Exemple #1
clip_GDK_DRAGDROP(ClipMachine * cm)
        C_object *ccontext = _fetch_co_arg(cm);
        guint32       time = _clip_parni(cm, 2);

	if (!ccontext || ccontext->type != GDK_TYPE_DRAG_CONTEXT)
        	goto err;

        gdk_drag_drop((GdkDragContext*)ccontext->object, time);

	return 0;
	return 1;
Exemple #2
gwy_remote_open_files(GwyRemote *remote,
                      int argc,
                      char **argv)
    GdkNativeWindow xid;
    GdkDragContext *context;
    GdkDragProtocol protocol;
    GtkWidget *source;
    GdkAtom sel_type, sel_id;
    GString *file_list;
    GList *targetlist;
    gchar *cwd;
    gint i;

    if (!remote)
        return FALSE;

    xid = gdk_drag_get_protocol_for_display(remote->display, remote->winid,
    /* FIXME: Here we may need some platform-dependent protocol check.
     * protocol should be GDK_DRAG_PROTO_XDND on X11, but on win32
     * gdk_drag_get_protocol_for_display returns 0, which means there
     * is no DnD support for target window. */
    if (!xid) {
        g_printerr("Gwyddion window doesn't support DnD.\n");
        return FALSE;

    /* Now we have the toolbox, it seems to support DnD and we have some files
     * to send to it.  So build the list. */
    cwd = g_get_current_dir();
    file_list = g_string_sized_new(32*argc);
    for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
        gchar *s, *t;

        if (i)
            g_string_append_c(file_list, '\n');

        if (g_path_is_absolute(argv[i]))
            s = g_filename_to_uri(argv[i], NULL, NULL);
        else {
            t = g_build_filename(cwd, argv[i], NULL);
            s = g_filename_to_uri(t, NULL, NULL);
        g_string_append(file_list, s);

    /* Don't hang when the toolbox is non-responsive.
     * This may not be necessary in Gwyddion, but it does not hurt either. */
    g_timeout_add(2000, toolbox_timeout, NULL);

    /* Set up an DnD-source. */
    source = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
    g_signal_connect(source, "selection-get",
                     G_CALLBACK(source_selection_get), file_list->str);

    /* Specify the id and the content-type of the selection used to
     * pass the URIs to Gwyddion toolbox. */
    sel_id = gdk_atom_intern("XdndSelection", FALSE);
    sel_type = gdk_atom_intern("text/plain", FALSE);
    targetlist = g_list_prepend(NULL, GUINT_TO_POINTER(sel_type));

    /* Assign the selection to our DnD-source. */
    gtk_selection_owner_set(source, sel_id, GDK_CURRENT_TIME);
    gtk_selection_add_target(source, sel_id, sel_type, 0);

    /* Drag_begin/motion/drop. */
    context = gdk_drag_begin(source->window, targetlist);

    gdk_drag_motion(context, remote->toolbox, protocol, 0, 0,
    gdk_drag_drop(context, GDK_CURRENT_TIME);

    /* Finally enter the mainloop to handle the events. */

    return TRUE;
static VALUE
rg_drag_drop(VALUE self, VALUE time)
    gdk_drag_drop(_SELF(self), NUM2UINT(time));
    return self;
gimp_remote_drop_files (GdkDisplay *display,
                        GdkWindow  *window,
                        GString    *file_list)
  GdkDragContext  *context;
  GdkDragProtocol  protocol;
  GtkWidget       *source;
  GdkAtom          sel_type;
  GdkAtom          sel_id;
  GList           *targetlist;
  guint            timeout;

  gdk_drag_get_protocol_for_display (display,
                                     GDK_WINDOW_XID (window),
  if (protocol != GDK_DRAG_PROTO_XDND)
      g_printerr ("GIMP Window doesnt use Xdnd-Protocol - huh?\n");
      return FALSE;

  /*  Problem: If the Toolbox is hidden via Tab (gtk_widget_hide)
   *  it does not accept DnD-Operations and gtk_main() will not be
   *  terminated. If the Toolbox is simply unmapped (by the WM)
   *  DnD works. But in both cases gdk_window_is_visible() returns
   *  FALSE. To work around this we add a timeout and abort after
   *  5 seconds.

  timeout = g_timeout_add (5000, toolbox_hidden, NULL);

  /*  set up an DND-source  */
  source = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
  g_signal_connect (source, "selection-get",
                    G_CALLBACK (source_selection_get),
  gtk_widget_realize (source);

  /*  specify the id and the content-type of the selection used to
   *  pass the URIs to GIMP.
  sel_id   = gdk_atom_intern ("XdndSelection", FALSE);
  sel_type = gdk_atom_intern ("text/uri-list", FALSE);
  targetlist = g_list_prepend (NULL, GUINT_TO_POINTER (sel_type));

  /*  assign the selection to our DnD-source  */
  gtk_selection_owner_set (source, sel_id, GDK_CURRENT_TIME);
  gtk_selection_add_target (source, sel_id, sel_type, 0);

  /*  drag_begin/motion/drop  */
  context = gdk_drag_begin (gtk_widget_get_window (source), targetlist);

  gdk_drag_motion (context, window, protocol, 0, 0,

  gdk_drag_drop (context, GDK_CURRENT_TIME);

  /*  finally enter the mainloop to handle the events  */
  gtk_main ();

  g_source_remove (timeout);

  return TRUE;
static void process_dnd_source_mouse_release(GdkWindow *window, GdkEventButton *event) {
    if (GLASS_GDK_DRAG_CONTEXT_GET_SELECTED_ACTION(get_drag_context())) {
        gdk_drag_drop(get_drag_context(), GDK_CURRENT_TIME);
    } else {
        gdk_drag_abort(get_drag_context(), GDK_CURRENT_TIME);
        /* let the gdk_drag_abort messages handled before finish */
        gdk_threads_add_idle((GSourceFunc) dnd_finish_callback, NULL);