static void
update_timezone (CcDateTimePanel *self)
  CcDateTimePanelPrivate *priv = self->priv;
  GtkWidget *widget;
  gchar **split;
  GtkTreeIter iter;
  GtkTreeModel *model;

  /* tz.c updates the local timezone, which means the spin buttons can be
   * updated with the current time of the new location */

  split = g_strsplit (priv->current_location->zone, "/", 2);

  /* remove underscores */
  g_strdelimit (split[1], "_", ' ');

  /* update region combo */
  widget = (GtkWidget *) gtk_builder_get_object (priv->builder,
  model = gtk_combo_box_get_model (GTK_COMBO_BOX (widget));
  gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (model, &iter);

      gchar *string;

      gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, CITY_COL_CITY, &string, -1);

      if (!g_strcmp0 (string, split[0]))
          g_free (string);
          gtk_combo_box_set_active_iter (GTK_COMBO_BOX (widget), &iter);
      g_free (string);
  while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next (model, &iter));

  /* update city combo */
  widget = (GtkWidget *) gtk_builder_get_object (priv->builder,
  model = gtk_combo_box_get_model (GTK_COMBO_BOX (widget));
  gtk_tree_model_filter_refilter ((GtkTreeModelFilter *) gtk_builder_get_object (priv->builder, "city-modelfilter"));
  gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (model, &iter);

      gchar *string;

      gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, CITY_COL_CITY, &string, -1);

      if (!g_strcmp0 (string, split[1]))
          g_free (string);
          gtk_combo_box_set_active_iter (GTK_COMBO_BOX (widget), &iter);
      g_free (string);
  while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next (model, &iter));

  g_strfreev (split);
Exemple #2
static int dcc_send_one_file(int queue, const char *target, const char *fname,
			     IRC_SERVER_REC *server, CHAT_DCC_REC *chat)
	struct stat st;
	char *str;
	char host[MAX_IP_LEN];
	int hfile, port;
        SEND_DCC_REC *dcc;
	IPADDR own_ip;
        GIOChannel *handle;

	if (dcc_find_request(DCC_SEND_TYPE, target, fname)) {
	        signal_emit("dcc error send exists", 2, target, fname);
		return FALSE;

        str = dcc_send_get_file(fname);
	hfile = open(str, O_RDONLY);

	if (hfile == -1) {
		signal_emit("dcc error file open", 3, target, fname,
		return FALSE;

	if (fstat(hfile, &st) < 0) {
		g_warning("fstat() failed: %s", strerror(errno));
		return FALSE;

        /* start listening */
	handle = dcc_listen(chat != NULL ? chat->handle :
			    &own_ip, &port);
	if (handle == NULL) {
		g_warning("dcc_listen() failed: %s", strerror(errno));
		return FALSE;

	fname = g_basename(fname);

	/* Replace all the spaces with underscore so that lesser
	   intellgent clients can communicate.. */
	if (!settings_get_bool("dcc_send_replace_space_with_underscore"))
		str = NULL;
	else {
		str = g_strdup(fname);
		g_strdelimit(str, " ", '_');
		fname = str;

	dcc = dcc_send_create(server, chat, target, fname);

	dcc->handle = handle;
	dcc->port = port;
	dcc->size = st.st_size;
	dcc->fhandle = hfile;
	dcc->queue = queue;
        dcc->file_quoted = strchr(fname, ' ') != NULL;
	dcc->tagconn = g_input_add(handle, G_INPUT_READ,
				   (GInputFunction) dcc_send_connected, dcc);

	/* send DCC request */
	signal_emit("dcc request send", 1, dcc);

	dcc_ip2str(&own_ip, host);
	str = g_strdup_printf(dcc->file_quoted ?
			      "DCC SEND \"%s\" %s %d %"PRIuUOFF_T :
			      "DCC SEND %s %s %d %"PRIuUOFF_T,
			      dcc->arg, host, port, dcc->size);
	dcc_ctcp_message(server, target, chat, FALSE, str);

	return TRUE;
Exemple #3
/* open/merge the dnd file */
dnd_open_file_cmd(gchar *cf_names_freeme)
    int       err;
    gchar     *cf_name;
    int       in_files;
    GString   *dialog_text;
    int       files_work;
    char      **in_filenames;

    /* DND_TARGET_URL on Win32:
     * The cf_name_freeme is a single string, containing one or more URI's,
     * seperated by CR/NL chars. The length of the whole field can be found
     * in the selection_data->length field. If it contains one file, simply open it,
     * If it contains more than one file, ask to merge these files. */

    /* count the number of input files */
    cf_name = cf_names_freeme;
    for(in_files = 0; (cf_name = strstr(cf_name, "\r\n")) != NULL; ) {
        cf_name += 2;

    in_filenames = g_malloc(sizeof(char*) * in_files);

    /* store the starts of the file entries in a gchar array */
    cf_name = cf_names_freeme;
    in_filenames[0] = cf_name;
    for(files_work = 1; (cf_name = strstr(cf_name, "\r\n")) != NULL && files_work < in_files; ) {
        cf_name += 2;
        in_filenames[files_work] = cf_name;

    /* replace trailing CR NL simply with zeroes (in place), so we get valid terminated strings */
    cf_name = cf_names_freeme;
    g_strdelimit(cf_name, "\r\n", '\0');

    /* convert all filenames from URI to local filename (in place) */
    for(files_work = 0; files_work < in_files; files_work++) {
        in_filenames[files_work] = dnd_uri2filename(in_filenames[files_work]);

    switch(in_files) {
        /* shouldn't happen */
        /* open and read the capture file (this will close an existing file) */
        if (cf_open(&cfile, in_filenames[0], FALSE, &err) == CF_OK) {
          /* XXX - add this to the menu if the read fails? */
          cf_read(&cfile, FALSE);
	} else {
          /* the capture file couldn't be read (doesn't exist, file format unknown, ...) */
        /* build and show the info dialog */
        dialog_text = g_string_sized_new(200);
            "%sMerging the following files:%s\n\n",
            simple_dialog_primary_start(), simple_dialog_primary_end());
        for(files_work = 0; files_work < in_files; files_work++) {
            g_string_append(dialog_text, in_filenames[files_work]);
            g_string_append(dialog_text, "\n");
        g_string_append(dialog_text, "\nThe packets in these files will be merged chronologically into a new temporary file.");
                    ESD_BTN_OK, "%s",
        g_string_free(dialog_text, TRUE);

        /* actually merge the files now */
        dnd_merge_files(in_files, in_filenames);

Exemple #4
gst_ffmpegauddec_register (GstPlugin * plugin)
  GTypeInfo typeinfo = {
    sizeof (GstFFMpegAudDecClass),
    (GBaseInitFunc) gst_ffmpegauddec_base_init,
    (GClassInitFunc) gst_ffmpegauddec_class_init,
    sizeof (GstFFMpegAudDec),
    (GInstanceInitFunc) gst_ffmpegauddec_init,
  GType type;
  AVCodec *in_plugin;
  gint rank;

  in_plugin = av_codec_next (NULL);

  GST_LOG ("Registering decoders");

  while (in_plugin) {
    gchar *type_name;

    /* only decoders */
    if (!av_codec_is_decoder (in_plugin)
        || in_plugin->type != AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) {
      goto next;

    /* no quasi codecs, please */
    if (in_plugin->id == AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S16LE_PLANAR ||
        (in_plugin->id >= AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S16LE &&
            in_plugin->id <= AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_BLURAY) ||
        (in_plugin->id >= AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S8_PLANAR &&
            in_plugin->id <= AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S64BE)) {
            in_plugin->id <= AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S16BE_PLANAR)) {
      goto next;

    /* No decoders depending on external libraries (we don't build them, but
     * people who build against an external ffmpeg might have them.
     * We have native gstreamer plugins for all of those libraries anyway. */
    if (!strncmp (in_plugin->name, "lib", 3)) {
          ("Not using external library decoder %s. Use the gstreamer-native ones instead.",
      goto next;

    GST_DEBUG ("Trying plugin %s [%s]", in_plugin->name, in_plugin->long_name);

    /* no codecs for which we're GUARANTEED to have better alternatives */
    /* MP1 : Use MP3 for decoding */
    /* MP2 : Use MP3 for decoding */
    /* Theora: Use libtheora based theoradec */
    if (!strcmp (in_plugin->name, "vorbis") ||
        !strcmp (in_plugin->name, "wavpack") ||
        !strcmp (in_plugin->name, "mp1") ||
        !strcmp (in_plugin->name, "mp2") ||
        !strcmp (in_plugin->name, "libfaad") ||
        !strcmp (in_plugin->name, "mpeg4aac") ||
        !strcmp (in_plugin->name, "ass") ||
        !strcmp (in_plugin->name, "srt") ||
        !strcmp (in_plugin->name, "pgssub") ||
        !strcmp (in_plugin->name, "dvdsub") ||
        !strcmp (in_plugin->name, "dvbsub")) {
      GST_LOG ("Ignoring decoder %s", in_plugin->name);
      goto next;

    /* construct the type */
    type_name = g_strdup_printf ("avdec_%s", in_plugin->name);
    g_strdelimit (type_name, ".,|-<> ", '_');

    type = g_type_from_name (type_name);

    if (!type) {
      /* create the gtype now */
      type =
          g_type_register_static (GST_TYPE_AUDIO_DECODER, type_name, &typeinfo,
      g_type_set_qdata (type, GST_FFDEC_PARAMS_QDATA, (gpointer) in_plugin);

    /* (Ronald) MPEG-4 gets a higher priority because it has been well-
     * tested and by far outperforms divxdec/xviddec - so we prefer it.
     * msmpeg4v3 same, as it outperforms divxdec for divx3 playback.
     * VC1/WMV3 are not working and thus unpreferred for now. */
    switch (in_plugin->id) {
      case AV_CODEC_ID_RA_144:
      case AV_CODEC_ID_RA_288:
      case AV_CODEC_ID_COOK:
      case AV_CODEC_ID_AAC:
        rank = GST_RANK_PRIMARY;
        /* SIPR: decoder should have a higher rank than realaudiodec.
      case AV_CODEC_ID_SIPR:
        rank = GST_RANK_SECONDARY;
        rank = GST_RANK_MARGINAL;
    if (!gst_element_register (plugin, type_name, rank, type)) {
      g_warning ("Failed to register %s", type_name);
      g_free (type_name);
      return FALSE;

    g_free (type_name);

    in_plugin = av_codec_next (in_plugin);

  GST_LOG ("Finished Registering decoders");

  return TRUE;
Exemple #5
void spop_mpris2_player_update_properties(Mpris2Player* obj) {
    g_debug("mpris2: update properties");

    queue_status qs;
    sp_track* cur_track;
    int cur_track_nb, tot_tracks;

    qs = queue_get_status(&cur_track, &cur_track_nb, &tot_tracks);

    /* Easy ones first */
    mpris2_player_set_shuffle(obj,     queue_get_shuffle());
    mpris2_player_set_loop_status(obj, queue_get_repeat() ? "Playlist" : "None");
    mpris2_player_set_playback_status(obj, ((qs == PLAYING) ? "Playing" : ((qs == PAUSED) ? "Paused" : "Stopped")));
    mpris2_player_set_can_go_next(obj,     (cur_track_nb < tot_tracks));
    mpris2_player_set_can_go_previous(obj, (cur_track_nb > 0));
    mpris2_player_set_can_play(obj,  cur_track != NULL);
    mpris2_player_set_can_pause(obj, cur_track != NULL);

    /* Then boring ones */

    /* And finally interesting ones */
    if (cur_track) {
        gchar* track_name;
        gchar* track_artist;
        gchar* track_album;
        gchar* track_link;
        int duration;

        track_get_data(cur_track, &track_name, &track_artist, &track_album, &track_link, &duration, NULL);

        /* Turn artist into a GVariant array of strings */
        gchar* artists[] = {track_artist, NULL};
        GVariant* va = g_variant_new_strv((const gchar* const*) artists, 1);

        /* Turn Spotify URI into a D-Bus object path */
        gchar* trackid = g_strdup_printf("/net/schnouki/spop/%s", track_link);
        g_strdelimit(trackid, ":", '/');

        /* Get filename for the image and turn it into an URI */
        gchar* image_filename;
        track_get_image_file(cur_track, &image_filename);
        gchar* image_uri = NULL;
        if (image_filename)
            image_uri = g_filename_to_uri(image_filename, NULL, NULL);

        /* Add all relevant metadata to a dictionary */
        GVariantBuilder* vb;
        vb = g_variant_builder_new(G_VARIANT_TYPE_VARDICT);

        g_variant_builder_add_parsed(vb, "{'mpris:trackid', <%o>}", trackid);
        g_variant_builder_add_parsed(vb, "{'mpris:length', <%x>}", duration*1000);
        g_variant_builder_add_parsed(vb, "{'xesam:album', <%s>}", track_album);
        g_variant_builder_add_parsed(vb, "{'xesam:artist', %v}", va);
        g_variant_builder_add_parsed(vb, "{'xesam:title', <%s>}", track_name);
        g_variant_builder_add_parsed(vb, "{'xesam:url', <%s>}", track_link);
        if (image_uri)
            g_variant_builder_add_parsed(vb, "{'mpris:artUrl', <%s>}", image_uri);

        GVariant* metadata = g_variant_builder_end(vb);
        mpris2_player_set_metadata(obj, metadata);

        /* Cleanup time */
        if (image_uri)

Exemple #6
 * cd_plugin_add:
static void
cd_plugin_add (CdPlugin *plugin, GUdevDevice *udev_device)
	CdDevice *device = NULL;
	const gchar *kind = "webcam";
	const gchar *seat;
	gboolean embedded;
	gboolean ret;
	gchar *id = NULL;
	gchar *model = NULL;
	gchar *vendor = NULL;

	/* is a scanner? */
	ret = g_udev_device_has_property (udev_device, "COLORD_DEVICE");
	if (!ret)
		goto out;

	/* replace underscores with spaces */
	model = g_strdup (g_udev_device_get_property (udev_device,
	if (model != NULL) {
		g_strdelimit (model, "_\r\n", ' ');
		g_strchomp (model);
	vendor = g_strdup (g_udev_device_get_property (udev_device,
	if (vendor != NULL) {
		g_strdelimit (vendor, "_\r\n", ' ');
		g_strchomp (vendor);

	/* is a proper camera and not a webcam */
	ret = g_udev_device_has_property (udev_device, "ID_GPHOTO2");
	if (ret)
		kind = "camera";

	/* generate ID */
	id = cd_plugin_get_camera_id_for_udev_device (udev_device);

	/* assume device belongs to "seat0" if not tagged */
	seat = g_udev_device_get_property (udev_device, "ID_SEAT");
	if (seat == NULL)
		seat = "seat0";

	/* find if the device is embedded */
	embedded = cd_plugin_is_device_embedded (udev_device);

	/* create new device */
	device = cd_device_new ();
	cd_device_set_id (device, id);
	cd_device_set_property_internal (device,
	if (model != NULL) {
		cd_device_set_property_internal (device,
	if (vendor != NULL) {
		cd_device_set_property_internal (device,
	cd_device_set_property_internal (device,
	cd_device_set_property_internal (device,
					 g_udev_device_get_sysfs_path (udev_device),
	cd_device_set_property_internal (device,
	if (embedded) {
		cd_device_set_property_internal (device,

	/* keep track so we can remove with the same device */
	g_hash_table_insert (plugin->priv->devices,
			     g_strdup (g_udev_device_get_sysfs_path (udev_device)),
			     g_object_ref (device));

	g_debug ("CdPlugin: emit add: %s", id);
	cd_plugin_device_added (plugin, device);
	if (device != NULL)
		g_object_unref (device);
	g_free (id);
	g_free (model);
	g_free (vendor);
 * pk_backend_spawn_parse_stdout:
static gboolean
pk_backend_spawn_parse_stdout (PkBackendSpawn *backend_spawn, const gchar *line, GError **error)
	gchar **sections;
	guint size;
	gchar *command;
	gchar *text;
	gboolean ret = TRUE;
	guint64 speed;
	PkInfoEnum info;
	PkRestartEnum restart;
	PkGroupEnum group;
	gulong package_size;
	gint percentage;
	PkErrorEnum error_enum;
	PkStatusEnum status_enum;
	PkMessageEnum message_enum;
	PkRestartEnum restart_enum;
	PkSigTypeEnum sig_type;
	PkUpdateStateEnum update_state_enum;
	PkMediaTypeEnum media_type_enum;
	PkDistroUpgradeEnum distro_upgrade_enum;
	PkBackendSpawnPrivate *priv = backend_spawn->priv;

	g_return_val_if_fail (PK_IS_BACKEND_SPAWN (backend_spawn), FALSE);

	/* check if output line */
	if (line == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	/* split by tab */
	sections = g_strsplit (line, "\t", 0);
	command = sections[0];

	/* get size */
	size = g_strv_length (sections);

	if (g_strcmp0 (command, "package") == 0) {
		if (size != 4) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "invalid command'%s', size %i", command, size);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		if (pk_package_id_check (sections[2]) == FALSE) {
			g_set_error_literal (error, 1, 0, "invalid package_id");
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		info = pk_info_enum_from_string (sections[1]);
		if (info == PK_INFO_ENUM_UNKNOWN) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "Info enum not recognised, and hence ignored: '%s'", sections[1]);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		pk_backend_package (priv->backend, info, sections[2], sections[3]);
	} else if (g_strcmp0 (command, "details") == 0) {
		if (size != 7) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "invalid command'%s', size %i", command, size);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		group = pk_group_enum_from_string (sections[3]);

		/* ITS4: ignore, checked for overflow */
		package_size = atol (sections[6]);
		if (package_size > 1073741824) {
			g_set_error_literal (error, 1, 0, "package size cannot be larger than one Gb");
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		text = g_strdup (sections[4]);
		/* convert ; to \n as we can't emit them on stdout */
		g_strdelimit (text, ";", '\n');
		pk_backend_details (priv->backend, sections[1], sections[2],
					group, text, sections[5], package_size);
		g_free (text);
	} else if (g_strcmp0 (command, "finished") == 0) {
		if (size != 1) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "invalid command'%s', size %i", command, size);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		pk_backend_finished (priv->backend);

		/* from this point on, we can start the kill timer */
		pk_backend_spawn_start_kill_timer (backend_spawn);

	} else if (g_strcmp0 (command, "files") == 0) {
		if (size != 3) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "invalid command'%s', size %i", command, size);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		pk_backend_files (priv->backend, sections[1], sections[2]);
	} else if (g_strcmp0 (command, "repo-detail") == 0) {
		if (size != 4) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "invalid command'%s', size %i", command, size);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		if (g_strcmp0 (sections[3], "true") == 0) {
			pk_backend_repo_detail (priv->backend, sections[1], sections[2], TRUE);
		} else if (g_strcmp0 (sections[3], "false") == 0) {
			pk_backend_repo_detail (priv->backend, sections[1], sections[2], FALSE);
		} else {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "invalid qualifier '%s'", sections[3]);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
	} else if (g_strcmp0 (command, "updatedetail") == 0) {
		if (size != 13) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "invalid command '%s', size %i", command, size);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		restart = pk_restart_enum_from_string (sections[7]);
		if (restart == PK_RESTART_ENUM_UNKNOWN) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "Restart enum not recognised, and hence ignored: '%s'", sections[7]);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		update_state_enum = pk_update_state_enum_from_string (sections[10]);
		/* convert ; to \n as we can't emit them on stdout */
		g_strdelimit (sections[8], ";", '\n');
		g_strdelimit (sections[9], ";", '\n');
		pk_backend_update_detail (priv->backend, sections[1],
					  sections[2], sections[3], sections[4],
					  sections[5], sections[6], restart, sections[8],
					  sections[9], update_state_enum,
					  sections[11], sections[12]);
	} else if (g_strcmp0 (command, "percentage") == 0) {
		if (size != 2) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "invalid command'%s', size %i", command, size);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		ret = pk_strtoint (sections[1], &percentage);
		if (!ret) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "invalid percentage value %s", sections[1]);
			ret = FALSE;
		} else if (percentage < 0 || percentage > 100) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "invalid percentage value %i", percentage);
			ret = FALSE;
		} else {
			pk_backend_set_percentage (priv->backend, percentage);
	} else if (g_strcmp0 (command, "subpercentage") == 0) {
		if (size != 2) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "invalid command'%s', size %i", command, size);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		ret = pk_strtoint (sections[1], &percentage);
		if (!ret) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "invalid subpercentage value %s", sections[1]);
			ret = FALSE;
		} else if (percentage < 0 || percentage > 100) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "invalid subpercentage value %i", percentage);
			ret = FALSE;
		} else {
			pk_backend_set_sub_percentage (priv->backend, percentage);
	} else if (g_strcmp0 (command, "item-percentage") == 0) {
		if (size != 3) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "invalid command'%s', size %i", command, size);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		if (!pk_package_id_check (sections[1])) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "invalid package_id");
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		ret = pk_strtoint (sections[2], &percentage);
		if (!ret) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "invalid item-percentage value %s", sections[1]);
			ret = FALSE;
		} else if (percentage < 0 || percentage > 100) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "invalid item-percentage value %i", percentage);
			ret = FALSE;
		} else {
			pk_backend_set_item_progress (priv->backend,
	} else if (g_strcmp0 (command, "error") == 0) {
		if (size != 3) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "invalid command'%s', size %i", command, size);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		error_enum = pk_error_enum_from_string (sections[1]);
		if (error_enum == PK_ERROR_ENUM_UNKNOWN) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "Error enum not recognised, and hence ignored: '%s'", sections[1]);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		/* convert back all the ;'s to newlines */
		text = g_strdup (sections[2]);

		/* convert ; to \n as we can't emit them on stdout */
		g_strdelimit (text, ";", '\n');

		/* convert % else we try to format them */
		g_strdelimit (text, "%", '$');

		pk_backend_error_code (priv->backend, error_enum, text);
		g_free (text);
	} else if (g_strcmp0 (command, "requirerestart") == 0) {
		if (size != 3) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "invalid command'%s', size %i", command, size);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		restart_enum = pk_restart_enum_from_string (sections[1]);
		if (restart_enum == PK_RESTART_ENUM_UNKNOWN) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "Restart enum not recognised, and hence ignored: '%s'", sections[1]);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		if (!pk_package_id_check (sections[2])) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "invalid package_id");
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		pk_backend_require_restart (priv->backend, restart_enum, sections[2]);
	} else if (g_strcmp0 (command, "message") == 0) {
		if (size != 3) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "invalid command'%s', size %i", command, size);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		message_enum = pk_message_enum_from_string (sections[1]);
		if (message_enum == PK_MESSAGE_ENUM_UNKNOWN) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "Message enum not recognised, and hence ignored: '%s'", sections[1]);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		text = g_strdup (sections[2]);
		/* convert ; to \n as we can't emit them on stdout */
		g_strdelimit (text, ";", '\n');
		pk_backend_message (priv->backend, message_enum, text);
		g_free (text);
	} else if (g_strcmp0 (command, "change-transaction-data") == 0) {
		if (size != 2) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "invalid command'%s', size %i", command, size);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		pk_backend_set_transaction_data (priv->backend, sections[1]);
	} else if (g_strcmp0 (command, "status") == 0) {
		if (size != 2) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "invalid command'%s', size %i", command, size);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		status_enum = pk_status_enum_from_string (sections[1]);
		if (status_enum == PK_STATUS_ENUM_UNKNOWN) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "Status enum not recognised, and hence ignored: '%s'", sections[1]);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		pk_backend_set_status (priv->backend, status_enum);
	} else if (g_strcmp0 (command, "speed") == 0) {
		if (size != 2) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "invalid command'%s', size %i", command, size);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		ret = pk_strtouint64 (sections[1], &speed);
		if (!ret) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0,
				     "failed to parse speed: '%s'",
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		pk_backend_set_speed (priv->backend, speed);
	} else if (g_strcmp0 (command, "allow-cancel") == 0) {
		if (size != 2) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "invalid command'%s', size %i", command, size);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		if (g_strcmp0 (sections[1], "true") == 0) {
			pk_backend_set_allow_cancel (priv->backend, TRUE);
		} else if (g_strcmp0 (sections[1], "false") == 0) {
			pk_backend_set_allow_cancel (priv->backend, FALSE);
		} else {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "invalid section '%s'", sections[1]);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
	} else if (g_strcmp0 (command, "no-percentage-updates") == 0) {
		if (size != 1) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "invalid command'%s', size %i", command, size);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		pk_backend_set_percentage (priv->backend, PK_BACKEND_PERCENTAGE_INVALID);
	} else if (g_strcmp0 (command, "repo-signature-required") == 0) {

		if (size != 9) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "invalid command'%s', size %i", command, size);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;

		sig_type = pk_sig_type_enum_from_string (sections[8]);
		if (sig_type == PK_SIGTYPE_ENUM_UNKNOWN) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "Sig enum not recognised, and hence ignored: '%s'", sections[8]);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		if (pk_strzero (sections[1])) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "package_id blank, and hence ignored: '%s'", sections[1]);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		if (pk_strzero (sections[2])) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "repository name blank, and hence ignored: '%s'", sections[2]);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;

		/* pass _all_ of the data */
		ret = pk_backend_repo_signature_required (priv->backend, sections[1],
							  sections[2], sections[3], sections[4],
							  sections[5], sections[6], sections[7], sig_type);
		goto out;

	} else if (g_strcmp0 (command, "eula-required") == 0) {

		if (size != 5) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "invalid command'%s', size %i", command, size);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;

		if (pk_strzero (sections[1])) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "eula_id blank, and hence ignored: '%s'", sections[1]);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;

		if (pk_strzero (sections[2])) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "package_id blank, and hence ignored: '%s'", sections[2]);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;

		if (pk_strzero (sections[4])) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "agreement name blank, and hence ignored: '%s'", sections[4]);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;

		ret = pk_backend_eula_required (priv->backend, sections[1], sections[2], sections[3], sections[4]);
		goto out;

	} else if (g_strcmp0 (command, "media-change-required") == 0) {

		if (size != 4) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "invalid command'%s', size %i", command, size);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;

		media_type_enum = pk_media_type_enum_from_string (sections[1]);
		if (media_type_enum == PK_MEDIA_TYPE_ENUM_UNKNOWN) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "media type enum not recognised, and hence ignored: '%s'", sections[1]);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;

		ret = pk_backend_media_change_required (priv->backend, media_type_enum, sections[2], sections[3]);
		goto out;
	} else if (g_strcmp0 (command, "distro-upgrade") == 0) {

		if (size != 4) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "invalid command'%s', size %i", command, size);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;

		distro_upgrade_enum = pk_distro_upgrade_enum_from_string (sections[1]);
		if (distro_upgrade_enum == PK_DISTRO_UPGRADE_ENUM_UNKNOWN) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "distro upgrade enum not recognised, and hence ignored: '%s'", sections[1]);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;

		ret = pk_backend_distro_upgrade (priv->backend, distro_upgrade_enum, sections[2], sections[3]);
		goto out;
	} else if (g_strcmp0 (command, "category") == 0) {

		if (size != 6) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "invalid command'%s', size %i", command, size);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		if (g_strcmp0 (sections[1], sections[2]) == 0) {
			g_set_error_literal (error, 1, 0, "cat_id cannot be the same as parent_id");
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		if (pk_strzero (sections[2])) {
			g_set_error_literal (error, 1, 0, "cat_id cannot not blank");
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		if (pk_strzero (sections[3])) {
			g_set_error_literal (error, 1, 0, "name cannot not blank");
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		if (pk_strzero (sections[5])) {
			g_set_error_literal (error, 1, 0, "icon cannot not blank");
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		if (g_str_has_prefix (sections[5], "/")) {
			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "icon '%s' should be a named icon, not a path", sections[5]);
			ret = FALSE;
			goto out;
		ret = pk_backend_category (priv->backend, sections[1], sections[2], sections[3], sections[4], sections[5]);
		goto out;
	} else {
		ret = FALSE;
		g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "invalid command '%s'", command);
	g_strfreev (sections);
	return ret;
Exemple #8
 * Create a tempfile with the given prefix (e.g. "wireshark").
 * @param namebuf If not NULL, receives the full path of the temp file.
 *                Should NOT be freed.
 * @param pfx A prefix for the temporary file.
 * @param sfx [in] A file extension for the temporary file. NULL can be passed
 *                 if no file extension is needed
 * @return The file descriptor of the new tempfile, from mkstemps().
create_tempfile(char **namebuf, const char *pfx, const char *sfx)
  static struct _tf {
    char *path;
    size_t len;
  static int idx;

  const char *tmp_dir;
  int old_umask;
  int fd;
  time_t current_time;
  char timestr[14 + 1];
  gchar *tmp_file;
  gchar *safe_pfx;
  gchar sep[2] = {0, 0};

  /* The characters in "delimiters" come from:
   * Add to the list as necessary for other OS's.
  const gchar *delimiters = "<>:\"/\\|?*"

  /* Sanitize the pfx to resolve bug 7877 */
  safe_pfx = g_strdup(pfx);
  safe_pfx = g_strdelimit(safe_pfx, delimiters, '-');

  idx = (idx + 1) % MAX_TEMPFILES;

   * Allocate the buffer if it's not already allocated.
  if (tf[idx].path == NULL) {
    tf[idx].len = INITIAL_PATH_SIZE;
    tf[idx].path = (char *)g_malloc(tf[idx].len);

  tmp_dir = g_get_tmp_dir();

#ifdef _WIN32
  current_time = time(NULL);
  strftime(timestr, sizeof(timestr), "%Y%m%d%H%M%S", localtime(&current_time));
  sep[0] = G_DIR_SEPARATOR;
  tmp_file = g_strconcat(tmp_dir, sep, safe_pfx, "_", timestr, "_", TMP_FILE_SUFFIX, sfx, NULL);
  if (strlen(tmp_file) > tf[idx].len) {
    tf[idx].len = strlen(tmp_file) + 1;
    tf[idx].path = (char *)g_realloc(tf[idx].path, tf[idx].len);
  g_strlcpy(tf[idx].path, tmp_file, tf[idx].len);

  if (namebuf) {
    *namebuf = tf[idx].path;
  /* The Single UNIX Specification doesn't say that "mkstemps()"
     creates the temporary file with mode rw-------, so we
     won't assume that all UNIXes will do so; instead, we set
     the umask to 0077 to take away all group and other
     permissions, attempt to create the file, and then put
     the umask back. */
  old_umask = ws_umask(0077);
  fd = mkstemps(tf[idx].path, sfx ? (int) strlen(sfx) : 0);
  return fd;
athena_link_local_create (const char     *directory_uri,
			    const char     *base_name,
			    const char     *display_name,
			    const char     *image,
			    const char     *target_uri,
			    const GdkPoint *point,
			    int             screen,
			    gboolean        unique_filename)
	char *real_directory_uri;
	char *uri, *contents;
	GFile *file;
	GList dummy_list;
	AthenaFileChangesQueuePosition item;

	g_return_val_if_fail (directory_uri != NULL, FALSE);
	g_return_val_if_fail (base_name != NULL, FALSE);
	g_return_val_if_fail (display_name != NULL, FALSE);
	g_return_val_if_fail (target_uri != NULL, FALSE);

	if (eel_uri_is_trash (directory_uri) ||
	    eel_uri_is_search (directory_uri)) {
		return FALSE;

	if (eel_uri_is_desktop (directory_uri)) {
		real_directory_uri = athena_get_desktop_directory_uri ();
	} else {
		real_directory_uri = g_strdup (directory_uri);

	if (unique_filename) {
		uri = athena_ensure_unique_file_name (real_directory_uri,
							base_name, ".desktop");
		if (uri == NULL) {
			g_free (real_directory_uri);
			return FALSE;
		file = g_file_new_for_uri (uri);
		g_free (uri);
	} else {
		char *link_name;
		GFile *dir;

		link_name = g_strdup_printf ("%s.desktop", base_name);

		/* replace '/' with '-', just in case */
		g_strdelimit (link_name, "/", '-');

		dir = g_file_new_for_uri (directory_uri);
		file = g_file_get_child (dir, link_name);

		g_free (link_name);
		g_object_unref (dir);

	g_free (real_directory_uri);

	contents = g_strdup_printf ("[Desktop Entry]\n"
				    image != NULL ? "Icon=" : "",
				    image != NULL ? image : "");

	if (!g_file_replace_contents (file,
				      contents, strlen (contents),
				      NULL, FALSE,
				      NULL, NULL, NULL)) {
		g_free (contents);
		g_object_unref (file);
		return FALSE;
	g_free (contents); = file; = NULL;
	dummy_list.prev = NULL;
	athena_directory_notify_files_added (&dummy_list);

	if (point != NULL) {
		item.location = file;
		item.set = TRUE;
		item.point.x = point->x;
		item.point.y = point->y;
		item.screen = screen; = &item; = NULL;
		dummy_list.prev = NULL;
		athena_directory_schedule_position_set (&dummy_list);

	g_object_unref (file);
	return TRUE;
Exemple #10
 * rb_sanitize_path_for_msdos_filesystem:
 * @path: a path to sanitize (modified in place)
 * Modifies @path such that it represents a legal path for MS DOS
 * filesystems.
rb_sanitize_path_for_msdos_filesystem (char *path)
    g_strdelimit (path, "\"", '\'');
    g_strdelimit (path, ":|<>*?\\", '_');
Exemple #11
 * Fills keycodes into comboboxes
int keycodes_parse(void)
	FILE *fp;
	gchar buffer[512];
	gchar *code;
	int mod;
	if ((fp = fopen(KEYCODE_FILE_PATH, "r")) == 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "Error: keycodes_parse could not open %s: %s\n",
				KEYCODE_FILE_PATH, g_strerror(errno));
		return -1;
	mods = (gchar **) malloc(sizeof(gchar *));
	keycodes = (gchar **) malloc(sizeof(gchar *));
	mods[0] = g_strdup("NONE");
	keycodes[0] = g_strdup("NONE");
	while (fgets(buffer, 511, fp) != NULL)
		mod = 0;
		if (strlen(buffer) == 0)
		g_strdelimit(buffer, " \t", '\0');
		code = g_strndup(buffer, 60);
		/* -------- Add the keycodes straight to the comboboxes --------- */
		if (strcasecmp("KEY_LEFTCTRL", code) == 0) mod=1;
		else if (strcasecmp("KEY_RIGHTCTRL", code) == 0) mod=1;
		else if (strcasecmp("KEY_LEFTSHIFT", code) == 0) mod=1;
		else if (strcasecmp("KEY_RIGHTSHIFT", code) == 0) mod=1;
		else if (strcasecmp("KEY_LEFTALT", code) == 0) mod=1;
		else if (strcasecmp("KEY_RIGHTALT", code) == 0) mod=1;
		else if (strcasecmp("KEY_RIGHTCTRL", code) == 0) mod=1;
		else if (strcasecmp("KEY_LEFTMETA", code) == 0) mod=1;
		else if (strcasecmp("KEY_RIGHTMETA", code) == 0) mod=1;
		if (mod == 1)
			gtk_combo_box_append_text(GTK_COMBO_BOX(GET_WIDGET(COMBOBOX_MOD1_CONFIG)), code);
			gtk_combo_box_append_text(GTK_COMBO_BOX(GET_WIDGET(COMBOBOX_MOD2_CONFIG)), code);
			gtk_combo_box_append_text(GTK_COMBO_BOX(GET_WIDGET(COMBOBOX_MOD3_CONFIG)), code);
			mods = (gchar **) realloc(mods, (num_mods+1) * sizeof(gchar *));
			mods[num_mods++] = code;
			//gtk_combo_box_append_text(GTK_COMBO_BOX(GET_WIDGET(COMBOBOX_KEYCODE_CONFIG)), code);
			keycodes = (gchar **) realloc(keycodes, (num_keycodes+1) * sizeof(gchar *));
			keycodes[num_keycodes++] = code;
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
	return 1;
Exemple #12
/* open/merge the dnd file */
dnd_open_file_cmd(gchar *cf_names_freeme)
    int       err;
    gchar     *cf_name;
    int       in_file_count;
    int       files_work;
    char      **in_filenames;
    char      *tmpname;

    if (cf_names_freeme == NULL) return;

     * The cf_name_freeme is a single string, containing one or more URI's,
     * terminated by CR/NL chars. The length of the whole field can be found
     * in the selection_data->length field. If it contains one file, simply open it,
     * If it contains more than one file, ask to merge these files. */

    /* count the number of input files */
    cf_name = cf_names_freeme;
    for(in_file_count = 0; (cf_name = strstr(cf_name, "\r\n")) != NULL; ) {
        cf_name += 2;
    if (in_file_count == 0) {

    in_filenames = (char **)g_malloc(sizeof(char*) * in_file_count);

    /* store the starts of the file entries in a gchar array */
    cf_name = cf_names_freeme;
    in_filenames[0] = cf_name;
    for(files_work = 1; (cf_name = strstr(cf_name, "\r\n")) != NULL && files_work < in_file_count; ) {
        cf_name += 2;
        in_filenames[files_work] = cf_name;

    /* replace trailing CR NL simply with zeroes (in place), so we get valid terminated strings */
    cf_name = cf_names_freeme;
    g_strdelimit(cf_name, "\r\n", '\0');

    /* convert all filenames from URI to local filename (in place) */
    for(files_work = 0; files_work < in_file_count; files_work++) {
        in_filenames[files_work] = dnd_uri2filename(in_filenames[files_work]);

    if (in_file_count == 1) {
        /* open and read the capture file (this will close an existing file) */
        if (cf_open(&cfile, in_filenames[0], FALSE, &err) == CF_OK) {
            /* XXX - add this to the menu if the read fails? */
            cf_read(&cfile, FALSE);
        } else {
            /* the capture file couldn't be read (doesn't exist, file format unknown, ...) */
    } else {
        /* merge the files in chronological order */
        tmpname = NULL;
        if (cf_merge_files(&tmpname, in_file_count, in_filenames,
                           WTAP_FILE_PCAP, FALSE) == CF_OK) {
            /* Merge succeeded; close the currently-open file and try
               to open the merged capture file. */
            if (cf_open(&cfile, tmpname, TRUE /* temporary file */, &err) == CF_OK) {
                cf_read(&cfile, FALSE);
            } else {
                /* The merged file couldn't be read. */
        } else {
            /* merge failed */
