NULL;
  stream->sink = NULL;
  stream->frag_cnt = 0;
  stream->type = stream_type ;
  stream->uri = NULL;
  stream->start_ts = -1;
  stream->sent_ns = FALSE;
  stream->switch_ts = GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE;
  stream->avg_dur = GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE;

  if (stream->type == SS_STREAM_VIDEO) {
    stream->pad = gst_pad_new_from_static_template (&ssdemux_videosrc_template, "video");
    stream->name = g_strdup("video");
  } else if (stream->type == SS_STREAM_AUDIO) {
    stream->pad = gst_pad_new_from_static_template (&ssdemux_audiosrc_template, "audio");
    stream->name = g_strdup("audio");
  } else if (stream->type == SS_STREAM_TEXT) {
    stream->pad = gst_pad_new_from_static_template (&ssdemux_subsrc_template, "subtitle");
    stream->name = g_strdup("text");

  GST_PAD_ELEMENT_PRIVATE (stream->pad) = stream;

  gst_pad_use_fixed_caps (stream->pad);
  gst_pad_set_event_function (stream->pad, gst_ss_demux_handle_src_event);
  gst_pad_set_query_function (stream->pad, gst_ss_demux_handle_src_query);

  stream->caps = ssm_parse_get_stream_caps (demux->parser, stream->type);
  g_print ("prepare video caps = %s", gst_caps_to_string(stream->caps));

  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (demux, "setting caps %" GST_PTR_FORMAT, stream->caps);
  gst_pad_set_caps (stream->pad, stream->caps);

  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (demux, "adding pad %s %p to demux %p", GST_OBJECT_NAME (stream->pad), stream->pad, demux);
  gst_pad_set_active (stream->pad, TRUE);
  gst_element_add_pad (GST_ELEMENT_CAST (demux), stream->pad);
Exemple #28
static void webkit_video_sink_init(WebKitVideoSink* sink)
    sink->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE(sink, WEBKIT_TYPE_VIDEO_SINK, WebKitVideoSinkPrivate);
#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 31, 0)
    sink->priv->dataCondition = new GCond;
    sink->priv->bufferMutex = new GMutex;
    sink->priv->dataCondition = g_cond_new();
    sink->priv->bufferMutex = g_mutex_new();

Exemple #29
yelp_transform_start (YelpTransform *transform,
		      xmlDocPtr      document,
		      gchar        **params)
    transform->inputDoc = document;

    transform->context = xsltNewTransformContext (transform->stylesheet,
    if (!transform->context) {
	YelpError *error = 
	    yelp_error_new (_("Broken Transformation"),
			    _("An unknown error occurred while attempting to "
			      "transform the document."));
	transform_set_error (transform, error);

    transform->params = g_strdupv (params);

    transform->context->_private = transform;
    if (!exslt_registered) {
	exsltRegisterAll ();
	exslt_registered = TRUE;
    xsltRegisterExtElement (transform->context,
			    BAD_CAST "document",
			    (xsltTransformFunction) xslt_yelp_document);
    xsltRegisterExtElement (transform->context,
			    BAD_CAST "cache",
			    (xsltTransformFunction) xslt_yelp_cache);
    xsltRegisterExtFunction (transform->context,
			     BAD_CAST "input",
			     (xmlXPathFunction) xslt_yelp_input);

    transform->mutex = g_mutex_new ();
    g_mutex_lock (transform->mutex);
    transform->running = TRUE;
    transform->thread = g_thread_create ((GThreadFunc) transform_run,
					 transform, FALSE, NULL);
    g_mutex_unlock (transform->mutex);
Exemple #30
/* initialize the new element
 * initialize instance structure
static void
gst_teletextdec_init (GstTeletextDec * teletext, GstTeletextDecClass * klass)
  /* Create sink pad */
  teletext->sinkpad = gst_pad_new_from_static_template (&sink_template, "sink");
  gst_pad_set_setcaps_function (teletext->sinkpad,
      GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_teletextdec_sink_setcaps));
  gst_pad_set_chain_function (teletext->sinkpad,
      GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_teletextdec_chain));
  gst_pad_set_event_function (teletext->sinkpad,
      GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_teletextdec_sink_event));
  gst_element_add_pad (GST_ELEMENT (teletext), teletext->sinkpad);

  /* Create src pad */
  teletext->srcpad = gst_pad_new_from_static_template (&src_template, "src");
  gst_pad_set_setcaps_function (teletext->srcpad,
      GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_teletextdec_src_set_caps));
  gst_element_add_pad (GST_ELEMENT (teletext), teletext->srcpad);

  teletext->demux = NULL;
  teletext->decoder = NULL;
  teletext->pageno = 0x100;
  teletext->subno = -1;
  teletext->subtitles_mode = FALSE;
  teletext->subtitles_template = g_strescape ("%s\n", NULL);
  teletext->font_description = g_strdup (DEFAULT_FONT_DESCRIPTION);

  teletext->in_timestamp = GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE;
  teletext->in_duration = GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE;

  teletext->rate_numerator = 0;
  teletext->rate_denominator = 1;

  teletext->queue = NULL;
  teletext->queue_lock = g_mutex_new ();

  teletext->frame = g_new0 (GstTeletextFrame, 1);
  teletext->frame->sliced_begin = g_new (vbi_sliced, MAX_SLICES);
  teletext->frame->current_slice = teletext->frame->sliced_begin;
  teletext->frame->sliced_end = teletext->frame->sliced_begin + MAX_SLICES;

  teletext->last_ts = 0;

  teletext->process_buf_func = NULL;